Sequelize query on join table - node.js

I am trying to querying a join table using sequelize:
Here is the model:
db.client.belongsToMany(db.user, {
through: db.clientUser,
onDelete: 'cascade',
db.user.belongsToMany(db.client, {
through: db.clientUser,
and this is what I am trying to do:
where: {
group_id: 1,
include: [{
model: db.clientUser,
where: {
is_manager: 1,
raw: true,
However I get the following error: client_user is not associated to user!
Any idea what could be the cause of this issue?

You declared a relationship between client from user through clientUser. Although pedantic, its complaint is technically correct: there is no explicitly declared relationship declared between client and clientUser. Nor should there be: your belongsToMany relationship should take care of that. Your query can be adjusted to work with this relationship.
Note: I don't know what tables group_id and is_manager are found in. They may need to be shuffled around.
where: {
group_id: 1,
include: [{
model: db.client,
through: {
where: {
is_manager: 1, // Assuming clientUser.is_manager?
raw: true,


Get all associated records given one match

I have two models with a one to many relation. Given that below query returns a record of ModelA (lets say it has id 1) with 3 associated ModelB (1, 2 and 3).
If I were to replace [1,2,3] in the query to just [1] it would still return the same ModelA record (with id 1) but only with the one associated ModelB (of id 1). How can I modify this query so it returns all three associated ModelB records?
include: [{
model: JoinTableModel,
where: {
modelB_ID: {
[]: [1,2,3]
include: [ModelB]
Model definitions like so.
db.ModelA.hasMany(db.JoinTableModel, { foreignKey: 'modelA_ID' })
db.JoinTableModel.belongsTo(db.ModelA, { foreignKey: 'modelA_ID' })
db.ModelB.hasMany(db.JoinTableModel, { foreignKey: 'modelB_ID' })
db.JoinTableModel.belongsTo(db.ModelB, { foreignKey: 'modelB_ID' })
You can try something like this:
where: {
modelB_ID: {
[]: [1]
include: [{
model: ModelA,
include: [{
model: JoinTableModel,
include: [ModelB]
If you add an association like this:
ModelA.belongsToMany(ModelB, { through: JoinTableModel })
then you can simplify the above query to this one:
where: {
modelB_ID: {
[]: [1]
include: [{
model: ModelA,
include: [ModelB]
For anyone with a similar issue as me, what I ended up doing that works for my case is modifying my initial query like this.
where: {
id: sequelize.literal(`
IN (
SELECT modelA_ID FROM JoinTableModel
WHERE modelB_ID IN (1,2,3)
include: [{
model: JoinTableModel,
include: [ModelB]
This way I could easily replace IN (1,2,3) and COUNT(*) 3 with IN (1) and COUNT(*) 1 and it would still work as intended and it doesn't break any other part of the query.
I'm still curious if anyone could solve this without using sequelize.literal in any way or if there is a more efficient way of doing it.

Node.js sequelize model - can I define order of records on the model?

I am newish to node, and can't figure out how to only return 1 record of a hasMany relationship, based on an attribute.
There's a user, level, and levels_user table.
On user, I want to include 1 levels_user where level_id is highest.
Can I put a condition on this model file, something like:
order_by: ['level_id', 'DESC']
LevelsUsers Model
'use strict';
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
let LevelsUsers = sequelize.define('LevelsUsers', {
user_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
level_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
created_at: DataTypes.DATE,
updated_at: DataTypes.DATE,
timestamps: false,
freezeTableName: true,
schema: "public",
tableName: "levels_users"
return LevelsUsers;
Users model association:
Users.hasMany(models.LevelsUsers, {
as: 'levels_users',
targetKey: 'id',
foreignKey: 'user_id',
This is my call:
users.getProfileByUserId = (req, res) => {
where: {id: req.params.userid},
include: [
model: models.LevelsUsers,
as: 'levels_users',
limit: 1,
order: []
}).then(user ....
I tried adding:
`order: [
[ models.LevelsUsers , 'level_id', 'DESC']
Did not work and I think it's evaluated after limit: 1 anyways.
Can I put order_by on the model, to return highest to lowest by level_id each time? If not, what's a better way to accomplish returning only the highest levels_users record where level_id is highest?
The hasMany property is more suited when you want to include all the levels in the user object. In your case, I would advise to just pull the user without it's levels, and then do a second request to pull the higher level linked to that user by querying directly the LevelsUsers model :
where: {
order: ['level_id', 'DESC'],
limit: 1,
Well i reading over the documentation of sequelize for working with ordering and limit inside the includes tag.
Update query
users.getProfileByUserId = (req, res) => {
where: {id: req.params.userid},
include: [
model: models.LevelsUsers,
as: 'levels_users',
order: [
[ { model: models.LevelsUsers }, 'level_id', 'DESC']
limit: 1,
}).then(user ....
For references go over the following links -

Doing to joins on a table that already has an alias

I have an association on a self referencing table which requires an alias.
I'm currently trying to query the table twice. However I'm running into a
Transaction (OneTimeDebits) is not associated to Transaction! error.
It seems that since the self referencing association requires an alias there is no way to query the association with a different alias.
Is there some way I can get around this?
models.Transaction.hasMany(models.Transaction, { as: 'Debits', foreignKey: 'PaymentId' });
models.Transaction.belongsTo(models.Transaction, { as: 'Payment', foreignKey: 'PaymentId' });
where: {
'$$': null,
include: [{
model: models.Transaction,
where: {
OneTime: true,
required: false,
as: 'OneTimeDebits',
model: models.Transaction,
where: {
FinalDebit: true,
as: 'FinalDebits',

unknown column in field list sequelize

I'm trying to perform the following query using Sequelize:
include: [
model: db.User,
as: 'Boosters',
where: {id: {[]: a_set_of_ids }}
model: db.Assessment,
as: 'PostAssessments',
where: {UserId: {[]: another_set_of_ids}}
attributes: [[db.sequelize.fn('AVG', db.sequelize.col('Assessments.rating')), 'average']],
where: {
average: 1
group: ['id'],
limit: 20
But I run to this error: "ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR". Unknown column 'Assessments.rating' in 'field list', although I do have table "Assessments" in the database and "rating" is a column in that table.
My Post model looks like this:
const Post = sequelize.define('Post', {
title: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
description: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
body: DataTypes.TEXT('long')
}, {
timestamps: false
Post.associate = function (models) {
models.Post.belongsToMany(models.User, {as: 'Boosters', through: 'UserPostBoosts' });
models.Post.hasMany(models.Assessment, {as: 'PostAssessments'});
What am I doing wrong?
It seems like this problem surfaces when we have a limit in a find query where associated models are included (the above error doesn't show up when we drop the limit from the query). To solve that, we can pass an option subQuery: false to the find. (
This is the correct query in case anyone comes across the same problem:
subQuery: false,
include: [
model: db.User,
as: 'Boosters',
where: {id: {[]: a_set_of_ids }}
model: db.Assessment,
as: 'PostAssessments',
where: {UserId: {[]: another_set_of_ids}}
having: db.sequelize.where(db.sequelize.fn('AVG', db.sequelize.col('PostAssessments.rating')), {
[Op.eq]: 1,
limit: 20,
offset: 2,
group: ['', '', '']
Error is with this one :
Change it to
models.sequelize.col('PostAssessments.rating')) // or post_assessments.rating
Reason : You are using the alias for include as: 'PostAssessments',.

Sequelize: Joining Many to Many tag table with another table in postgresql

I am trying to setup many to many relationship in Sequelize for my Postgres tables using a tag (lookup) table. I was successful in setting up the relationship.
Now my lookup table, has an additional field which is a foreign key to another table. I want the data for that table to be included in my result set. This is where I am having hard time figuring out the syntax.
My models:
Models.user = sequelize.define('user', { //attributes}); = sequelize.define('school', { //attributes });
Models.role = sequelize.define('role', { //attributes });
Models.userSchools = sequelize.define('user_school', {
user_school_id: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, primaryKey: true }
Models.user.belongsToMany(, { through: Models.userSchools, foreignKey: 'user_id', otherKey: 'school_id' });, { through: Models.userSchools, foreignKey: 'school_id', otherKey: 'user_id' });
Models.userSchools.belongsTo(Models.role, { foreignKey: 'role_id' });
Working query: This query gives me all the users and their schools.
where: {
include: []
Now I want to include the role for each schools. None of the below queries are working.
where: {
include: [Models.schools, Models.role]
Above query is throwing an error saying role is not associated to user, which is expected.
where: {
include: [Models.schools, {model: Models.userSchools, include: Models.role}]
This query is also throwing an error:
"userSchools is not associated to user".
Can any one help with syntax to how I can get the role information from the userSchools model?
I have add a "through" condition which gets me the role_id but not the related role data.
where: {
include: [{
as: 'schools',
through: {
attributes: ['role_id']
