How to fetch my followers Instagram Activity via API? - instagram

My scenario is, basically, as an Instagram user I want to fetch my following users activities through API, a list of their likes, comments etc. It is able via user interface but instead I want to fetch them.
No programming language enforcement. Nodejs, Python preferably.
Thanks for any of your helps!

Well, kinda found a way to solve. There're bunch of API's on github called Instagram Private Api. I go with python one which gives a horrible response.


Any idea how to make a notification of twitch bans like StreamerBans for a twitter bot?

I want to create a twitter bot on node.js that notifies about bans / unbans and streams on twitch but I do not know how I have seen several "tutorials" but none shows any way, I am not very experienced in this and it is my first time working with Twitch Api and Twitter Api
Assuming you are familiar with how API works in general and this is to be designed for your own channel, first I would recommend reviewing the Twitch API documentation at to learn how to get started with your app.
Once you have your client-ID and Oath2 token you will be better prepared for learning to use the API calls to gather the information you're looking to pull.
For banned users there are two ways you can pull this information with the following requests:
Depending on the amount of information you want to gather will determine which requests you want to use.
I hope this helps in your ventures.

Instagram - Get post comments

I did create a client in Instagram API but I'm in sandbox mode. My wife have a makeup store account and she is doing a giveaway and the rules is comment a post and mention another 3 friends. So, how can I get all the comments of the photo using or not Instagram API?
We have a web application in: and I though that I can put the people that already are in the comments.
You can use service like this one to host your giveaway (works for Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok and VK). You can automate all tasks and save your time (check for like, follow, sponsors).

Instagram API Possible Solution

I have one question, with an Instagram Username. Can I get back data from that user? for example, get photos and number of followers? (only if profile is public)
I'm creating a website were users can upload their Instagram username #example and based on that scrap and create a profile on the website with their latest photos and the number of followers (all of this without logging).
I think This image will help to understand what I'm trying to achieve, Can someone guide me? this is possible with Instagram API?
Yes this was possible recently with<username>/?__a=1 but instagram recently blocked this possibility.
I'll update my post if I find a new method.

Is there a way to get Instagram #Mention History via API or otherwise?

The native application doesn't show all the activity, only the most recent.
Therefore I lose 70-90% of my notifications overnight. There must be a way to get all that historical data.
I told you can't, but, thinking.. you can. :)
The API don't provide that facility.. You can check all endpoints here:
But you can iterate over all your medias an get all comments and likes. If you store it locally, after, will be possible to request API again and check your new unseen interactions.
It will work for likes and comments.

How to grab instagram users based on a hashtag?

is there a way to grab instagram users based on a specific hashtag ?
I run contests based on re posting photos with specified hashtag then randomly pick a winner, i need a tool that can grab the usernames of those who reposted that photo and used that hashtag.
You can query instagram using the API. There are official clients for both python and ruby.
You didn't specify what language/platform you are using, so I'll give you the generic approach.
Query instagram using the Tag Recent Media endpoint.
In the response, you will receive a user object that has the user's username, id, profile url, and so on. This should be enough to do what you are describing.
As far as tools, there aren't great options to probably do things exactly how you want. If you just want a simple contest, you could use statigram, but it's not free.
If you roll your own solution, I highly recommend you also do the following:
Implement a rate limiting mechanism such as a task queue so you don't exceed your API calls (5000 per hour for most calls). Also useful for failures/network hicups, etc.
Have users authenticate so you can use OAuth to extend your API calls to 5000/per user/hour to get around #1.
Try the subscribe API if there won't be many items. You can subscribe to a specific tag as well, and you will get a change notification. At that point though you need to retrieve the actual media item(s), and this can cost a lot of API calls depending on how frequent and what volume these changes occur.
If your users don't have much photos/relatively small/known in advance, you can actually query the user's recent media instead and filter in your own code by hash tag.
