Listening to onSelect events from Autocomplete (Primefaces) component - jsf

I am trying to listen to select event from autocomplete using attribute selectListener.
I am passing a remoteCommand as select listener. But the selectListener never calls this remoteCommand method.
My code follows:
<p:autoComplete autocomplete="true" completeMethod="#{search.fetchSuggestions}" value="#{search.selectedSuggestion}" selectListener="moveToSelectedPage()"/>
<p:remoteCommand name="moveToSelectedPage" action="firstPage.xhtml?faces-redirect=true" />
All I am trying to do is, navigating to a different page after the user selects a particular suggested item among suggestions made by autocomplete.

Looking at PrimeFaces version 3.5, it appears that the selectListener attribute is no longer available for the AutoComplete component. The link in BalusC's answer leads to the correct place, where it shows the new approach to be to include a <p:ajax> tag inside the <p:autocomplete>:
<p:autoComplete id="acSimple" value="#{autoCompleteBean.txt1}" completeMethod="#{autoCompleteBean.complete}">
<p:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="#{autoCompleteBean.handleSelect}" update="messages" />

The selectListener attribute should refer to a managed bean method taking SelectEvent and returning void, not to some arbitrary JavaScript function.
See also the PrimeFaces <p:autoComplete> showcase page.
<p:autoComplete selectListener="#{autoCompleteBean.handleSelect}" ... />
public void handleSelect(SelectEvent event) {
// ...


jsf valuechangelistener not firing on checkbox deselect

I have a primefaces checkbox on a form with a valuechangelistener. The backing bean method gets called on checkbox select, but doesn't get called on deselect.
I'm using the same technique with almost identical code elsewhere in my application and it works fine on both select and deselect.
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{shareoutSlip.processed}"
valueChangeListener="#{orderFormBean.handleShareoutSlipProcessed}" >
<p:ajax />
Here is the valueChangeListener method (all it does for now is print a message to the console):
public void handleShareoutSlipProcessed(ValueChangeEvent vcEvent) {"Shareout Slip Processed");
Is there anything else on my form that could be interfering with the method being called on checkbox deselect? I've put a h:messages tag on the form but I'm not seeing any validation messages.
Have you tried to call this method inside p:ajax tag?
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{shareoutSlip.processed}">
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{orderFormBean.handleShareoutSlipProcessed}" />

hiding and showing commandButton in jsf

I am new to JSF(PrimeFaces).
I have two commandButtons Do and Undo. I want only one button to be visible at one time.
like, When I click Do button, onclicking Do button should hide(performing its action simultaneously) and Undo button should be visible
and when i click Undo button onclicking it should hide and Do button should come back to active
I tried using
enable() and disable() methods but were of no use.
Can I get some help in achieving this. any predefined methods available?
Heard rendered attribute will help but couldnt understand what exactly will the attribute do .
Can someone explain pls
JSF rendered attribute will define if the component should be rendered/visible or not.
<h:commandButton value="Undo" rendered="#{false}" />
Then your above Undo button will be hidden.
rendered attribute can be bound to a ManagedBean property. In case if you want this dynamic, you have to update the component to see the result.
Here is a Small Example:
<h:panelGroup id="doBtnPG">
<h:commandButton value="Do" rendered="#{myBean.showDo}" action="#{myBean.doAction}">
<f:ajax render="unDoBtnPG"/>
<h:panelGroup id="unDoBtnPG">
<h:commandButton value="Un Do" rendered="#{myBean.showUndo}" action="#{myBean.undoAction}">
<f:ajax render="doBtnPG"/>
public class MyBean{
private boolean showDo=true;
private boolean showUndo=true;
public void doAction(){
public void undoAction(){
In the above example, on clicking on one button the corresponding action method makes the property on which other button is being rendered as false, f:ajax will re render/update the other button's panelGroup to reflect the changes.
Since you marked this question as Primefaces, here is the XHTML code for Primefaces:
<h:panelGroup id="doBtnPG">
<p:commandButton value="Do" rendered="#{myBean.showDo}"
action="#{myBean.doAction}" update="unDoBtnPG"/>
<h:panelGroup id="unDoBtnPG">
<p:commandButton value="Un Do" rendered="#{myBean.showUndo}"
action="#{myBean.undoAction}" update="doBtnPG"/>
Notice that on Primefaces commandButtons you dont need to use f:ajax or p:ajax explicitly because they are Ajax by default.
Please note that the functions enable() and disable() provided by Primefaces are only client side. When disabled attribute is false and if you enable the button using enable(), it will not fire your action method.

Is it possible to bind a value to more than one field?

I have the following piece of markup:
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{myBean.upperBound}">
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.getValues(filterItem)}" />
And the following managedBean:
public class MyBean{
private FilterItem lowebBound;
private FilterItem upperBound;
public List<SelectItem> getValues(FilterItem filterItem){
//Some stuff
How can I initialize the property lowerBound with the value that was selected in the selectOneMenu now. I need to reinitialize that value every time it's changed.
You need to keep the selectOneMenu and the property synched with an AJAX call.
One basic tutorial in the Oracle KB (visited 2015-04-13):
The f:ajax tag is a JavaServer Faces core tag that provides Ajax functionality to any regular UI component when used in conjunction with that component. In the following example, Ajax behavior is added to an input component by including the f:ajax core tag:
<h:inputText value="#{bean.message}">
<f:ajax />
Related reading:
The f:ajax listener method in h:selectOneMenu is not executed
Updating text component via selectOneMenu from inside a JSF2/Facelets subview
In your case, your component would look like this:
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{myBean.upperBound}">
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.getValues(filterItem)}" />
<f:ajax listener="#{bean.listener}" />
The listener method will be called when the action is performed; you can update the lowerBound inside it.
The name of the listener method that is called when a javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent has been broadcast for the listener.

onchange="submit()" reloads my PrimeFaces Mobile page

I am having a problem with my JSF project, where I am using PrimeFaces Mobile. This page has several pm:views
I have a list of radio buttons, which looks like this:
<p:selectOneRadio value="#{bean.currentElement}" converter="omnifaces.SelectItemsConverter"
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.currentItem.elements}" var="element"
itemLabel="#{element.elementName}" itemValue="#{element}" />
My valueChangeListener looks like this:
public void elementChanged(ValueChangeEvent e) {
currentElement = (Element) e.getNewValue();
The problem is, whenever I click on a radio button element, my page completely reloads to the start view, which has to do with the onchange="submit()". I have also tried f:ajax elements, but this doesn't seems to be working with my radio buttons, because I can't click them when I use this.
Is there a possiblty to just submit my current form or pm:view (without the f:ajax)?
PS: I have also tried exactly this on a single PrimeFaces Mobile page, which completely worked, since the application just consisted of one page.
When using PrimeFaces components, you should be using <p:ajax> instead of <f:ajax>. Just get rid of the onchange="submit()". This indeed invokes a synchronous (non-ajax) form submit which totally explains the page reload. You also need to replace valueChangeListener by <p:ajax listener>. The valueChangeListener is the wrong tool for the job whereby you're merely interested in invoking a JSF action method when the newly selected value is being set.
All in all, the rewrite should look like this:
<p:selectOneRadio value="#{bean.currentElement}" converter="omnifaces.SelectItemsConverter">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.currentItem.elements}" var="element"
itemLabel="#{element.elementName}" itemValue="#{element}" />
<p:ajax listener="#{bean.elementChanged}" />
Don't forget to remove the ValueChangeEvent argument from the elementChanged() method. In order to access the selected value, just access the currentElement property directly.
See also:
When to use valueChangeListener or f:ajax listener?

Reset inputText after Button Click with JSF

Is it possible to reset the value of an inputText after clicking on the commandButton in JSF? The inputText UIElement provides the method ResetValue so I tried something like this:
<h:inputText id="measurementadd" binding="#{inputTextMeasurement}">
<f:validateRegex pattern="[a-zA-Z ]*"/>
<f:ajax event="keyup" render="measurementaddmessage submit" execute="#this"/>
<p:commandButton id="submit" action="#{Bean.addMeasurement(inputTextMeasurement.value)}"
value="submit" update="dataTable measurementadd measurementaddmessage"
disabled="#{empty inputTextMeasurement.value or facesContext.validationFailed }" >
<f:ajax event="mouseup" execute="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
<h:messages for="measurementadd" id="measurementaddmessage"/>
But after clicking the Button the inputTextMeasurement doesn't reset it's value.
Does someone know a good workaround for this?
I'm searching for a solution without JS and JAVA, so a realization in JSF would be very cool.
Your mistake is here in the execute attribute:
<f:ajax event="mouseup" execute="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
The execute attribute should represent a space separated collection of client IDs to include in the process/decode of the ajax request. However, you specified a listener method there.
You need the listener attribute instead:
<f:ajax listener="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
(and I omitted event as it defaults here to click which is already the right one)
Interesting detail is that the other <f:ajax> in the same piece of code used the exeucte attribute the right way.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, have you looked at <p:resetInput>? This saves an ajax listener method in the bean. Replace the whole <f:ajax> with
<p:resetInput target="measurementadd" />
Why dont we just use
<input type="Reset"/>
This one is works fine for me! ???
I have solved my problem as below
<p:commandButton id="submit" action="#{Bean.addMeasurement(inputTextMeasurement)}">
Sending back bean UIInput component. Get and Reset value in back bean.
public void addMeasurement(UIInput
String msr = (String) inputTextMeasurement.getValue()
