I confuse reference operator and references, dereference operator and pointer - reference

As I know, & is called 'reference operator' which means 'address of'. So, its role is storing address in any variable. For example, 'a=&b;'. But I know another meaning which is 'references'. As you know, references is a alias of a variable. So, in my result, & has two meaning according to position. If 'a=&b;', & means 'address of b'. If 'int &a = b;', & means 'alias of another variable'.
As I know, * is called 'dereference operator'. But It is like &, It has two meaning according to position. If 'int *a = &b', * means 'pointer variable'. If 'a=*b', * means 'dereference variable'.
Are they right????
P.S. I'm foriegner. So I'm poor at English. Sorry... my poor English.

Hi as I understand you are having confusion with the concepts of pointers and references. Let me try and break it down for you :
When we use either of these in a variable declaration, think of it as specifying the datatype of that variable.
For example,
int *a; creates a pointer variable 'a', which can hold the address of(in other words, point to) another integer variable.
Similarly int & a = b; creates a reference variable 'a' which refers to b(in other words 'a' is simply an alias to integer b).
Now it might look as they are same, infact they both serve similar functionality, but here are some differences:
A pointer has memory allocated for it to hold the address of another variable to which it points, whereas references don't actually store the address of the variable they are referencing.
Another difference would be that a pointer need not be initialized when it is declared, but a reference must be initialized when it is declared, otherwise it throws an error. ie; int * a; is ok whereas int & a; throws error.
Now for the operators, try and see them not at all associated with pointers or references(Although thats where we use them the most).
Reference operator(&) simply returns you the address of its operand variable. Whereas a dereferencing operator(*) simply assumes that the value of its argument is an address, and returns the value stored at that address.
Hope this helped you. Here are some useful references(no pun intended):
How does a C++ reference look, memory-wise?


Julia: How much can we change the objects in immutable struct type?

I have an immutable structure with four objects defined as follows:
struct FltFric
muS::Array{Float64, 2}
muD::Array{Float64, 2}
W::Array{Float64, 2}
muS = repmat([0.6], 100, 1) # Coefficient of static friction
muD = repmat([0.5], 100, 1) # Coefficient of dynamic friction
Dc = 0.1 # Critical slip distance
FltFriction = FltFric(muS, muD, Dc, zeros(size(muS)))
I am modifying the values of FltFric.muS as follows:
FltFriction.muS[1:20] = 100
This works fine. But when I try to modify the value of W
FltFriction.W = (FltFriction.muS - FltFriction.muD)./(FltFriction.Dc)
This gives me an error: type FltFric is immutable.
Why does the first statement not give error while the second one does? If the type is immutable, both statements should give an error. What is the difference between the two assignments?
I know that I can circumvent the problem by typing mutable struct, but I don't understand the difference in my two assignments.
I am not a Julia expert, but I think this is a more general question.
In the first assignment, you're modifying certain elements of the list FltFriction.muS. This is fine since although the struct is immutable, the list referred to by .muS is mutable. In other words, you're mutating the list by changing its elements, rather than mutating the struct.
In the second assignment, you're trying to replace the entire list .W in one fell swoop. In this case you're trying to mutate the struct directly, replacing one of its elements. For this reason, the second assignment fails while the first one succeeds.
I'm speculating here, but I suspect that if you tried to do the second assignment like so:
FltFriction.W[1:end] = ...
Then you would be fine, since you're mutating the list instead of the struct.
As pointed out by a commenter (see below), in Julia there is a "more idiomatic (and more performant)" way to do this correctly and without mutating the struct itself by using the in-place assignment operator (neat!):
FltFriction.W .= (FltFriction.muS - FltFriction.muD)./FltFriction.Dc

Pass by Reference in Haskell?

Coming from a C# background, I would say that the ref keyword is very useful in certain situations where changes to a method parameter are desired to directly influence the passed value for value types of for setting a parameter to null.
Also, the out keyword can come in handy when returning a multitude of various logically unconnected values.
My question is: is it possible to pass a parameter to a function by reference in Haskell? If not, what is the direct alternative (if any)?
There is no difference between "pass-by-value" and "pass-by-reference" in languages like Haskell and ML, because it's not possible to assign to a variable in these languages. It's not possible to have "changes to a method parameter" in the first place in influence any passed variable.
It depends on context. Without any context, no, you can't (at least not in the way you mean). With context, you may very well be able to do this if you want. In particular, if you're working in IO or ST, you can use IORef or STRef respectively, as well as mutable arrays, vectors, hash tables, weak hash tables (IO only, I believe), etc. A function can take one or more of these and produce an action that (when executed) will modify the contents of those references.
Another sort of context, StateT, gives the illusion of a mutable "state" value implemented purely. You can use a compound state and pass around lenses into it, simulating references for certain purposes.
My question is: is it possible to pass a parameter to a function by reference in Haskell? If not, what is the direct alternative (if any)?
No, values in Haskell are immutable (well, the do notation can create some illusion of mutability, but it all happens inside a function and is an entirely different topic). If you want to change the value, you will have to return the changed value and let the caller deal with it. For instance, see the random number generating function next that returns the value and the updated RNG.
Also, the out keyword can come in handy when returning a multitude of various logically unconnected values.
Consequently, you can't have out either. If you want to return several entirely disconnected values (at which point you should probably think why are disconnected values being returned from a single function), return a tuple.
No, it's not possible, because Haskell variables are immutable, therefore, the creators of Haskell must have reasoned there's no point of passing a reference that cannot be changed.
consider a Haskell variable:
let x = 37
In order to change this, we need to make a temporary variable, and then set the first variable to the temporary variable (with modifications).
let tripleX = x * 3
let x = tripleX
If Haskell had pass by reference, could we do this?
The answer is no.
Suppose we tried:
tripleVar :: Int -> IO()
tripleVar var = do
let times_3 = var * 3
let var = times_3
The problem with this code is the last line; Although we can imagine the variable being passed by reference, the new variable isn't.
In other words, we're introducing a new local variable with the same name;
Take a look again at the last line:
let var = times_3
Haskell doesn't know that we want to "change" a global variable; since we can't reassign it, we are creating a new variable with the same name on the local scope, thus not changing the reference. :-(
tripleVar :: Int -> IO()
tripleVar var = do
let tripleVar = var
let var = tripleVar * 3
main = do
let x = 4
tripleVar x
print x -- 4 :(

Arduino and TinyGPS++ convert lat and long to a string

I' m having a problem parsing the lat and long cords from TinyGPS++ to a Double or a string. The code that i'm using is:
String latt = ((gps.location.lat(),6));
String lngg = ((gps.location.lng(),6));
The output that i'm getting is:
Does somebody know what i'm doing wrong? Does it have something to do with rounding? (Math.Round) function in Arduino.
There are two problems:
1. This does not compile:
String latt = ((gps.location.lat(),6));
The error I get is
Wouter.ino:4: warning: left-hand operand of comma has no effect
Wouter:4: error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*'
Wouter:4: error: initializing argument 1 of 'String::String(const char*)'
There is nothing in the definition of the String class that would allow this statement. I was unable to reproduce printing values of 0.06 (in your question) or 0.006 (in a later comment). Please edit your post to have the exact code that compiles, runs and prints those values.
2. You are unintentionally using the comma operator.
There are two places a comma can be used: to separate arguments to a function call, and to separate multiple expressions which evaluate to the last expression.
You're not calling a function here, so it is the latter use. What does that mean? Here's an example:
int x = (1+y, 2*y, 3+(int)sin(y), 4);
The variable x will be assigned the value of the last expression, 4. There are very few reasons that anyone would actually use the comma operator in this way. It is much more understandable to write:
int x;
1+y; // Just a calculation, result never used
2*y; // Just a calculation, result never used
3 + (int) sin(y); // Just a calculation, result never used
x = 4; // A (trivial) calculation, result stored in 'x'
The compiler will usually optimize out the first 3 statements and only generate code for the last one1. I usually see the comma operator in #define macros that are trying to avoid multiple statements.
For your code, the compiler sees this
And evaluates it as a call to gps.location.lat(), which returns a double value. The compiler throws this value away, and even warns you that it "has no effect."
Next, it sees a 6, which is the actual value of this expression. The parentheses get popped, leaving the 6 value to be assigned to the left-hand side of the statement, String latt =.
If you look at the declaration of String, it does not define how to take an int like 6 and either construct a new String, or assign it 6. The compiler sees that String can be constructed from const char *, so it tells you that it can't convert a numeric 6 to a const char *.
Unlike a compiler, I think I can understand what you intended:
double latt = gps.location.lat();
double lngg = gps.location.lon();
Serial.println( latt, 6 );
Serial.println( lngg, 6 );
The 6 is intended as an argument to Serial.println. And those arguments are correctly separated by a comma.
As a further bonus, it does not use the String class, which will undoubtedly cause headaches later. Really, don't use String. Instead, hold on to numeric values, like ints and floats, and convert them to text at the last possible moment (e.g, with println).
I have often wished for a compiler that would do what I mean, not what I say. :D
1 Depending on y's type, evaluating the expression 2*y may have side effects that cannot be optimized away. The streaming operator << is a good example of a mathematical operator (left shift) with side effects that cannot be optimized away.
And in your code, calling gps.location.lat() may have modified something internal to the gps or location classes, so the compiler may not have optimized the function call away.
In all cases, the result of the call is not assigned because only the last expression value (the 6) is used for assignment.

What exactly are strings in Nim?

From what I understand, strings in Nim are basically a mutable sequence of bytes and that they are copied on assignment.
Given that, I assumed that sizeof would tell me (like len) the number of bytes, but instead it always gives 8 on my 64-bit machine, so it seems to be holding a pointer.
Given that, I have the following questions...
What was the motivation behind copy on assignment? Is it because they're mutable?
Is there ever a time when it isn't copied when assigned? (I assume non-var function parameters don't copy. Anything else?)
Are they optimized such that they only actually get copied if/when they're mutated?
Is there any significant difference between a string and a sequence, or can the answers to the above questions be equally applied to all sequences?
Anything else in general worth noting?
Thank you!
The definition of strings actually is in system.nim, just under another name:
TGenericSeq {.compilerproc, pure, inheritable.} = object
len, reserved: int
PGenericSeq {.exportc.} = ptr TGenericSeq
UncheckedCharArray {.unchecked.} = array[0..ArrayDummySize, char]
# len and space without counting the terminating zero:
NimStringDesc {.compilerproc, final.} = object of TGenericSeq
data: UncheckedCharArray
NimString = ptr NimStringDesc
So a string is a raw pointer to an object with a len, reserved and data field. The procs for strings are defined in sysstr.nim.
The semantics of string assignments have been chosen to be the same as for all value types (not ref or ptr) in Nim by default, so you can assume that assignments create a copy. When a copy is unneccessary, the compiler can leave it out, but I'm not sure how much that is happening so far. Passing strings into a proc doesn't copy them. There is no optimization that prevents string copies until they are mutated. Sequences behave in the same way.
You can change the default assignment behaviour of strings and seqs by marking them as shallow, then no copy is done on assignment:
var s = "foo"
shallow s

assigning a string to a complex pointer

I'm trying to assign a string to an array defined like this
char *(*attributes)[][2]; as defined by a library I'm using.
I want to be able to put a string into attributes[i][0]
I think I'm just getting confused about the pointers, I'm getting errors saying invalid use of array with unspecified bounds.
The array of attributes is stored in a struct called info.
I've tried to access it as:
*(info->attributes)[i][0] = newAttributeName
which makes sense to me, but as I said, isn't working.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Since no one else is offering, I'd suggest:
char *attributesa[][2] = *attributes;
char *attributesb[2] = attributesa[0];
attributesb[0] = "Horsefeathers";
and then figure out how to turn that into one statement.
Here's the correct way, for future reference:
(*info->attributes)[i][0] = someString;
The trick is the parenthesis give precedence to info->attributes being dereferenced, because otherwise it will try to find [i][0] first.
