How to extract data from an embedded fusion table map - kml

Hi I would like to view this map in Google Earth, how can I export a KML file.
The Google Fusion Table has a public embedded map but this cannot be viewed with current position navigation etc.
It seems as if Fusion tables are not a current thing any more?
If I could access the raw data that would also be OK.
Any help reverse engineering this will be greatly appreciated.

Open this link, switch to the Map tab, select File > Download in the menu and you'll see the KML options activated. This doesn't work when you're in the other tabs. You have to be within the Map tab.


Can I create a slide show with Balsamiq?

I'd like to simulate navigation and basic functionality using Balsamiq to simulate an iOS app.
I created a series of Balasmiq layouts and I'd like to connect these into an interactive slide show, wherein the individual buttons within each layout connects to a different screen.
Is this possible or do I have to use another tool like Flash?
Balsamiq will allow you to link elements to each other. When you select an object the properties window has a "Link" dropdown and you can link to any other wireframe file in the same directory as the one you are working on. This then puts an arrow next to the control you are working with so that if you Alt+click that arrow you go to the linked form. If you export the entire directory as a PDF you will have a presentation that will work seamlessly with all links being functional.
Here is the tutorial for linking:
Balsamiq linking tutorial

Can Google Earth export kml files usable in the Google Earth Api?

Is it possible for me to go through and edit my virtual copy of the landscape being worked on and export that to kml, usable in the Google Earth API? In other words if I have my models, and color markings laid over the earth, can I share those certain addons through GE API (not allowing users to edit it).
Yes. There are a couple ways to do it.
In the left panel, right-click on the feature or features you want to capture in KML and select Copy. Then open your favorite editor and paste. You'll get the KML. You can save the KML to a file.
Another choice is to right-click on the feature and click "Save Place As...", which will let you save the file as a KML or KMZ.
Google hosts a tutorial.
Sure you can, but you will have to create an GE API instance.
We are coming up with a new product that will handle that.
Send me a note to if you are interested in knowing more about it and perhaps using it for your projects.

How to remove or resize a Google map in Excel 2007

I have followed this video tutorial to insert a Google map to an excel document.
My problem: I dont know how to resize the map or remove it. Any help?
NOTE: when I right click on the map, it just shows the browser context menu.
SOLVED: I just have to switch to the Design Mode in the Developer tab.

How to: place link to another kml file within a placemark

I'm drawing the path of a ship sailing around the world, using a series of kml files, each containing multiple placemarks.
When I click on the last visible placemark, I DO NOT want to open a ballon containing text and a URL to the next file. Instead, I'd like GE to load and "flyto" the kml file that contains the next series of placemarks. So far, I haven't found a way to do this, so I'm wondering if it's possible. If so, how to? Thanks, John
I'm assuming you're using KML in Google Earth. KML doesn't have an "onclick" method for Placemarks like this, when you click on a placemark, it opens up a balloon if there is one to be opened. If you want something more guided, you can do a tour or you can open up a balloon that has a link with a ;flyto method added that takes you to a particular Placemark.

Sharepoint List View Settings

We have created a new List View Style that shows thumbnails from a picture library, we have added a HyperLink Column and made the View style map the HyperLink url to an anchor tag.
The intention is that when the Content Managers want to create a image based list of hyper links they just have to create a Picture Library, and then add a web part view, and set the style to our new definition.
Its working OK - we have turned off lots of the toolbars, titles, borders etc - BUT there still remains a "Sort Bar" at the bottom that allows the user to change the order of the list.
We want the option to turn this off - but we can't find the setting that turns it off.
Does anybody know?
alt text
Looks like I am wrong and you will have to use the CSS to hide the style bar.
It does feel a lot like a hack, but it has proven to be one that we have used out of a desire for some practicality in the developement costs.
You can edit the vwstyles.xml file in the 12 hive (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\GLOBAL\XML). This controls exactly how the views look.
Unfortunately it is very ugly xml to render html.
I recommend you create your own vwstyle in the xml and set the style of the view to use the newly created one.
