Segmented Keys in ACUMATICA - acumatica

I’ve created new Segmented Keys in ACUMATICA for use in a specific module. I would like to assign the Dimension name dynamically but I noticed it works only with hard code or name like [PXDimension(“VENDOR”)]
Also, I have some limitation to create an IF Conditional inside the customized field… it does not recognize the IF clause (see the image).
I would appreciate any suggestion how to solve this issue.

I haven't seen how your original attempt at PXDimension looked, but I'm going to take a guess and assume you tried to reference a new custom field contained in a setup table, something like:
If that's indeed what you tried to do, one very important thing to do is to ensure that you have a view for your table in your graph, otherwise the attribute will not find the table and record in your cache. For instance:
public PXSetup<XXMySetup> XXMySetup;
Without this view declared in the graph, the dimension attribute will not work as expected. It would be nice if a clear exception was thrown in this case - I made the same mistake recently and it would have been helpful.


How to present list/table of properties in material design?

I am refactoring an old web app into React and Material-UI, and I find myself stuck when trying to find the proper way of presenting a "property table". I have looked into several data table implementations, but neither a data table nor Material-UI's List seems to be the right tool for the work.
Data tables are meant for each row having the same properties (columns) repated for different entities, whilst I need a kind of table where each row is a key+value presentation. I will call it a property table unless someone can tell me there is already a better name.
Below is a picture of current view in the refactored app (contains only test data). I realize I might need to think differently and not just copy the old structures.
So what would be the correct way to present a similar list of properties with Material Design?
I seem to find no explicit component or view type for my "property table", so I will simply make a table with Material-UI <Table>component, and skip the header.

Ignore ID in Attribute Selection

I have a dataset with an unique id for each instance. Now I am running some Attribute Selection on that dataset. Concrete I use the CfsSubsetEval for selecting the relevant attributes.
The problem is that I don't want to include the id in this attribute selection, but I need it later to write out a .arff File (which should contain the id and the selected attributes).
I found some posts which used the FilteredClassifier. But in my case I want to have something like a FilteredAttributeSelection. Something like an exklusive view on the data for the AttributeSelection Algorithm.
Is there a way solving this problem?
Thanks in advance!
I solved the problem by copying the attribute vector (the ids) before the filter. After selecting the attributes I restore it.

Cocoa Bindings not updating NSTextField value

I have two windows, one is a table view to display content. One is a window for inputting content.
I have an NSTextField binded to a property in my app delegate. When I change a value in the text field, the app delegate property will change. However, if I go the other way and programmatically change the property's binded key, the value of the text field does not update. However, it does in the table view.
What is going wrong here? How can I update text field?
I tried all 3 of these with the same result
[_addEntry setValue:#"Chet" forKey:#"payee"];
[_addEntry setPayee:#"chet"];
_addEntry.payee = #"chet";
Here's a simple example to elaborate on my point
the label and the textfield are bound to the "str" property. It is initially null. press log to see that in the console. press change str button to change the string. Log to verify. Note that the label and the textfield do not update!
"What am I trying to accomplish?"
Here's the project I am working with:
I am trying to use Cocoa Bindings as much as possible. I have a table with a bunch of data. However, each entry is going to have an array of images associated with it. Thus, when I add a new entry, I need to open up a new window so I can set the properties of that entry (rather than through the table) along with upload some images.
I am not sure I am implementing the addEntryWindow correctly. It seems like I should create and destroy the window each time I open and close it. This doesn't appear to be happening.
Also, [[self addEntry] setDate:[NSDate date]]; doesn't seem to fix the problem for me.
How are you programmatically changing the field? Are you using KVO? Is the field inside of a NSManagedObject instance?
Bindings work through KVO. Core Data disables some aspects of KVO for its own internal uses and you might be tripping over one of those.
Update your question with the code sample and lets see what is going on.
Both windows don't necessarily need to be in the same xib but they do need to be talking to the same instances. Ideally they should both be talking to the same instance of NSManagedObject and therefore talking to the same NSManagedObjectContext.
Who is the owner of each window?
Is the owner the same?
If not, is a new Core Data stack being created?
In your test, I was able to correct it by how you were editing the property
- (IBAction)press:(id)sender {
[self setStr:#"this"];
You were accessing the iVar directly instead of the property. When you access the iVar directly KVO does not fire.
In addition, in your xib files you were accessing self.str which is unnecessary. It should be just str.
Are you doing any direct property access in your actual project?
You can do a get accessor and then a set accessor:
[[self addEntry] setPayee:xxx];
Based on the variables you are using I wonder what you are trying to accomplish. Can you post the exact code of the programmatic change you are trying to enact?

Magento: Attribute always returns default value in catalog view, works fine in product view

I've created a new Yes/No attribute for products. I've extended the Product model to do some custom logic and the custom functions are working everywhere.
When I initially tried getting the custom attribute value, I ran into some issue. Magento wasn't loading it for me, so calls to $product->getMyAttributeName() did nothing. In the product views, I got it working with this additional function:
public function getAttrVal($attr_name)
return $this->getResource()->getAttribute($attr_name)->getFrontend()->getValue($this);
So that worked great when viewing a product on the frontend. It would fetch the assigned value if set, or the default if not.
When I view any Category (grid of all products in that category), the same exact code is being executed. But my getAttrVal() function always returns the default value, even if I've explicitly set this value for my product.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out why the attribute loads correctly in the Product view but the Category view always grabs the default value, despite running the same exact code. Any thoughts?
Because Magento uses an EAV model for its extensible catalog attributes, not every attribute may be carried over onto every page. Try fiddling with the "displayed in catalog" and other related variables on the attribute, and it may fix your problem. If not, say so and we can try other things.
Hope that helps!

Why the OnWorkflowItemChanged is different between List and document library?

I am doing a workflow for a document library. I put a OnWorkflowItemChanged, and I want to get the value of the column which is changed. I use the workflowProperties.Item["name"] and use the afterProperties. But when I use the workflowProperties.Item["column name"], I still got the original value. When I use the afterProperties, it's NULL.
Then I make another workflow that is the same as above for a list. I can use the workflowProperties.Item["column name"] to get the new value in OnWorkflowItemChanged.
Has anyone come across this problem before? Can you give me some help?
The question seems to mix up Item with ExtendedProperties. As to why a difference is seen on a List/Document Lib, it might have something to do with versionining or perhaps the internal serialization is different. Anyway, some of my experience is outline below. I hope it may be of use:
Use the GUID (as a Guid object, not a string) to access the Before / After ExtendedProperties field. Using the Display Name in the ExtendedProperties will not work. The documentation on it is wrong. You can use SPList.Fields to go from Display Name to Column ID (Guid).
I bind all "Before" to MyWhatever_PreviousProperties and all "After" to MyWhatever_Properties, only accessing MyWhatever_[Previous]Properties after the appropriate event(s)).
