Game rules
Consider a simple 2-player game played as follows: An even number of coins is laid out in a row. Taking turns, each player removes the coin on one of the ends of the row. The object is to have the highest value in coins when all coins have been taken.
Player one finds the sum of all of the even-numbered coins, and all the odd-numbered coins. If the sum of the odd numbered coins is higher, player one takes the leftmost coin; otherwise he takes the rightmost.
Player two has a choice, with an odd number of coins. So he tries taking a coin from both ends, to see which option would leave player 1 worse off.
The problem
I basically want to implement multitheading to this program. I am still very new to Clojure, and I couldn't really find any good material online, regarding multithreading, that could be applied to my program.
The code
(ns game.core
(defn vector-from-string [s]
(drop 1 (map read-string (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/trim-newline s) #" "))))
(defn string-from-file [f]
(slurp f))
(defn sum-of-evens [v]
(def evens (vector))
(loop [v v, index 1]
(when (seq v)
(if (even? index)
(def evens (conj evens (first v))))
(recur (rest v) (inc index))))
(reduce + evens))
(defn sum-of-odds [v]
(def odds (vector))
(loop [v v, index 1]
(when (seq v)
(if (odd? index)
(def odds (conj odds (first v))))
(recur (rest v) (inc index))))
(reduce + odds))
(defn player-two [v p1score p2score]
(if (not (empty? v))
(if (> (max (sum-of-odds (drop 1 v)) (sum-of-evens (drop 1 v))) (max (sum-of-odds (drop-last v)) (sum-of-evens (drop-last v))))
(player-one (drop-last v) p1score (+ p2score(last v)))
(player-one (drop 1 v) p1score (+ p2score (first v))))
(println "p1score" p1score "p2score" p2score)))
(defn player-one [v p1score p2score]
(if (not (empty? v))
(if (> (sum-of-odds v) (sum-of-evens v))
(player-two (drop 1 v) (+ p1score (first v)) p2score)
(player-two (drop-last v) (+ p1score (last v)) p2score))
(println "p1score" p1score "p2score" p2score)))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [v (vector-from-string (string-from-file "numbers.txt")) ]
(player-one v 0 0)))
So -main runs the player-one function first, and player-one calls player-two, and they both continue on until the end of the program. I would like to somehow implement multithreading to speed up the executing of this game with a higher amount of starting coins.
Your code is currently very unidiomatic.
A few remarks that hopefully help you getting into the right direction:
A def inside a defn (or def) is (almost) always wrong. You're thinking in terms of variable assignment and mutable variables here. This is not how Clojure works. Use variables in your recur instead, if you absolutely must, use a local atom (also almost always wrong, but less often wrong than def inside defn).
Your loops are unnecessarily complicated. You want to sum over the elements at even or odd indices? Use a combination of reduce, take-nth and rest:
(take-nth 2 [1 2 3])
;=> (1 3)
(take-nth 2 (rest [1 2 3 4]))
;=> (2 4)
The whole things looks like you're compiling this over and over again and then run the JVM with it. Am I right? The preferred way is to work at the REPL. How to access it, depends on which editing environment you use. There are many beginner-friendly REPLs out there. Gorilla REPL is one example.
Once you got your code and development workflow in better shape, you may want to explore functions like pmap and future for easy access to multi-threading. More advanced stuff involves a library called core.async, but that's probably not the ideal route for the beginner. You can also fall back to Java interop to create your threads. Again something that, while not really hard to do, requires a bit of experience with Clojure.
Hope that helps, even it is not a direct answer to your question.
First let's look at some issues in your example that will need to be addressed before parallelizing this code.
sum-of-evens is using def inside a function, which is almost always a mistake. This might seem to have the effect you want, but it's not the right way to achieve it. defs are typically used for namespace-level (at the same level as your function defns) values. We can refactor sum-of-evens to not rely on unintentionally side-effecty behavior via def:
(defn sum-of-evens [v]
(loop [v v
index 1
evens []]
(if (seq v)
(recur (rest v)
(inc index)
(if (even? index) ;; add a binding to loop, not a def
(conj evens (first v))
evens)) ;; pass unchanged value when necessary
(reduce + evens))))
But we can further simplify this function with keep-indexed:
(defn sum-of-evens [coll]
(->> coll
(keep-indexed (fn [i v] (when (even? (inc i))
(apply +)))
And when we do the same for sum-of-odds, we can see the functions are nearly identical except for the condition they use: odd? vs. even?. We can make another function that takes a predicate function:
(defn sum-by-index-pred [f coll]
(->> coll
(keep-indexed (fn [i v] (when (f i) v)))
(apply +)))
;; using partial application and function composition
(def sum-of-evens (partial sum-by-index-pred (comp even? inc)))
(def sum-of-odds (partial sum-by-index-pred (comp odd? inc)))
Looking at the implementation of player-one and player-two, they seem to be mutually recursive. I don't see how you could parallelize this to make it any faster because each turn is dependent on the previous turn's outcome; there's nothing to parallelize.
I'd suggest refactoring this so that your game rules and state are computed in one place, rather than mutually recursive functions.
(loop [scores (array-map :player-1 0 :player-2 0)
turns (cycle (keys scores))
vs (shuffle (range 100))]
(if (seq vs)
(let [higher-odds? (> (sum-of-odds vs) (sum-of-evens vs))
scores (if higher-odds?
(update scores (first turns) + (first vs))
(update scores (first turns) + (last vs)))
remain (if higher-odds?
(rest vs)
(butlast vs))]
(recur scores (rest turns) remain))
(prn scores)))
;; {:player-1 2624, :player-2 2326}
I'm not sure if this preserves your original game logic but it should be close, and it does generalize it for more than two players. Try adding :player-3 0 to the starting scores.
I used string-length to get the number of characters but I am having difficulties in defining a recursive function. Should I convert the string to a list and then count the elements?
There's no useful way of doing this recursively (or even tail recursively): strings in Scheme are objects which know how long they are. There would be such an approach in a language like C where strings don't know how long they are but are delimited by some special marker. So for instance if (special-marker? s i) told you whether the i'th element of s was the special marker object, then you could write a function to know how long the string was:
(define (silly-string-length s)
(let silly-string-length-loop ([i 1])
(if (special-marker? s i)
(- i 1)
(silly-string-length-loop (+ i 1)))))
But now think about how you would implement special-marker? in Scheme: in particular here's the obvious implementation:
(define (special-marker? s i)
(= i (+ (string-length s) 1)))
And you can see that silly-string-length is now just a terrible version of string-length.
Well, if you wanted to make it look even more terrible, you could, as you suggest, convert a string to a list and then compute the length of the lists. Lists are delimited by a special marker object, () so this approach is reasonable:
(define (length-of-list l)
(let length-of-list-loop ([i 0]
[lt l])
(if (null? lt)
(length-of-list-loop (+ i 1) (rest lt)))))
So you could write
(define (superficially-less-silly-string-length s)
(turn-string-into-list s)))
But, wait, how do you write turn-string-into-list? Well, something like this perhaps:
(define (turn-string-into-list s)
(let ([l (string-length s)])
(let loop ([i 0]
[r '()])
(if (= i l)
(reverse r)
(loop (+ i 1)
(cons (string-ref s i) r))))))
And this ... uses string-length.
What is the problem with?
(string-length string)
If the question is a puzzle "count characters in a string without using string-length",
then maybe:
(define (my-string-length s)
(define (my-string-length t n)
(if (string=? s t) n
(string-append t (string (string-ref s n))) (+ n 1))))
(my-string-length "" 0))
(define (my-string-length s)
(define (my-string-length n)
(define (try thunk)
(call/cc (lambda (k)
(with-exception-handler (lambda (x)
(k n))
(try (lambda ()
(string-ref s n)
(my-string-length (+ n 1)))))
(my-string-length 0))
(but of course string-ref will be using the base string-length or equivalent)
Let's say I have a list:
((1 2 3) (8 4 7) (41 79 30) (0 8 5))
I want to do this:
(1+8+41+0 2+4+79+8 3+7+30+5) = (50 93 45)
I've found an ugly solution:
(defun nested+ (lst)
(let ((acc nil))
(dotimes (i (length (first lst)))
(push (apply #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (nth i a)) lst)) acc))
(reverse acc)))
It seems to work for my purposes, but I guess it is slow and un-lispy. What's the proper way?
One option is (apply #'mapcar #'+ list). Mapcar will consume as many lists as you give it and stop when it reaches the end of the shortest list.
The naive solution would be
(apply #'mapcar #'+ list)
However, as already pointed out e.g. here by stackoverflow and here by LispWorks, the call-arguments-limit of (in the worst case) 50 arguments applies to functions called by apply. And reduce is suggested instead.
Thus, I suggest:
(defun sum-all (lists)
(reduce #'(lambda (l1 l2) (mapcar #'+ l1 l2)) lists))
And indeed
(sum-all '((1 2 3) (8 4 7) (41 79 30) (0 8 5)))
;; (50 93 45)
Another option is to loop over your list of lists:
(defun sum-all (lists)
for list in lists
for result = (copy-list list) then (map-into result #'+ result list)
finally (return result)))
During the first iteration, the first list is copied. The resulting list is then used in successive iterations to hold the respective sums. At the end of the iteration, that result list is returned.
Consider a simple 2-player game played as follows: An even number of coins is laid out in a row. Taking turns, each player removes the coin on one of the ends of the row. The object is to have the highest value in coins when all coins have been taken.
Player one finds the sum of all of the even-numbered coins, and all the odd-numbered coins. If the sum of the odd numbered coins is higher, player one takes the leftmost coin; otherwise he takes the rightmost.
Player two now has a choice, with an odd number of coins. Taking either the first coin or the last coin will result in a slightly different list of coins for player one. Player two uses the result of a recursive search to determine whether to pick the first or the last coin.
And I want to be able to somehow implement multi-threading on the p2-helper recursive function, just now sure how. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
(ns game.core
; function that returns the vector of a string (split up by spaces)
(defn vector-from-string [s]
(drop 1 (map read-string (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/trim-newline s) #" "))))
; function that returns the slurped string of a read-in file
(defn string-from-file [f]
(slurp f))
; function that returns the sum of all the odd-indexed items in a vector
(defn sum-of-evens [v]
(reduce + (take-nth 2 (rest v))))
; function that returns the sum of all the odd-indexed items in a vector
(defn sum-of-odds [v]
(reduce + (take-nth 2 v)))
; function that returns the vector that is left after player one moves, and then the coin that player one took
(defn p1 [v]
(if (> (sum-of-odds v) (sum-of-evens v))
[(drop 1 v) (first v)]
[(drop-last v) (last v)]))
; nearly identical to 'p1' but this function only returns the affected vector after player 1 has moved
(defn p2-p1 [v]
(if (even? (count v))
(if (> (sum-of-odds v) (sum-of-evens v))
(drop 1 v)
(drop-last v))
(drop 0 v)))
; recursive search for player two
(defn p2-helper [v]
(if (or (= (count v) 1) (= (count v) 0))
(reduce + v)
(max (+ (p2-helper (drop 1 (p2-p1 v))) (first (p2-p1 v))) (+ (p2-helper (drop-last (p2-p1 v))) (last (p2-p1 v))))))
; function that returns the vector that is left after player two moves, and then the coin that player two took
(defn p2 [v]
(if (> (+ (p2-helper (drop 1 (p2-p1 v))) (first (p2-p1 v))) (+ (p2-helper (drop-last (p2-p1 v))) (last (p2-p1 v))))
[(drop 1 v) (first v)]
[(drop-last v) (last v)]))
; function to play the game out until no coins are left
(defn play-game [v]
(def coins v)
(def p1score 0)
(def p2score 0)
(while (not (empty? coins))
(let [[new-vec score] (p1 coins)]
(def coins new-vec)
(def p1score (+ p1score score)))
(let [[new-vec score] (p2 coins)]
(def coins new-vec)
(def p2score (+ p2score score)))))
(println "player 1 score:" p1score)
(println "player 2 score:" p2score))
; main
(defn -main [& args]
(let [v (vector-from-string (string-from-file "10.txt")) ]
(play-game v)))
An initial approach would be to just add #(future (p2-helpet ... around each recursive call. this will likely run too many threads and run slower.
a second approach might be to change the helpers to put work on a task queue and make some threads to process them. this will be better, though still might be slower.
I'd continue improving it by unrolling the recursion with a call to trampoline to stop it blowing the stack. then try just making the top level parallel, or just the two top levels.
What is the idiomatic clojure way to remove strings from an array of strings if there is case-insensitive match?
I need to preserve the case for the results (I always want to preserve the first occurence of insensitive match).
Simple example:
(distinct-case-insensitive ["fish" "Dog" "cat"] ["FISH "DOG"])
would return
["fish" "Dog" "cat"]
This is solution I came up with. To simplify function it accepts just one list with duplicates, so if you need vararg lists (apply concat lists) before.
(defn distinct-case-insensitive [xs]
(->> xs
(group-by clojure.string/lower-case)
(map first)))
(distinct-case-insensitive ["fish" "Dog" "cat" "Fish" "DOG"]) =>
("fish" "Dog" "cat")
But, as Leonid mentioned it does not preserve order due to hashmap. For ordered solution use
(defn distinct-case-insesitive [xs]
(->> xs
(group-by clojure.string/lower-case)
(#(map % (map clojure.string/lower-case xs)))
(map first)
Greedy solution
Obviously, you can't use build-in distinct here, so you should reimplement it yourself.
mishadoff's solution is really beautiful and clujur'ish, but it breaks the order of elements when there are more then 8 unique elements dye to clojure HashMap implementation.
The safest way to do what you want is to use reduce:
(defn concat-distinct [& colls]
(reduce (fn [[coll seen] el]
(let [lc-el (string/lower-case el)]
(if (contains? seen lc-el)
[coll seen]
[(conj coll el) (conj seen lc-el)])))
[[] #{}]
(apply concat colls))))
If works for any number of collections:
user=> (concat-distinct ["fish" "Dog" "cat"] ["FISH" "DOG"] ["snake"] ["CaT" "Camel"])
["fish" "Dog" "cat" "snake" "Camel"]
And for any number of distinct elements (unlike mishadoff's solution):
user=> (concat-distinct ["g" "h" "i" "j" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"])
["g" "h" "i" "j" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"]
Lazy solution
In most cases you'll be fine with greedy solution. But if you want it to be lazy, then you won't be able to avoid recursion:
(defn lazy-concat-distinct [& colls]
((fn step [coll seen]
(loop [[el & xs :as s] coll]
(when (seq s)
(let [lc-el (string/lower-case el)]
(if (contains? seen lc-el)
(recur xs)
(cons el (step xs (conj seen lc-el)))))))))
(apply concat colls) #{}))
This solution uses lazy sequences:
user=> (def res (lazy-concat-distinct (lazy-seq (println :boo) ["boo"])))
user=> (count res)
You can make it even lazier using lazy-cat macro:
(defmacro lazy-concat-distinct* [& colls]
`(lazy-concat-distinct (lazy-cat ~#colls)))
Now it won't even evaluate it's arguments until they are actually used:
user=> (def res (lazy-concat-distinct* (do (println :boo) ["boo"])))
user=> (count res)
It's useful when you want to aggregate data from some large database without downloading it all at once.
N.B. Be careful with lazy solutions. For example, this solution works almost 4 times slower than the greedy one.
Here's a solution that meets your requirements (the first matching item "wins" and order is preserved), is lazy, and has the benefit of being a higher order function. It takes a keyfn as its first argument, in correspondence with e.g. sort-by and group-by.
(defn distinct-by [keyfn coll]
(letfn [(step [xs seen]
((fn [xs]
(when-let [[x & more] (seq xs)]
(let [k (keyfn x)]
(if (seen k)
(recur more)
(cons x (step more (conj seen k)))))))
(step coll #{})))
So your usage would be:
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(distinct-by str/lower-case ["fish" "Dog" "cat" "Fish" "DOG"])
;=> ("fish" "Dog" "cat")
The use of recur and the inner anonymous function is a relatively minor optimization. clojure.core/distinct uses it but in many cases it's not necessary. Here's a version without the extra noise:
(defn distinct-by [keyfn coll]
(letfn [(step [xs seen]
(when-let [[x & more] (seq xs)]
(let [k (keyfn x)]
(if (seen k)
(step more seen)
(cons x (step more (conj seen k))))))))]
(step coll #{})))
A solution is to implement a distinct-by that allows to specify a function to apply on each element before checking the duplicates
(defn distinct-by [f coll]
(let [groups (group-by f coll)]
(map #(first (groups %)) (distinct (map f coll)))))
For the example case this can be used like
(distinct-by clojure.string/lower-case
(concat ["fish" "Dog" "cat"] ["FISH" "DOG"]))
; => ("fish" "Dog" "cat")
I am currently working on a homework assignment with MIT scheme, and have come across a few problems that are supposedly very short, though I'm a bit confused as to how to implement some of them.
One problem asks me to write a function that returns a list with all the integers removed. I did manage to solve that,
(define (f2a lst) (map (lambda(x) (remove number? x)) lst))
though I'm confused as to how I can rewrite it to not use remove, but rather use a filter.
*note: (f2a '(("a" 1 "b") (2 "c") (-1 "d") (-2))) returns '(("a" "b") ("c") ("d"))
The other two problems are ones to which I haven't found any solutions.
They ask me to write a function that returns a list with all positive odd and negative even integers removed. For example,
(f2b '(("a" 1 "b") (2 "c") (-1 "d") (-2)))
(("a" "b") (2 "c") (-1 "d"))
I have some code down that is incorrect, but I feel shows how I have tried to approach solving this one:
(define (f2b lst)
(cond ((and (positive? x) (odd? x)) (filter x lst))
((and (negative? x) (even? x)) (filter x lst))
(else "this should never print"))))
The last problem simply asks for a function that returns a string consisting of all strings appended together in a list. (f2c '(("a" 1 "b") (2 "c") (-1 "d") (-2))) returns "abcd".
I almost managed to figure this one out, but got stuck when it kept returning strange values. This is the code I have:
(define (f2c lst)
(map (lambda (x) (filter string? x)) lst)
(list x))
(string-append (car lst) (cdr lst)))
In terms of higher-order syntax, I'm limited to map, filter, accumulate and sum. I am not asking for a direct answer, but rather some help for me to figure out what I need to do. What am I doing wrong with my code? Any assistance given with this is very much appreciated. Thank you.
The structure of the input and the desired output is identical in the first two problems; the only thing that differs is the predicate on when/when-not to remove an element. For the second case it would be:
(define (f2b lst)
(map (lambda (sublst)
(remove (lambda (x)
(and (number? x)
(or (and (positive? x) (odd? x))
(and (negative? x) (even? x)))))
Since only the predicate differs you can generalize this as:
(define (f2x predicate)
(lambda (lst)
(map (lambda (sublst) (remove predicate sublst)) lst)))
(define f2a (f2x number?))
(define f2b (f2x (lambda (x)
(and (number? x)
(or (and (positive? x) (odd? x))
(and (negative? x) (even? x))))))
For your last problem, you can use the result of the first problem as:
(define (f2c lst)
(apply string-append (apply append (f2a list))))
Also, note that your syntax for f2b and f2a is incorrect. You are using
(define (func arg)
(lambda (x) ...))
which means that (func arg) returns a function which isn't what you want.