Cypress test: is .contains() equivalent to should('contain')? - e2e-testing

Is this: cy.get('[name=planSelect]').contains(dummyPlan)
equivalent to this: cy.get('[name=planSelect]').should('contain', dummyPlan)
And if so, which is preferred? The first is more of an implicit assertion, but it's shorter and cleaner to my mind.
Follow-up question: After looking around to see how best to select elements for e2e testing I found that the Cypress docs recommend using data-cy attributes. Is there a reason this would be better than just adding name attributes to the markup? Should name only be used for forms fields?

The result on your cypress test will be the same if the element with name=planSelect does not contain dummyPlan, that is, the test will fail at this point.
The difference between them is that in the first form, using contains(), you're actually trying to select an element, and the result of cy.get(...).contains() will yield this expected DOM element, allowing for further chaining of methods, like:
In the second form you are making an explicit assertion to verify that dummyPlan exists within the other element, using the Chai chainer contain.
It is a subtle difference and the result is the same, but I would recommend you to use cy.get('[name=planSelect]').contains(dummyPlan) only in case you would like to chain some other method after contains, and use the second form if you want to explicitly assert that this element exists. Logically speaking, the first would represent a generic test failure (cypress tried to find an element that wasn't there) and the second represents an explicit assertion failure (element should contain dummyPlan but it does not).
As for your second question, name is a valid HTML attribute and using it for your tests can lead to confusion if the attribute is being used in its original function (to name input fields) or if the attribute is there just for testing purposes. I would recommend you to use cy-name as the documentation suggests because this way you avoid this ambiguity and make it clear that this attribute cy-name is only there for testing purposes.
Furhtermore, on some situations you might decide to strip all cy-name from your code before sending it to production (during the build process, using some webpack plugin, like string-replace-loader). You would not be able to do the same if using just name because you would also remove the required input name, if there was some inputs in your code.

.contains(selector, content) is the best selector; it retries
element selection AND allows text matching (not just <tag>
.class #id [attributes])
.should() is just an assertion and only the assertion is retried
(not the element selection)
.should('exist') is implied unless you specify your own -- this is how they allowed .should('not.exist')
Browsers support XPath 1.0 which is a pretty cool but obscure way to make complex queries based on DOM tree traversal. There's a contains predicate function:
//*[ contains(normalize-space(.), 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.') ]
[not(.//*[contains(normalize-space(.), 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.') ])]
This searches from root of the document for any node that contains the text and doesn't contain a descendant node which contains the text.
You can test it in the console with the Chrome $x() shortcut or this polyfill (and helper):
getLowestDomNodesByText("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.")
function getLowestDomNodesByText (text) {
return x(`//*[contains(normalize-space(.), '${text}')][not(.//*[contains(normalize-space(.), '${text}') ])]`);
function x (expression) {
const results = new XPathEvaluator().evaluate(expression, document);
const nodes = [];
let node = null;
while (node = results.iterateNext()) {
return nodes;
If you need even more performance, you can use a TreeWalker with NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT as seen in this chrome extension I've worked on for a long time

I recommend to use contains after get then verify existence with should.
cy.get('[name=planSelect]').contains(dummyPlan, {matchCase: false}).should('exist')


Difference between toBeInTheDocument() and toBeDefined()

What is the difference between toBeInTheDocument() and toBeDefined() when testing with Jest and React Testing Library? When should they be used?
The #testing-library/jest-dom library provides a set of custom jest matchers that you can use to extend jest. These will make your tests more declarative, clear to read and to maintain.
It solve the below problem:
You want to use jest to write tests that assert various things about the state of a DOM. As part of that goal, you want to avoid all the repetitive patterns that arise in doing so. Checking for an element's attributes, its text content, its css classes, you name it.
From the source code of toBeInTheDocument(), it uses several DOM APIs such as Node.getRootNode() and Node.cloneNode(). You don't need to check if the element is present in the document on your own. This is very convenient and readable.
toBeDefined has nothing to do with DOM API, it's a basic matcher uses const pass = received !== void 0; to check if the value is defined or not.

TagHelper ; how to modify dynamically added children

The asp-items Razor "TagHelper" will add an <option> to a <select> for each value in the SelectList. I want to modify each of those children.
Specifically I want to disable some of them (i.e. add disabled="disabled").
Even more specifically I want to dynamically disable some of them; I'm using angular so I could ng-disabled="{dynamic_boolean_which_determines_disabled}". This means the option could be disabled at first, but after user makes a change, the option could be disabled (without page reload). Angular should take care of this; I think Angular and TagHelpers should work together in theory...
I expected:
I could somehow access an IEnumerable of the children <option> tags that would be created (i.e. one for each item in the SelectList), iterate the children tags, and SetAttribute("disabled") or SetAttribute("ng-disabled")...
I tried:
Creating my own TagHelper which targets the select[asp-items], and tries to GetChildContentAsync() and/or SetContent to reach an IEnumerable <option> tags and iterate them and process each, but I think this will only let me modify the entire InnerHtml as a string; feels hacky to do a String.replace, but I could do it if that's my only option? i.e. ChildrenContent.Replace("<option", "<option disabled=\"...\"")
Creating my own TagHelper which targets the option elements that are children of the select[asp-items], so I can individually process each. This works, but not on the dynamically-added <option> created by asp-items, it only works on "literal" <option> tags that I actually put into my cshtml markup.
I think this'll work but not ideal:
As I said above, I think I can get the result of TagHelper's dynamic asp-items <option></option> <option></option>, as a string, and do a string replace, but I prefer not to work with strings directly...
I suspect (I haven't tried it) that I could just do the work of asp-items myself; i.e. custom-items. But then I'm recreating the wheel by re-doing the work which asp-items could've done for me?
So I hadn't yet read the "AutoLinkHttpTagHelper" in the example which uses string replacement (specifically RegEx replace) to replace every occurrence of a URL, with an <a> pointed at that URL. The cases are slightly different*, but...
Anyway, here's my solution once I learned to stop worrying and love the string modification:
[HtmlTargetElement("select", Attributes = "asp-items")]
public class AspItemsNgDisabledTagHelper : SelectTagHelper
//Need it to process *after* the SelectTagHelper
public override int Order { get; } = int.MaxValue;
public AspItemsNgDisabledTagHelper(IHtmlGenerator gen) : base(gen) {}
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
//Notice I'm getting the PostContent;
//SelectTagHelper leaves its literal content (i.e. in your CSHTML, if there is any) alone ; that's Content
//it only **appends** new options specified; that's PostContent
//Makes sense, but I still wasn't expecting it
var generated_options = output.PostContent.GetContent();
//Note you do NOT need to extend SelectTagHelper as I've done here
//I only did it to take advantage of the asp-for property, to get its Name, so I could pass that to the angular function
var select_for = this.For.Name;
//The heart of the processing is a Regex.Replace, just like
//their example
var ng_disabled_generated_options = Regex.Replace(
"<option value=\"(\\w+)\">",
$"<option value=\"$1\" ng-disabled=\"is_disabled('{select_for}', '$1')\">");
//Finally, you Set your modified Content
Few learning opportunities:
Was thinking I'd find AspForTagHelper and AspItemsTagHelper, (angular background suggested that the corresponding attributes; asp-for and asp-items, would be separate "directives" aka TagHelper).
In fact, TagHelper "matching" focuses on the element name (unlike angular which can match element name... attribute... class... CSS selector)
Therefore I found what I was looking for in SelectTagHelper, which has For and Items as properties. Makes sense.
As I said above, I extend SelectTagHelper, but that's not necessary to answer my original question. It's only necessary if you want access to the this.For.Name as I've done, but there may even be a way around that (i.e. re-bind its own For property here?)
I got on a distraction thinking I would need to override the SelectTagHelper's behavior to achieve my goals; i.e. Object-Oriented Thinking. In fact, even if I did extend SelectTagHelper, that doesn't stop a separate instance of the base SelectTagHelper from matching and processing the element. In other words, element processing happens in a pipeline.
This explains why extending and calling base.Process(), will result in Select doing its job twice; once when your instance matches, and again when the base instance matched.
(I suppose could've prevented SelectTagHelper from matching by creating a new element name like <asp-items-select>? But, not necessary... I just avoid calling base.Process(). So unless that's a bad practice...)
*Different in this way:
They want to create a tag where none exists, whereas I want to add an attribute a tag which is already there; i.e. the <option>
Though the <option> "tag" is generated by the SelectTagHelper in its PostContent (was expecting to find it in Content), and I don't think tags-generated-in-strings-by-content-mods can be matched with their corresponding TagHelper -- so maybe we really are the same in that we're just dealing with plain old strings
Their "data" aka "model" is implied in the text itself; they find a URL and that URL string becomes a unit of meaning they use. In my case, there is an explicit class for Modeling; the SelectList (<select>) which consists of some SelectListItem (<option>) -- but that class doesn't help me either.
That class only gives me attributes like public bool Disabled (remember, this isn't sufficient for me because the value of disabled could change to true or false within browser; i.e. client-side only), and public SelectListGroup Group -- certainly nothing as nonstandard as ng-disabled, nor a "catch-all" property like Attributes which could let me put arbitrary attributes (ng-disabled or anything else) in there.

what does getType do in antlr4?

This question is with reference to the Cymbol code from the book (~ page 143) :
int t = ctx.type().start.getType(); // in DefPhase.enterFunctionDecl()
Symbol.Type type = CheckSymbols.getType(t);
What does each component return: "ctx.type()", "start", "getType()" ? The book does not contain any explanation about these names.
I can "kind of" understand that "ctx.type()" refers to the "type" rule, and "getType()" returns the number associated with it. But what exactly does the "start" do?
Also, to generalize this question: what is the mechanism to get the value/structure returned by a rule - especially in the context of usage in a listener?
I can see that for an ID, it is:
String name = ctx.ID().getText();
And as in above, for an enumeration of keywords it is via "start.getType()". Any other special kinds of access that I should be aware of?
Lets disassemble problem step by step. Obviously, ctx is instance of CymbolParser.FunctionDeclContext. On page 98-99 you can see how grammar and ParseTree are implemented (at least the feeling - for real implementation please see th .g4 file).
Take a look at the figure of AST on page 99 - you can see that node FunctionDeclContext has a several children, one labeled type. Intuitively you see that it somehow correspond with function return-type. This is the node you retrieve when calling CymbolParser.FunctionDeclContext::type. The return type is probably sth like TypeContext.
Note that methods without 'get' at the beginning are usually children-getters - e.g. you can access the block by calling CymbolParser.FunctionDeclContext::block.
So you got the type context of the method you got passed. You can call either begin or end on any context to get first of last Token defining the context. Simply start gets you "the first word". In this case, the first Token is of course the function return-type itsef, e.g. int.
And the last call - Token::getType returns integral representation of Token.
You can find more information at API reference webpages - Context, Token. But the best way of understanding the behavior is reading through the generated ANTLR classes such as <GrammarName>Parser etc. And to be complete, I attach a link to the book.

Ignore certain TypeScript compile errors?

I am wondering if there is a way to ignore certain TypeScript errors upon compilation?
I basically have the same issues most people with large projects have around using the this keyword, and I don't want to put all my classes methods into the constructor.
So I have got an example like so:
TypeScript Example
Which seems to create perfectly valid JS and allows me to get around the this keyword issue, however as you can see in the example the typescript compiler tells me that I cannot compile that code as the keyword this is not valid within that scope. However I don't see why it is an error as it produces okay code.
So is there a way to tell it to ignore certain errors? I am sure given time there will be a nice way to manage the this keyword, but currently I find it pretty dire.
== Edit ==
(Do not read unless you care about context of this question and partial rant)
Just to add some context to all this to show that I'm not just some nut-job (I am sure a lot of you will still think I am) and that I have some good reasons why I want to be able to allow these errors to go through.
Here are some previous questions I have made which highlight some major problems (imo) with TypeScript current this implementation.
Using lawnchair with Typescript
Issue with child scoping of this in Typescript (And some comments I make down the bottom)
The underlying problem I have is that I need to guarantee that all logic is within a consistent scope, I need to be able to access things within knockout, jQuery etc and the local instance of a class. I used to do this with the var self = this; within the class declaration in JavaScript and worked great. As mentioned in some of these previous questions I cannot do that now, so the only way I can guarantee the scope is to use lambda methods, and the only way I can define one of these as a method within a class is within the constructor, and this part is HEAVILY down to personal preference, but I find it horrific that people seem to think that using that syntax is classed as a recommended pattern and not just a work around.
I know TypeScript is in alpha phase and a lot will change, and I HOPE so much that we get some nicer way to deal with this but currently I either make everything a huge mess just to get typescript working (and this is within Hundreds of files which I'm migrating over to TypeScript ) or I just make the call that I know better than the compiler in this case (VERY DANGEROUS I KNOW) so I can keep my code nice and hopefully when a better pattern comes out for handling this I can migrate it then.
Also just on a side note I know a lot of people are loving the fact that TypeScript is embracing and trying to stay as close to the new JavaScript features and known syntax as possible which is great, but typescript is NOT the next version of JavaScript so I don't see a problem with adding some syntactic sugar to the language as people who want to use the latest and greatest official JavaScript implementation can still do so.
The author's specific issue with this seems to be solved but the question is posed about ignoring errors, and for those who end up here looking how to ignore errors:
If properly fixing the error or using more decent workarounds like already suggested here are not an option, as of TypeScript 2.6 (released on Oct 31, 2017), now there is a way to ignore all errors from a specific line using // #ts-ignore comments before the target line.
The mendtioned documentation is succinct enough, but to recap:
// #ts-ignore
const s : string = false
disables error reporting for this line.
However, this should only be used as a last resort when fixing the error or using hacks like (x as any) is much more trouble than losing all type checking for a line.
As for specifying certain errors, the current (mid-2018) state is discussed here, in Design Meeting Notes (2/16/2018) and further comments, which is basically
"no conclusion yet"
and strong opposition to introducing this fine tuning.
I think your question as posed is an XY problem. What you're going for is how can I ensure that some of my class methods are guaranteed to have a correct this context?
For that problem, I would propose this solution:
class LambdaMethods {
constructor(private message: string) {
this.DoSomething = this.DoSomething.bind(this);
public DoSomething() {
This has several benefits.
First, you're being explicit about what's going on. Most programmers are probably not going to understand the subtle semantics about what the difference between the member and method syntax are in terms of codegen.
Second, it makes it very clear, from looking at the constructor, which methods are going to have a guaranteed this context. Critically, from a performance, perspective, you don't want to write all your methods this way, just the ones that absolutely need it.
Finally, it preserves the OOP semantics of the class. You'll actually be able to use super.DoSomething from a derived class implementation of DoSomething.
I'm sure you're aware of the standard form of defining a function without the arrow notation. There's another TypeScript expression that generates the exact same code but without the compile error:
class LambdaMethods {
private message: string;
public DoSomething: () => void;
constructor(message: string) {
this.message = message;
this.DoSomething = () => { alert(this.message); };
So why is this legal and the other one isn't? Well according to the spec: an arrow function expression preserves the this of its enclosing context. So it preserves the meaning of this from the scope it was declared. But declaring a function at the class level this doesn't actually have a meaning.
Here's an example that's wrong for the exact same reason that might be more clear:
class LambdaMethods {
private message: string;
constructor(message: string) {
this.message = message;
var a = this.message; // can't do this
The way that initializer works by being combined with the constructor is an implementation detail that can't be relied upon. It could change.
I am sure given time there will be a nice way to manage the this keyword, but currently I find it pretty dire.
One of the high-level goals (that I love) in TypeScript is to extend the JavaScript language and work with it, not fight it. How this operates is tricky but worth learning.

openmesh EdgeHandle class

So I'm using the OpenMesh library for a project and I'm passed in an EdgeHandle e to a method. Is it possible to see what two faces are joined by this edge? I tried looking online but the documentation for openMesh is very sparse and the stuff for EdgeHandle is even sparser.
Yeah, the OpenMesh "documentation" is pretty aggravating. However, from searching for the face_handle mentioned by tintin, I found this page hidden in it which gives a large number of useful functions:
Using the stuff found there, the following works for me:
FaceHandle a = mesh.face_handle(mesh.halfedge_handle(e,0));
FaceHandle b = mesh.face_handle(mesh.halfedge_handle(e,1));
(Technically, I enclosed the right hand sides in a function call, so I haven't tried this exactly as written. The right-hand sides should return some form of FaceHandle, at least.)
It's not hard to deal with this,
HalfedgeHandle halfedge_handle(VertexHandle _vh) const {
return vertex(_vh).halfedge_handle_;
using this function, you will be able to generate a half edge handle with the edge_handle. and you can
to get the two face_handle you need.
