Can't use require method in Watson node.js chatbot - node.js

So, I picked up one of the sample chatbots from the watson developer cloud
I was just tweaking it a bit and trying to add more functionalities by using require() methods in node.js. None of them seem to work. I used browserify and made a bundle.js with all dependencies. I made a reference to this scrpt tag in index.html. Still, no success. Dependencies have been mentioned in package.json.
Any alternative solution to my problem?


Express JS in Altassian Forge causing "process.cwd is not a function" error

I am new to development on Jira Cloud and am currently exploring creating apps using the Atlassian Forge. I was trying to use Express JS in the code as a middleware. Turns out that during deployment, it keeps giving this error "process.cwd is not a function."
The error received while deploying the app.
I tried installing process module (via npm i process; which was successfully done) and updating the webpack version but none of it worked.
Can someone please tell what could be causing this error?
If possible please suggest the alternative for using Express JS in Altassian Forge?
Thanks in advance.
From the documentation:
When a Forge app is invoked, the JavaScript code is executed within the app sandbox. This environment differs from a traditional Node.js environment you might already be familiar with.
You'll need to write your functions in a subset of Node.js. Some globals are not exposed, for example:
process (except for process.env)
which means that some NPM packages that depend on these may not function correctly.
If Express JS depends on process.cwd(), that would explain the error. You may be able to work around this if it depends on it in theory but not in practice:
If process.cwd() is only used in test cases or example code, you can delete it or make sure it's not bundled.
If it is used, but using a dummy string like "/" would work, you could stub out the call using DefinePlugin or similar.

Shared library from Create React App projects giving (jsx isn't currently enabled error)

I'm attempting to use a shared library for reusable components and using just 2 out of the box Create react apps. One is called 'shared-lib' the other 'project-example'. I made a super simple component in shared-lib, exported (working when I test). I NPM linked both seemingly correctly (shared-lib is in my project-example node_modules with a special icon).
I built the shared-lib, I also imported the shared component (SharedComponent)
import SharedComponent from 'shared-lib'; <- lib is in my node_modules
SyntaxError: /Users/bemker/dev/portals-modern/shared-lib/src/index.js: Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled (8:3):
Add #babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx ( to the 'plugins' section of your Babel config to enable transformation.
I'm following a vid tutorial and he didn't have to eject his create react app, but I'm guessing this is where the error is coming from.
Here is the vid I'm following if anyone wants to take a look.
Anyone know why this is occurring, or how to get past it (preferably without ejecting)?
I couldn't find a solution using the above, but there is a package similar to Create React App for building libraries that made it pretty easy. Its not maintained by FB, but it worked for me. (multiple exports)
vid tutorial using it:
second w/ 'real' usage:
Hope this helps someone.

React JS app: How do I load new TTS voices?

I’m building an app with the React JS library, using Electron and Node JS to package it as a Windows .exe
I used the “speak-tts” module to integrate speech synthesis. Everything seems to be pretty straightforward, but I can’t figure out how to load additional voices. I can only get the default voice.
Has anyone else come across this issue? Your advice is much appreciated.
I'm the creator of the speak-tts module. As you can see in the documentation ( there is a setVoice() method that you can call on your instance to change the voice on the fly.
You can get the list of available voices in the browser from the onvoiceschanged listener. Also there might be specific issues with Electron and this package that I'm not aware of.
If so do not hesitate to create a github issue (
Easiest way to do is use plain JS methods
For reference.
It has all the required methods. cancel(), start(), pause() etc

How to share common client-side javascript across NodeJS projects?

I'm a Node n00b starting a couple web app projects using Express, and I've got some common client-side libraries I'd like to share between the two projects. This seems like a very common problem, so there must be several solutions available already.
I come from a java background, and in java, I'd create a separate "common" project and "overlay" common WAR over my project during packaging. This would also allow for r.js optimization during the build process.
My best guess in Node is that I need to create a private NPM module, and map those common files into express via a use() middleware plugin. Is that right?
How, then, can I package both my common and project specific javascript into a minified file using r.js?
Or is source control the answer? Checking out my "common" repository inside each project?
Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
This seems like a very common problem, so there must be several solutions available already.
Good news: Yes, this is a common problem. Yes, there are several "solutions".
Bad News: All of the "solutions" are at least partially terrible.
Here's my advice:
1) Individual .js files should be coded as CommonJS modules
2) Groups of related .js files should be made into npm packages
3A) Use them in node via the regular node.js/CommonJS require function and use browserify to use them in the browser
3B) OR use a built tool like grunt to wrap commonjs into AMD format for use with requireJS in the browser
3C) OR consider something like components

Node.js-like firebase module for Parse cloud code

I'm trying to integrate Firebase with Parse to add real-time capabilities to my application. However, some API functions (like the ability to limit queries to Firebase with limit() or startAt()/endAt()) are not available with the firebase REST API.
They are available with the Node.js module, but even though Parse Cloud support CommonJS-like modules, I'm not sure it's possible to integrate the Firebase node module without some major tweaking.
Any idea how I could access these functions, other than running my own node.js server with the Firebase plugin and using it to redirect my calls to firebase?
It looks like it's possible. What you'll want to do is create a "Cloud Code Module" and wrap the Firebase tools you need. They have a tutorial here
It's pretty standard node.js structures. You put all your Firebase methods into exports, add an initialize method (this is where you'd probably do things like auth?), and you're off.
Wrapping Firebase isn't hard or lengthy. Here's a gist that wraps Firebase in a promise structure, for example. You could basically take the methods from that gist as a blueprint for wrapping them into Parse.
I find it not easy, firebase is dependent on faye-websocket and in its turn requires other libs. We can make it work using "Cloud Code Module" but I don't like adding libs this way.
This is a request for Parse to support node modules, unfortunately the answer is a flat NO from them for now
Would appreciate any update on this. Thanks!
