How to use the result of embedding with mask_zero=True in keras - keras

In keras, I want to calculate the mean of nonzero embedding output.
I wonder what is the difference between mask_zero=True or False in Embedding Layer.
I tried the code below :
input_data = Input(shape=(5,), dtype='int32', name='input')
embedding_layer = Embedding(1000, 24, input_length=5,mask_zero=True,name='embedding')
out = word_embedding_layer(input_data)
def antirectifier(x):
x = K.mean(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return x
def antirectifier_output_shape(input_shape):
shape = list(input_shape)
return tuple(shape)
out = Lambda(antirectifier, output_shape=antirectifier_output_shape,name='lambda')(out)
But it seems that the result is the mean of all the elements, how can i just calculate the mean of all nonzero inputs?

From the function's doc :
If this is True then all subsequent layers in the model need to
support masking
Your lambda function doesn't support masking. For example Recurrent layers in Keras support masking. If you set mask_zero=True in your embeddings, then all the 0 indices that you feed to the embedding layer will be propagated as "masked" and the following layers that are able to understand the "masked" information will use them.
Basically, if you build a "mean" layer that grabs the mask and computes the average only for non-masked values, then you will get the desired results.
You can find here a way to build your lambda layers that support masking
I hope it helps.


how to enforce feature orthogonality in keras

I am new to Keras and Tensorflow. I want to add a penalty to my categorical cross entropy loss function based on some of the outputs in the network. Specifically, I decompose the outputs of a fully connected layer into 8 partitions want these outputs to be orthogonal. So I append the activations into a list and convert it into a stack by using Keras backend. Here is how I partitioned the activations:
for i in range(8):
x_sub = Lambda(lambda x: x[:,i*128:i*128+128])(x)
#convert batch of feature lists in to 8x(128*batch_size) keras tensor
outs.append(Lambda(lambda x: K.reshape(K.stack(x, axis=0), (8, -1)))(features))
net = Model(inputs=[net.input], outputs=outs)
And then I define the loss as follows:
def OrthLoss(features):
W = K.l2_normalize(features, axis=1)
diff =, K.transpose(W)) - K.eye(8)
return K.mean(diff)
However, this does not seem to converge. Is this a right way to accomplish this? I first tried to enforce the orthogonality as a regularizer on weights but as far as I understand Keras performs regularization on each layer separately and found no way to define a regularizer on multiple weights.

How to define custom cost function that depends on input when using ImageDataGenerator in Keras?

I would like to define a custom cost function
def custom_objective(y_true, y_pred):
return L
that will depend not only on y_true and y_pred, but on some feature of the corresponding x that produced y_pred. The only way I can think of doing this is to "hide" the relevant features in y_true, so that y_true = [usual_y_true, relevant_x_features], or something like that.
There are two main problems I am having with implementing this:
1) Changing the shape of y_true means I need to pad y_pred with some garbage so that their shapes are the same. I can do this by modyfing the last layer of my model
2) I used data augmentation like so:
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(preprocessing_function=my_augmenter)
where my_augmenter() is the function that should also give me the relevant x features to use in custom_objective() above. However, training with
model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(x_train, y_train, batch_size=1), ...)
doesn't seem to give me access to the features calculated with my_augmenter.
I suppose I could hide the features in the augmented x_train, copy them right away in my model setup, and then feed them directly into y_true or something like that, but surely there must be a better way to do this?
Maybe you could create a two part model with:
Inner model: original model that predicts desired outputs
Outer model:
Takes y_true data as inputs
Takes features as inputs
Outputs the loss itself (instead of predicted data)
So, suppose you already have the originalModel defined. Let's define the outer model.
#this model has three inputs:
originalInputs = originalModel.input
yTrueInputs = Input(shape_of_y_train)
featureInputs = Input(shape_of_features)
#the original outputs will become an input for a custom loss layer
originalOutputs = originalModel.output
#this layer contains our custom loss
loss = Lambda(innerLoss)([originalOutputs, yTrueInputs, featureInputs])
#outer model
outerModel = Model([originalInputs, yTrueInputs, featureInputs], loss)
Now, our custom inner loss:
def innerLoss(x):
y_pred = x[0]
y_true = x[1]
features = x[2]
.... calculate and return loss here ....
Now, for this model that already contains a custom loss "inside" it, we don't actually want a final loss function, but since keras demands it, we will use the final loss as just return y_pred:
def finalLoss(true,pred):
return pred
This will allow us to train passing just a dummy y_true.
But of course, we also need a custom generator, otherwise we can't get the features.
Consider you already have originalGenerator =datagen.flow(x_train, y_train, batch_size=1) defined:
def customGenerator(originalGenerator):
while True: #keras needs infinite generators
x, y = next(originalGenerator)
features = ____extract features here____(x)
yield (x,y,features), y
#the last y will be a dummy output, necessary but not used
You could also, if you want the extra functionality of randomizing batch order and use multiprocessing, implement a class CustomGenerator(keras.utils.Sequence) following the same logic. The help page shows how.
So, let's compile and train the outer model (this also trains the inner model so you can use it later for predicting):
outerModel.compile(optimizer=..., loss=finalLoss)
outerModel.fit_generator(customGenerator(originalGenerator), batchesInOriginalGenerator,

what exactly does 'tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper'' in tensorflow do? ( three citical questions)

As I know, DropoutWrapper is used as follows
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(state_size, state_is_tuple=True)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(cell, output_keep_prob=0.5)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([cell] * num_layers, state_is_tuple=True)
the only thing I know is that it is use for dropout while training.
Here are my three questions
What are input_keep_prob,output_keep_prob and state_keep_prob respectively?
(I guess they define dropout probability of each part of RNN, but exactly
Is dropout in this context applied to RNN not only when training but also prediction process? If it's true, is there any way to decide whether I do or don't use dropout at prediction process?
As API documents in tensorflow web page, if variational_recurrent=True dropout works according to the method on a paper
"Y. Gal, Z Ghahramani. "A Theoretically Grounded Application of Dropout in Recurrent Neural Networks". " I understood this paper roughly. When I train RNN, I use 'batch' not single time-series. In this case, tensorflow automatically assign different dropout mask to different time-series in a batch?
input_keep_prob is for the dropout level (inclusion probability) added when fitting feature weights. output_keep_prob is for the dropout level added for each RNN unit output. state_keep_prob is for the hidden state that is fed to the next layer.
You can initialize each of the above mentioned parameters as follows:
import tensorflow as tf
dropout_placeholder = tf.placeholder_with_default(tf.cast(1.0, tf.float32))
input_keep_prob = dropout_placeholder, output_keep_prob = dropout_placeholder,
state_keep_prob = dropout_placeholder)
The default dropout level will be 1 during prediction or anything else that we can feed during training.
The masking is done for the fitted weights rather than for the sequences that are included in the batch. As far as I know, it's done for the entire batch.
keep_prob = tf.cond(dropOut,lambda:tf.constant(0.9), lambda:tf.constant(1.0))
cells = rnn.DropoutWrapper(cells, output_keep_prob=keep_prob)

How to input mask value to Convolution1D layer

I need to feed variable length sequences into my model.
My model is Embedding + LSTM + Conv1d + Maxpooling + softmax.
When I set mask_zero = True in Embedding, I fail to compile at Conv1d.
How can I input mask value in Conv1d or is there another solution?
The Masking layer expects every downstream layer to support masking, which is not the case of the Conv1D layer. Fortunately, there is another way to apply masking, using the Functional API:
inputs = Input(...)
mask = Masking().compute_mask(inputs) # <= Compute the mask
embed = Embedding(...)(inputs)
lstm = LSTM(...)(embed, mask=mask) # <= Apply the mask
conv = Conv1D(...)(lstm)
model = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[...])
Conv1D layer does not support masking at this time. Here is an open issue on the keras repo.
Depending on the task you might be able to get away with embedding the mask_value just like the other values in the sequence and apply global pooling (as you're doing now).

Strange behaviour sequence to sequence learning for variable length sequences

I am training a sequence to sequence model for variable length sequences with Keras, but I am running into some unexpected problems. It is unclear to me whether the behaviour I am observing is the desired behaviour of the library and why it would be.
Model Creation
I've made a recurrent model with an embeddings layer and a GRU recurrent layer that illustrates the problem. I used mask_zero=0.0 for the embeddings layer instead of a masking layer, but changing this doesn't seem to make a difference (nor does adding a masking layer before the output):
import numpy
from keras.layers import Embedding, GRU, TimeDistributed, Dense, Input
from keras.models import Model
import keras.preprocessing.sequence
input_layer = Input(shape=(3,), dtype='int32', name='input')
embeddings = Embedding(input_dim=20, output_dim=2, input_length=3, mask_zero=True, name='embeddings')(input_layer)
recurrent = GRU(5, return_sequences=True, name='GRU')(embeddings)
output_layer = TimeDistributed(Dense(1), name='output')(recurrent)
model = Model(input=input_layer, output=output_layer)
output_weights = model.layers[-1].get_weights()
output_weights[1] = numpy.array([0.2])
model.compile(loss='mse', metrics=['mse'], optimizer='adam', sample_weight_mode='temporal')
I use masking and the sample_weight parameter to exclude the padding values from the training/evaluation. I will test this model on one input/output sequence which I pad using the Keras padding function:
X = [[1, 2]]
X_padded = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(X, dtype='float32', maxlen=3)
Y = [[[1], [2]]]
Y_padded = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(Y, maxlen=3, dtype='float32')
Output Shape
Why the output is expected to be formatted in this way. Why can I not use input/output sequences that have exactly the same dimensionality? model.evaluate(X_padded, Y_padded) gives me a dimensionality error.
Then, when I run model.predict(X_padded) I get the following output (with numpy.random.seed(0) before generating the model):
[[[ 0.2 ]
[ 0.19946882]
[ 0.19175649]]]
Why isn't the first input masked for the output layer? Is the output_value computed anyways (and equal to the bias, as the hidden layer values are 0? This does not seem desirable. Adding a Masking layer before the output layer does not solve this problem.
MSE calculation
Then, when I evaluate the model (model.evaluate(X_padded, Y_padded)), this returns the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the entire sequence (1.3168) including this first value, which I suppose is to be expected when it isn't masked, but not what I would want.
From the Keras documentation I understand I should use the sample_weight parameter to solve this problem, which I tried:
sample_weight = numpy.array([[0, 1, 1]])
model_evaluation = model.evaluate(X_padded, Y_padded, sample_weight=sample_weight)
print model.metrics_names, model_evaluation
The output I get is
['loss', 'mean_squared_error'] [2.9329459667205811, 1.3168648481369019]
This leaves the metric (MSE) unaltered, it is still the MSE over all values, including the one that I wanted masked. Why? This is not what I want when I evaluate my model. It does cause a change in the loss value, which appears to be the MSE over the last two values normalised to not give more weight to longer sequences.
Am I doing something wrong with the sample weights? Also, I can really not figure out how this loss value came about. What should I do to exclude the padded values from both training and evaluation (I assume the sample_weight parameter works the same in the fit function).
It was indeed a bug in the library, in Keras 2 this issue is resolved.
