git push, pull, clone with no response - linux

When I run git push, pull, clone none of them works.
I get following error when i'm trying to push or pull or clone a repository
fatal: unable to access '':
Operation timed out after 0 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes
What can cause such an issue? Where and what should I check to find out what is causing this problem?

You are cloning the wrong url. Git repo urls are in the form of:
With that url you are trying to clone the repository public (or private, depending on your account) front page.

It should be some thing like below:
git clone

According this link, When switching branches and doing a submodule update git sometimes messes up the submodule status without you having touched it.
So following codes fixes the issue
git submodule init
git submodule update


Pushing a respository I initialised with git init inside another repository to github

I am currently doing course called fullstackopen for which I created a repository on Github called fso and cloned it locally using ssh. Inside fso, I created directories for different parts(part1, part2) and created react projects inside them (using create-react-app). I pushed them to github without any problems.
For part3, the course asked to create a new repository for the backend(node js). I created this repo inside fso/part3 using git init and initialised a node app called phonebook. Now, when I tried to push it to Github, I got this:
enter image description here
So, I added my github repo using:
git remote add origin
After this when I tried to push again, I was prompted for my username and password but support for password authentication has been removed. I tried pushing using personal access tokens and got this:
enter image description here
Can I run the following in my part3/phonebook (phonbook-backend) directory?
git pull origin master git push origin master
I'm not sure if this would work, I dont want to lose my work.
Edit: i tried git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories and got this
pushing after this results in the same error
this is what my directory structure looks like locally. Im trying to push part3 to my github repo
Your last error is 'updates were rejected because the remote contains work'
This happens when your repository gets initialized with additional files like README or GITIGNORE. To resolve this, first you need to pull your changes from server, so you can use below command:
'git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories'
Then you can push your changes to server using below command:
'git push -f origin main' Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)

I have a Gitlab repository that contain a number of projects on all of which I can pull and push documents to with Git Bash. I want to set up new project. On the Gitlab website I have created the new project and am following the usual instructions in Git Bash:
cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
However when I try push (the last line of the above I get the error:
$ git push -u origin master
error: src refspec master does not match any
error: failed to push some refs to ''
(NB: the project name has been replace in this post by new_project_name)
There is a readme file that is ready to be committed.
I know I've missed something or done something incorrectly but I don't know what. I don't understand why I can push to other projects (the pull/ push is working fine) but not this one. What do I need to do in order to git push to the repo?

Error in Github when I do "git push origin master" (error: src refspec master does not match any)

My branch in the Github repository is "master". In the terminal I did:
git branch
and the output is:
* main
I wanted to push a file to Github and I used:
git add exploratory_analysis.ipynb
git commit -m "New version"
git push origin master
The "git add" and "git commit" commands work. However, the last command (i.e., "git push origin master") does not work, and I get this error:
error: src refspec master does not match any
error: failed to push some refs to ''
That is, it looks like I cannot push any code from my laptop to Github. How can I fix it?
I faced the same issue some days ago.
If you created a new repository nowadays(2020) then the default branch in main on GitHub.
you can check on GitHub now in your repository branches.
so that's why you need to run
git push origin main
instead of
git push origin master
Goodluck with more details you can watch video
Why are you pushing to master if the branch commands outputs main? Try 'git push origin main'
Also found this explanation for the change:

can't push to gitlab, failed and rejected

has been pulled, the result is still an error ! [rejected] dev->dev(non-fast-forward)
D:\PPI_Roketin\Project\astrowatch (dev)
λ git add resources/views/reals/_form.blade.php
D:\PPI_Roketin\Project\astrowatch (dev)
λ git commit -m "resources/views/reals/_form.blade.php"
[dev db5ac99] resources/views/reals/_form.blade.php
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
D:\PPI_Roketin\Project\astrowatch (dev)
λ git push origin dev
! [rejected] dev -> dev (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ' stellar/astrowatch.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
error like this, why?
have done git checkout, and repeated the command, it's still an error like above
This is a classic git error. The problem is described in the error message: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind, which means that there have been changes to the remote branch that you do not have locally. There are quite a few ways to fix this, one of which is also described in the git message: Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
If you do git pull origin dev this will merge whatever changes are made in the remote to your local branch. Once you fix the merge conflicts, you can then push the branch.
Another option would be to run a rebase by performing git pull --rebase origin dev, which will bring in the remote changes and rebase your commits on top of the remote commits. This will result in a cleaner git history.
The easiest for now would probably just doing a git pull, then once it's merged correctly, pushing to your remote.
I definitely recommend researching the git commands and learning how to find the resources correctly in the docs. There is a lot available online.
you can try git reset --hard HEAD
please remind that:
HEAD points to your current branch (or current commit), so all that git reset --hard HEAD will do is to throw away any uncommitted changes you have.
It's quite self explanatory, you need to keep yourself upto date with remote branch if you want to commit and it looks like git pull will overwrite files you've made changes to. You should commit your changes first.

`ssh -vT` works fine, and agent is in github ssh keys. Where is the issue?

I just bought a new machine, and I'm working on a new github repo. I clone it into my machine using
git clone<username>/<exact-repo-name>.git
and it clones fine:
Cloning into '<exact-repo-name>'...
remote: Counting objects: ###, done.
remote: Total ### (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused ###
Receiving objects: 100% (###/###), ### KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (###/###), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
And, I add all of the remote branches locally by doing:
for remote in git branch -r; do git checkout -b $remote; done
Then, when I try to pull from any of the branches, using
git pull origin/<branch-name>
I get the ever-so-common error:
origin/<branch-name> does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
So, I go through all of the steps:
ssh -vT
ssh-add -l
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
These all succeed, and I check the output of ssh-add -l and I see that it is in the list ssh keys on my github account. I go into Settings -> ssh keys, and I see the agent there.
Are there certain user permissions that are on top of those for ssh?
I agree with #Felix that this most likely is not an SSH problem, though it might be masquerading as this. Instead, I think you have a problem with your path. You can try running git clone like this:
git clone
Here the username is your GitHub username. Git will prompt you for a password so you don't have to enter it as plain text. Please read this SO article for more information.
It's probably not an ssh issue, as an ssh problem would normally result in a message like
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Most likely it's a path problem: either you have an extra slash or space in the remote path (or if there's supposed to be a space, you're missing quotation marks in your command line), or some letter is the wrong case. Double-check the rest of the URL. It could also be exactly what it says, a permissions problem -- are you sure you're connecting as the right user for this repository?
Edit: from your added details, it looks like you're just getting the syntax of the pull command mixed up. Does it work if you do this?:
git checkout <branch-name>
git pull # Edit: don't do this without reading all of 'git help pull'
? Also, does git fetch --all work? (git pull is just git fetch followed by git merge.)
Further edit: I can reproduce your error; it is a command syntax problem. Here are more examples:
"source" is a git repository in a local folder; I clone it into a folder called "dest":
$ git clone source dest
$ cd dest
Now I do the git branch command in your for loop:
$ git branch -r
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
I would expect that first line to cause problems, since that would result in these commands being run in your for loop:
git checkout -b "origin/HEAD"
git checkout -b "->"
(Note that your example is missing backticks around `git branch -r`, so if what you posted is literally what you're running, you'll end up with branches called "git", "branch", and "-r", which would really not be what you want... if you had trouble putting backticks into inline code blocks, see
Then if I try your pull command, I get the same error as you:
$ git pull origin/branch1
fatal: 'origin/branch1' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
This is because git pull takes the remote repository name (origin) and the remote branch name (branch1) as two separate parameters, separated by a space. So this works:
$ git pull origin branch1
From /tmp/source
* branch branch1 -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
But, that's probably not quite what you want, because it sounds like you wanted to create a bunch of local branches to track the same named branches on origin (e.g. you want a local branch named "branch1" that tracks "origin/branch1"). Your local branch creation commands didn't include setting up tracking, so what you've actually got is a local branch called "origin/branch1" and a branch on remote repository "origin" also called "branch1", i.e. after running your for loop, the output of git branch -a is:
$ git branch -a
* origin/branch2
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
...So there are two branches called "origin/branch1", and the only thing that differentiates them is that in one case, the repository is your local one and the branch's literal full name is "origin/branch1", and in the other case, the repository is the remote one (named origin) and the branch's literal full name is "branch1", which is notated as "origin/branch1" -- this will probably be very confusing to work with (and in some commands, git will complain and say, "origin/branch1 is ambiguous" and you'll have problems).
Note also that each of the new branches your for loop created is actually just a copy of master (or whatever the default/selected branch was on origin), because you didn't specify a remote branch for them to start from. That is, in your clone command, your local repository was set up with one branch selected (probably master). You then told git "make new branch from where I am now" for each line in your for loop, so each of those new branches, despite having all the different names of the branches on remote, are references to the first branch selected with your clone. This is probably not what you wanted.
I think what you actually wanted was this command, run for each remote branch:
$ git checkout --track origin/branch1
Branch branch1 set up to track remote branch branch1 from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'branch1'
Actually, if you've just done a fresh clone, a git checkout branch1 [without the -b] will have the same effect I think -- since there is no local branch called branch1, git will look for one in the repository you cloned from and set up tracking if it finds one.
...So I guess what this whole post boils down to is:
Leave out the -b in your initial checkout commands
Use a space instead of a slash in your pull command
See and the output of git help pull for more about remote tracking and pulling; some of it is a bit subtle (even more so than all the caveats I mentioned :) ).
