Using rest data through CSV file in Cucumber - cucumber

I want to upload test data through a CSV file instead of using a feature file in cucumber. Is there any way to upload CSV in feature file for test data?

There is no way to replace a feature file with a csv file in Cucumber. You need to read the csv file from your steps.
If you are on Java, Apache POI may one option.


XLSX from blob column to Oracle table

I can't use e.g. external tables or any other ways to upload data than saving .xlsx file as a blob in database.
Structure of xlsx file will always be the same, is it possible to read data from blob column as a table?
The best article about it:
There are several ways / tools which can help you.
If you can't use any of it, you can consider using oracle's embedded ZIP and XML tools (xlsx is the zipped folder with xml files which you can parse)
If you have Oracle APEX you can consider also this:

Are excel files stored internally as XML files?

I have come to understand that excel files(.xlsx) files are essentially xml file archives internally. I even tried verifying this by extracting the xlsx file in my local.
So if that's the case, how exactly are excel files stored and what is the structure and how do they work.
I also know they can be parsed by SAX parser of Apache POI API.
Please help

where to convert .xls file to json file inside Nifi data flow?

I am new to NiFi but i want to make a flow in NiFi in which i will take a .xls file from a FTP point and convert it to JSON file and put it in websocket server. But there is no processor regarding Excel. It will we a great help if someone let me know how to do it?
NIFI-2613 This feature is in progress
In the meantime,
First, please try to use the option provided XLS to CSV. Basically use the provided script to convert xls to csv.
Then, follow Nifi CSV to JSON to achieve your goal

Oracle - best way to use XLSX data directly, not using Apache POI

In Oracle 12
Is there a quick way you can template how to import XLSX files into Oracle directly?
I can use say apache POI to load it to a temporary java transfer object that gets sent to turn into jdbc/Sql in some fancy way. But it's slow as heck.
There is Sql Developer where you can import CSV. And other tools for CSV.
But what about xlsx spreadsheets from Microsoft Excel? Is there something that can import sheets, columns, formats, etc.?
One method would be to convert your Excel file from an xls file to a csv file and then you can use an Oracle external table.

How to read all excel and csv formats using node

I am working in building a project management tool,using MEAN(Mongodb,Expressjs,Angularjs,Nodejs) Stack.
I have a requirement in my project, where users will upload any kind of excel or csv format file and i need to parse each row from the file(excel|csv) and map it to my database model and save it has a mongodb document.I am trying to find an excel and csv parser library to accomplish my task.I also came accross xlsx, it looks good but it doesnt support reading csv files.It will be really helpful if any one could suggest a node.js library that can read all kinds of excel and csv file formats efficiently.Thanks in advance
At one point, I used Node CSV
to get the data inputted, it's really easy to use. Most of my users were fine with just having the CSV format option.....but you could combine the functionality of each library depending on the file type entered.....
