Removing need for passphrase key in Google Cloud Projects - linux

I am trying to set up datalab notebooks in a Google Cloud project. I screwed up and entered a passphrase during the first
$ datalab connect INSTANCE_NAME
install.I quickly realized that I wished I hadn't done that, so I deleted the instance and tried to reinstall. It asked again.
So, I did a bit of googling (after just deleting the new project and creating a new one), and discovered that the passphrase is required across projects.
So, I went to the metadata tab and deleted it through there- but it comes back whenever I try and create an instance (on any project) through the terminal.
Ok. So, I tried using gcloud to change the instance to not need the project passphrase, using
$ cloud compute instances add-metadata [INSTANCE_NAME] --metadata block-project-ssh-keys=TRUE
Same thing.
Please, what the heck am I missing? How do I just permanently remove the need for a passphrase when setting up an instance in datalab from the ssh terminal?
I wouldn't mind using the passphrase so much, but whenever I enter it, the terminal just stops (not hard stop- it just sits there without processing until I ctrl+C and force stop. I can type and enter and whatever, but it doesn't register my passphrase.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
FYI, I am setting all this up using a stock Pixelbook. That shouldn't matter since everything is through Google Cloud, but there ya go.

The passphrase isn't tied to your GCP project or Datalab instances in any way.
Instead, it is a property of your local private SSH key. This file usually winds up under ~/.ssh and is named something like google_compute_engine.
Since you mention using a Pixelbook, I assume you are running the datalab connect command from Cloud Shell. In that case, this file is stored inside of your Cloud Shell instance.
Delete that file, and then the next run of datalab connect will generate a new one (for which you can leave the passphrase empty).


What means terminal prompts disabled?

I use gitlab since some years.
After an update of my mac book, one application fails on deploy with deployer.
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
I use the same gitlab server for all projects. The other projects are working well.
I compared the gig config file. No differences between the applications.
I tried to set/change the username. No success
I created a new repo on gitlab, and cloned it into my php storm. No success
Has someone an idea, where i have to search?
Thanks in advance!
Check the URL of that repository. A port 22 is the default one used by SSH, so seeing an HTTP URL used is strange, and would trigger a prompt for the username.
This differs from a URL (or ssh://, which should not need any prompt, if the right SSH key is used (and has no passphrase, or if the passphrase is cached in an ssh-agent).

How do I add environment variables to a AWS Lightsail Node.js instance?

The Problem
I'm dipping my toes into AWS by deploying a simple API built with NestJS. This will be the first app I've deployed to a cloud service. I've already cloned my repository on an AWS Lightsail Linux instance with Node.js and installed all of my dependencies. However, I'm confused on how best to provide environment variables to my app.
Obviously, I has a local .env file that I used during development with credentials for my database, port info, etc. Do I just create a new .env file on the machine running my instance through the command line? I've read that for other AWS services you can provide env variables through that service's UI, but I can't find the same thing for Lightsail.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could give me an explanation of env variables, and how we should generally provide them to cloud services.
Thank you!
There could be a better method. But, you could add a file locally on the LightSail server itself. If you don't know how to do so through console, I'll explain below.
Create the file: touch .env
Open up the file in console: vim .env.
Now you will see the file opened up in console, with weird UI if you haven't seen it before.
Prepare to write to file: press i.
Now you should see a the ~Insert~ mode appear at the bottom.
Add the variables: copy and paste your .env from your local laptop to your lightsail console.
close out: press esc, then type in :wq, and click on enter
This should work as normal with any .env file. I'm unsure if there are security issues with this, but I don't believe so.

google cloud AI notebook save does not work

I created a deep learning instance inside the AI platform of google cloud . I use the built in jupyterlab notebooks running on the browser (I use chrome). Recently I have a problem with saving the code. autosave as well as saving the notebook files does not work. I keep see the message "saving started" when I try to save, but nothing other than that happens, and the code is not saved. I tried restart the kernel as well as restart the instance but the problem keeps returning. Anyone here encountered the same thing? have a solution?
What worked for me eventually was instead of using https connection I connected to the instance via ssh and then to accessed jupyterlab in local host. I followed this link:
export PROJECT_ID="my-project-id"
export ZONE="my-zone"
export INSTANCE_NAME="my-instance"
gcloud compute ssh --project $PROJECT_ID --zone $ZONE \
$INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080
I had a similar problem, I opened a notebook and GCP did not save it,
but after I started the notebook from a folder inside Jupyterlab - it saved it.

How could I prohibit anonymous access to my NodeRed UI Dashboard on IBM Cloud(Bluemix)?

I'm working with node-red, on boilerplate IBM cloud. I know that there is a way, changing the value of enviroments variables(NODE_RED_USERNAME and NODE_RED_PASSWORD), to change username and password of the editor flow. But, what about UI dashboard? I mean using dashboard nodes. Forbid access to
I know that on the code, changing the variable httpNodeAuth on the file settings.js I can do what I want. What is the way for doing that on IBM Cloud?
Thank you in advance!
You need to add the httpNodeAuth (not the httpAdminAuth as this is for controlling access to the Node-RED editor and can done with the environment variables discussed in the other answer.) to the app/bluemix-settings.js file.
Something like this:
httpStatic: path.join(__dirname,"public"),
httpNodeAuth: {user:"user",pass:"$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz2Z6dNbM6tl8sJogENOMcxWV9DN."},
functionGlobalContext: { },
Details of how to generate the pass can be found here
There are a number of ways you can edit the file, some of which include linking the Node-RED deployment to a git repository or downloading the whole app, editing the file and pushing it back to Bluemix (when you first deploy Node-RED from the starter pack it gives you instructions on how to download the source to make changes and then push them back. You can get to these instructions by clicking on the "Getting started" link in your Node-RED Bluemix console page).
But the quickest/simplest/dirtiest way is probably to just SSH into the instance and change the file with something like vi. Details on how to ssh to an app instance can be found here. But the following should work:
cf ssh [app name]
Once you have edited the file you will need to tell bluemix to restart the app. You can do this from the web console or with the cf command line tool.
(The changes made by this method will not survive if the app is restaged, or bluemix decides to move your instance to another machine internally because it will rebuild the app from the pushed sources. The permanent solution is to download the source, edit and push back)
This link will help you but it's written in Japanese.
You can define the "user-defined" environment variables through the IBM Cloud dashboard.
It contains the variables to protect Node-RED GUI.
You have to be set as follows

Bamboo 5.5.0 - How to delete a remote agent's capability via the file?

I am currently trying to automate the process of bamboo remote agent installation and uninstallation. I have run into a problem in regards to adding and removing capabilities.
What I am trying to automate:
(The following is what I do on the bamboo server via the GUI, I want to do this on the remote agent machine via bash script.)
I install the remote agent on a VM machine, then start it up. I go to the bamboo interface and click on the newly created agent's name.
I add a custom capability type, for the key I put 'buildserver' and for the value I put the name of the agent.
I add an 'Executable' capability of type 'Command' with Executable label 'cygwin' and path 'C:\cygwin64\bin\bash'
I navigate to the git executable, and remove it by clicking 'delete.' <--- (the problem step)
what I've done.
I have looked here and found a way to automate steps 1-3 using the following "" file:
However I am stuck on how I would remove the git capability (step 4.) I've tried something appending something like this to the file:
but it does not seem to do anything. Does anyone know how I would do this? There seems to be very little documentation about this online.
Thanks very much.
I never found a way to get around this, but I found a workaround. I later learned the point of removing git in my situation was to allow a shared capability that was also called git to take precedence. My workaround was to set the non-shared capability to the value of the shared capability. I am not 100% sure that this does the same thing, and I am not in a position to test it yet, but as a capability seems to be only a key-value pair I don't see why it wouldn't.... will update if anything breaks.
