Moving only old files to another dir - linux

I have /files dir with lots of files. I want to move them to /archive dir. Moving process takes few minutes since there are huge numer of files.
During moving process I created a new file named new-file.jpg in /files dir.
Will new-file.jpg be moved to /archive dir or will not?
I need to have only all old files (files existed when I started zip process) in /archived dir. How to achieve that?

If you are using a glob pattern as in tar cf old.tar.gz /files/*.dat then this glob pattern will be resolved by bash before the command is actually called. So the tar command would be called as tar cf old.tar.gz /files/1.dat /files/2.dat ..., which means files created while tar is executing will not be included.
This can be visualized:
touch /files/new.dat
printf '%s\n' ${files[#]} | grep -P '^/files/new.dat$'


Tar command keeps bundling up entire directory path

I have a few sub-directories with files inside each of them in /home/user/archived/myFiles that I'm trying to bundle into a single tar file. The issue is, it keeps bundling a full directory path instead of just everything in the myFiles folder.
When I untar the file, I just want all the bundled sub-directories/files inside to appear in the directory I extracted the file rather than having to go through a series of folders that get created.
Instead, when I currently untar the file, I get a "home" folder and I have to go through /home/user/archived/myFiles to reach all the files.
I tried using the -C flag that I saw suggested online here Tar a directory, but don't store full absolute paths in the archive where you insert parameters for the full directory minus the last folder, and then the name of the last folder which contains all the stuff you want bundled. But the tar command doesn't work as I get a no such file or directory error.
tar -czvf "archived-files.tar.gz" "${archivedDir}"/*
rm -vrf "${archivedDir}"/*
# Attempt with -C flag
#tar -cvf "${archivedDir}/archived-files.tar.gz" -C "${archivedDir}" "/*"
So for example, if I did an ls on /home/user/archived/myFiles, and it listed two directories called folderOne and folderTwo, and I ran this bash script and did an ls on /home/user/archived/myFiles again, that directory should only contain archived-files.tar.gz.
If I extracted the tar file, then folderOne and folderTwo would appear.
As I explain already here you should first change to this directory and then create the archive.
So change you script to something like:
cd $archivedDir
tar -czvf "../archived-files.tar.gz" *
This will create the archive in upper directory so you will not remove it with the next command.
the extraction should be something like:
cd $archivedDir
tar -xzvf "../archived-files.tar.gz"

Creating a flat tar file holding every filename in directory starting with "a"

I am using a command terminal inside a VirtualBox CentOS 7 linux system. I am attempting to create a tar file into a seperate directory that contains all the files in my current directory that start with the letter "a".
I have tried tar -cvf fileName.tar /newDirectory ls a* but I think that I'm doing something wrong. I assume this should only take one line of the command terminal to execute, does anybody know the right way to do it?
The first parameter is the tar file name (full path) and the second is the files you want take. Try it:
tar -cvf newDirectory/fileName.tar a*

Recursively copy contents of directory to all target directories

I have a directory containing a set of subdirectories and files. I need to recursively copy all the content of this directory to all the subdirectories of another directory, also recursively.
How do I achieve this, preferably without using a script and only with the cp command?
You can write this in a script but you don't have to. Just write it line by line in the terminal:
# $TARGET is the directory containing subdirectories where you want to STORE the copies
# $SOURCE is the directory containing the subdirectories you want to COPY
for dir in $(ls $TARGET); do
cp -r $SOURCE/* $TARGET/$dir
Only uses cp and runs on both bash and zsh.
You can't. cp can copy multiple sources but will only copy to a single destination. You need to arrange to invoke cp multiple times - once per destination - for what you want to do; using, as you say, a loop or some other tool.
The first part of the command before the pipe instruct tar to create an archive of everything in the current directory and write it to standard output (the – in place of a file-name frequently indicates stdout).
tar cf - * | ( cd /target; tar xfp -)
The commands within parentheses cause the shell to change directory to the target directory and untar data from standard input. Since the cd and tar commands are contained within parentheses, their actions are performed together.
The -p option in the tar extraction command directs tar to preserve permission and ownership information, if possible given the user executing the command. If you are running the command as superuser, this option is turned on by default and can be omitted.
Also you can use the following command, but it seems to be quite slower than tar;
cp -a * /target

shell script to increment file names when a directory contents changes (centos)

I have a folder containing 100 pictures from a webcam. When the webcam sends a new picture, I want this one to replace number 0 and have all the other jpg's move up one number. I've set up a script where inotify monitors a directory. When a new file is put into this directory the script renumbers all the files in the picture directory, renames the new uploaded picture and puts it in the folder with the rest.
This script 'sort of' works. 'Sort of', because sometimes it does what it's supposed to do and sometimes it complains about missing files:
mv: cannot stat `webcam1.jpg': No such file or directory
Sometimes it complains about only one file, sometimes 4 or 5. Of course I made sure all 100 files were there, properly named before the script was run. After the script is run, the files it complains about are indeed missing.
This is the script, in the version I tested the full paths to the directories are used of course.
dir1= /foo # directory to be watched
while inotifywait -qqre modify "$dir1"; do
cd /f002 #directory where the images are
for i in {99..1}
mv $f1 $f2
rm webcam100.jpg
mv dir1/*.jpg /f002/webcam0.jpg
I also need to implement some error checking, but for now I don't understand why it is missing files that are there.
You are executing the following mv commands:
mv webcam99.jpg webcam100.jpg
mv webcam1.jpg webcam2.jpg
The mv webcam0.jpg to webcam1.jpg is missing. With the first change to "$dir" you have the following files in /foo2:
With subsequent "$dir" change you will have the following:
In other words -- you are forgetting to move webcam0.jpg to webcam1.jpg. I would modify your script like this:
rm webcam99.jpg
for i in {98..0}
mv $f1 $f2
mv dir1/*.jpg /f002/webcam0.jpg

Compress files and directories

I need to compress certain files and a directory. Suppose they're placed in /root/project.
The thing is that i need to compress them in a gzip-tarball format with certain name (name.tar.gz) and in the "root" directory, i mean, that as soon as i opened the .tar.gz all the files and directories i want to compress are there.
I have tried using the following commands:
tar czfv name.tar.gz /root/project
tar czfv name.tar.gz /root/project/*
but then the whole substructure gets compress (i mean, when i open the .tar.gz i have to navigate through the directories root/project.. which i dont, i need that the files were as soon as i opened in "/" i suppose)
I hope i've explained myself... excuse me for my bad english and thanks in advance!
If you are using GNU tar you can use the following command:
tar -C /root/project -zcvf /root/name.tar.gz .
The -C causes tar to change to the /root/project directory before adding the . directory to the archive. Make sure the destination directory for your archive is not in the directory you are archiving (/root/project). This example creates the archive in /root.
If you want the filenames in the tarball to all have a project/ prefix (which is often advisable), do
(cd /root && tar czvf `pwd`/name.tar.gz project)
If you don't want a prefix at all, do
(cd /root/project && tar czvf `pwd`/name.tar.gz .)
(The pwd captures the present working directory prior to doing the cd; the parentheses execute the command in a subshell so your current shell stays in the same directory.)
