Bokeh charts unresponsive on rangeslider on_change - python-3.x

I am working on bokeh charts for the first time. I have followed a few tutorials but due to some reason, update function is not working on rangeslider on_change()
def make_data(df, start, end):
#df['ID'] = range(1, len(df) + 1)
s = df['ID'] >= start
e = df['ID'] <= end
df1 = df[e & s]
date = df1['date'].tolist()
capi = df1['capi'].tolist()
data = {'x': dateTime(date), 'y': capi}
source = ColumnDataSource(data)
return source
def update(attr, old, new):
df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("main_data.csv", index_col = None)
df['ID'] = range(1, len(df) + 1)
new_src = make_dataset(df, range_start = range_select.value[0], range_end = range_select.value[1])
def make_plot(source):
p1 = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", title="Stock Closing Prices")
p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date'
p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Price'
p1.line('x', 'y', source = source, color='#A6CEE3', legend='capi')
return p1
range_select = RangeSlider(title="Date range", value=(ids[0], ids[100]), start=ids[0], end=ids[-1], step=1)
range_select.on_change('value', update)
source = make_data(df, 1, 1000)
p = make_plot(source)
controls = WidgetBox(range_select)
layout = column(controls, p)
tab = Panel(child=layout, title = 'Histogram')
tabs = Tabs(tabs = [tab])
can someone please point me in the right direction here


Scipy optimize.minimize with multi- parameters

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import linalg, optimize
%matplotlib inline
Data load
data = pd.read_csv("D:/Stat/TimeSeries/KRW_month_0617_1.csv",index_col="Date") / 100
para = open("D:/Stat/TimeSeries/KRW_month_0617_1.txt").readlines()[0:2]
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
cond = []
params = []
time = []
for i in para:
j = i.split()
for k in j:
cond = cond[1:]
for i in range(len(cond)):
cond[i] = round(float(cond[i]),4)
params = cond[0:23]
time = cond[23:]
maturity = np.array(time[1:])
timegap = 1/cond[23]
Functions We need
def Paramcheck(Params, checkStationary = 1):
result = 0
Kappa = np.array([[params[20],0,0], [0,params[21],0], [0,0,params[22]]])
Sigma = np.array([[params[1],0,0], [params[2],params[3],0], [params[4],params[5],params[6]]])
State = np.array([params[7], params[8], params[9]])
Lambda = params[0]
SigmaEps = np.identity(10)
for i in range(10):
SigmaEps[i][i] = params[i+10]
for i in range(len(Sigma)):
if Sigma[i][i] < 0:
result = 1
for j in SigmaEps:
if np.any(SigmaEps) < 0:
result = 1
if Lambda < 0.05 or Lambda > 2:
result = 1
elif State[0] < 0:
result = 1
elif Kappa[0][0] < 0:
result = 1
if result == 0 and checkStationary > 0:
if max(np.linalg.eigvals(-Kappa).real) > 0:
result = 2
return result
def CheckDet(x):
if x == np.inf or x == np.nan:
result = 1
elif x < 0:
result = 2
elif abs(x) < 10**-250:
result = 3
result = 0
return result
def NS_factor(lambda_val, maturity):
col1 = np.ones(len(maturity))
col2 = (1 - np.exp(-lambda_val*maturity))/(lambda_val*maturity)
col3 = col2 - np.exp(-lambda_val*maturity)
factor = np.array([col1,col2,col3]).transpose()
return factor
def DNS_Kalman_filter(Params, *args):
N = Paramcheck(Params)
if N == 0:
Kappa = np.array([[params[20],0,0], [0,params[21],0], [0,0,params[22]]])
Sigma = np.array([[params[1],0,0], [params[2],params[3],0],
State = np.array([params[7], params[8], params[9]])
Lambda = params[0]
SigmaEps = np.identity(10)
for i in range(10):
SigmaEps[i][i] = params[i+10]
Obs_Yield = args[0]
Obs_Date = args[1]
Timegap = args[2]
Obs_Mty = args[3]
Finalstate = args[4]
Mty_length = len(Obs_Mty)
B = NS_factor(lambda_val = Lambda,maturity = Obs_Mty)
H_large = SigmaEps **2
N_obs = len(Obs_Date)
LLH_vec = np.zeros(N_obs)
phi1 = linalg.expm(-Kappa*Timegap)
phi0 = (np.identity(3)-phi1) # State
Eigenvalues = np.linalg.eig(Kappa)[0]
Eigen_vec = np.linalg.eig(Kappa)[1]
Eigen_vec_inv = np.linalg.inv(Eigen_vec)
S = Eigen_vec_inv # Sigma # Sigma.transpose() # Eigen_vec_inv.transpose()
Atilde =[0], Sigma[0])
Btilde =[1], Sigma[1])
Ctilde =[2], Sigma[2])
Dtilde =[0], Sigma[1])
Etilde =[0], Sigma[2])
Ftilde =[1], Sigma[2])
res1= Atilde* Obs_Mty* Obs_Mty/6
res2= Btilde*(1/(2*Lambda**2) - (1-np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty))/(Lambda**3*Obs_Mty) + (1-
res3= Ctilde*(1/(2*Lambda**2) + np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda**2)-
Obs_Mty*np.exp(-2*Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(4*Lambda) -
3*np.exp(-2*Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(4*Lambda**2) - 2*(1-np.exp(-
Lambda*Obs_Mty))/(Lambda**3*Obs_Mty) + 5*(1-
res4= Dtilde*(Obs_Mty/(2*Lambda) + np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda**2) - (1-np.exp(-
res5= Etilde*(3*np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda**2) + Obs_Mty/(2*Lambda)+Obs_Mty*np.exp(-
Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda) - 3*(1-np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty))/(Lambda**3*Obs_Mty))
res6= Ftilde*(1/(Lambda**2) + np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda**2) -
np.exp(-2*Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(2*Lambda**2) - 3*(1-np.exp(-
Lambda*Obs_Mty))/(Lambda**3*Obs_Mty) + 3*(1-
val = res1 + res2 + res3 + res4 + res5 + res6
V_mat = np.zeros([3,3])
V_lim = np.zeros([3,3])
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
V_mat[i][j] = S[i][j]*(1-np.exp(-(Eigenvalues[i] +
Eigenvalues[j])*Timegap))/(Eigenvalues[i] + Eigenvalues[j])
V_lim[i][j] = S[i][j]/(Eigenvalues[i] + Eigenvalues[j])
Q = (Eigen_vec # V_mat # Eigen_vec.transpose()).real
Sigma_lim = (Eigen_vec # V_lim # Eigen_vec.transpose()).real
for i in range(N_obs):
y = Obs_Yield[i]
xhat = phi0 + phi1 # State
y_implied = B # xhat
v = y - y_implied + val
Sigmahat = phi1 # Sigma_lim # phi1.transpose() + Q
F = B # Sigmahat # B.transpose() + H_large
detF = np.linalg.det(F)
if CheckDet(detF) > 0:
N = 3
Finv = np.linalg.inv(F)
State = xhat + Sigmahat # B.transpose() # Finv # v
Sigma_lim = Sigmahat - Sigmahat # B.transpose() # Finv # B # Sigmahat
LLH_vec[i] = np.log(detF) + v.transpose() # Finv # v
if N == 0:
if Finalstate:
yDate = Obs_Date[-1]
result = np.array([yDate,State])
result = 0.5 * (sum(LLH_vec) + Mty_length*N_obs*np.log(2*np.pi))
result = 7000000
return result
I made a code that does Arbitrage Free Nelson-Siegel model. Data is return rates of bond (1Y,1.5Y, ... ,20Y). I wanna optimize that function with scipy optimize.minimize function with fixed *args.
Suppose that Initial parmas are verified that it's close to optimized params from empirical experiments using Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model.
LLC_new = 0
while True:
LLC_old = LLC_new
OPT = optimize.minimize(x0=params,fun=DNS_Kalman_filter, args=
params = OPT.x
LLC_new = round(,5)
print("Current LLC: %0.5f" %LLC_new)
if LLC_old == LLC_new:
OPT_para = params
FinalState = DNS_Kalman_filter(params,data.values,data.index,timegap,maturity,True)
Result is
Current LLC: -7613.70146
Current LLC: -7613.70146
LLC(log-likelihood value) isn't maximized. It's not a result I desire using Optimizer.
Is there any solution for that?
In R, there is optim() function works as similar as scipy.optimize.minimize() which works really well. I also have a R code for that very similar to this Python code.

Error: TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type

i am using python version 3.7.Below is the code in which I am performing operation along the rows. i want the mean of the data which are along the rows but I get an error. i am new to numpy and python. i am reading the data from text file.
My code is:
import numpy as np
def getIndexFromDatetime(date_from, date_to):
'''date_from = [2, 10] : 10oclock of day2
if date_from[1] > 24 or date_to[1] > 24: print('error')
start = (date_from[0] - 1) * 48 + date_from[1] * 2
end = (date_to[0] - 1) * 48 + date_to[1] * 2
return [start, end]
def is_num(s):
return s.replace(',', '').replace('.', '').replace('-', '').isnumeric()
def get_dataset(fpath):
with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
cnt = 0
DataWeather = {}
header = []
dtime = []
temp1 = []
temp2 = []
for line in f:
terms = line.split('\t')
if cnt == 0: header1 = terms
if cnt == 1: header2 = terms
cnt += 1
if cnt == 2:
for i in range(len(header1)):
for i in range(len(terms)):
DataWeather[header[i]] = []
if cnt > 2:
for i in range(len(terms)):
if is_num(terms[i]):
for i in range(len(DataWeather[header[0]])):
dtime.append(DataWeather[header[0]][i]+' '+DataWeather[header[1]][i])
return DataWeather, header
def get_data(dataset, header, idx):
y = dataset[header][idx[0]:idx[1]]
return y
data_dir = 'weather_data'
month = 3
day = list(range(1,10))
header_idx = [2,3,4,5,7,16]
for d in day:
dtime_from = [d, 9]
dtime_to = [d, 18]
dtime_idx = getIndexFromDatetime(dtime_from, dtime_to)
fpath = '{0}/2019-{1:02}.txt'.format(data_dir, month)
dataset, header = get_dataset(fpath)
for h in header_idx:
print(header[h], dtime_from, dtime_to, dtime_idx)
data = get_data(dataset, header[h], dtime_idx)
#data= list(map(float,np.array(data)))
#data = map(np.array(data, dtype=np.float))
i am getting the following error:
ret = umr_sum(arr, axis, dtype, out, keepdims)
TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type
i also tried some functions like "map" and "list" as commented in the code still it gives error of converting string to float.

How to get different predation values every year for my simulation?

I am trying to run this model of seed predation and population dynamics but I am new to coding and I am only getting one predation value that gets repeated over different generations. How can I get different predation values for different year?
Also, Is there an issue with the normalizing method used?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def is_odd(year):
return ((year % 2) == 1)
def reproduction(p_iter, year, dead):
if is_odd(year):
predation = dead
seedsProd = p_iter*s_oddd
seedsPred = K*predation*200*(seedsProd/np.sum(seedsProd))
return (seedsProd - seedsPred) + np.array([0,0,p_iter[2]])
predation = dead
seedsProd = p_iter*s_even
seedsPred = K*predation*200*(seedsProd/np.sum(seedsProd))
return (seedsProd - seedsPred) +np.array([0,p_iter[1],0])
def normalize(p_iter):
if is_odd(year):
x = np.copy(p_iter)
x[2] = 0
x = (K-p_iter[2]) * x / sum(x)
x[2] = p_iter[2]
return x
x = np.copy(p_iter)
x[1] = 0
x = (K-p_iter[1]) * x / sum(x)
x[1] = p_iter[1]
return x
Predation is defined here:
def predation():
return (np.array(np.round(np.random.uniform(0.4,0.6),2)))
Y = 100
#carrying capacity
K = 1000
#initial populaton
p_1, p_2, p_3 = 998., 1., 1.
#seed released per plant
s_1, s_2, s_3 = 200, 260, 260
p_init = np.array([p_1, p_2, p_3],dtype=float)
s_oddd = np.array([s_1, s_2, 0.0])
s_even = np.array([s_1, 0.0, s_3])
n = len(p_init)
m = np.append(p_init,s_oddd)
p_iter = p_init
dead = 0
norm = 0
for year in range(1,Y+1):
dead = predation()
seeds = reproduction(p_iter, year, dead)
p_iter = np.maximum(seeds,np.zeros(p_iter.shape))
p_iter = normalize(p_iter)
m = np.vstack((m, [*p_iter]+[*seeds] ))

select with bokeh not really working

I am using bokeh 0.12.2. I have a select with words. When i choose a word it should circle the dot data. It seems to work then stop. I am trying with 2 words, word1 and word2. lastidx is full of index.xc and yx are the location of the circle here is the code. This is working with one but not really if i change the value in the select:
for j in range(0,2):
for i in range(0,len(lastidx[j])):
xc.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[j][i], 0])
yc.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[j][i], 1])
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xc, y=yc, s=mstwrd))
def callback(source=source):
dat = source.get('data')
x, y, s = dat['x'], dat['y'], dat['s']
val = cb_obj.get('value')
if val == 'word1':
for i in range(0,75):
x[i] = x[i]
y[i] = y[i]
elif val == 'word2':
for i in range(76,173):
x[i-76] = x[i]
y[i-76] = y[i]
slct = Select(title="Word:", value="word1", options=mstwrd , callback=CustomJS.from_py_func(callback))
# create the circle around the data where the word exist
r ='x','y', source=source)
glyph = r.glyph
glyph.size = 15
glyph.fill_alpha = 0.0
glyph.line_color = "black"
glyph.line_dash = [4, 2]
glyph.line_width = 1
x and y are loaded with all the data here and I just pick the data for the word I select. It seems to work and then it does not.
Is it possible to do that as a stand alone chart?
Thank you
I figured it out: code here is just to see if this was working. This will be improved of course. And may be this is what was written here at the end:
for i in range(0,len(lastidx[0])):
xc.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[0][i], 0])
yc.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[0][i], 1])
addto = len(lastidx[1])-len(lastidx[0])
# here i max out the data which has the least
# so when you go from one option to the other it
# removes all the previous data circle
for i in range(0,addto):
xc.append(-16) # just send them somewhere
for i in range(0, len(lastidx[1])):
xf.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[1][i], 0])
yf.append(tsne_kmeans[lastidx[1][i], 1])
x = xc
y = yc
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y,xc=xc,yc=yc,xf=xf,yf=yf))
val = "word1"
def callback(source=source):
dat = source.get('data')
x, y,xc,yc,xf,yf = dat['x'], dat['y'], dat['xc'], dat['yc'], dat['xf'], dat['yf']
# if slct.options['value'] == 'growth':
val = cb_obj.get('value')
if val == 'word1':
for i in range(0,len(xc)):
x[i] = xc[i]
y[i] = yc[i]
elif val == 'word2':
for i in range(0,len(xf)):
x[i] = xf[i]
y[i] = yf[i]
slct = Select(title="Most Used Word:", value=val, options=mstwrd , callback=CustomJS.from_py_func(callback))
# create the circle around the data where the word exist
r ='x','y', source=source)
I will check if i can pass a matrix. Don't forget to have the same size of data if not you will have multiple options circled in the same time.
Thank you

optimize.brute: ValueError: array is too big

I need to optimize a non-convex problem (max likelihood), and when I try quadratic optmiziation algorithms such as bfgs, Nelder-Mead, it fails to find the extremum, I frequently get saddle point, instead.
You can download data from here.
import numpy as np
import csv
from scipy.stats import norm
reader = csv.reader(f)
headers = next(reader)
for h in headers:
column[h] = []
for row in reader:
for h,v in zip(headers, row):
for i in range(0,len(x[0])):
x_header = list(Coef_headers)
N = 19 # no of observations
I = 4
P =7
Yobs[:] = column['size']
X[:,0] = column['costTon']
X[:,1] = column['com1']
X[:,2] = column['com3']
X[:,3] = column['com4']
X[:,4] = column['com5']
X[:,5] = column['night']
X[:,6] = 1 #constant
def myfunction(B):
beta = B[0.299,18.495,2.181,2.754,3.59,2.866,-12.846]
theta = 30
u = np.zeros((N,I))
F = np.zeros((N,I))
G = np.zeros(N)
l = 0
s1 = np.expm1(-theta)
for n in range (0,N):
m = 0
U[n,0] = B[0]*column['cost_van'][n]+ B[4]*column['cap_van'][n]
U[n,1] = B[1]+ B[5]*column['ex'][n]+ B[8]*column['dist'][n]+ B[0]*column['cost_t'][n]+ B[4]*column['cap_t'][n]
U[n,2] = B[2]+ B[6]*column['ex'][n]+ B[9]*column['dist'][n] + B[0]*column['cost_Ht'][n]+ B[4]*column['cap_Ht'][n]
U[n,3] = B[3]+ B[7]*column['ex'][n]+ B[10]*column['dist'][n]+ B[0]*column['cost_tr'][n]+ B[4]*column['cap_tr'][n]
for i in range(0,I):
m= sum(mm)
for i in range(0,I):
u[n,i]=1/(1+ np.exp(U[n,i]- np.log(m-np.exp(U[n,i]))))
F[n,i] = np.expm1(-u[n,i]*theta)
CDF = np.zeros(N)
Y =
resid = 0
for n in range (0,N):
resid = resid + (np.square(Yobs[n]-Y[n]))
SSR = resid / N
dof = N - P - 1
s2 = resid/dof # MSE, or variance: the mean squarred error of residuals
for n in range(0,N):
CDF[n] = norm.cdf((Yobs[n]+1),SSR,s2) - norm.cdf((Yobs[n]-1),SSR,s2)
G[n] = np.expm1(-CDF[n]*theta)
k = column['Choice_Veh'][n]-1
l = l + (np.log10(1+(F[n,k]*G[n]/s1))/(-theta))
loglikelihood = np.log10(l)
return -loglikelihood
rranges = np.repeat(slice(-10, 10, 1),11, axis = 0)
a = rranges
from scipy import optimize
resbrute = optimize.brute(myfunction, rranges, full_output=True,finish=optimize.fmin)
print("# global minimum:", resbrute[0])
print("function value at global minimum :", resbrute[1])
Now, I decided to go for grid search and tried scipy.optimize.brute, but I get this error. In fact, my real variables are 47, I decreased it to 31 to work, but still doesn't. please help.
File "C:\...\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 1906, in indices
res = empty((N,)+dimensions, dtype=dtype)
ValueError: array is too big.
