How to print all the tasks in AnyGantt - gantt-chart

I am printing the AnyGantt chart using the print API, but all I can print is the part I am viewing, kind of a snapshot of the current screen.
Is there an option to somehow print all the items present in the gantt (at least vertically, something like scrolling down the chart and capturing all the items, event if they are not visible at the moment) in the visible time range?
Thank you.

This can be implemented with a few code tricks. The idea is to expand the chart's div container to show all existing rows in gantt chart, then print it, and finally collapse the container's div back. Unfortunately, there's no other solution for this now. The snippet below may not work in stackoverflow playground. I will leave a link to the same sample in AnyChart Playground which provides printing features.
anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {
// The data used in this sample can be obtained from the CDN
//'', function (data) {
var stage ="container");
// create data tree
var treeData =, 'as-table');
// create project gantt chart
var chart = anychart.ganttProject();
// set data for the chart;
// set start splitter position settings
// get chart data grid link to set column settings
var dataGrid = chart.dataGrid();
// set first column settings
.labels({hAlign: 'center'});
// set second column settings
// set third column settings
.title('Start Time')
.format(function () {
var date = new Date(this.actualStart);
var month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1;
var strMonth = (month > 9) ? month : '0' + month;
var utcDate = date.getUTCDate();
var strDate = (utcDate > 9) ? utcDate : '0' + utcDate;
return date.getUTCFullYear() + '.' + strMonth + '.' + strDate;
// set fourth column settings
.title('End Time')
.format(function () {
var date = new Date(this.actualEnd);
var month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1;
var strMonth = (month > 9) ? month : '0' + month;
var utcDate = date.getUTCDate();
var strDate = (utcDate > 9) ? utcDate : '0' + utcDate;
return date.getUTCFullYear() + '.' + strMonth + '.' + strDate;
// calculate height
var traverser = treeData.getTraverser();
var itemSum = 0;
var rowHeight = chart.defaultRowHeight();
while (traverser.advance()){
if (traverser.get('rowHeight')) {
itemSum += traverser.get('rowHeight');
} else {
itemSum += rowHeight;
if (chart.rowStroke().thickness != null) {
itemSum += chart.rowStroke().thickness;
} else {
itemSum += 1;
itemSum += chart.headerHeight();
//customize printing
var menu = chart.contextMenu();
menu.itemsFormatter(function(items) {
items['print-chart'].action = function() {
document.getElementById('container').style.height = String(itemSum) + 'px';
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('container').style.height = '100%';
return items;
chart.zoomTo(951350400000, 954201600000);
html, body, #container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container"></div>

We are glad to notify that we have created a JS module for printing large Gantt charts. You can get the link to the module and sample of using it in the comment below.
This module exports enableLargeGanttPrint({Object: chart}) function, which gets the chart instance and implements printing functionality. To print the chart executes right mouse click on the chart and choose 'print' option. This will call standard browser print for prepared Gantt chart.


Client script not triggering when using "Add Multiple" Button on Sales Order (SuiteScript 1.0)

I have a client script which is doing two things:
Calculate total weight of sales order on add of line
Copy tax code from custom field to native field
The script deploys correctly when adding lines in the UI from the sublist but when using the "add multiple" button and selecting and adding multiple lines at once, the script does not trigger. Here is the script as I have it written so far (I have 2 versions, one which is validateLine and one which is postSourcing).
Validate Line:
function calculateTotalWeight(type){
var lines = nlapiGetLineItemCount('item');
var totalWeight = 0 ;
for(var i=1; i< lines+1 ; i++){
var weight = nlapiGetLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_itemweight', i);
var quantity = nlapiGetLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', i);
var weightTimesQuantity = weight * quantity;
totalWeight = totalWeight + weightTimesQuantity ;
nlapiSetFieldValue('custbody_items_total_weight', totalWeight);
function validateLine(type){
var taxableCustomer = nlapiGetFieldValue('custbody_taxable');
if (taxableCustomer == 'T'){
var customTax = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue(type,'custcol_taxcode');
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Custom Tax Value',customTax);
return true;
function calculateTotalWeight(type){
var lines = nlapiGetLineItemCount('item');
var totalWeight = 0 ;
for(var i=1; i< lines+1 ; i++){
var weight = nlapiGetLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_itemweight', i);
var quantity = nlapiGetLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', i);
var weightTimesQuantity = weight * quantity;
totalWeight = totalWeight + weightTimesQuantity ;
nlapiSetFieldValue('custbody_items_total_weight', totalWeight);
function postSourcing(type, name)
if(type === 'item' && name === 'item')
var custcol_taxcode = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_taxcode');
var line = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemIndex(type);
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'taxcode', custcol_taxcode);
How can I get this script to trigger with the add multiple button?
You’ll need to calculate the weight on the recalc event. The following is from a script that works as a scriptable cart/checkout script. It can be deployed in an eCommerce context or the UI context. (i.e. a deployed client script as opposed to a client script attached to a form)
Note:You should set up your tax codes so that they are assigned automatically. It is possible to script those but it's a fair pain to do.
the field custbody_sco_toggle is a checkbox field that keeps the script out of an infinite loop if your recalc scripts might change the order total.
var scriptableCart = (function(){
var cartScript = {};
var isUI = ('userinterface' == nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext());
var isWeb = !isUI;
function tty(type, title, detail){
var haveWindow = typeof window != 'undefined';
if(isUI && haveWindow && window.console) window.console.log(title, detail);
else if(isWeb || !haveWindow) nlapiLogExecution(type, title, (detail || '') +' '+entranceId +' '+nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext()); // this slows down the NS GUI
function calculateTotalWeight(type){...}
cartScript.recalc = function(type){
tty("DEBUG", "entered "+ type +" with toggle: "+ nlapiGetFieldValue('custbody_sco_toggle'));
if('F' == nlapiGetFieldValue('custbody_sco_toggle')){
nlapiSetFieldValue('custbody_sco_toggle', 'T', false, true);
if(type == 'item'){
tty('ERROR', 'In recalc for '+ type, (e.message || e.toString()) + (e.getStackTrace ? (' \n \n' + e.getStackTrace().join(' \n')) : ''));
nlapiSetFieldValue('custbody_sco_toggle', 'F');
return cartScript;

Polymer add style dynamically

In a polymer control,'my-grid', I'm trying to add style via the below code:
var styleElement = document.createElement('style', 'custom-style');
styleElement.innerHTML = cssText;
Here, the cssText can be string like
flex-basis: var(--oc-col-id-0-flex-basis);
-webkit-flex-basis: var(--oc-col-id-0-flex-basis);
flex-basis: var(--oc-col-id-1-flex-basis);
-webkit-flex-basis: var(--oc-col-id-1-flex-basis);
Without this custom variables, I can append the styleElement by
But however, since there are custom variables, I'm not sure how to fix this issue.
After the element is attached, I can't change the --oc-col-id-0-flex-basis value via
this.customStyle['--oc-col-id-0-flex-basis'] = maxWidth + "px";
It looks that the style variables are not applied to the element.
I'm not sure if there is any way to dynamically add/modify the style of the element. I'm not sure if I'm on the right track.
This is what I do in the end to inject the style class dynamically. It solved my problem so far.
var style = this._styles[0];
var text = style.textContent;
var cssText = "";
for (var id of ids)
var classStyle = ".col-id-" + id;
var variableProperty = "--col-id-" + id + "-flex-basis";
if (text.indexOf(classStyle) == -1)
cssText += classStyle + "{ flex-basis: var(" + variableProperty + ", auto); -webkit-flex-basis: var(" + variableProperty + ", auto);} ";
if (this._ownStylePropertyNames.indexOf(variableProperty) == -1)
if (cssText.length > 0)
style.textContent += " " + cssText;
style.__cssRules = null; //trick for rulesForStyle method in Polymer.html

How do you write SharePoint 2010 conditional formatting for this?

I am using SPD 2010 and SharePoint Sever 2010.
Using conditional formatting I'm trying to format a list so that if today's date is greater than 30 days before the start date column a cell will turn red.
I've tried several XPath expressions from other Stackoverflow entries but nothing has worked. I'm wondering if I am even adding the XPath expression in the right place: In SPD I am selecting a date from the desired column, choosing "Conditional Formatting", selecting "Format Column", selecting "Advanced" and putting my expressions in the XPath expression textbox.
Appreciate your help!
I'm going to suggest a non-Xpath approach, but if you're looking to stick with Xpath you should take a look at the answers on this similar question.
After struggling with this problem myself, I've taken to using JavaScript for conditional formatting, since it can work with dates (including the current date), numbers, and strings, and it can manipulate HTML pretty easily.
A bit of client side code can automatically:
Detect whether a list of conditional formatting rules exists
Create the list if necessary
Provide an interface for creating new rules (which are stored as list items) that should apply to the current page
Loop through all the current page's rules and apply them to any list view web parts detected on the same page
The nicest part of this approach is that I can add the web part to a page and just let the business users configure the formatting to their liking; no need for me to be further involved whenever they want to change something.
I put the combined HTML/CSS/JavaScript in a text file that can be saved to a document library somewhere in my site collection. To then add the conditional formatting to page, I just add a content editor web part to the page and set its "content link" property to be the path to the text file.
The content editor web part then displays a gray "Conditional Formatting" button that the user can click to view and modify the formatting rules, as seen in the screen shot below.
Here's the conditional formatting code for SharePoint 2010 that I use in my text file:
<div id="_conditional_formatting_link" style="display:none; ">
<div unselectable="on" style="display:inline-block; user-select:none; cursor:pointer; padding: 3px; background-color:#9b9b9b; color:white; border:1px solid #888;" onclick="javascript:var rules = document.getElementById('_conditional_formatting'); if( == 'none'){ = 'inline-block'}else{ = 'none'}">
Conditional Formatting
<div id="_conditional_formatting" style="display:none;background-color:#dfdfdf; border: 1px solid black; width:95%; max-width:1100px;">
<a style="border:0px;padding:5px;float:right;" title="Reapply Formatting" href="javascript:getConditions(false);">
<img style="border:0px;" src="/_layouts/images/staticrefresh.gif"/>
<ol id="_conditional_formatting_rules"></ol>
<div style="text-align:right; ">
<div id="_add_conditional_formatting_rule" unselectable="on" onclick="javascript: Add_Conditional_Formatting();" style="user-select:none; cursor:pointer; padding: 3px; margin: 3px; display:inline-block; background-color:#9b9b9b; border:1px solid #888; color:white;">Add Rule</div>
this.cfl = this.cfl ? this.cfl : new Object(null);
var conditionalFormattingList = "Conditional Formatting";
function getConditions(reloadRules) {
/* if reloadRules, query the conditions list and get all the rules. Otherwise just reapply the ones in memory to the current document. */
if (typeof reloadRules == "undefined") { reloadRules = true; }
if (reloadRules) {
var conditionalFormattingRules = document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_rules");
while (conditionalFormattingRules.children.length > 0) { /* Clear out the currently displayed list of rules. */
this.cfl.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
this.cfl.user = cfl.clientContext.get_web().get_currentUser();
var list = cfl.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(conditionalFormattingList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
var folder = list.get_rootFolder();
camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'URL\' /><Value Type=\'Text\'>' + document.location.pathname + '</Value></Eq></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'Priority\' /><FieldRef Name=\'Name\' /></OrderBy></Query></View>');
this.cfl.items = list.getItems(camlQuery);
cfl.clientContext.load(list, 'EffectiveBasePermissions');
function () {
var Me = this.cfl.user.get_title();
if (reloadRules) {
var baseFormUrl = folder.get_serverRelativeUrl() + "/EditForm.aspx?ID=";
/* Figure out if the current user has access to create or edit items on the Conditional Formatting list */
var perms = list.get_effectiveBasePermissions();
this.cfl.hasEdit = perms.has(SP.PermissionKind.editListItems);
this.cfl.hasCreate = perms.has(SP.PermissionKind.addListItems);
/* Fill an array with our formatting rules */
this.cfl.targets = [];
var itemEnumerator = this.cfl.items.getEnumerator();
while (itemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var item = itemEnumerator.get_current();
var targ = new Object(null);
targ.column = item.get_item("Column");
targ.comparison = item.get_item("Comparison"); = item.get_item("Style");
targ.scope = item.get_item("Scope");
targ.type = item.get_item("Type");
targ.value = item.get_item("Value"); if (targ.value == null) { targ.value = ""; } = item.get_item("ID");
targ.offset = item.get_item("Offset");
if (!this.cfl.hasCreate) { document.getElementById("_add_conditional_formatting_rule").style.display = "none"; }
for (var targetIterator = 0, len = cfl.targets.length; targetIterator < len; targetIterator++) {
var currentTarget = cfl.targets[targetIterator];
if (reloadRules) {
var rulelist = document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_rules");
var ruletoadd = document.createElement("li");
var comparisondisplay = currentTarget.type.indexOf("Field") != -1 ? "value of the <b>" + currentTarget.value + "</b> column" : "<b>'" + currentTarget.value + "'</b>";
if (currentTarget.type == "Special" || currentTarget.type == "Number") {
if (currentTarget.value.toString().toLowerCase() == "[me]") { comparisondisplay = "<b>[Me](" + Me + ")</b>"; }
else { comparisondisplay = "<b>" + currentTarget.value + "</b>"; }
if (currentTarget.value == "") { comparisondisplay = "<b>(blank)</b>"; }
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
comparisondisplay += "<b>" + (currentTarget.offset < 0 ? " " : " +") + currentTarget.offset + "</b>"
var editLink = this.cfl.hasEdit ? "<div style='display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;' onclick='SP.UI.ModalDialog.commonModalDialogOpen(" + '"' + baseFormUrl + + '&Source=' + document.location.pathname + '"' + ",{},refreshPageConditions); '>" + "<img src='/_layouts/images/EDITITEM.GIF' style='vertical-align:middle;' title='Customize' alt='Customize'/>" + " </div>" : "";
ruletoadd.innerHTML = editLink + "When <b>" + currentTarget.column + "</b> "
+ currentTarget.comparison + " " + comparisondisplay
+ ", apply {" + ( == null ? "remove all formatting" : "<span style='" + + "'>" + + "</span>") + "} to the <b>" + currentTarget.scope + "</b>" + ((currentTarget.scope != "Cell" && currentTarget.scope != "Row") ? " column" : "");
var tables = document.querySelectorAll(""); /* Should get all the list view web parts on the page. */
var t_i = 0;
while (t_i < tables.length) {
var columnIndex = null; /* Index of the column to compare against */
var valueIndex = null; /* Index of a second column from which to pull the value to compare */
var styleTargetIndex = null; /* Index of a column to apply formatting to */
var thisTable = tables[t_i];
var headings = thisTable.rows[0].cells;
var h_i = 0;
while (h_i < headings.length) { /* Check all the column headings... */
var thisHeading = headings[h_i].querySelector("div:first-child");
if (thisHeading != null) {
/* In Internet Explorer, the headings have a DisplayName attribute you can grab. If that's not there, just grab the innerText or textContent */
var dispname = thisHeading.DisplayName ? thisHeading.DisplayName : (thisHeading.innerText ? thisHeading.innerText : thisHeading.textContent);
dispname = dispname.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');/* removes leading and trailing whitespace */
if (currentTarget.scope != "Cell" && currentTarget.scope != "Row") {
/*If the scope isn't Cell or Row, see if this is the cell to which the formatting should applied */
if (dispname == currentTarget.scope) { styleTargetIndex = h_i; }
if (currentTarget.type.indexOf("Field") != -1) {
/*If the value type is a Field, check to see if this is the field whose value we care about */
if (dispname == currentTarget.value.toString()) { valueIndex = h_i; }
if (dispname == currentTarget.column) { columnIndex = h_i; }
h_i += 1;
if (columnIndex != null) { /* If we found a matching heading, let's try to apply the rules... */
var rows = thisTable.rows;
for (var i = (rows.length > 0 ? 1 : 0) ; i < rows.length; i++) {
var cells = rows[i].children;
if (cells.length <= columnIndex) { continue }
var innerLink = cells[columnIndex].querySelector("a"); /* I want to specifically target links so that we can change their text color if necessary */
/* Populate valueToEval with the text value of the current cell, or its inner link if it has one */
var valueToEval = cells[columnIndex].innerText ? (innerLink != null ? innerLink.innerText : cells[columnIndex].innerText) : (innerLink != null ? innerLink.textContent : cells[columnIndex].textContent);
if (typeof (valueToEval) == "undefined") { valueToEval = "" } /* Treat empties as blanks */
var listValueToCompareAgainst = null;
if (valueIndex != null) { /* valueIndex only has a value if we need to grab the comparison value from another column on the list */
valueLink = cells[valueIndex].querySelector("a");
listValueToCompareAgainst = cells[valueIndex].innerText ? (valueLink != null ? valueLink.innerText : cells[valueIndex].innerText) : (valueLink != null ? valueLink.textContent : cells[valueIndex].textContent);
var needsStyling = false;
switch (currentTarget.type) {
case "Number":
if (!isNaN(Number(valueToEval))) {
valueToEval = +(valueToEval);
if (!isNaN(Number(currentTarget.value))) {
currentTarget.value = +(currentTarget.value);
case "Date":
valueToEval = new Date(valueToEval);
currentTarget.value = new Date(currentTarget.value);
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
currentTarget.value.setDate(currentTarget.value.getDate() + +(currentTarget.offset));
case "Text": /* Already covered, bro */ break;
case "Date Field":
valueToEval = new Date(valueToEval);
currentTarget.value = new Date(listValueToCompareAgainst);
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
currentTarget.value.setDate(currentTarget.value.getDate() + +(currentTarget.offset));
case "Text Field": currentTarget.value = listValueToCompareAgainst; break;
case "Number Field":
if (!isNaN(Number(listValueToCompareAgainst))) {
currentTarget.value = listValueToCompareAgainst;
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
currentTarget.value += Number(currentTarget.offset);
if (!isNaN(Number(valueToEval))) {
valueToEval = Number(valueToEval);
case "Special":
if (currentTarget.value.toLowerCase) {
if (currentTarget.value.toLowerCase() == "[me]") { currentTarget.value = Me }
else if (currentTarget.value.toLowerCase().indexOf("[today]") != -1) {
var dateDifference = Number(currentTarget.value.toLowerCase().replace("[today]", "").replace(" ", "").replace("+", ""));
currentTarget.value = new Date();
if (!isNaN(dateDifference)) { currentTarget.value.setDate(currentTarget.value.getDate() + dateDifference); }
if (currentTarget.offset != null) {
currentTarget.value.setDate(currentTarget.value.getDate() + Number(currentTarget.offset));
valueToEval = new Date(valueToEval);
} else { valueToEval = new Date(valueToEval); }
switch (currentTarget.comparison) {
case "Greater Than or Equal To": needsStyling = (valueToEval >= currentTarget.value); break;
case "Greater Than": needsStyling = (valueToEval > currentTarget.value); break;
case "Less Than or Equal To": needsStyling = (valueToEval <= currentTarget.value); break;
case "Less Than": needsStyling = (valueToEval < currentTarget.value); break;
case "Equal To": needsStyling = (valueToEval == currentTarget.value); break;
case "Not Equal To": needsStyling = (valueToEval != currentTarget.value); break;
case "Contains": needsStyling = (valueToEval.indexOf(currentTarget.value) != -1); break;
case "Does Not Contain": needsStyling = (valueToEval.indexOf(currentTarget.value) == -1); break;
if (needsStyling) {
var links;
if (currentTarget.scope != "Row") {
var targetIndex = (styleTargetIndex != null) ? styleTargetIndex : columnIndex;
links = cells[targetIndex].querySelectorAll("a");
} else {
for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
links = rows[i].querySelectorAll("a");
for (var j = 0; j < links.length; j++) {
if (links[j].title != "Open Menu") {
links[j].style.backgroundColor = "";
links[j].style.border = "0px";
t_i += 1;
document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_link").style.display = "inline-block";
function (sender, args) { /* There was an error accessing the list. Time to create it! */
var lci = new SP.ListCreationInformation();
var condition_list = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().add(lci);
var colTitle = condition_list.get_fields().getByTitle("Title");
colTitle.set_required(false); colTitle.set_hidden(true); colTitle.update();
var colColumn = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'The column to compare (must be visible on the page)\' DisplayName=\'Column\' Type=\'Text\'/>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colComparison = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'\' Type=\'Choice\' DisplayName=\'Comparison\' Format=\'Dropdown\' FillInChoice=\'FALSE\'><Default>Equal To</Default><CHOICES><CHOICE>Greater Than</CHOICE><CHOICE>Greater Than or Equal To</CHOICE><CHOICE>Equal To</CHOICE><CHOICE>Less Than or Equal To</CHOICE><CHOICE>Less Than</CHOICE><CHOICE>Not Equal To</CHOICE><CHOICE>Contains</CHOICE><CHOICE>Does Not Contain</CHOICE></CHOICES></Field>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colValue = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'The value or the name of a column to compare against\' DisplayName=\'Value\' Type=\'Text\'/>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colType = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'Indicate the type of value you are comparing against. Choose Special if using the [Me] or [Today] placeholders.\' Type=\'Choice\' DisplayName=\'Type\' Format=\'Dropdown\' FillInChoice=\'FALSE\'><Default>Text</Default><CHOICES><CHOICE>Date</CHOICE><CHOICE>Number</CHOICE><CHOICE>Text</CHOICE><CHOICE>Date Field</CHOICE><CHOICE>Number Field</CHOICE><CHOICE>Text Field</CHOICE><CHOICE>Special</CHOICE></CHOICES></Field>');
var colOffset = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'Optionally specify a number to offset the value by when comparing against a number or date.\' DisplayName=\'Offset\' Type=\'Number\' />', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colStyle = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field NumLines=\'4\' Description=\'The CSS to apply to when the condition is met. Leave blank to remove formatting. Example syntax: background-color:darkred; color:white; font-weight:bold;\' DisplayName=\'Style\' Type=\'Note\' />', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colScope = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'The scope to which the style should be applied. Choose Row, Cell, or specify a column name.\' Type=\'Choice\' DisplayName=\'Scope\' Format=\'Dropdown\' FillInChoice=\'TRUE\'><Default>Cell</Default><CHOICES><CHOICE>Cell</CHOICE><CHOICE>Row</CHOICE></CHOICES></Field>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colPriority = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'Priority determines which styles are applied in case of overlapping conditions. Higher numbers are applied later.\' DisplayName=\'Priority\' Type=\'Number\' />', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
var colUrl = condition_list.get_fields().addFieldAsXml('<Field Description=\'Page where this rule should be applied\' DisplayName=\'URL\' Type=\'Text\'/>', true, SP.AddFieldOptions.defaultValue);
Function.createDelegate(this, function () { getConditions(); }),
Function.createDelegate(this, function (sender, args) { document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting").innerHTML = ("An error occcurred while trying to apply conditional formatting to the list for you. Error details: " + args.get_message() + " " + args.get_stackTrace()); document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_link").style.display = "inline-block"; }));
/* This method is called when the Add Rule button is clicked. */
function Add_Conditional_Formatting() {
/* Create a new item with only the URL and Priority fields filled out */
var currUrl = document.location.pathname;
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
var itemCreateInfo = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation();
var newItem = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(conditionalFormattingList).addItem(itemCreateInfo);
newItem.set_item('URL', currUrl);
/* Give the new item a priority that will put it at the end of the list. This is kind of a hack since the highest priority is not necessarily the rulecount. */
newItem.set_item('Priority', document.getElementById("_conditional_formatting_rules").children.length + 1);
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, function () {
getConditions(); /* Reload to refresh the rules list after adding the item */
}), Function.createDelegate(this, function (sender, args) { alert(args.get_message()); }));
/* This method is called when the Edit Item dialog box is closed. It refreshes the page it the item was saved. */
function refreshPageConditions(result) { if (result != SP.UI.DialogResult.cancel) { window.location.replace(document.location.href) } }
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () {
/* If there are any collapsible sections on the page, keep checking to see whether formatting needs to be reapplied */
this.cfl.TableRowCount = 0;
if (document.querySelector("img[alt='expand']") != null) {
setInterval(function () {
var tempTableRowCount = document.querySelectorAll("tr").length;
if (tempTableRowCount != this.cfl.TableRowCount) {
/* Only reapply formatting if the count of table rows is different than it was previously */
this.cfl.TableRowCount = tempTableRowCount;
getConditions(false) /* Passing false reapplies loaded rules without re-querying the SharePoint list */
}, 1000)
}, "SP.JS");

Fabric.js: Issue with discard active group and object presented in the canvas.

Working on fabricjs here i am trying to discard active object and groups on click event of Calculate Price button.When i add some text or image into the canvas and if i select that object and press Calulate Price button(#chk-price) selected object is going centering off-screen.On calculate price button i am making a group of all object to calculate the price of design according to group height and width after calculate price i have deselect the all object or group in the canvas.
Site Link:- click here
Bellow is the code which i am using for discard the object
$('#chk-price').click(function(e) {
Bellow is the code which i am using to calculate price on same button click(#chk-price)
document.getElementById('chk-price').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
//function calculate_final_design_price()
var objs = canvas.getObjects().map(function(o) {
return o.set('active', true);
//alert("logo" + globl_id_logo + "text" + globl_Text_id + "svg" + globl_id );
var group = new fabric.Group(objs, {
originX: 'center',
originY: 'center',
//id: globl_Text_id
canvas.activeObject = null;
var grup_width=group.getWidth();
var grup_height=group.getHeight();
var txt_width=$('#input-value').val();
// alert(txt_width);
var width= txt_width*price_unit;
var inchweight=width; //1.042/100*width;
var get_left = function_getheight(grup_width,grup_height,txt_width);
var left= get_left*price_unit;
var inchieght=left;//1.042/100*left;
var total= inchieght * inchweight;
var x=total/144;
//Calculate price if text only
if(globl_Text_id>1 && globl_id==1){
var type="Text Only";
var sf="$40";
var ftotal = x * SF_A;
//Calculate price if svg image only
if(globl_Text_id==1 && globl_id>1){
var type="Svg Only";
var sf="$50";
var ftotal = x * SF;
//Calculate price if text + svg image
if(globl_Text_id>1 && globl_id>1){
var type="Both Text and Svg";
var sf="$60";
var ftotal = x * SF_TS;
//Calculate price if custom logo only
if(globl_Text_id==1 && globl_id==1 && globl_id_logo>1){
var type="Custom Logo";
var sf="$55";
var ftotal = x * SF_C;
//Calculate price if text + svg image + custom logo only
if(globl_Text_id>1 && globl_id>1 && globl_id_logo>1 ){
var type=" text ,svg image,custom logo";
var sf="$75";
var ftotal = x * SF_SCT;
//Calculate price if text + custom logo only
if(globl_Text_id>1 && globl_id_logo>1 && globl_id==1){
var type=" Text ,Custom Logo";
var sf="$65";
var ftotal = x * SF_TC;
//Calculate price if svg image + cutom logo only
if(globl_id>1 && globl_id_logo>1 && globl_Text_id==1 ){
var type=" Svg ,Custom Logo";
var sf="$70";
var ftotal = x * SF_SC;
//if(globl_Text_id==1 && globl_id==1 && globl_id_logo==1 ){
//alert("Can not calculate price with blank canvas");
alert("Final Product contains "+ type +" And Finale product total width "+ grup_width+" PX And Height "+ grup_height+" PX So Total square foot Height = "+inchieght + " Width = "+ txt_width+ "So Total price is : (HxW of area)/144 x S.F. price) = $"+ftotal) ;
// }
Not sure what's causing you problems, but your code answered what I was googling, so I'll take a shot.
You're using version 1.4.0 of fabric, so my guess is that this is a bug in fabric. I'm using similar code with 1.4.7 with no problems.
If you can't upgrade, try changing your Group object creation to:
var group = new fabric.Group(objs);
Fabric no longer uses center origin by default, so maybe this is confusing it when you discard the active group? Is it shifting by group.width / 2?
Here's my fabric 1.4.7 code that's working. I'm using it to scale an entire design on load.
var objs = canvas.getObjects()
, group = new fabric.Group(objs);
canvas._activeObject = null;
Also note: I override the origin defaults to put them back to center (and not top/left) with:
fabric.Object.prototype.originX = fabric.Object.prototype.originY = 'center';

Sharepoint drop down list doesn't display properly for more than 20 items with Internet Explorer

I had this problem on my three sharepoint sites and i manage to resolve this problem by modifying CSS code (cf on two of them.
I don't know why this doesn't work on my third one which has same updates, same CSS and same html code...
I tried several solutions such as adding indesign="true"(this can't be use because the lists got more than 75 columns). cf
The only solutions i found required javascript but i don't really want to use it...
If someone have another solution to propose, i would really appreciate.
Thanks to moontear i found something quite great.
I replace the beginning of the script by :
$(document).ready(function () {
// Main Function
function OverrideDropDownList(columnName) {
By this way, i just have to include the script and don't care about what columns got problems...
This script seems to be quite great to solve this problem...
Thank you moontear for your comment
The original script come from :
$(document).ready(function () {
// Main Function
function OverrideDropDownList(columnName) {
// Construct a drop down list object
var lookupDDL = new DropDownList(columnName);
// Do this only in complex mode...
if (lookupDDL.Type == "C") {
// Hide the text box and drop down arrow
lookupDDL.Obj.css('display', 'none');"img").css('display', 'none');
// Construct the simple drop down field with change trigger
var tempDDLName = "tempDDLName_" + columnName;
if (lookupDDL.Obj.parent().find("select[ID='" + tempDDLName + "']").length == 0) {
lookupDDL.Obj.parent().append("<select name='" + tempDDLName + "' id='" + tempDDLName + "' title='" + tempDDLName + "'></select>");
lookupDDL.Obj.parent().find("select[ID='" + tempDDLName + "']").bind("change", function () {
updateOriginalField(columnName, tempDDLName);
// Get all the options
var splittedChoices = lookupDDL.Obj.attr('choices').split("|");
// get selected value
var hiddenVal = $('input[name=' + lookupDDL.Obj.attr("optHid") + ']').val();
if (hiddenVal == "0") {
hiddenVal = lookupDDL.Obj.attr("value")
// Replacing the drop down object with the simple drop down list
lookupDDL = new DropDownList(tempDDLName);
// Populate the drop down list
for (var i = 0; i < splittedChoices.length; i++) {
var optionVal = splittedChoices[i];
var optionId = splittedChoices[i];
var selected = (optionId == hiddenVal) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
lookupDDL.Obj.append("<option" + selected + " value='" + optionId + "'>" + optionVal + "</option>");
// method to update the original and hidden field.
function updateOriginalField(child, temp) {
var childSelect = new DropDownList(child);
var tempSelect = new DropDownList(temp);
// Set the text box
childSelect.Obj.attr("value", tempSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").val());
// Get Hidden ID
var hiddenId = childSelect.Obj.attr("optHid");
// Update the hidden variable
$('input[name=' + hiddenId + ']').val(tempSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").val());
// just to construct a drop down box object. Idea token from SPServces
function DropDownList(colName) {
// Simple - when they are less than 20 items
if ((this.Obj = $("select[Title='" + colName + "']")).html() != null) {
this.Type = "S";
// Compound - when they are more than 20 items
} else if ((this.Obj = $("input[Title='" + colName + "']")).html() != null) {
this.Type = "C";
// Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on English and most other languages sites where the Title looks like 'Column Name possible values'
} else if ((this.Obj = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title^='" + colName + " ']")).html() != null) {
this.Type = "M";
// Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on a Russian site (and perhaps others) where the Title looks like '????????? ????????: Column Name'
} else if ((this.Obj = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title$=': " + colName + "']")).html() != null) {
this.Type = "M";
} else
this.Type = null;
} // End of function dropdownCtl
The code in the solution above is great, but it has two major shortcomings:
1) Doesn't play nicely with Required Field Validators
2) Doesn't play nicely with Cascading Dropdowns via SPServices.
I've fixed these two problems at work, and put my solution here:
