Is default open mode for ExCel (Office 365) configurable? - excel

I googled around and found no answer for what I think should be an obvious question/problem, so I'll ask here.
I have an ExCel spreadsheet that I want to share with a couple other guys. Version, as far as I can tell, is "Office 365 ProPlus" (sorry if that's wrong, I'm a linux guy). I do the vast majority of the writing/editing, the other guys mostly just read it. I put it on a shared drive. But when they open it, it opens in edit mode and I'm locked out because one of the other guys (who just wanted to read it) opened it and the default open mode is edit.
I want to change the default open mode to be read_only. If I want to open for edit, I don't mind clicking a few times to get to that point. But what I can't have is being locked out because the read_only guys have it locked. If they have it locked because they're making changes, that's fine. But for the 95% of the time, where I write and they read, I don't want them to unintentionally lock the thing when all they want to do is read.
Is this sort of thing possible ? Can I configure this ?

You may save your document as "Read-only recommended" and get your friends to open it read-only whenever they do not need to edit the document:
For the new versions (2013 & 2016), while Saving or Saving As your file press Browse button, go to Tools | General Options and select the Read-only recommended check box. If you want you may enter a password too. After this, the users will be recommended to open the document as read only; if they want, they may still open the file in edit mode.
In addition you may use the shared workbook feature of Excel which allows multi users to edit the document at the same time. And using this way you may track which changes are made when and by whom too.This feature can be activated using Review / Share Workbook button. If you have a newer version of Excel, this button is hidden, you may unhide it using the instructions here: unhide shared workbook

Old post but I just had the same question and landed here. I was also suspecting the Office version but it turns out that's not it. I figured it out that instead of going to the File-Properties you have to go to the "Save As..." dialog box, and there, next to the Save / Cancel buttons, is the Tools... dialog where you can set a "Read-only recommended" check mark.
I think the implication is that it's not a document property, it's a windows file property - that's why it's not in the File-Options menu.
After I found it, I remembered that this is how I always used to do it in old versions of Excel many years ago, so it's really unchanged.


How Do I Save the Right Version of My Excel File with Save Lockout Active?

I think I have my Excel VBA where I want it (checking for cell completion before allowing saving) but that also means I can't save the blank version of that form for distribution. I'm probably missing something obvious but...I guess, disabling the macros and then reenabling it would work but apparently I can't figure it out. I've tried googling it but I only get system-wide toggling.
So, just to put a bow on things. The correct way to deal with this is to go through the formal file opening process in Excel. Assuming you have the proper macro setting in Excel (disable macros with prompt), if you open Excel, Use File Open (DO NOT SELECT RECENT FILES) and browse to the file, select it and open. Then you should get the standard prompt even if you've enabled it for that file in the past.

Delete & Reload a "Add in" from Excel (Online & desktop app)

I want to know if there is way to delete/remove "Add-in" i have added in my online excel file (o365),currently I see remove (x) button in excel desktop app and it works like a charm it also has a reload option to just reload any particular "Add-in".
None of the two options (delete & reload)I could find in Online excel version, although for reload a simple f5 is enough,I am having a difficult time figuring out how to disable a addin i added for experimental use,I end up deleting the whole excel file which is very ridiculous,hope I am missing a simple trick and anybody can help me through.
One thing to add to Sudhi's answer: to fully remove an add-in from the document (rather than just make a task-pane invisible, but still keep the underlying application there, and still have it persist its settings and bindings and etc.), you would need to use the Document Inspector:
The only way is to open the document in desktop and remove the add-in. We have a roadmap item to allow closing either through close button or API. Until then I think closing in desktop is the only way.

Excel Found Unreadable Content Error

I have been searching on the internet this error about excel.
"Excel found unreadable content in filename.xls. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
When I go to Microsoft Support website, I saw this solution
In this page it says "To resolve this issue, remove the expressions from all Current Time Member and weight on the KPI properties." I did not understand what to do exactly. Please help me
This is an old question but I wanted to say that. There are lots of ways which you can see this error. Firstly, your computer's clock. you should set it to your terratory. Secondly the Excel version. You should use a formal instance of Microsoft Excel. If you do not want to deal with Microsoft, LibreOffice is free and full of good features. You should try that.
Click yes, save under a new filename, and check the contents match what you expect. If you're able to restore using "Restore previous versions" (right click on the file in explorer) then that's an option as well.

TortoiseSVN shows PPT files as modifed upon open-close

I am sure some of you must have seen this behavior although I could not find an existing thread on SO regarding this very specific issue and hence posting it with hope that experts on SO might have an answer.
I noticed that whenever MS PPT files are opened and closed from a TSVN Working Copy, TSVN marks it as modified. For example, I check out a SVN repo which has PPT files stored in it. Now even if I simply open and close the PPT file (without making a SINGLE edit) from my local WC, TSVN will mark it as modified (red exclamation mark).
It gets very annoying after some time as it gets hard to track (without using some kind of diff tool) whether the red exclamation mark is because I actually changed the content in the file or if it is simply because I opened and closed the file at some point of time.
SVN Server: 1.4.6 (r28521)
TSVN Client: 1.7.6, Build 22632 - 64 Bit , 2012/03/08 18:29:39
MS Office: Office 2010 (Standard)
This is a problem reported by people who use repositories. Unfortunately, it's just something that PPT does. MS is aware of it, has been for several versions, doesn't seem to consider it a big enough problem to bother with (or fixing it would interfere with other features they consider more important, perhaps).
MS Office sometimes saves files automaticaly.I think from SVN point of view, you can set read-only attribute as workaround, or open files in read only mode from Powerpoint.Then it should not change modify timestamp.
PowerPoint automatically saves the presentation preview image when you open the presentation file, even if you do not save it manually. To avoid this you have to open the file, go to file properties dialog and uncheck "Save preview picture" checkbox. Now you presentation file will stay unchanged unless you save it by yourself.

How do I get rid of the "cannot empty the clipboard" error? [closed]

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Right now, I'm getting it in Excel 2007, but I've gotten the same error in pretty much every version of Excel I've used since 97. The only discernable similarity is that happens on my office PC. It's never bothered me on my home PC.
In Excel 2003, I was able to mess around in the clipboard options until it went away. In 2007, though, the options seem to be seriously limited and generally useless. Google wasn't much help, either.
check this tip. worked for here
This might save somebody some time and headaches if google picks it
up. I was getting a 'Cannot empty the Clipboard' error every time I
moved cells around in Excel - eventually I mucked around with the
settings and made it go away. Here's how; In the excel main menu
(glass globe w/logo), click Excel options, then Advanced, then turn
off 'Show paste options buttons'
How exciting was this as my first post of the year?
Update: I still haven't found a permanent solution but I found another
thing that seems to help. In Excel 2007, from the "home" tab, the
first thing on the left is the clipboard tool panel. Expand the panel
to view the clipboard and in the clipboard you might find "cannot
empty clipboard" as an entry. Empty the clipboard, keep the panel open
for a second or two while you do a few cut and pastes/drags etc. and
then the bogey seems to go away.
I call this the cable dance because back in the day I had a printer
that only worked if you unplugged the cable, shook it out and plugged
it back in.
Good answers by Paul Simon and Steve Homer, I shut down team viewer and that did the trick.
Skype or other programs may trigger the same glitch, but in this instance, I recalled the problem occurred when I tried to cut n paste a 2MB file from remote system through windows right click rather than using "File Transfer function in TV. An error message appeared, then the problem with Excel "'Cannot empty clipboard' message.
This problem occurs when you are working on a remote system. After copying and pasting a huge amount of data it shows the error. I have found the solution to this problem.
Go to remote systems task manager and perform the following task
Go to Task Manager > Processes
Look for "rdpclip.exe"
End that process
Your problem will be solved.
I found this advice:
There are a few steps to solve your
First thing to do is Clear items from
the Office Clipboard. If the Microsoft
Office Clipboard is not displayed in
the task pane, click Office Clipboard
on the Edit menu. On the Office
Clipboard task pane, do one of the
following: To clear all items, click
Clear All .
Next thing is to switch off the
clipboard show option. To do this,
what you can do is to again display
the Clipboard menu (select Office
Clipboard from Edit Menu). And in the
selection button "Options" at the
bottom of the screen, select this
particular option: "Collect Without
Showing Office Clipboard"
and now, you are relieved of the bug.
Hope this helps.
here. I have the problem, but it's sporadic. I just tried the technique, and I don't see the problem, but since it's sporadic I won't know for a while if it's gone for good.
I got rid of the problem by unchecking the option for "Alert before overwriting cells" in Excel options. I'm using Excel 2007
If you can't find the clipboard, then close that excel sheet and reopen it again. This will solve your problem.
which will work for 2007 if you follow v12.0 in the registry.
Are you running Skype? This has been the best solution I have found to get rid of the "cannot empty the clipboard error" in Excel 2007 & 2010. Delete the Skype add-on in IE and/or Firefox and good-bye annoying error!
In reply to rjacobs7 post on February 28, 2011
Cannot clear clipboard error - Windows 7, Excel 2010 -
This error occurs nearly every time a drag and drop of cell contents is attempted. I've had this same error over the past 10 years on older computers and older versions of Windows and Office. It has now reoccurred with a new laptop running Windows 7 64 bit and Office 2010. The issue can be replicated only if a browser - IE or Firefox - is open at the same time that Excel is open. Having Word and/or Outlook open at the same time will not cause the problem to occur unless a browser is also open. This error is extremely irritating and no solutions from Microsoft or other posts on this issue resolve it.
I have a solution - at least for me! Delete the Skype add-in in IE and Firefox and the "cannot clear clipboard" error after a drag and drop goes away when IE and/or Firefox are running. Apparently some sort of memory-management issue with Skype, Office and the browsers.
I've read lots of blogs on this subject going back to 2005!!
I'm sure that Paul Simon is right (see his submission to this thread) and it's a question of finding which program on your machine is locking the clipboard. I do not run the programs listed in various solutons suggested (eg on Microsoft website) nor am I in a networked or virtual environment so for me those aren't the locking programs (but might be for you). Similarly I don't have the RDP task going in my processes. For me the locking program is the Skype Add-in.
I am not a sophisticated user and am scared of altering my registry so didn't want to go there.
I have now been able to reproduce accurately the "cannot clear the clipboard" message by turning on and off the skype addins in internet explorer. This is easy for amateurs to do and might be one of the more common clipboard locking programs:
I first confirmed that I can turn on/off the problem in Excel by opening/closing internet explorer.
Then I disabled the skype addins:
Internet Explorer: Tools menu --> Internet Options ; Programs Tab ; Manage Add-ons button; Toolbars and Extensions selected in panel on left - scroll down to find skype add ons. Press Disable button.
NB have to restart Internet explorer before this works.
.... 4 days later.... it's still working
I copied a picture (instead of text) that I had in my excel 2007 file and that solved the problem for me. The picture copied to the (then empty) clipboard. I could then copy cells normally even after clearing the clipboard of the picture. I think a graph object should also do the trick.
I have seen various answers which say when I uninstalled this or that it worked. I think that the uninstall is probably just sorting out an issue in the registry, rather it being an issue with the particular application that is being uninstalled.
I have also seen cases of people saying kill the RDP task but I don't have that and I still have the error.
I have seen cases of people saying clear the clipboard in Excel, but that doesn't work for me - nor does changing the settings in the Clipboard.
I believe that the issue is that an application has a lock on the clipboard and that application is not releasing it. The clipboard is a shared resource, so that implies that each application has to get a lock on it before changing it and then release the lock once it has completed the change, however, it looks like sometimes the lock is not released.
I found that the following cured it. Close down all MS applications including IE and Outlook. Check Task Manager processes to make sure that they are all gone.
Then restart the application where you had the Copy and Paste issue and it will probably then work.
Paul Simon
