Hazelcast Jet - Support for multiple clients - hazelcast-jet

Can Hazelcast Jet be used for processing of millions of records using multiple clients accessing an event journal and each client would process a portion of the records?
Furthermore, is it possible to accumulate the results processed by different clients?

This is also an architectural question. To fit your aggregation need, you might have clients begin as individual streams, accumulate your aggregates there, then join the streams for common processing. Just as an example.
Also, you do have access to the underlying IMDG technology that you can leverage. You have a free hand at how you want to build the overall architecture.


Apache Pulsar - use cases for infinite retention of a topic

I am actually planing our next version of our telemetry system architecture. I am strongly considering Pulsar at the messaging solution.
To better understand what's this technology is best for, can someone share their use cases of why their use the infinite retention of a topic other than audit trail ?
I was main goal is to see if our telemetry data could be simply stored in a pulsar topic and query that for analytics purpose instead of using a time series database like Apache Druid.
Thanks !
The use-case I've had for infinite retention is when you want to store the history going back to the beginning: e.g. in an event-sourcing style approach, the longer you're keeping the events archived, the more able you are to remix your state.
With durable-log style storage, remember that it heavily optimizes for slurping the log starting at some point. For higher-volume queries or queries with strict latency requirements, this is generally pretty unsuited for that sort of workload, and even more so if you can't limit reads to a single partition (remember also that with multiple partitions, even the ordering of the messages in the log may be difficult to reconstruct). For infrequent queries with loose latency requirements, though, storing them in pulsar might not be that bad, especially if you'd be using pulsar already to feed data into the time-series store (as you can then dispense with the time-series store).

Full join between multiple streams coming from different sources

I am using hazelcast jet 0.6.1 for real time analysis. There are multiple streams (mostly from remote journal) coming from different sources.
I would like to know, if full join supported between multiple streams.
If yes, will you please point me to some links / examples for full join between multiple streams.
I think you need to elaborate a bit more on what you are trying to do. Streams are theoretically infinite, so the term "full join" has to mean something different than it does in a database.
There are several types of joins available in Jet. As Can said above, there is a merge operator, but you might be thinking more of windowed join where you time bound the period of the joins.
Merge Steams is here:
Window Concepts are here:
*This is in response to the comment from the first answer, it's to large for another comment and I thought the first answer is still relevant
Is this the same data and data type, just from different nodes? Like app servers for a microservices architecture? It seems to me that you have a few options here that really come down to preferred overall architecture, especially about how you want to transport the events. A couple thoughts:
You can simply merge streams from different data sources if that fits the use case:
See: https://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/jet/0.7.2/manual/#merge
If this is homogenous data, just distributed across app servers, if might be a case where you use the Hazelcast client on each app server to put events into an IMap (which is shared by all the app servers) with an Event Journal on a Hazelcast cluster. Then Jet just receives all the events from the Event Journal.
See: https://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest/manual/html-single/#event-journal
If you have Kafka available, perhaps you create a topic for the events from the servers and Jet receives the events from Kafka. Either way they are already merged when Jet gets them, so they are processed as one stream.
See: https://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/jet/0.7.2/manual/#kafka

DB access from a Mapper in MapReduce

I planning the next generation of an analysis system I'm developing and I think of implementing it using one of the MapReduce/Stream-Processing platforms like Flink, Spark Streaming etc.
For the analysis, the mappers must have DB access.
So my greatest concern is when a mapper is paralleled, the connections from the connection pool will all be in use and there might be a mapper that fail to access the DB.
How should I handle that?
Is it something I need to concern about?
As you have pointed out, a pull-style strategy is going to be inefficient and/or complex.
Your strategy for ingesting the meta-data from the DB will be dictated by the amount of meta-data and the frequency that the meta-data changes. Either way, moving away from fetching the meta-data when it's needed, and toward receiving updates when the meta-data is changed, is likely to be a good approach.
Some ideas:
Periodically dump the meta-data to flat file/s into distributed file system
Streaming meta-data updates to your pipeline at write-time to keep an in-memory cache up-to-date
Use a separate mechanism to fetch the meta-data, for instance Akka Actor/s polling for changes
It will depend on the trade-offs you are able to make for your given use-case.
If DB interactivity is unavoidable, I do wonder if map-reduce style frameworks would be the best approach to solve your problem. But any failed tasks should be retried by the framework.

Hazelcast Jet - Use Cases

What are the use-cases of Hazelcast Jet? Has anyone started using it?
Our project uses Hazelcast for Distributed Map holding Key-Value pair and Distributed computing on those Keys to run the task at the node holding the Key. We use NearCache solution as well.
I was curious to know how different is Hazelcast Jet and what problems does it solve?
As of current version (0.3), Jet's advantage over just submitting a Runnable to each partition is the ability to perform grouping by a key other than the one used in the Hazelcast map. For this to work in a distributed environment you have to send each item to the processing unit responsible for its grouping key, and this is something that is easy to get from Jet.
Further from that, you can build a multistage cascade of groupBy operations, you can have forks in your data stream to reuse the same intermediate result in more than one way, you can build a pipeline where an I/O task distributes the processing of the data it reads across all CPU cores, etc... in short, all the advantages that a full-blown DAG computation engine offers.
By the time it reaches 1.0 Jet will also support fault-tolerant infinite stream processing, event time-based windows, and more.
2021 answer for use cases:
Change data capture streaming - Use Debezium/Hazelcast to detect changes to your database and stream to other microservices (if data is common), stream changes to a data lake, or update a search engine
Real time analytics - Take market data stream and perform technical analysis in realtime or twitter analysis
Async job processing - PDF conversion service

Messaging bus + event storage + PubSub

I'm looking at building an application which has many data sources, each of which put events into my system. Events have a well defined data structure and could be encoded using JSON or XML.
I would like to be able to guarantee that events are saved persistently, and that the events are used as a part of a publish/subscribe bus with multiple subscribers possible per event.
For the database, availability is very important even as it scales to multiple nodes, and partition tolerance is important so that I can scale the number of places which can store my events. Eventual consistency is good enough for me.
I was thinking of using a JMS enterprise messaging bus (e.g. Mule) or an AMQP enterprise messaging bus (such as RabbitMQ or ZeroMQ).
But for my application, it seems that if I could set up a publish subscribe system with CouchDB or something similar, it would solve my problem without having to integrate a enterprise messaging bus and a persistent storage system.
Which would work better, CouchDB + scaling + loadbalancing + some kind of PubSub mechanism, or an explicit PubSub messaging system with attached eventually-consistent , Available, partition-tolerant storage? Which one is easier to set up, administer, and operate? Which solution will have high throughput for a given cost? Why?
Also, are there any more questions I should ask before selecting my technologies? (BTW, Java is the server-side and client-side language).
I am using a CouchDB message queue in production. (It is not pub/sub, so I do not consider this answer complete.)
Currently (June 2011), CouchDB has huge potential as a messaging substrate:
Good data persistence
Well-poised for clustering (on a LAN, using BigCouch or Lounge)
Well-poised for distribution (between data centers, world-wide)
Good platform. Despite the shortcomings listed below, I love CQS because I can re-use my DB and it works from Erlang, NodeJS, and every web browser.
The _changes query
Continuous feeds, instant delivery without polling
Network going down is no problem, just retry later from the previous position
Still, even a low-volume message system in CouchDB requires careful planning and maintenance. CouchDB is potentially a great messaging server. (It is inspired by Lotus notes, which handles high email volume.)
However, these are the challenges with CouchDB:
Append-only database files grow fast
Be mindful about disk capacity
Be mindful about disk i/o. Compaction will read and re-write all live documents
Deleted documents are not really deleted. They are marked deleted=true and kept forever, even after compaction! This is in fact uniquely good about CouchDB, because the deleted action will propagate through the cluster, even if the network goes down for a time.
Propagating (replicating) deletes is great, but what about the buildup of deleted docs? Eventually it will outstrip everything else. The solution is to purge them, which actually removes them from disk. Unfortunately, if you do 2 or more purges before querying a map/reduce view, the view will completely rebuild itself. That may take too much time, depending on your needs.
As usual, we hear NoSQL databases shouting "free lunch!", "free lunch!" while CouchDB says "you are going to have to work for this."
Unfortunately, unless you have compelling pressure to re-use CouchDB, I would use a dedicated messaging platform. I had a good experience with ejabberd as a messaging platform and to communicate to/from Google App Engine.)
I think that the best solution would be CouchDB + Jabber/XMPP server (ejabberd) + book: http://professionalxmpp.com
JSON is the natural storing mechanism for CouchDB
Jabber/XMPP server includes pubsub support
The book is a must read
While you can use a database as an alternative to a message queueing system, no database is a message queuing system, not even CouchDB. A message queueing system like AMQP provides more than just persistence of messages, in fact with RabbitMQ, persistence is just an invisible service under the hood that takes care of all of the challenges that you have to deal with by yourself on CouchDB.
Take a good look at the RabbitMQ website where there is lots of information about AMQP and how to make use of it. They have done a great job of collecting together articles and blogs about message queueing.
