Generic Inquiry of discount Percent or Prices - acumatica

What is the best way to export a list of the current discounts: percent, (price - if possible) and inventory id(s). We currently utilize 2 types of discounts:
Customer Price Class by item - Line - Percent and Quantity
Customer Price Class by item - Group - Percent and Quantity
To give some back story. We produce print catalogs. We would like to know the discounted price. It is helpful to know that the price we are displaying is correct. If finding the price is too complicated. The percent for the given quantity break would be enough (we have max of 3 break quantities). Entering these into a sales order or a quote is an option but we have 980 discount sequence ids.
Discount Codes
Thank you.

I have a GI that I believe will do that or get you close enough to finish...See if this result looks good for you
if so add these tables
[Add these relations]
enter image description here
enter image description here
I hope this will help you...


How do I decrement quantity by line in Excel?

New user on Stack Overflow, apologies for my lack of Excel knowledge.
Essentially I have a spreadsheet with all of our customer orders including order number, item SKU, and quantity sold on that order (see pic for example). To estimate profit margin on each of the lines, I'm trying to assign a vendor cost to the orders for each of the vendors.
For example, if we ordered 150 of SKU ABC1 from Vendor1 and 200 of SKU AB1 from Vendor2, I want to assign the cost of Vendor1 to as many orders of that SKU that equal 150, then finish with cost from Vendor 2 for the rest. This will give us an estimate of how much margin we're making by vendor.
Is each order specific to a Vendor? For example, Order 1 is for Vendor 1, Order 2 is for Vendor 3, etc.
If so, you could add the vendor to each order and then use a VLOOKUP to lookup the cost of the SKU for the given vendor. Then it should just be COST * QTY.
Also new here; otherwise, I would have just left a comment.

Choose correct PRODUCT COST from ROW based on amount sold

I am making a sheet to CALCULATE REAL REVENUE from each sale I make on my online store.
The problem is that the COST of my products is not always constant. It varies depending on many factors so each time I make a purchase I add the NEW PRODUCTS COST (LATEST COST).
Each time I make a new purchase I will add the QUANTITY and the new COST. (PURCHASE 1, PURCHASE 2, PURCHASE 3,etc).
Screenshoot of my sheet with example on ROW 41
In Column B I want to know which is the CURRENT COST based on the amount of TOTAL SALES of each product.
For example:
If I have sold less than 100 ( Pruchase 1 QUANTITY) then I need the formula to choose value of E41 (PURCHASE 1 COST).
If I have sold MORE than 100 and LESS than 300 (which is the SUM of PURCHASE 1 & PURCHASE 2) I need the formula to choose value of G41 (PURCHASE 2 COST) AND SO ON...
The formula I have come up with so far is this:
This formula WORKS but only for the first 3 PURCHASES.
I need a formula that has no limit but I don't know how to make a VARIABLE formula.
Please take my words literally when I say that I wouldn't waste one minute on trying to solve your problem with your current sheet design. You would need VBA, and then extract quantities and prices from each purchase without the ability to filter on columns. (Minute is up.)
What you need is a Purchase database: ItemID, Date, Quantity, Price, maybe Ref#. From that you can pull out the transactions for any item by filtering on the item and the cost by using functions like SUMIF. However, this just brings the real problem within reach without solving it.
The problem is that when you buy 100 pcs #42 your price is 42. Then you buy another 100 pieces #46 your average price is 44. But if you sold 50 pieces with a cost of 42 then the average cost of the remaining 150 is 45. Therefore you can't determine the average cost of any remainder without knowing the quantity sold and the average cost applied to that sale. To solve that problem you will still need VBA but the suggested db format of purchase record would at least support such a solution.
Not so long ago I programmed a solution where there were additional columns in the db and each sale was recorded in 3 columns (much like your present purchase record): date, Qty, Ref. In this way I could trace the sale of each individual purchase (this was for shares trading). The sale of the newer quantity wouldn't start until the earlier quantity was sold out.
Perhaps you don't need to trace where the purchased quantity went to and just need one column to count down the balance to zero. That would be much simpler but has the drawback that you can't roll back errors. In the end the rollback was the reason why I abandoned the design. The key to the ability to abandon it is a similar db for sales: date, qty, price, Ref#.
With such a setup you might design a system to either extract the average or FiFo price from the purchase side and associate it with a sale. If the condition is that it should be done with worksheet functions you could add a column for "current cost" in the purchase db, changing with each purchase, which you look up by date from the sales side using VLOOKUP or SUMPRODUCT, having set a cost price applicable from the day of purchase until the next. If that appeals to you, a method must be found to deal with days on which there are both purchases and sales.

NetSuite Saved Search -- % of Total Summary

Not sure if this is possible in a saved search, but I want to run a calculation off the summed summary results and display it on the same line. I have a SUM of quantity column and a SUM of quantity fulfilled. I want another column that does qty fulfilled / qty as a percentage but it has to be calculated at the summary level.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Basically I want to do the following but based on the summary data only, in order to calculate the total fill rate (fulfilled/qty ordered) rather than an average fill rate per order. I don't know if it's possible in a summary saved search.(NVL({quantitycommitted},0)+NVL({quantityshiprecv},0))/NULLIF({quantity},0)
With the above and with the AVERAGE function, it's giving me the average of the individual order fill rates. I want the aggregate fill rate instead. If there are 10 orders and 9 filled at 90%, 1 at 0%, my current formula gives me 90%. But what if that 1 order had a way higher qty than the other orders? Then it would be misleading to show an average fill rate of 90% because on the order that counted, you missed all the sales.
Here's a similar logic you may use:
((sum({quantityshiprecv})/sum({quantity})) * 100)
#Dars is correct, but I thought I'd give you a picture of what that looks like in the NetSuite UI.
It doesn't matter what fields you Group by, and you can use the Minimum, Maximum, or Average Summary Type for your Formula (Percent) field

How to add discount per item in NetSuite?

While integrating Salesforce into Netsuite, when creating a Sales Order, I want to be able to add discount per item (and not a single discount for the entire SO)
Going through the help at Netsuite I can't figure if this is possible or not.
It mentions of "Discount Items" - What I understand of this, is that there are "Special Items" that give discount. This is far from the behavior I want. (plus it will duplicate the invoice size)
Is it possible?
Discounts in netsuite are "basically" items so you have a couple of choices here:
A) add a discount item for every item on line
B) add a discount field on every item and apply conditionally on the sales order
C) you could manage B on a different record and match item vs discount plan = discount %
The problem with B is that you wouldn't keep record of when the discount was applied, which is not the case for A and can be avoided in C by populating tue discount record there.
Have you looked into "Price Levels" yet? This will allow you to specify a discount amount on the line itself. Price levels can be set as percentages of the "Base price."

finding the closest match based on multiple criteria

Ive been working on VBA at work for almost a year and have managed to pull of some rather impressive things, normally I can find anything I'm not sure about with a series of searches on this site or others but this time I have come up blank, I guess its most likely because I don't really know how to frame the search properly :(
I'm looking to create a macro that analyses a customers sales history, then preforms a 'you might also like' search from our bestsellers list and returns the closest match to their bestseller. The product is books and due to many decades of bibliographic attention to detail within the industry each product can have up to 20 categories and I want to use this to find the closet match.
The info I have (the important bits)
Sheet 1 - product id - customer sales quantity
Product id 2 -customer sales quantity
Product id 3 -customer sales quantity
Etc etc ( usually up to 100)
Sheet 2 - product id - total company sales quantity
product id2 - total company sales quantity product id3 - total company sales quantity
Etc etc (Currently over 34000 and growing...)
Sheet 3 - cat1 cat2 cat3 cat4 cat5 cat6 etc (to cat400)
Product id 1 0 1 1 0 0
Product id2 0 1 1 0 1 0
Product id3 1 0 1 1 0 0
What I want to be able to is to find the bestseller from the customers list, look up all of the matching categories for that product on the cat reference table, find all results with an exact match to those categories and list them by total company's sales value. Although it is very possible that with the amount of possible categories there will not be an exact mach so I would like then to get the closest match of that product.....
Does that make sense? Please let me know if any more info is needed to help - even just a pointer towards some kind of function or a snippet of code that will help me on my way would be appreciated, I just have no idea how to find a match for an entire rows values.... and even less of an idea of how to find a closest match if there are no exacts...
Interesting question. There's no match function to achieve what you want. Instead, you need to first figure out what kind of algorithm/logic you want to use in order to determine the closest books. This will require a lot of weighing. Here's how I'd do it (without VBA):
Let's use the following data as example:
Combine product info with overall sales info, to have a weight for each book:
Determine to the "average preference" of the customers basket in sheet1. In order to do so:
Add the category information for the 400 categories to each product in the basket:
Sum each category for all basket products (see row 6 above)
Determine the weigh (see row 7).
Apply this preference to all products to determine the overall fit:
Compare each product's categories with the preference:
Check that the product is not already in the basket:
Combine all three factor to determine each product's fit (by multiplying the factors) - and rank them using the RANK function:
Last but not least, retrieve the top X highest matches with a lookup:
Here's the sample file.
