node - diagnostics with repl.start() - access to all variables etc - node.js

I'm running a server with node.js (espress). I've defined a diagnostic/debugging function which I can add to any controller. The function mostly just prints out values of certain variables in the console.
function ConsoleDebug(req, res) {
and is added to a controller like so:
router.get('/URL', function(req, res, next) {
ConsoleDebug(req, res);
I want to make the whole diagnostic/exploratory process more dynamic and I've read a whole deal of great things about the Node.js REPL and I figured I wanted to run it at any point in code.
I've added it to the ConsoleDebug() function, so it runs anytime the router is triggered using
function ConsoleDebug(req, res) {
repl.start({useGlobal: true})
It starts nicely, but it doesn't have access to any of the variables or scope at the point it is started. I would like to be able to write
and get the same output as is produced by
Ultimately, I'd like to be able to use the REPL to dynamically tinker with any other node.js command at any point in code with respect to the scope where it was started, so that I don't have to keep rewriting the code in ConsoleDebug(), saving, restarting the server and observing the results.
Is that even doable or is there a more appropriate method/tool?


Express route with multiple middlewares and separated layers

I'm reading the GitHub and trying to apply the tips on my project. Currently i'm working on the "1.2 Layer your components, keep Express within its boundaries" tip, but I have a question.
I'm using routes/controllers, and using this tip (1.2), a route with multiple middlewares will look like this."/do-multiple-stuff",
(req, res, next) => {
(req, res, next) => {
return res.send("stuff done");
Is this correct? Or there's a better way to do this?
Thanks! <3
The point of that 1.2 section is to create your business logic as a separate, testable component that is passed data only, not passed req and res. This allows it to be independently and separately tested without the Express environment around it.
Your calls to:
Are indeed making that proper separation between the web and the business logic because you aren't passing req or res to your controller. That looks like it meets the point of the 1.2 training step.
The one thing I see missing here is that there isn't any output from either of these function calls. They don't return anything and since you don't pass req or res to them, they can't be modifying the req object (like some middleware does) and can't be sending a response or error by themselves. So, it appears that these need a mechanism for communicating some type of result back, either a direct return value (if the functions are synchronous) or returning a promise (if the functions are asynchronous). Then, the calling code could get their result and do something with that result.

Azure function run code on startup for Node

I am developing Chatbot using Azure functions. I want to load the some of the conversations for Chatbot from a file. I am looking for a way to load these conversation data before the function app starts with some function callback. Is there a way load the conversation data only once when the function app is started?
This question is actually a duplicate of Azure Function run code on startup. But this question is asked for C# and I wanted a way to do the same thing in NodeJS
After like a week of messing around I got a working solution.
First some context:
The question at hand, running custom code # App Start for Node JS Azure Functions.
The issue is currently being discussed here and has been open for almost 5 years, and doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
As of now there is an Azure Functions "warmup" trigger feature, found here AZ Funcs Warm Up Trigger. However this trigger only runs on-scale. So the first, initial instance of your App won't run the "warmup" code.
I created a start.js file and put the following code in there
const ErrorHandler = require('./Classes/ErrorHandler');
const Validator = require('./Classes/Validator');
const delay = require('delay');
let flag = false;
module.exports = async () =>
console.log('Initializing Globals')
global.ErrorHandler = ErrorHandler;
global.Validator = Validator;
//this is just to test if it will work with async funcs
const wait = await delay(5000)
//add additional logic...
//await db.connect(); etc // initialize a db connection
console.log('Done Waiting')
To run this code I just have to do
in any of my functions. Just one function is fine. Since all of the function dependencies are loaded when you deploy your code, as long as this line is in one of the functions, start.js will run and initialize all of your global/singleton variables or whatever else you want it to do on func start. I made a literal function called "startWarmUp" and it is just a timer triggered function that runs once a day.
My use case is that almost every function relies on ErrorHandler and Validator class. And though generally making something a global variable is bad practice, in this case I didn't see any harm in making these 2 classes global so they're available in all of the functions.
Side Note: when developing locally you will have to include that function in your func start --functions <function requiring start.js> <other funcs> in order to have that startup code actually run.
Additionally there is a feature request for this functionality that can voted on open here: Azure Feedback
I have a similar use case that I am also stuck on.
Based on this resource I have found a good way to approach the structure of my code. It is simple enough: you just need to run your initialization code before you declare your module.exports.
I also read this thread, but it does not look like there is a recommended solution.
However, in my case I have an additional complication in that I need to use promises as I am waiting on external services to come back. These promises run within bot.initialise(). Initialise() only seems to run when the first call to the bot occurs. Which would be fine, but as it is running a promise, my code doesn't block - which means that when it calls 'listener(req, context.res)' it doesn't yet exist.
The next thing I will try is to restructure my code so that bot.initialise returns a promise, but the code would be much simpler if there was a initialisation webhook that guaranteed that the code within it was executed at startup before everything else.
Has anyone found a good workaround?
My code looks something like this:
var listener = null;
// If we are inside Azure Functions, export the standard handler.
listener = bot.initialise(true);
module.exports = function (context, req) {
context.log("Passing body", req.body);
listener(req, context.res);
} else {
// Local server for testing
listener = bot.initialise(false);
You can use global variable to load data before function execution.
var data = [1, 2, 3];
module.exports = function (context, req) {
data variable initialized only once and will be used within function calls.

Execute code on error

I want to execute a code of automated mail whenever there is any kind of error from any of the API.
Though this is possible to write that code in catch block of a remote method but my code base is too long and hence this is not a best fit.
Another issue with this is approach is for API which are not custom remote method and are generated by loopback, it is hard to use catch block with them.
Can someone help me with an easy approach where I need to write code once and the end result will be whenever there is an error in any of my API my code for mail runs automatically.
Got the answer after struggling for a day.
Loopback provides RemoteHook (afterRemoteError) for a model-method,
_modelName_.afterRemoteError( _methodName_, function( ctx, next) {
So whenever a particular method returns any error this block of code is executed.
Read more about remote hooks :
To make this block of code run every time any method returns error, we can use wildcards
_modelName_.afterRemoteError(** , function( ctx, next) {
Read more about wildcards here :
You should take a look at Loopback
I also strongly suggest integrating a service like Rollbar.

Consolidating Routes in Express.js

I'm a novice programmer working on a web app. As I have things right now there is a route for every single query to my database. I know there must be a way to use route parameters to direct the route to executing the right function but I am having problems in implementation.
Here is what my routes look like right now:
var database = require('./routes/database');
app.get('/query/type', database.type);
app.get('/query/test', database.test);
app.get('/query/another', database.another);
app.get('/query/onemore', database.onemore);
Each route is mapped to a function in the database.js file. I would like to try to implement something in the following format which would handle the queries with a single line:
app.get('/query/:query', database.query)
Where it executes whichever function is named in the parameter :query.
Is there an easy way of implementing this?
you can create a function that will parse the parameter and use associative array to build the function you want to execute then invoke it. see code below.
function parseParam(req, res) {
var func = database[req.param('query')];
func(req, res);
app.get('/query/:query', parseParam);

Node.js / Express - modifying response template context through request/response objects

I am using Express to serve web pages in node.js application.
Let's say I want to have a variable foo available in all views rendered by render method of response object. I know that I can define dynamic helpers for this task. However, I found them unsuitable when you need to set helper variable asynchronously like this (Mongoose example):
Thing.count(filter, function(error, thingCount) {
foo = thingCount;
I've tried using connect middleware approach, which suits me perfectly, however the question here is how to affect the response context. By looking into render method definition in express/lib/view.js I've found that it can be manipulated by writing into app._locals object:
function putFooIntoContext (req, res, next) {
Thing.count(filter, function(error, thingCount) { = thingCount;
It works as intended, however, I am a bit afraid that such straightforward approach is not the best solution. Can someone give me any ideas how to affect response context by interacting only with request/response objects in proper way designed by Express developers?
Express 3.x allows for asynchronous helpers to be utilized in the form of 'app.use'. So for a simple global 'foo' variable, your code would be as follows:
app.use(req, res, next) {
Thing.count(filter, function(error, thingCount) { = thingCount;
Of course the middleware option is also valid, this is just another viewpoint and saves inserting the middleware per each app.get(....)
