How to input mask value to Convolution1D layer - keras

I need to feed variable length sequences into my model.
My model is Embedding + LSTM + Conv1d + Maxpooling + softmax.
When I set mask_zero = True in Embedding, I fail to compile at Conv1d.
How can I input mask value in Conv1d or is there another solution?

The Masking layer expects every downstream layer to support masking, which is not the case of the Conv1D layer. Fortunately, there is another way to apply masking, using the Functional API:
inputs = Input(...)
mask = Masking().compute_mask(inputs) # <= Compute the mask
embed = Embedding(...)(inputs)
lstm = LSTM(...)(embed, mask=mask) # <= Apply the mask
conv = Conv1D(...)(lstm)
model = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[...])

Conv1D layer does not support masking at this time. Here is an open issue on the keras repo.
Depending on the task you might be able to get away with embedding the mask_value just like the other values in the sequence and apply global pooling (as you're doing now).


Keras multi input one shared embedding layer

Is it possible to simply share one embedding layer with one input with multiple features ?
Is it possible to avoid to create multiple inputs layers one by feature.
I would like to avoid to create 34 input layers (one by feature).
The goal is to pass throw one embedding layer 34 feature sequence, get 34 embedded vector sequences. Concatenate them to obtain one super feature vector sequence. And then feed a LSTM.
input shape (None,100,34) -> Embedding_layer_size_64 -> (None,100, 34*64) -> LSTM -> softmax
hope it's clear
The Solution:
# Shared embedding
embedding_layer = Embedding(input_dim = vocab_size+1, output_dim = emb_dim, input_length = nb_timesteps, mask_zero = True)
# For every features we have it's own input
feature_inputs = [Input(shape=(nb_timesteps, ), name='feature_' + str(i + 1)) for i in range(nb_features)]
# Repeat this for every feature
feature_embeddings = [embedding_layer(f) for f in feature_inputs]
# Concatenate the embedding outputs
concatenated_embeddings = concatenate(feature_embeddings, axis=-1)
lstm_1 = LSTM(output_dim)(concatenated_embeddings)
output_layer = Dense(nb_classes, activation='softmax')(lstm_1)
model = Model(inputs=feature_inputs, outputs=output_layer, name="Multi_feature_Embedding_LSTM")

Concatenate outputs of LSTM in Keras

I intend to feed all outputs of timesteps from a LSTM to a fully-connected layer. However, the following codes fail. How can I reduce 3D output of LSTM to 2D by concatenating each output of timestep?
X = LSTM(units=128,return_sequences=True)(input_sequence)
X = Dropout(rate=0.5)(X)
X = LSTM(units=128,return_sequences=True)(X)
X = Dropout(rate=0.5)(X)
X = Concatenate()(X)
X = Dense(n_class)(X)
X = Activation('softmax')(X)
You can use the Flatten layer to flatten the 3D output of LSTM layer to a 2D shape.
As a side note, it is better to use dropout and recurrent_dropout arguments of LSTM layer instead of using Dropout layer directly with recurrent layers.
Additional to #todays answer:
It seems like you want to use return_sequences just to concatenate it into a dense layer. If you did not already try it with return_sequeunces=False, I would recommend you to do to so. The main purpose of return_sequences is to stack LSTMS or to make seq2seq predictions. In your case it should be enough to just use the LSTM.

How to use the result of embedding with mask_zero=True in keras

In keras, I want to calculate the mean of nonzero embedding output.
I wonder what is the difference between mask_zero=True or False in Embedding Layer.
I tried the code below :
input_data = Input(shape=(5,), dtype='int32', name='input')
embedding_layer = Embedding(1000, 24, input_length=5,mask_zero=True,name='embedding')
out = word_embedding_layer(input_data)
def antirectifier(x):
x = K.mean(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return x
def antirectifier_output_shape(input_shape):
shape = list(input_shape)
return tuple(shape)
out = Lambda(antirectifier, output_shape=antirectifier_output_shape,name='lambda')(out)
But it seems that the result is the mean of all the elements, how can i just calculate the mean of all nonzero inputs?
From the function's doc :
If this is True then all subsequent layers in the model need to
support masking
Your lambda function doesn't support masking. For example Recurrent layers in Keras support masking. If you set mask_zero=True in your embeddings, then all the 0 indices that you feed to the embedding layer will be propagated as "masked" and the following layers that are able to understand the "masked" information will use them.
Basically, if you build a "mean" layer that grabs the mask and computes the average only for non-masked values, then you will get the desired results.
You can find here a way to build your lambda layers that support masking
I hope it helps.

what exactly does 'tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper'' in tensorflow do? ( three citical questions)

As I know, DropoutWrapper is used as follows
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(state_size, state_is_tuple=True)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(cell, output_keep_prob=0.5)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([cell] * num_layers, state_is_tuple=True)
the only thing I know is that it is use for dropout while training.
Here are my three questions
What are input_keep_prob,output_keep_prob and state_keep_prob respectively?
(I guess they define dropout probability of each part of RNN, but exactly
Is dropout in this context applied to RNN not only when training but also prediction process? If it's true, is there any way to decide whether I do or don't use dropout at prediction process?
As API documents in tensorflow web page, if variational_recurrent=True dropout works according to the method on a paper
"Y. Gal, Z Ghahramani. "A Theoretically Grounded Application of Dropout in Recurrent Neural Networks". " I understood this paper roughly. When I train RNN, I use 'batch' not single time-series. In this case, tensorflow automatically assign different dropout mask to different time-series in a batch?
input_keep_prob is for the dropout level (inclusion probability) added when fitting feature weights. output_keep_prob is for the dropout level added for each RNN unit output. state_keep_prob is for the hidden state that is fed to the next layer.
You can initialize each of the above mentioned parameters as follows:
import tensorflow as tf
dropout_placeholder = tf.placeholder_with_default(tf.cast(1.0, tf.float32))
input_keep_prob = dropout_placeholder, output_keep_prob = dropout_placeholder,
state_keep_prob = dropout_placeholder)
The default dropout level will be 1 during prediction or anything else that we can feed during training.
The masking is done for the fitted weights rather than for the sequences that are included in the batch. As far as I know, it's done for the entire batch.
keep_prob = tf.cond(dropOut,lambda:tf.constant(0.9), lambda:tf.constant(1.0))
cells = rnn.DropoutWrapper(cells, output_keep_prob=keep_prob)

Merge a forward lstm and a backward lstm in Keras

I would like to merge a forward LSTM and a backward LSTM in Keras. The input array of the backward LSTM is different from that of a forward LSTM. Thus, I cannot use keras.layers.Bidirectional.
The forward input is (10, 4).
The backward input is (12, 4) and it is reversed before put into the model. I would like to reverse it again after LSTM and merge it with the forward.
The simplified model is as follows.
from lambdawithmask import Lambda as MaskLambda
def reverse_func(x, mask=None):
return tf.reverse(x, [False, True, False])
forward = Sequential()
backward = Sequential()
model = Sequential()
forward.add(LSTM(input_shape = (10, 4), output_dim = 4, return_sequences = True))
backward.add(LSTM(input_shape = (12, 4), output_dim = 4, return_sequences = True))
backward.add(MaskLambda(function=reverse_func, mask_function=reverse_func))
model.add(Merge([forward, backward], mode = "concat", concat_axis = 1))
When I run this, the error message is:
Tensors in list passed to 'values' of 'ConcatV2' Op have types [bool, float32] that don't all match.
Could anyone help me? I coded in Python 3.5.2 with Keras (2.0.5) and the backend is tensorflow (1.2.1).
First of all, if you have two different inputs, you cannot use a Sequential model. You must use the functional API Model:
from keras.models import Model
The two first models can be sequential, no problem, but the junction must be a regular model. When it's about concatenating, I also use the functional approach (create the layer, then pass the input):
junction = Concatenate(axis=1)([forward.output,backward.output])
Why axis=1? You can only concatenate things with the same shape. Since you have 10 and 12, they're not compatible unless you use this exact axis for the merge, which is the second axis, considering you have (BatchSize, TimeSteps, Units)
For creating the final model, use the Model, specify the inputs and outputs:
model = Model([forward.input,backward.input], junction)
In the model to be reversed, use simply a Lambda layer. A MaskLambda does more than just the function you want. I also suggest you use the keras backend insted of tensorflow functions:
import keras.backend as K
#instead of the MaskLambda:
backward.add(Lambda(lambda x: K.reverse(x,axes=[1]), output_shape=(12,?))
Here, the ? is the amount of units your LSTM layers have. See PS at the end.
PS: I'm not sure output_dim is useful in the LSTM layer. It's necessary in Lambda layers, but I never use it anywhere else. Shapes are natural consequences of the amount of "units" you put in your layers. Strangely, you didn't specify the amount of units.
PS2: How exactly do you want to concatenate two sequences with different sizes?
As said in above answer, using a Functional API offers you much flexibility in case of multi input/output models. You can simply set the go_backwards argument as True to reverse the traversal of the input vector by the LSTM layer.
I have defined the smart_merge function below which merges the forward and backward LSTM layers together along with handling the single traversal case.
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, merge
def smart_merge(vectors, **kwargs):
return vectors[0] if len(vectors)==1 else merge(vectors, **kwargs)
input1 = Input(shape=(10,4), dtype='int32')
input2 = Input(shape=(12,4), dtype='int32')
LtoR_LSTM = LSTM(56, return_sequences=False)
LtoR_LSTM_vector = LtoR_LSTM(input1)
RtoL_LSTM = LSTM(56, return_sequences=False, go_backwards=True)
RtoL_LSTM_vector = RtoL_LSTM(input2)
BidireLSTM_vector = [LtoR_LSTM_vector]
BidireLSTM_vector= smart_merge(BidireLSTM_vector, mode='concat')
