JSHint: Turn off missing semicolon warning - sublimetext3

How do I turn off missing semicolon warnings with JSHint in Sublime? I have tried multiple things on the internet to no avail.

asi is an option within the sublime linter that will suppress the semicolon warnings when set to true.
See JSHint Info
For additional information.
Ultimately, you'll want to create a .jshintrc file in your app root folder and add the following code inside:
"asi": true,
Set the file type as json, save it and restart your ide.

By inserting the following line at the beginning of your .js Javascript file should work:
/*jshint -W033 */


How to disable autofix for specific rules in eslint using CLI?

I want to be able to disable the rules that --fix fixes when running eslint in a console for a repo. The reason for this is because --fix leads to undesirable behavior for our jsdoc eslint rules. It creates invalid or sometimes empty jsdoc in our project- which typically leads to even more eslint rules (due to our configuration) and leads to tons of manual fixing or removal.
I want to just run --fix without it touching any jsdoc rules so that I can complete jsdoc manually- while eslint fixes all the rest of the rules.
I came across this SO question- but package mentioned in the answer does not support non-core plugins.
ESLint autofix ignore rule
Is there anything I can do short of modifying my eslintrc file every time I run the linter or using vscode for linting and modifying the config for the web editor instead? Its not a big deal for newer files- but linting legacy files is a chore when there's hundreds of spacing errors that I can't automatically fix easily.
Using an .eslintrc.js file you can do something like this:
const isFixMode = process.argv.includes('--fix');
const config = {
rules: {
'no-console': 'error',
...(isFixMode && {
'no-console': 'warn',
module.exports = config;
Technically, that already exists, right? If a user wants to avoid auto-fixing a particular rule, they can use:
eslint somedir --fix --rule "somerule: 0"
Or, if they want to whitelist a set of rules, they can use &nbps --no-eslintrc and specify rules directly or use --config and point to a particular config that they want to use for fixes.
Ok here’s another idea. Convert you .eslinrc file into .eslintrc.js. This will allow you to programmatically set eslint config.
Then you could use the commander library to detect the —fix flag and set a Boolean to determine which eslint rules you would like to disable.
What worked best for me was setting the rule to warn and afterwards run.
eslint . --fix --quiet
It is not an error anymore, but better than getting my code broken by a erroneous fixer.

eslint: Parsing error: Unexpected character '#', in .scss

This is a scss file, Why does this happen?
eslint tips:
Parsing error: Unexpected character '#'
Because eslint is trying to lint a SCSS file.
You need to exclude SCSS type files. Edit your package.json like below:
"eslintIgnore" : ["**/*.scss"],
You can enables or disables all scss validations in the settings like so:
"scss.validate": false
Customizing CSS, SCSS and Less Settings

Suppress a specific ESLint warning: File ignored by default

Hopefully this is a reasonable question but it's possible I'm misunderstanding something. I get this warning raised on 9 seemingly random .js files in my project's node_modules dependency directory when I run ESLint from grunt. For example:
0:0 warning File ignored by default. Use "--ignore-pattern '!node_modules/*'" to override
The docs say,
/node_modules/* and /bower_components/* in the project root are ignored by default
That's all well and good, but I don't want these warnings raised every time I lint my actual code.
I have tried explicitly adding the /node_modules/* pattern to the .eslintignore in my project root, which hasn't helped. Using the command line flag suggested just makes ESLint raise errors on my dependencies, which isn't what I want either.
Is there a way to tell ESLint that I explicitly don't want to lint my dependencies so that this warning won't be raised? Having a default that raises warnings and cannot be turned off seems pretty silly.
Thanks for any help. Here are some of the relevant configs (full code is in the repo but of course node_modules is not checked in):
Can you try adding **/node_modules/* and **/bower_components/* to see if it solves the problem? (It might be that you have nested node_modules and bower_components).
Resulting .eslintignore:
My problem was the files that I was targeting in my Gruntfile.js. My task was reaching down into the node_modules instead of my own code. I changed '**/js/*.js' to simply 'js/*.js':
diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js
index 6b549f7..872abb2 100644
--- a/Gruntfile.js
+++ b/Gruntfile.js
## -10,7 +10,7 ## module.exports = function(grunt) {
files: {
- src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'stylelint.config.js', '**/js/*.js']
+ src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'stylelint.config.js', 'js/*.js']

jshint and sublimelinter settings config on mac

I'm trying to configure sublimelinter, specifically jshint on my Mac. On my windows version of SublimeText there is the following section in SublimeLinter.sublime-settings
// To fix column positions for JSHint errors you may want to add `"indent": 1` to your
// **User** "jshint_options". This issue affects users with tabs for indentation.
// This fix was reverted due to a conflict with using the `"white": true` option.
// "indent": 1,
"evil": true,
"regexdash": true,
"browser": true,
"wsh": true,
"trailing": true,
"sub": true
When I view the file on my Mac this section doesn't exist, is there a place to edit these option on the Mac version without a separate settings file? Or a global settings file for jshint?
I've been digging through similar questions but haven't found a clear solution.
Actually it doesn't seem to catch any errors at all when using it on the console. My javascript file doesn't end in .js how can I configure it to look at different extensions? I can't find it in the docs.
There's another way to set options globally, without using ".jshintrc" files.
1) create a file with any name (e.g. "jshint.conf"). my file is:
"globals": { "$": false },
"globalstrict": true,
"devel": true
2) put it anywhere. in my case it is: "c:\Users\Smith\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\"
3) make the next reference in section "jshint"->"args" of sublime-linter user setting (user/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings):
"user": {
"linters": {
"jshint": {
"args": [
"--config", "c:\\Users\\Smith\\AppData\\Roaming\\Sublime Text 3\\Packages\\User\\jshint.conf"
4) Enjoy!
In general I would recommend against configuring JSHint system-wide. It's usually safer to create a .jshintrc file for each project your work on because it's likely they will have different JSHint requirements.
The jshint_options SublimeLinter setting you mention in your question is from the old version of SublimeLinter, which has recently been reworked to have a simple plugin architecture. The JSHint plugin (which I assume you are using, since the settings you tried didn't work) makes the same recommendation:
You can configure jshint options in the way you would from the command line, with .jshintrc files.
The added benefit of this approach is that you can commit the .jshintrc file to your repository and ensure that anyone who works on the project is working with the same JSHint rules, rather than their own system-wide settings.

Disabling warning about "require" function in JSHint

I'm writing some code for Node.js and I'm currently using JSHint to check over my code. However, when I use the require function to import modules, it says:
'require' is not defined.
How can I suppress the warning?
"use strict";
var express = require('express');
var register = require('./routes/register');
jshint is not aware of node.js globals by default you need to inform it.
add this comment to the top:
/* jshint node: true */
We can set node as the global environment variable in JSHint's .jshintrc file
This option defines globals available when your code is running inside of the Node runtime environment. Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model. This option also skips some warnings that make sense in the browser environments but don't make sense in Node such as file-level use strict pragmas and console.log statements.
For more info http://jshint.com/docs/options/#node
"node": true
Errors like 'require' is not defined, 'console' is not defined, 'module' is not defined won't show up any more
You can configure JSHint by adding "require" to the .jshintrc file. For instance:
"globals" : {
"require": false
Or you can define globals per specific file only by:
/* global require */
For more information about how to configure JSHint please read JSHint Documentation
I stumbled upon this answer and couldn't get anything to work in VSCode. I got this to work:
Open JSON Settings file using the Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) via the Command Palette Window (Ctrl-Shift-P).
Add this section into the settings.json file:
"jshint.options": {
"esversion": 8, // This gets rid of some other warnings
"node": true
