Magento - Change links in header - magento-1.8

I just started with magento. I try to replace the header links on the default page. I need to replace the text "My Cart" with the following font-awesome icon.
<i class="fas fa-shopping-cart"></i>
But I have no clue where I can change this, the documentation is complicated and not very beginner friendly.

I figured it out. You have to create your own design and assign it in the backend . Then you have to create the following folder structure if it does not exist yet.
Now create a file called links.phtml with the following content:
<ul class="links"<?php if($this->getName()): ?> id="<?php echo $this->getName() ?>"<?php endif;?>>
//insert links here


How to create Dynamic Menu in Modx

I want to create a e-commerce in Modx CMS. I have create dynamically everything in Modx, but i am not able to create dynamic menu.
How can i do this?
Here’s the contents of the myWrapperTpl chunk:
<ul[[+outerClasses:notempty=` class="[[+outerClasses]]"`]]> [[+output]]</ul>
<li[[*id:is=`[[+id]]`:then=` class="active"`]]>
<a href="[[~[[+id]]]]">
[[[[+level:lt=`[[+maxLevel]]`:then=`getResources#main-menu? &parents=`[[+id]]` &level=`[[+level:add]]``:else=`-`]]]]

add a custom view to JHipster app

Is there a Yeoman way of creating all the necessary templates required when adding a new view in a JHipster app? I want a simple static page, or a page that doesn't require a new entity. Let's say I want to add an "About" page, I believe I would need to do the following:
Add the "About" link to src/main/webapp/app/layouts/navbar/navbar.html:
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="about" ng-click="vm.collapseNavbar()">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span>
<span class="hidden-sm" data-translate="">About</span>
Create the following new files:
src/main/webapp/i18n/en/about.json, and any other language...
... and add the following lines in webapp/index.html:
<script src="app/about/about.state.js"></script>
<script src="app/about/about.controller.js"></script>
... and any necessary content to src/main/webapp/i18n/en/global.json.
Am I forgetting something?
Does this need to be done manually? Is there a Yeoman command for creating a new view that is independent of an entity? I know that this question has been asked, but I'm hoping that things have changed since then.
The jhipster module Nav Element do it automatically for us. In addition it creates an angular component too for the new item in the menu.
Here is instruction how to add static page:
You may try creating an entity without any fields or relations and with "--skip-server" option.
yo jhipster:entity about --skip-server

Footer in Liferay

I need to make a footer in Liferay and use theme for it. What's the simpliest way to do it?
I have created new theme, filled _diffs folder with other folders, but it's empty and I couldn't find relevant docs about this. Should I copy all basic files there? What should I change to create footer?
In Liferay, theme's portal_normal.vm serves as the template to
construct HTML structure of the page. There you define your header,
body and footer includes.
When you will look at the portal_normal.vm of classic theme, you will observe following HTML snippet:
<footer id="footer" role="contentinfo">
<p class="powered-by">
#language ("powered-by")
This is the footer of the page. This is what you need to implement. However, it's not necessary to use footer tag at all, as you can simply use div or table based structure with bootstrap or customized CSS classes for your footer, it's upto your requirement.
Remember! Classic theme is just like a sample provided by Liferay, so, it's not good idea to directly customize it.
Everybody needs a whole customized view of the site, and for this the best idea is to create a custom theme (that's what you are doing!), that will give you full control over your look-n-feel.
To kick-start, you can initially copy required folders from classic theme to your customized theme's (_diffs folder) and start changing bit by bit.

Remove Right Column on Registration page

This is link of website
As you can see on this page there is right column. i want to remove this column. Is there anyone who can guide me? i am not expert in php.
Set class col-sm-9 to col-sm-12 in tpl file.
You should only set col-sm-9 to col-sm-12 on your HTML structure.

dropdown menu link to specifict section in a page

I have index.html and the catalog.html, in this page I have some Id in order to move throw diferents sections in that page.
I have a menu, with Hone and Catalog, this option it´s a dropdownmenu, so, what I need is if I´m index and clic on catalog can go to specific section (named "canal-prisma") of cataglo page, I have this code but didn´t work, thank you for your help
<li class="dropdown">
Catálogo<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
Are you trying to go to a section on the page with the id or name attribute set as canal-prisma? If you set the id attribute, you should change that to the "name" attribute. Otherwise, more code is really needed to determine the answer to your question.
For example, in order to create a section of the page called canal-prisma:
Go to the Canal Prisma section
And in catalog.html:
<a name="canal-prisma">#</a>
