where to convert .xls file to json file inside Nifi data flow? - excel

I am new to NiFi but i want to make a flow in NiFi in which i will take a .xls file from a FTP point and convert it to JSON file and put it in websocket server. But there is no processor regarding Excel. It will we a great help if someone let me know how to do it?

NIFI-2613 This feature is in progress
In the meantime,
First, please try to use the option provided XLS to CSV. Basically use the provided script to convert xls to csv.
Then, follow Nifi CSV to JSON to achieve your goal


Reading Excel File from GET Request (Node)

I am trying to grab values from an excel spreadsheet that has been uploaded to a CRM called "Zoho" and the only way to read the file is to download the file through Zoho's own API. However, when trying to download an .xlsx file through the API, the file is encoded and I cannot figure out how to decode it and read the file. The request, when completed, returns a plaintext file with many question marks in it. What is the correct way to decode the file/is there a better way I could be doing this? Ultimately I want to read the value from the file, then make another request to another API to update a value; at no point do I need to download the excel file locally.
Here is the documentation for the Zoho API: https://www.zoho.com/docs/zoho-docs-api.html
Here is a code snippet where I make a request:
And finally this is what the result looks like:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Using rest data through CSV file in Cucumber

I want to upload test data through a CSV file instead of using a feature file in cucumber. Is there any way to upload CSV in feature file for test data?
There is no way to replace a feature file with a csv file in Cucumber. You need to read the csv file from your steps.
If you are on Java, Apache POI may one option.

Django rest upload and read excel file

I am new to django-rest and want to ask, if there is a simple way to upload an xlsx file and read the data from it with django rest and angular2. I would like to have the possibility to read the file from specific row.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

How to read all excel and csv formats using node

I am working in building a project management tool,using MEAN(Mongodb,Expressjs,Angularjs,Nodejs) Stack.
I have a requirement in my project, where users will upload any kind of excel or csv format file and i need to parse each row from the file(excel|csv) and map it to my database model and save it has a mongodb document.I am trying to find an excel and csv parser library to accomplish my task.I also came accross xlsx, it looks good but it doesnt support reading csv files.It will be really helpful if any one could suggest a node.js library that can read all kinds of excel and csv file formats efficiently.Thanks in advance
At one point, I used Node CSV https://github.com/wdavidw/node-csv
to get the data inputted, it's really easy to use. Most of my users were fine with just having the CSV format option.....but you could combine the functionality of each library depending on the file type entered.....

Options for Parsing Excel Files in ExtJS

I'm having a very hard time accomplishing my main goal: extracting data from an xlsx excel file
I'm running ExtJS + node.js, and I see two options:
Use this XLSX.js framework to convert the base64 string into js object-representations of xlsx worksheets for me to use. Problem is, I have no idea how to get a base64 string from an xlsx file..
Upload the xlsx file to the server, do the conversions there using node-xlsx, the send the object-representations back ala json. Having lots of difficulties here since ExtJS doesn't use real AJAX for file uploads so I don't know how to send the results back..
Has anyone had experience with this or could advise a solution? Having lots of trouble..
Number two is going to be the better option IMO. You can take a look at the FileUploadField control - there is a good example on submitting the Form that will upload the file to the server: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.form.field.File
From there you can parse and return the json.
Since we struggled with exactly the same issue, we created a front-end XLS(X) and CSV import and export tool that you can use in ExtJS 4 applications with a few lines of code. The user just drags the file on the grid and done. We just launched it, here is a description of the problematic in dealing with files and the solution: http://2gears.com/2014/08/ext-js-excel-import-export-easy/
Hope it helps.
