Bamboo 5.5.0 - How to delete a remote agent's capability via the file? - linux

I am currently trying to automate the process of bamboo remote agent installation and uninstallation. I have run into a problem in regards to adding and removing capabilities.
What I am trying to automate:
(The following is what I do on the bamboo server via the GUI, I want to do this on the remote agent machine via bash script.)
I install the remote agent on a VM machine, then start it up. I go to the bamboo interface and click on the newly created agent's name.
I add a custom capability type, for the key I put 'buildserver' and for the value I put the name of the agent.
I add an 'Executable' capability of type 'Command' with Executable label 'cygwin' and path 'C:\cygwin64\bin\bash'
I navigate to the git executable, and remove it by clicking 'delete.' <--- (the problem step)
what I've done.
I have looked here and found a way to automate steps 1-3 using the following "" file:
However I am stuck on how I would remove the git capability (step 4.) I've tried something appending something like this to the file:
but it does not seem to do anything. Does anyone know how I would do this? There seems to be very little documentation about this online.
Thanks very much.

I never found a way to get around this, but I found a workaround. I later learned the point of removing git in my situation was to allow a shared capability that was also called git to take precedence. My workaround was to set the non-shared capability to the value of the shared capability. I am not 100% sure that this does the same thing, and I am not in a position to test it yet, but as a capability seems to be only a key-value pair I don't see why it wouldn't.... will update if anything breaks.


Conditional proxy settings in

I use Android Studio and gradle in my office using a authenticated corporate proxy. This unfortunately means that I have to enter my proxy config including user/pass in cleartext in (or have it automatically propagated from Android Studio's preferences).
However, sometimes I work outside of the office, and I then have to manually go in and comment out my proxy settings each time, which is tedious.
Is there a way to make properties in a gradle file conditional so that the proxy configuration can be automatically activated by detecting if I'm on my corporate network or not? The condition itself could in turn be retrieved either by querying the network adapter for the current network, or perhaps better, by making a simple curl to a known host on my corporate network.
I'm using both Windows and Ubuntu clients but this question mostly applies to Windows.
There might be other ways to solve this I guess, perhaps changing the global gradle settings rather than the project specific ones. To be honest, I have to do a similar git config --add http.proxy, and the same for npm, bower and what not, everytime I change working environments. Other suggestions are welcome even though this question specifically asks how to create a which tries to connect to a known intranet host, and depending on the outcome sets or unsets properties.
I have had the same problem for a while. There was an additional problem for me that are checked in to our VCS with a proxy setting; and I had to take extra steps before all my commits to ignore the changes I did in that file. Additionally, I had to comment/uncomment the same piece of code multiple times in a day.
I could not come up with a conditional update system, but the second problem was resolved by inbuilt shelving functionality in Android Studio and creating changelists to keep 2 copies of the file with different settings.
I don't think there is any way to solve this problem the way you are asking for. For a simple reason: .properties files are not meant to have logic. To quote the Java docs:
Properties are configuration values managed as key/value pairs.
The dynamic settings can be achieved either via Android Studio proxy settings or writing a Gradle task that runs on project load, checks network conditions and sets system properties. I haven't tested this approach, but I think this will also update the file (a side-effect that you may not want). But what is being done by Gradle can also be done via a shell script that you need to execute on project load.
The way I am currently handling proxy update is by entering/saving the proxy settings in Android Studio itself, and toggling when I move between locations. It just takes a couple of commands to bring up the proxy dialog and enable/disable the saved proxy.
Since this proxy file is saved in idea.config.path/options/proxy.settings.xml, you could also try writing a shell script that can toggle the contents based on network availability.
This may not be what you were looking for, but I hope it clears up why it can't be done the way you asked for.

Version control on shared web host with Bazaar

I have a project I am going to begin co-developing on one of my web servers. Due to the nature of this kind of thing I'd like to have some version control going on. I've been searching all day for something that fits my needs and Bazaar seems the way to go, but I cannot figure out how to configure it.
My web host is Linux, without SSH (or SFTP as far as I can tell). I've read that you can use Bazaar in this situation to make a "dumb" server, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to configure, or find a guide. Everything out there requires either SSH/CLI access (both of which I don't have) or are too vague to follow. I am using the Windows GUI for Bazaar as well.
Can anyone either point me to a guide/instructions on how to do it, or post one here?
Edit Since Original Post
I have been trying to do several things since my original post. It might be that I am misunderstanding how bazaar is meant to work. What I want is to have my php files etc. on my web host (to which i do not have ssh access) so that myself and codevelopers can edit and test files without overwritting each other.
I initially tried to "start a new project" on my server via "ftp://user:pass#server" and it says that is successful. Then it prompts with a "Unable to open location" error saying "C:/ftp:/user:pass#server is not a brand, checkout, or repository.
Do you want to open it as a virtual repository, searching for nested locations?"
When I hit yes, it gives me an error "Unable to change to C:/ftp:/user:pass#server - closing page."
if I do the same thing with the "Open an existing location" option, it gives me the same error, except afterwards the Bazaar GUI hangs with "Not Responding" and needs to be killed.
Either way nothing is created that I can then interact with in Bazaar. If I create a local project and then push, it all seems to work. However, if I try to commit changes so I can push them I get an error "Bazaar has encountered an environmental error. Please report a bug if this is not the result of a local problem at including this traceback, and a description of what you were doing when the error occurred." the show details says "bzr: ERROR: Unable to determine your name.
Please, set your name with the 'whoami' command.
E.g. bzr whoami "Your Name ""
Before you can commit revisions, you need to set a name and email address. These are important metadata in a commit. You can set these in the Settings | Configuration | User Configuration menu. On the General tab enter the Name and E-mail fields. It's recommended to use real data in public projects, so that others who view your project can contact you in case they have questions. But it doesn't have to be real. This is a one-time initial setup.
As a next step, I would do a test to make sure you can really use your server over FTP, as a sanity check:
Commit a few revisions in your local repository, just so that you have something to push. It could be anything, doesn't matter.
Try a push to a URL in the format: ftp://user:pass#server/absolute/path/to/somewhere. In the example in your post you wrote ftp://user:pass#server, but it's important to have an absolute path there, like in this example.
If for some reason the push doesn't work well using the GUI, try it on the command line, for example:
bzr push ftp://user:pass#server/absolute/path/to/somewhere
This should really give an error message we can debug. In that case, paste the output into your question.
You said in comments that something was wrong with your name+email setting, and changing that resolved the problem. It would be nice to know what exactly was the problem there.
About bzr push to an FTP server, I double checked, this will never create the files on the server. From bzr push -h:
The target branch will not have its working tree populated because this
is both expensive, and is not supported on remote file systems.
Some smart servers or protocols may put the working tree in place in the future.
Over FTP it's a "dumb" server, so it definitely won't put the files there, only the .bzr directory, which is the repository and branch data. If you want to have the files there, I'm afraid you have to copy manually. There is a related bzr-push-and-update plugin, but it requires ssh access, which is not your case.

Setting up CruiseControl.Net to always check for modifications

So I imagine this is a pretty simple problem, but I can't find anything about it.
I've set up CruiseControl.Net to check my svn repository for any changes every 30 seconds, and if there are any changes, build them using NAnt.
Everything works great - but only if I have the CruiseControl.Net console running at all time on the server. If I close the console, it won't check for changes and build them. I've checked the wiki for a way to set up continuous monitoring, but I can't find anything
Does the console always need to be running in order to detect changes, or is there another way to do this?
There are two ways to run CCNET: As console application or as windows service. You're looking for windows service mode.
Here is a tutorial on "Installing CCService". Be aware that this documentation is outdated. But it should give you an impression.
Installing CCNET as a windows service is an option during CCNET installation so this is the easiest way to get it up and running.

Automated builds in monotouch

I am currently trying to implement a one-click build solution (without having to start the monodevelop IDE) for my monotouch projects, where i could specify provisioning profiles and code signing certificates. I searched popular build tools like nant, ant and maven, but none seems to support monotouch. Has anyone tried something similar ?
I've gotten it work with Jenkins (aka Hudson).
You basically setup a Jenkins server, and setup your Mac as a "slave" build server. (I used a JNLP slave).
From there you can run any command line you want in the build, so you merely have to run mdtool with some arguments, like so:
/Applications/ -v build "--configuration:Release|iPhone" "Path/To/YourSolution.sln"
One thing to worry about is that to sign an iOS app, the slave process must run under your user. So you can't really create a Mac daemon for it, you'll have to run the slave process in startup for your user and minimize it, which is kind of annoying.
You tried teamcity? Might be worth you having a look at this thread Buildserver for MonoTouch upon OS X?
Thx for your answers. However i don't need to use such heavy artillery in this case. Since i'm developping a single and small app, I ended up by creating 3 different Build configurations in my solution, because i found out that it is possible to configure different codesign identities and provisioning profiles for each one (Development, Ad-Hoc, AppleStore), in the monodevelop project options menu.
Then in the AppleStore/Ad-Hoc configuration, i added post build commands, so i could create the .ipa file automatically (basically create a "Payload" folder and copy the .app file into it, and then zip it into a .ipa file, along with the icon and itunesartwork files).
Finally i created a bash script that invokes mdtool with any of the configurations, so i can build and generate .ipa executables by just executing the script.

IIS executable not executing

I have been looking at an issue for a week straight and have been unable to figure it out and I am desperate for the fix.
On a client site, we have two environments: UAT and PROD. UAT works perfect (Please keep this in mind). We are now trying to deploy the solution to PROD but certain parts of the solution are not working.
We have developed an application that we provide to clients to allow them to invoke SSIS packages (there are a couple of drop downs that they first select then click a button named "invoke").
When the user clicks the Invoke button, a batch file named InvokeSSIS.bat is called that assembles a command line call to dtexec with the appropriate parameters.
I'm having a problem with a particular package that is responsible for calling an executable which generates a spreadsheet that i will be importing into my system.
The executable is on an mapped H:\ drive.
I have modified the InvokeSSIS.bat batch file to capture the command the batch file is generating. If I execute this command from the command line, it works perfectly. From the webapp Invoker, it executes the package but the tasks responsible for calling the executable doesn't execute as the entire package takes only 1 second to complete (whereas it should take about a minute.)
The executable DOES have a GUI, but it is NOT interactive. This is because when you call the GUI with specific parameters, it automatically runs in batch mode and executes a macro used to generate the desired spreadsheet.
I know this is ok because it works on the UAT server AND it works from the command line!
I have checked the permissions on the executable (bu right-clicking the executable and clicking properties.) I have granted Full Control on the executable to the same user specified as the identity tab of the application pool i am using.
Can someone please help me? As I said I am dying over here!
Please let me know if you have any ideas or what other info you need.
Environment (both UAT and PROD)
OS: Windows Server 2003
IIS 6 2.0
SQL Server 2008
You can't use a mapped drive with IIS.
You must use the \\servername syntax to reach files on other systems.
I agree with user544284 that this is at least in part a mapping issue. I'll ignore for a minute the complete insanity of having a web application call a batch file to start an executable that's on a remote network drive through a drive letter mapping.
Most likely the UAT box has something set up that maps that drive letter for you which Prod is missing.
The only other possibility is a security violation is occurring. Running .exe's from a network drive is generally frowned on. Do the two environments have the exact same version of windows? Are they configured the same with regards to UAC? Any differences here are going to be important.
Which brings up an interesting thought. I wonder if someone logged in to the UAT server using the same account credentials the app pool is using and added the ip address of the machine where the exe lives to the list of "Local Intranet" sites... Or, if they installed SSIS on the UAT server itself.
Just because YOU can log in to the server and run it on the command line means nothing. You have to find out if the drive letter is mapped at all for the user that the web app is running under and whether that user has the required security bits and whether the local OS will allow it regardless.
Okay, I can't ignore it: hairbrained is the nicest adjective I can come up with for this "architecture". Do yourself a favor and go back to the drawing board on this one. It has the word "brittle" written all over it, as you have already found. Instead of building out a batch file to call dtexec, just do it directly either by something like this or this.
