jsf valuechangelistener not firing on checkbox deselect - jsf

I have a primefaces checkbox on a form with a valuechangelistener. The backing bean method gets called on checkbox select, but doesn't get called on deselect.
I'm using the same technique with almost identical code elsewhere in my application and it works fine on both select and deselect.
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{shareoutSlip.processed}"
valueChangeListener="#{orderFormBean.handleShareoutSlipProcessed}" >
<p:ajax />
Here is the valueChangeListener method (all it does for now is print a message to the console):
public void handleShareoutSlipProcessed(ValueChangeEvent vcEvent) {
logger.info("Shareout Slip Processed");
Is there anything else on my form that could be interfering with the method being called on checkbox deselect? I've put a h:messages tag on the form but I'm not seeing any validation messages.

Have you tried to call this method inside p:ajax tag?
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{shareoutSlip.processed}">
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{orderFormBean.handleShareoutSlipProcessed}" />


oncomplete with commandButton isn't working

I have a nested datatable that has an Edit command button, that shows a dialog modal,
<p:commandButton value="Edit" oncomplete="PF('editStudy').show()" type="button">
<p:ajax event="click" listener="#{queryStudiesBean.setRenderDialog(true)}" update="editDialogStudy" />
<p:ajax event="click" listener="#{queryStudiesBean.setEditableStudyIndex(studyIndex)}" update="editDialogStudy: />
<p:ajax event="click" listener="#{queryStudiesBean.setEditablePatientIndex(patientIndex)}" update="editDialogStudy" />
I was fixing the issue of keeping the rows of the child datatable expanded after updating, I was following this answer , but I faced another problem that once I load the datatable page, even before I click on the Edit button, the dialog commandButton that has the update attribute gets evaluated,
<p:commandButton process="#form" update="#form,:form2:patient-dt:#{queryStudiesBean.editablePatientIndex}:study-dt" action="#{queryStudiesBean.updateStudy()}" oncomplete="PF('editStudy').hide()" value="Save" styleClass="fixed-button-size" />
, this gives null error as patientIndex is still null, as I didn't even click on the edit button of the datatable to set the patientIndex.
So I managed to solve this by adding rendered="#{queryStudiesBean.renderDialog}" attribute to the dialog.
Now I have difficulties setting this boolean to true in the edit button action, the dialog doesn't shows right now, in the above code, I used oncomplete, and set the boolean value in <p:ajax> (as both action attribute, and <f:setPropertyActionListener> doesn't work for me, I was thinking that the boolean will be set to true before the oncomplete gets called, so the dialog shows, but this is not happend, can someone explains to me why? I saw alots of posts but no one worked for me.
full datatable code
full dialog code
I'm using:
primefaces 6.2,
If your update="#form,:form2:patient-dt:#{queryStudiesBean.editablePatientIndex}:study-dt references parentIndex, it will already been called when the button is rendered.
Your update="editDialogStudy" needs to be update=":editDialogStudy" because it's
inside a row of a datatable.
You update the form, but the rendered is outside the form, so it
won't be updated. Put a <h:panelGroup... around the dialog and update
the panelGroup

Primefaces: Keep value of input text inside a dialog after calling initPosition

I have a dialog which need to be rerender after a certain selectOneMenu ist chosen.
To accomplish that, the following code is used inside the selectOneMenu:
<p:ajax event="valueChange" oncomplete="PF('dialog').initPosition();" update="panelGrid" />
However, after the dialog is rerendered, all user inputs in my p:inputTextare lost (reset to value from java bean).
How can I make the inputText keep the new value without persisting it to backend?
provide the XHTML page where your inputText component is situated. My best guess to solve your problem is by adding the p:ajax component inside the inputText component. p:ajax as defined below triggers on the default event which is change and processes #this which is the inputText component. this way it saves your input on the backing bean as soon as you exit the field.
<p:inputText value="#{bean.value}" >
<p:ajax />

hiding and showing commandButton in jsf

I am new to JSF(PrimeFaces).
I have two commandButtons Do and Undo. I want only one button to be visible at one time.
like, When I click Do button, onclicking Do button should hide(performing its action simultaneously) and Undo button should be visible
and when i click Undo button onclicking it should hide and Do button should come back to active
I tried using
enable() and disable() methods but were of no use.
Can I get some help in achieving this. any predefined methods available?
Heard rendered attribute will help but couldnt understand what exactly will the attribute do .
Can someone explain pls
JSF rendered attribute will define if the component should be rendered/visible or not.
<h:commandButton value="Undo" rendered="#{false}" />
Then your above Undo button will be hidden.
rendered attribute can be bound to a ManagedBean property. In case if you want this dynamic, you have to update the component to see the result.
Here is a Small Example:
<h:panelGroup id="doBtnPG">
<h:commandButton value="Do" rendered="#{myBean.showDo}" action="#{myBean.doAction}">
<f:ajax render="unDoBtnPG"/>
<h:panelGroup id="unDoBtnPG">
<h:commandButton value="Un Do" rendered="#{myBean.showUndo}" action="#{myBean.undoAction}">
<f:ajax render="doBtnPG"/>
public class MyBean{
private boolean showDo=true;
private boolean showUndo=true;
public void doAction(){
public void undoAction(){
In the above example, on clicking on one button the corresponding action method makes the property on which other button is being rendered as false, f:ajax will re render/update the other button's panelGroup to reflect the changes.
Since you marked this question as Primefaces, here is the XHTML code for Primefaces:
<h:panelGroup id="doBtnPG">
<p:commandButton value="Do" rendered="#{myBean.showDo}"
action="#{myBean.doAction}" update="unDoBtnPG"/>
<h:panelGroup id="unDoBtnPG">
<p:commandButton value="Un Do" rendered="#{myBean.showUndo}"
action="#{myBean.undoAction}" update="doBtnPG"/>
Notice that on Primefaces commandButtons you dont need to use f:ajax or p:ajax explicitly because they are Ajax by default.
Please note that the functions enable() and disable() provided by Primefaces are only client side. When disabled attribute is false and if you enable the button using enable(), it will not fire your action method.

Update not understood

I have a p:selectOnelistBox component and a p:commandButton within a p:form component!
Initially the button is disabled, and I want to enable the button when the user selects an item from the list!
I've the following inside the p:selectOneListBox component to set the disabled flag to false using the projectPageBean (ViewScoped) valueChanged method:
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{projectPageBean.valueChanged}" update="#this"/>
The p:commandButton component looks like:
<p:commandButton id="test"
value="View Instrument"
But this doesn't seem to work!? What am I doing wrong?
Looks like you forgot to update your <p:commandButton from your p:selectOneListBox ajax
So change your <p:ajax update="#this".... to <p:ajax update="#form" so it will update your button, you also can place your button id or some other id of that button wrapper (instead of the "#form")

Listening to onSelect events from Autocomplete (Primefaces) component

I am trying to listen to select event from autocomplete using attribute selectListener.
I am passing a remoteCommand as select listener. But the selectListener never calls this remoteCommand method.
My code follows:
<p:autoComplete autocomplete="true" completeMethod="#{search.fetchSuggestions}" value="#{search.selectedSuggestion}" selectListener="moveToSelectedPage()"/>
<p:remoteCommand name="moveToSelectedPage" action="firstPage.xhtml?faces-redirect=true" />
All I am trying to do is, navigating to a different page after the user selects a particular suggested item among suggestions made by autocomplete.
Looking at PrimeFaces version 3.5, it appears that the selectListener attribute is no longer available for the AutoComplete component. The link in BalusC's answer leads to the correct place, where it shows the new approach to be to include a <p:ajax> tag inside the <p:autocomplete>:
<p:autoComplete id="acSimple" value="#{autoCompleteBean.txt1}" completeMethod="#{autoCompleteBean.complete}">
<p:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="#{autoCompleteBean.handleSelect}" update="messages" />
The selectListener attribute should refer to a managed bean method taking SelectEvent and returning void, not to some arbitrary JavaScript function.
See also the PrimeFaces <p:autoComplete> showcase page.
<p:autoComplete selectListener="#{autoCompleteBean.handleSelect}" ... />
public void handleSelect(SelectEvent event) {
// ...
