Remove Right Column on Registration page - opencart2.x

This is link of website
As you can see on this page there is right column. i want to remove this column. Is there anyone who can guide me? i am not expert in php.

Set class col-sm-9 to col-sm-12 in tpl file.

You should only set col-sm-9 to col-sm-12 on your HTML structure.


Magento - Change links in header

I just started with magento. I try to replace the header links on the default page. I need to replace the text "My Cart" with the following font-awesome icon.
<i class="fas fa-shopping-cart"></i>
But I have no clue where I can change this, the documentation is complicated and not very beginner friendly.
I figured it out. You have to create your own design and assign it in the backend . Then you have to create the following folder structure if it does not exist yet.
Now create a file called links.phtml with the following content:
<ul class="links"<?php if($this->getName()): ?> id="<?php echo $this->getName() ?>"<?php endif;?>>
//insert links here

dropdown menu link to specifict section in a page

I have index.html and the catalog.html, in this page I have some Id in order to move throw diferents sections in that page.
I have a menu, with Hone and Catalog, this option it´s a dropdownmenu, so, what I need is if I´m index and clic on catalog can go to specific section (named "canal-prisma") of cataglo page, I have this code but didn´t work, thank you for your help
<li class="dropdown">
Catálogo<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
Are you trying to go to a section on the page with the id or name attribute set as canal-prisma? If you set the id attribute, you should change that to the "name" attribute. Otherwise, more code is really needed to determine the answer to your question.
For example, in order to create a section of the page called canal-prisma:
Go to the Canal Prisma section
And in catalog.html:
<a name="canal-prisma">#</a>

Can't click "through" fixed div menu

I'm having problems with my fixed menu. As you can see of the example beneath it's not possible to click the links "Vingårde, Dyrkning..." because of the div box with the fixed menu on top of it. I've tried ordering the layers with z-index but I just can't get it to work. Can anybody help me out?
And if anyone by the way have a method on auto adjusting the height of the page so it covers the whole viewport I would be very glad to hear from you :-) In the website version above I've set the height manually to 1000px which is not preferable
Thank you!
You need to put all the wrappers' elements outside of it and put them after the left-page container and before the right-page container. Finally, remove the wrapper, it seems unnecessary for the page in order to work.
I fixed it through Chrome's dev tools, but I assume it should work if you modify the html that way.
The body should look like this:
<div id="left_page_container">...</div>
<div class="nav_humlunvim">...</div>
<div class="nav_butik">...</div>
<div class="nav_blog">...</div>
<div class="nav_kontakt">...</div>
<div id="right_page_container">...</div>
Hope it helps; as an extra observation it is more common to use "hyphen-separated-names" for selectors than to use "snake_case_names" :)

Heirarchical Select Steps Drupal 6

I am working on a site in which there is two type of user- 'Company' and 'Consultant'. I am using content profile and auto assign role for this. in the registration of consultant i have a field to select main area and sub area (for ex-Science and Technology[as Main Area] and Biology and medicine[as Sub Area]). I want to use Hierarchical select but I am doing something wrong so it is not working.
So please either tell me the steps of Hierarchical Select or suggest me another module for this.
Please help.
Try adding this in your tpl whether you are using one.
<div style="display:none">
<?php print drupal_render($form) ?>
I use the same modules and it works.

Sharepoint:ListFieldIterator - ExcludeFields property does not work

I've written a completely new page that uses Sharepoint's ListFieldIterator. I would like to exclude few fields from the view and I've found a solution using ExcludeFields but it simply doesn't work. The control always displays all fields, nevermind what's in ExcludeFields property. I couldn't find anyone complaining about such a problem on the internet.
There's the code (nothing fancy):
<Sharepoint:ListFieldIterator ID="lfiItemDetails" ControlMode="Display" runat="server" ExcludeFields="TestId" />
ListId and ItemId are set programmatically in OnInit.
Try it with a hash. So for the column I want to hide called "PrintOrder" I changed it from:
<SharePoint:ListFieldIterator ControlMode="Display" TemplateName="WideFieldListIterator" ExcludeFields="FileLeafRef;#WikiField" runat="server"/>
<SharePoint:ListFieldIterator ControlMode="Display" TemplateName="WideFieldListIterator" ExcludeFields="FileLeafRef;#WikiField;#PrintOrder" runat="server"/>
That worked for me.
Incase anyone else hits this. ExcludeFields dow not work if ControlMode is Display(at least on my version of. You need to either hide the field with Javascript or set ShowInDisplayform=False
