Azure: Create user that can log into a web app but not the azure portal - azure

I've deployed an web forms application to an app service resource. I've turned on the app service authentication and set it to Log in With Azure Active Directory.
I've created a guest user account and verified that the user can log in to my application. That user is also able to log into the azure portal, and although the user doesn't appear to be able to do anything in the portal, they can still get to the portal and see things. How can I create users that can access my app service but not the azure itself. And if I have multiple app services, how can I create users that are silo'd to specific app services?

There is no way to prevent a user which has been your directory to sign in Azure portal. Onece you invited the user to your directory, the user could also login azure portal. But I also want to make clear that the user can not do anything in your directory and Azure resources if you don't give him/her permissions.
And if I have multiple app services, how can I create users that are
silo'd to specific app services?
Well, this can be resolved. Since each Web App liknes to one service principal, you need to set User assignment required to be Yes in the Properties for that service principal and only assigned users (Add users in Users and groups) can access to login access to this app.


Application Permissions greyed out when requesting API Permission in Azure AD

Further to:
API Permission Issue while Azure App Registration
Why is "Application permissions" disabled in Azure AD's "Request API permissions"?
I cannot activate the Application Permissions button in the API permissions when I am trying to register an application in Active Directory. I have created the roles (several times) and ensured all of the properties are correct as described in both posts and in - including that it the role is set for application, . I am using the default directory of my Azure account. I am the only member in my directory and am a member of global administrators.
Is there something else I am missing?
My end goal is simply to use the .Net SDK to manage the firewall on an application service using a client secret that can be distributed with an application.
Here is the manifest
Okay, so you want an app registration to manage an App Service through Azure Resource Management API as itself with client credentials flow?
In that case you don't need to assign any application permissions to your app.
You need to create the app, and then go to e.g. the App Service resource's Access Control (IAM) tab, and add the needed role to your app there.
The reason that the app permissions tab there is grey is because the Azure Service Management app registration (which you can't edit) does not define any app permissions.
When you define an app permission in the manifest, that becomes a permission that other applications could use to call your API, not Azure Resource Management API.
Is there something else I am missing?
The reason Applications Permissions is greyed out for you is because Azure Service Management API only allows Delegated Permissions i.e. this API will be always be executed in context of the signed-in user. In other words, a user (even if it is a Service Principal) must always be present when executing this API.
You mentioned that you wanted to execute Service Management API using a client secret. For that there are two things you would need to do:
As mentioned by #junnas, you will need to assign your application (which is a Service Principal) a proper Azure RBAC role on an Azure Subscription. Please see this link for more details:
You will need to acquire token for this Service Principal using client id and client secret. You can use ClientSecretCredential for that purpose.

Can we access different Azure AD directories with single Azure AD App

I am currently using Azure AD app (Client Id and Client Secret) of one directory to get users details and Azure resources of the attached subscription though MS Graph and Azure Management API. Now i have added one more directory and subscription under my management group . I want to know if i created a multi tenant Azure AD app through App registration , can i access the users of other directory ? If yes what configurations are required ?
If you want to use a single Azure ad application to access different Azure AD directories, then you must configure the application as a multi-tenant application. Because changing the application to a multi-tenant application allows any tenant log in.
Next, you need to request the consent of the administrators of other Azure AD tenants. After the administrator consent, it will be added to other organization tenants as an enterprise application in. In addition, different tenants need to use different access tokens.

Is it possible to use DevOps to deploy to an Azure App Service if I don't have access to Azure Active Directory?

I have a Azure For Student subscription through my university and I'm trying to work out how to deploy an Angular app to an Azure App Service using Azure Pipelines.
In my Release pipelines, in the step to deploy to an Azure App Service, I have to select a subscription. When I click Authorize I get the below error.
Seems I can't create a service connection because it requires access to Active Directory. I'm on my university's tenant so I don't have access to it.
Is there a way around this I can use Azure Pipelines if I don't have access to create accounts in Active Directory?
As the error explicityly says, There's no way to deploy this without being a Global Admin or Owner on the Azure Active Directory tenant.
Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.Ensure that the user
has permission to create an Azure Active Directory application.
This typically occurs when the system attempts to create an application in Azure AD on your behalf and this is a permission issue that may be due to the following causes:
The user has only guest permission in the directory
The user is not authorized to add applications in the directory
(1) If you only have guest permission in AAD ,please contact the admin to grant the minimum additional permissions to you. Let the admin to set Guest user permissions are limited to No.
(2) If you are the member of AAD, and just not be authorized to add applications in the directory. Go User settings, then change Users can register applications to Yes under App registrations section.
For details ,please refer to this troubleshoot document and similar ticket.

App Registration in AD doesn't show in Apps Portal

I created a Azure Active Directory via the Azure portal. Then, I registered an app in it. I can configure it, add permissions and the like via the azure portal. But the same app I created, I don't see on
Shouldn't I be able to see and configure the app I made in AD at that portal, too?
The apps that appear in the Application Registration Portal are the ones where you are explicitly marked as an owner of the application. This is in contrast to the apps that appear in the Azure Portal which are all the applications registered in your tenant, independent of whether or not your are an owner.
If you are a normal user, and you create an application in the Azure Portal, you should see your application appear in a section called "Azure AD only applications"
Here is the owner information for "Email Scraper" from the Azure Portal.
However, if you are a Tenant Administrator and you create an application, you will not be marked as an owner of the application. Implicitly, Tenant Administrators are owners of all objects in the directory, and to reduce the object quota generated by admins, these explicit links are not created.
Here is an example of an app I created where I am the Tenant Administrator:
Therefore, you probably do not see your application in the App Registration Portal because you are not marked as an Owner of the application, probably because you are an Administrator who created the app, or you did not create the app to begin with. You can remedy this by simply adding yourself to the owner list in the Azure Portal.
Let me know if this helps!

Azure - restrict access to app service only

Ive created a website in Azure and I want to allow users to login and use the app, but im slightly confused by azure active directory access. I want users to only have acces to the web app, not to the portal. Users will be from within my organisation and from outside it so its vitally important that access is locked down, If a user somehow ends up at the azure portal they must not be able to access it. If I set users up in our active directory, wont they be able to login to the azure portal too ? I want to take advantage of authentication as a service and hand over authentication and multi factor authentication to azure but everytjhing Ive read so far seems to suggest If i use azure active directory, users will be able to acess the Azure portal too, is this correct or am i misinterpreting the information ? Are there any step by step guides available for these sorts of scenarios ?
If i use azure active directory, users will be able to acess the Azure
portal too, is this correct or am i misinterpreting the information ?
No, your users will not have access to Azure Portal (rather Azure Subscription as Azure Portal is an application using which a user manages one or more Azure Subscriptions) unless you grant them permission to access it. In order for your users to have access to Azure Portal, you would need to grant them permissions explicitly to do so. In the new portal, you do it by assigning roles (e.g. Owner, Contributor, Reader etc.) and in the old portal you do it by making them co-administrators.
Unless you do this, when they login into Azure Portal all they will see is a message stating no Azure Subscriptions were found.
