Suppress a specific ESLint warning: File ignored by default - eslint

Hopefully this is a reasonable question but it's possible I'm misunderstanding something. I get this warning raised on 9 seemingly random .js files in my project's node_modules dependency directory when I run ESLint from grunt. For example:
0:0 warning File ignored by default. Use "--ignore-pattern '!node_modules/*'" to override
The docs say,
/node_modules/* and /bower_components/* in the project root are ignored by default
That's all well and good, but I don't want these warnings raised every time I lint my actual code.
I have tried explicitly adding the /node_modules/* pattern to the .eslintignore in my project root, which hasn't helped. Using the command line flag suggested just makes ESLint raise errors on my dependencies, which isn't what I want either.
Is there a way to tell ESLint that I explicitly don't want to lint my dependencies so that this warning won't be raised? Having a default that raises warnings and cannot be turned off seems pretty silly.
Thanks for any help. Here are some of the relevant configs (full code is in the repo but of course node_modules is not checked in):

Can you try adding **/node_modules/* and **/bower_components/* to see if it solves the problem? (It might be that you have nested node_modules and bower_components).
Resulting .eslintignore:

My problem was the files that I was targeting in my Gruntfile.js. My task was reaching down into the node_modules instead of my own code. I changed '**/js/*.js' to simply 'js/*.js':
diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js
index 6b549f7..872abb2 100644
--- a/Gruntfile.js
+++ b/Gruntfile.js
## -10,7 +10,7 ## module.exports = function(grunt) {
files: {
- src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'stylelint.config.js', '**/js/*.js']
+ src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'stylelint.config.js', 'js/*.js']


ESLint Vue plugin showing false positives for vue/comment-directive

After migrating from VueCLI to Vite, I have to do the linting "manually" as far as I understand; correct me if I'm wrong.
As I only want to lint my .ts and .html files (I separate them even for components), I have this script in my package json:
"lint": "eslint --ext .ts --ext .html src/"
It found some issues like missing :key in loops, but it also shows me this error for each template:
error clear vue/comment-directive
And this is always the closing tag of any root elements within my template.html
If there is only one root element I get one warning for the file, if there are multiple root elements I get a warning for each closing tag.
I don't understand what this rule complains as, according its documentation, it is there for the eslint-disable comments, which I don't have in my templates.
I had the same issue but in nuxt with eslint, i just needed to update eslint-config and eslint-module:
"#nuxtjs/eslint-config": "^5.0.0",
"#nuxtjs/eslint-module": "^3.0.1",
I've just updated my npm dependencies and I have the same error.
I was reading the eslint documentation and finally I've realized that you can remove the false error if you setup the rule in the .eslintrc.js config file.
this is my .eslintrc.js config file:
module.exports = {
root: true,
env: {
browser: true,
node: true
parserOptions: {
parser: 'babel-eslint'
extends: [
plugins: [
// add your custom rules here
rules: {
"vue/comment-directive": 0
add the rule "vue/comment-directive": 0 and that is!, the error message is removed!.
the possible values are:
0 means disabled
1 means warning
2 means error
Try to change it in your IDE to how it works
(In my case I've had to stop the server and re-run it every time that I've changed a value in this config file.)
I have the same error.
I was taught how to fix this error.
module.exports = {
overrides: [
files: ["*.vue"],
processor: "vue/.vue"
Set this snippet on .eslintrc.js
"vue/comment-directive": ["error", {
"reportUnusedDisableDirectives": false
Solve my issue, i wonder why. Solution from documentation
Node v12.20.0
This is a kind of a temporary fix that worked for me and I think it will work for you as well.
This rule is included in all of "plugin:vue/base", "plugin:vue/essential", "plugin:vue/vue3-essential", "plugin:vue/strongly-recommended", "plugin:vue/vue3-strongly-recommended", "plugin:vue/recommended" and "plugin:vue/vue3-recommended".
ESLint doesn't provide any API to enhance eslint-disable functionality and ESLint rules cannot affect other rules. But ESLint provides processors API.
This rule sends all eslint-disable-like comments as errors to the post-process of the .vue file processor, then the post-process removes all vue/comment-directive errors and the reported errors in disabled areas.
All you need to do is add
eslint-disable-next-line vue/component-tags-order
this line as comment above anywhere you using comments within tags in each block you need to specify if comments are added.
For more information please visit:-

How to disable autofix for specific rules in eslint using CLI?

I want to be able to disable the rules that --fix fixes when running eslint in a console for a repo. The reason for this is because --fix leads to undesirable behavior for our jsdoc eslint rules. It creates invalid or sometimes empty jsdoc in our project- which typically leads to even more eslint rules (due to our configuration) and leads to tons of manual fixing or removal.
I want to just run --fix without it touching any jsdoc rules so that I can complete jsdoc manually- while eslint fixes all the rest of the rules.
I came across this SO question- but package mentioned in the answer does not support non-core plugins.
ESLint autofix ignore rule
Is there anything I can do short of modifying my eslintrc file every time I run the linter or using vscode for linting and modifying the config for the web editor instead? Its not a big deal for newer files- but linting legacy files is a chore when there's hundreds of spacing errors that I can't automatically fix easily.
Using an .eslintrc.js file you can do something like this:
const isFixMode = process.argv.includes('--fix');
const config = {
rules: {
'no-console': 'error',
...(isFixMode && {
'no-console': 'warn',
module.exports = config;
Technically, that already exists, right? If a user wants to avoid auto-fixing a particular rule, they can use:
eslint somedir --fix --rule "somerule: 0"
Or, if they want to whitelist a set of rules, they can use &nbps --no-eslintrc and specify rules directly or use --config and point to a particular config that they want to use for fixes.
Ok here’s another idea. Convert you .eslinrc file into .eslintrc.js. This will allow you to programmatically set eslint config.
Then you could use the commander library to detect the —fix flag and set a Boolean to determine which eslint rules you would like to disable.
What worked best for me was setting the rule to warn and afterwards run.
eslint . --fix --quiet
It is not an error anymore, but better than getting my code broken by a erroneous fixer.

Brunch is ignoring files starting with an underscore when I build

brunch is ignoring a file "_redirects" in my assets folder when I build. What do I add to config to fix? I'm sure there is some way to specifically include this file.
Yes, you have to overwrite the default ignored convention as described in the Brunch docs
conventions: {
ignored: () => false, // override defaults for no ignored files

Unexpected token import - using react and node

I'm getting an error when running my react app: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
I know that there are a plethora of similar issues on here, but I think mine is a little different. First of all, here is the repository, since I'm not sure where exactly the error is: repo
I'm using create-react-app, and in a seperate backend directory I'm using babel (with a .babelrc file containing the preset es2015). The app worked fine until I added another file in a new directory in the backend folder (/backend/shared/validations/signup.js).
I was using es6 before that too, and it was working perfectly fine. First I thought it was some problem with windows, but I cloned the repo on my Ubuntu laptop and I'm getting the same error there.
Some things I tried already:
Move the entire folder from /backend to the root folder
Move just the file (signup.js) just about everywhere
So no matter where the file is, the error stays the same. If I remove the entire file and all references to it the app works again.
I think this error is pretty weird, considering I'm using es6 everywhere else in the app without trouble. It would be great if anyone could help me with this error.
edit: If you want to test this on your own machine just clone the repo and run npm start in the root folder (and also npm start in the backend folder, but that isn't required for the app to run, or for the error to show up).
That's what's happening:
Your webpack is set to run babel loader only in the src folder (include directive).
To change that, one approach is:
1) extract webpack configuration with npm run eject (don't know if there is another way to override settings in react-create-app). From the docs:
Running npm run eject copies all the configuration files and the
transitive dependencies (Webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your
project so you have full control over them.
2) in config/paths.js, add an appShared key, like that:
module.exports = {
/* ... */
appSrc: resolveApp('src'),
appShared: resolveApp('backend/shared'),
/* ... */
3) in config/, add the path to the babel loader, like that:
test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
include: [ paths.appSrc, paths.appShared ],
loader: 'babel',
/* ... */
It works now!

JSHint: Turn off missing semicolon warning

How do I turn off missing semicolon warnings with JSHint in Sublime? I have tried multiple things on the internet to no avail.
asi is an option within the sublime linter that will suppress the semicolon warnings when set to true.
See JSHint Info
For additional information.
Ultimately, you'll want to create a .jshintrc file in your app root folder and add the following code inside:
"asi": true,
Set the file type as json, save it and restart your ide.
By inserting the following line at the beginning of your .js Javascript file should work:
/*jshint -W033 */
