Corda webserver produces exception "User not authorized to perform RPC call nodeInfo with target" - rpc

I am trying to restrict a node to perform certain flow,
For Example, I have two flows FlowOne and FlowTwo.
For PartyA, I want to give permission for FlowOne,
For PartyB permission for FlowTwo.
Permission to the rpc calls should be there also.
Here is my rpcUsers configuration
PartyA: rpcUsers = [[ user: "user1", "password": "test", "permissions": ["","InvokeRpc.startFlow"]]]
PartyB: rpcUsers = [[ user: "user2", "password": "test", "permissions": ["","InvokeRpc.startFlow"]]]
I am not sure What I am missing in the permissions. Any suggestions are always welcome

At start-up, the Corda webserver makes an RPC call to retrieve the NodeInfo of the node it is connecting to. It needs to explicitly be given the permission to make this call.
You do this by giving the RPC user:
The InvokeRpc.nodeInfo permission (you give an RPC user the permission to perform a given RPC operation by adding a permission of the form InvokeRpc.[RPC method name])
The ALL permission (this gives the RPC user all permissions)
If you're starting the nodes via deployNodes, you add the permission as follows:
rpcUsers = [[user: "user1", "password": "test", "permissions": ["InvokeRpc.nodeInfo"]]]
rpcUsers = [[user: "user1", "password": "test", "permissions": ["ALL"]]]
If you're starting the nodes via the node driver (as seen here:, you add the permission as follows:
val user = User("user1", "test", permissions = setOf("InvokeRpc.nodeInfo"))
val user = User("user1", "test", permissions = setOf("ALL"))


API Integration across multiple accounts within same organization

I have had my API Integration promoted to my Production environment for a few weeks now and all is well but I ran into a new issue that I need help understanding. The process is setting up impersonation. The hierarchy of the organization is relatively simple:
My Integration was built under Company A and so far 100% of Company A accounts are able to be impersonated as expected. The issue came up when Company B was added to the Organization and one of the existing accounts was included in the list to be impersonated. The following message is what I am getting back from my API call.
I have Organization Admin permissions as well as Admin permissions on all of the Company Accounts too and this message appears even for me. My feeling is this is a simple administrative function to grant the User in Company A the permissions to access either a User in Company B or all of Company B. I am just not seeing where this gets setup. I hope anyone can point me in the right direction on this one.
=== 07/06/2022 - Adding additional details ===
/oauth/userinfo respose...
"sub": "xxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxx",
"name": "Greg Miller",
"given_name": "Greg",
"family_name": "Miller",
"created": "2017-11-10T18:26:23.583",
"email": "",
"accounts": [
"account_id": "xxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxx",
"is_default": true,
"account_name": "CompanyA",
"base_uri": "",
"organization": {
"organization_id": "xxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxx",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"account_id": "zzzzz-zz-zz-zz-zzzzz",
"is_default": false,
"account_name": "CompanyB",
"base_uri": "",
"organization": {
"organization_id": "zzzzz-zz-zz-zz-zzzzz",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
Additional Info Added 07/07/22
Both Company A and Company B base_uri designation is the same ""
This is the /oauth/userinfo data returned using the JWT created for the Company B user account I am trying to impersonate.
"sub": "xxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxx",
"name": "Company B",
"given_name": "CompanyB",
"family_name": "XYZ TEAM",
"created": "2021-03-31T18:20:05.23",
"email": "",
"accounts": [
"account_id": "xxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxx",
"is_default": true,
"account_name": "Compan B",
"base_uri": "",
"organization": {
"organization_id": "xxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxx",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
The steps I take are basically the same as you outline:
Generate JWT Access Token
I am manually storing the required userinfo data userID(sub) and base_uri in a local db table.
I am using CURL to make my API calls " $base_uri.'/restapi/v2.1/accounts/'.$AccountID.'/views/console'"
You have two choices for accessing data in Company B (Account B):
Add the user in Company A (Account A) to also be a user in Account B. (Users can have memberships in more than one account.)
To access the data in Account B (Company B), impersonate a (different) user who is in account B. This is done via the eSign Admin app or via the Org Admin app.
By design, a user who is not in Account B cannot access any data in Account B. (This is the error message you're receiving.)
Note: you do not need to make any changes to your app's integration key (client ID)--all client IDs in production can be used with any user, with any account the user has access to.
To see which accounts the current user has access to, use the /oauth/userinfo API method.
When you get the message User does not have a valid membership in this account check:
What account is the request using? (What is the URL of the request?)
Was the request sent to the right base url for the account?
What result does the current access token provide when calling the /oauth/userinfo API method.
Your test API calls should be:
Get an access token
Call /oauth/userinfo
Call the eSign API (eg list envelopes or somesuch) for each of the accounts listed in /oauth/userinfo

Is it possible for someone log into MongoDB without the correct password if authentication is enabled?

I recently setup my first MongoDB database in an production environment. I looked up some guides for deployment and followed them.
I had the following in my config:
# Where and how to store data.
dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb
enabled: true
# engine:
# mmapv1:
# wiredTiger:
# where to write logging data.
destination: file
logAppend: true
path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
# network interfaces
port: 27017
# how the process runs
timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
authorization: "enabled"
And I created an admin user (the only user) that looks like this:
"_id" : "admin.admin",
"userId" : UUID("6dfe010f-1e62-4801-9c07-5a408b8c75c6"),
"user" : "admin",
"db" : "admin",
"credentials" : {
[omitted, but contains SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 hashes]
"roles" : [
"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
"db" : "admin"
"role" : "readWriteAnyDatabase",
"db" : "admin"
"role" : "dbAdminAnyDatabase",
"db" : "admin"
I also switched the outward facing port for the database (through nginx) to a nearby port that wasn't the default.
With all of that, I still got hacked and I was greeted with this when I got onto nosqlbooster.
Fortunately for me, I wasn't storing any sensitive information (just an aggregation of data pulled from a variety of other services) and all of the data can easily be regenerated. However, I'd rather not have this type of thing happen again.
I did some digging in the logs and found the moment they connected:
"t": {
"$date": "2021-02-04T22:10:38.614+00:00"
"s": "I",
"c": "ACCESS",
"id": 20250,
"ctx": "conn75191",
"msg": "Successful authentication",
"attr": {
"mechanism": "SCRAM-SHA-256",
"principalName": "admin",
"authenticationDatabase": "admin",
"client": ""
"t": {
"$date": "2021-02-04T22:11:21.521+00:00"
"s": "I",
"c": "NETWORK",
"id": 51800,
"ctx": "conn75192",
"msg": "client metadata",
"attr": {
"remote": "",
"client": "conn75192",
"doc": {
"driver": {
"name": "PyMongo",
"version": "3.11.2"
"os": {
"type": "Linux",
"name": "Linux",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"version": "5.8.0-41-generic"
"platform": "CPython"
Shortly after that login, I can see them drop my database and insert the note. Funny enough, it looks like they never saved the data, so the whole thing is obviously a scam. I also checked the auth.log for the server to ensure that nobody logged into the server itself, so I'm pretty sure they haven't tampered with the filesystem unless they did some magic through nginx.
I did some testing with authentication off and found that you can have an "authenticated" connection with the incorrect password if authentication is off. At this point, my question is: Are there any ways to get in without knowing the password if my config is set as specified above and my mongo server has been restarted since the last configuration change? Or is the only possibility that they have my password? I'm completely stumped. Around a week before the attack, I tried logging in with incorrect passwords to ensure that authorization was enabled correctly. I got denied as expected.
In case it's relevant, here's the rule for my MongoDB port in Nginx:
stream {
server {
listen 27018;
proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
proxy_timeout 3s;
proxy_pass stream_mongo_backend;
upstream stream_mongo_backend {
Yes, when authentication is enabled you can connect to the Mongo database without any credentials. However, apart from harmless commands like, db.getMongo(), db.listCommands(), db.version(), etc. you can't execute anything.
Obviously the hacker connected from localhost with valid credentials, so it looks like he got access to your machine. Maybe he read your application python script which has the password.
NB, you write only the admin user was created. You should use the admin account only for administrative task and keep the password private. The application should not run under such admin account, it should use a dedicated account having only the permissions which are required to run the application.

How to assign roles to the users in Azure Active Directory

I am creating a login module for a web portal. For this I have created a create user api which creates the user in Azure Active Directory. Below is how I am doing this (in Python) using the Graph API:
user_data = {
"accountEnabled": True,
"displayName": "john",
"mailNickname": "john",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"passwordProfile": {
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": False,
"password": <password>
jdata = json.dumps(user_data)
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('')
conn.request("POST", "/v1.0/users", jdata, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
This creates the user in active directory and I am also able to login fine. To login, I am using Python's adal library:
context = adal.AuthenticationContext(config_data['AUTHORITY_HOST_URL'] + '/' + config_data['TENANT'], validate_authority = config_data["TENANT"] != 'adfs')
email = email_name + "#" + config_data['TenantName']
token = context.acquire_token_with_username_password(config_data['RESOURCE'], email, raw_data['password'], config_data['RIPE_CONNECT_CLIENT_ID'])
I also need to assign roles to the user I am creating. For ex, I have education portal where when account is created, user also selects if he/she is student, teacher, parent. Based on this, I need to assign these roles to the user so that whenever user logs in, portal knows that this user is student so it will show all the relevant information and will not show other data which is not relevant to student. When a teacher will log in, it will show all the data.
How can I apply role based control system to users in azure active directory. I have gone through some of the documentation which Microsoft has provided on it but it looks like RBAC is only for the user to restrict their usage of any virtual machine/web service on Azure itself.
How can I use RBAC in my scenario. Is there any API available which I can use to further assign roles to users. What are the other alternatives for this.
Can anyone please give me some good suggestions? Please help. Thanks
Below is the response I get in token when authenticating users using adal library:
'tokenType': 'Bearer',
'expiresIn': 3599,
'expiresOn': '2020-10-26 13:19:56.881597',
'resource': '',
'accessToken': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6IjU0aG03Z1psNmdqZVNmT1lCcF9jeVliTWtobklKVmdlV1Q2dHF2SnR3cTgiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6ImtnMkxZczJUMENUaklmajRydDZKSXluZW4zOCIsImtpZCI6ImtnMkxZczJUMENUaklmajRydDZKSXluZW4zOCJ9.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.qk3t_nZ0q_koA4D1QZNeBm7DLbuYxiCMNn8TC85dyQz1eY1uIZ1jhj7248z0m4CvELtp27KR8-jssiCzkW1RdUgxShscV6jRbmMPcpbR5YZ5iNZOyQxQHDSAafM0s_mJjQAA8JTwxc4yAhcKOU2R5PcVX6zbeCi28weQDs9q6vke7fCN7UPX6MKQNELBopJnQaXrvc5J9UAhvA1-_FfONnjb3zxRqb55hQuAiKpn2pRzyfD_fHViuPD2UauTZ0-1rwLRPtuMWdPl2aZNGrftfgTCeN6kxUlvunta06cdtyN6XnILCCv7mlYecPPwZi4vd5SC0hIYNIaEgciBa1pwYg',
'refreshToken': '0.ASwAH0GQvLV2s0qvyhPREnfkS4JkG8CNKDNFjJinxegGfMgsAHE.AgABAAAAAAB2UyzwtQEKR7-rWbgdcBZIAQDs_wIA9P-wwH63zoGppq4f4Mz_zC7KfHZm8AYjxC3scz2h4HGhhHlmMNHFwj3IxE-EjTu0fgnzW-0YsRe4ELoB-3kD87Ok7NuF91NlLw2jnsVmfBu3WAbpqPDe_dGbJN6jKORHaXnSZFa32CvXht2wfj-VByzqXCBOIA3N6h61zptbSXvw4kRcobMAnftSgrzmIMwvVZIduEfnzkuSphwla_V0UxQhnAioVQUlJP90-5WRoVjLNqrmLQnaTUrY4ppeKL_u12HJZje1T2TmTHqTIfrGOZz_tvEDGsU06D2AbjTrVCfJget6D4UgKtUuo9L_dGS9PFO6OSMHSzAu32tXrB0pgxz9okm-so1ptpcSh1jtbrZATmYG4olBcEmKD_-meVrgQ7r_XH8GseBPXSSw_Bqvr55GDUbm0qGjDc3qUjHnBAeVZOPJVTKaTOK93UoUtv15DXB23UN-8xQjQ6ynjIUfC_mIJVr4m1K_sDjVAqvsvOX_gM0Zc0OwsUvB3-W_fIbr0CO1Rd38s2XfDOwkuqi8GCab6Jao5DC9rMDxekJmrc1efQvexdnijjGoTm__IGFZF2IUR_ARdJxt6UlPVrIpvAJROO5T7YIEpeR-fo6euq6txYDjiw4ImZCZ5E717lbRQsqiqLshV2TZNmf0rqRPesraBqBi8LfvEei7AdYMor5uMZpcnYPx2xKMnEnCrZBj1PkMc-quDhIoWyRNontHmTa2YbrFWGZBf61g2Y6J_P_5qySljS3JZted2A_jVd45ue2aBzcQVjxuXnKn0EEeoeq_dmxEylWxwoZYL_2hBnlNzgGD5gVXf24uL_RJvuIHat68UOSCt6hf4IwVVLGvNobhqPJO5v5YNvHdmP5P1n0KkEQJLzoyZuY',
'oid': '1bc79085-2a1f-4fad-8da8-647f4b4b2927',
'tenantId': 'bc90411f-76b5-4ab3-afca-13d11277e44b',
'userId': '',
'isUserIdDisplayable': True,
'isMRRT': True,
'_clientId': 'c01b6482-288d-4533-8c98-a7c5e8067cc8',
'_authority': ''
Response when using client id as resource:
'tokenType': 'Bearer',
'expiresIn': 3599,
'expiresOn': '2020-10-26 13:30:30.990330',
'resource': 'c01b6482-288d-4533-8c98-a7c5e8067cc8',
'accessToken': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6ImtnMkxZczJUMENUaklmajRydDZKSXluZW4zOCIsImtpZCI6ImtnMkxZczJUMENUaklmajRydDZKSXluZW4zOCJ9.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.BkjC5-glOieUjsx3QoRs0LuWUbKlX__G9EIDHL3Uxmc1NnTFsAPgi1NdtZuimiP9r6Th976XaHzub_Z6cq_yzRVzQNEon41GGI_mrc3ejjCJnRjgxSTOhQlqiW99E58x6PATPzB2rjwpNj_BOkkAR8qWul-nUxYf071h0RLNqftUigLL85LpkLFSWgBmqp1o7m84Y5lmxPNBsMYoNw7z94lDlR79j-SjwbxhvFO-zaR2qXMw4U2yWHmjxhYx-VJ1goC_esgasutI5PUCndYewzH9pnG9uNTwDFaLpJS_FudQrPSKvr2mVFGqwpuEIfmbybj-Vd2ETPCIu8kZ-b__3g',
'refreshToken': '0.ASwAH0GQvLV2s0qvyhPREnfkS4JkG8CNKDNFjJinxegGfMgsAHE.AgABAAAAAAB2UyzwtQEKR7-rWbgdcBZIAQDs_wIA9P8SUM1Gw4jhn-3gCk4lIUZOSxhqfoeqN6nY7DXdcjtUqsWRbzeB09CdUPwJqkwr42WqsFgQhxRc3NMxt_ZSwut2ZvrapmKCTjXzp3mXzzk3PQulqUQCa0eIgtNhrmjQoQ57L-TkprJnzIrTh2mYQMWDsSJB82jva-5EPi0dmuqvwfmBuWAjJqh1RinAmBZOtl4B5GUqTDvblJMINqV6nNJRESGU51alKLyailCumYDzWlN-ljEdY3O6Y53EwvQBfLbKIckCChXs__Tn0q4UDfmiJpVPdG1K452Jm2IhgCYsp8Uy-pPd2l1ZNObH9Vr5cadkSoAJP9v4I4g7BGokV9J9GiysR7mENhxh_oe3Yao7Mhosmid7Nveplv3BkZxbmilWp_1-11tUrGWEIjz6O1j0i9_0o6UW54SYA5Wj4hFXQ6yQX0x2QBTj7xGJBzsiJ4F3gxuZ_wCZUqyqwkxvqAg8SkK1QUpPQpOlMrfoE-db5jJ4sL1WcQ71ZSD3cfJgLRtajCPIJsutQ-It8FE6rG9Qj8k_srKB6oSKQL62J_X7bUVGLdZRjDVNhWaowam_oz4oNm7z1YELAepOJvpV__PEETAFxpl_zl2WnizKAYsSDMg8U1NZJ11Ihvyh3B_yYUKjPA46iqcWgp0WeUc93L-ZYgIdFy3j1Ie3N7p-hYXCxSdMs0UUnQUcUwgbXnwCfPEwcDdQH0WqwKBAILRml0rR-PAcSY6hUV5g51mQ3mHpfGvTtkIbDEMj2LmwGR872-JOB4gxGn4wv48AuxOrtu-GydcwucY_ev9bKs72XdwXC0vi2KGoVqv5ElJdAqjquf2doxaegCAwFe4APYeQ-AdkyR30CpuJedmp5YBESNTNB4yljreHErk9UXKkCYcCQnk',
'oid': '1bc79085-2a1f-4fad-8da8-647f4b4b2927',
'tenantId': 'bc90411f-76b5-4ab3-afca-13d11277e44b',
'userId': '',
'isUserIdDisplayable': True,
'isMRRT': True,
'_clientId': 'c01b6482-288d-4533-8c98-a7c5e8067cc8',
'_authority': ''
I think what you are looking for is app roles and appRoleAssignments:
You can define user roles in your app registration manifest, and then assign them through API calls to the endpoint linked above, or through the Azure AD management UI (Enterprise applications -> your app -> Users and groups).
Documentation for app roles:
Example defined role from the above docs:
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"displayName": "Writer",
"id": "d1c2ade8-98f8-45fd-aa4a-6d06b947c66f",
"isEnabled": true,
"description": "Writers Have the ability to create tasks.",
"value": "Writer"

Unable to get permissions to work properly

I'm messing around with permissions and am unable to figure out what's going on. I created a custom chat type, gallery, with permissions that look like this:
"action": "Deny",
"name": "No access",
"resources": [
"roles": [
"owner": false,
"priority": 999
So basically, nobody can do anything.
Now, to test this, I create a gallery channel with a user:
const client = new StreamChat(<STREAM_KEY>);
const token = <TOKEN>
id: 'user1',
name: 'User 1',
const channel ='gallery', 'example', {
name: 'Example',
Using the React UI kit, user1 (or any user) should NOT be able to view the channel given the permissions, right? And yet the channel loads and I can type messages normally. What am I doing wrong? I don't think being an owner or not matters, as I've tested this with two different users.
Thanks #ferhatelmas for the heads up. Though my app was in production mode, I noticed a toggle that was ON that disabled permissions. I toggled it off and I think everything seems to be OK.

How to use same value for AppRoles and oauth2Permissions with different Description and Display name?

My Azure AD application expose scope Roles.ReadWrite.All(Delegated permission). Now I want to use machine to machine communication, So I need to expose Application Permission. From the official documentation How to: Add app roles in your application and receive them in the token, I have created a AppRoles. Now I can give another application Application permission to the application.
But the issue is, I want to use the same value for Application Permission and Delegated Permission, As Microsoft is already doing this with their Microsoft Graph application's AccessReview.Read.All permission. But when I want to create appRoles, it shows an error -
Failed to update Backend API application. Error detail: It contains duplicate value. Please Provide unique value. []
I can only create same permission value if I keep the id, description and display name same for both appRoles and oauth2Permissions. But Microsoft Graph is using two different ID but the same value!
"requiredResourceAccess": [
"resourceAppId": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
"resourceAccess": [
"id": "ebfcd32b-babb-40f4-a14b-42706e83bd28", // AccessReview.Read.All
"type": "Scope"
"id": "d07a8cc0-3d51-4b77-b3b0-32704d1f69fa", // AccessReview.Read.All
"type": "Role"
"resourceAppId": "96954c3d-fbb4-4899-be79-582b810acb7b",
"resourceAccess": [
"id": "fbeb72c6-dfcb-45b6-b83a-db2929314e70",
"type": "Scope"
"id": "42b90870-bbe2-46c6-a221-4f8981c559ae", // Roles.ReadWrite.All
"type": "Scope"
"id": "42b90870-bbe2-46c6-a221-4f8981c559ae", // Roles.ReadWrite.All
"type": "Role"
As it is shown in the above Manifest snippet, Graph API's AccessReview.Read.All has two different id for Delegated and Application permission, Where my Roles.ReadWrite.All has same ID as a result same Display Name and Description
I'm afraid that what you need is not supported currently.
As you have tested, if we use the same value for "AppRoles" and "OAuth2Permission", it will show this error: It contains duplicate value. Please Provide unique value.
When we set the same ID for "AppRoles" and "OAuth2Permission", we will be required to set the same value for (description, adminConsentDescription),(displayName, adminConsentDisplayName),(isEnabled, isEnabled),(origin, origin),(value, value).
In this case, we can say that we get the same object for "AppRoles" and "OAuth2Permission". But it will not affect your use. The access token can return the correct Delegated permission or Application permission.
