How to create a chatbot with facebook messenger like templates - bots

I'm trying to create a chatbot for use in a chat app I've created. I basically need the chatbot to send me replies that have message templates like in facebook messenger. For example, If I type in "what's the weather like", I want my chatbot's reply to look like facebook's media template, linked here: Media Template
Does anyone have any tutorials or links I can follow?
Thank you in advance.

Usavaully work flow of chat application as follows,
Message providers(Facebook, twitter,slack etc..) receives messages from user
Message is sent to the configured endpoint(your webserver) according to the settings provided in the face book developer page reference
In the webserver you classify the intent prepares the response according to the request and sends the responses back.
So in the 3rd point web server you give responses based on the platform you are responding to reference, since in your case it's your own platform you need to design your own UI based on the response format or you can use some predefined html templates.
I hope answer gave some direction to work on.


Azure Bot Creation with Natural Language understanding(LUIS)

I am facing issues while building a Voice bot using nodejs in Microsoft Azure, Currently i have made some research and built a sample chatbot which works fine using nodejs.
I have tried MS portals for voice bot integration and unable to take it forward, need guidance and suggestions.
My idea is getting a number from Twilio, then put my azure bot's end point URL in the twilio number.
Once my twilio gets an incoming call it will route the request to the Azure bot which will respond with a greeting and ask for few inputs, then the recorded voice should be passed to the LUIS app for Natural Language understanding and give the required text which will be further handled by the Azure bot.
I am not sure whether this is good solution, please suggest
I am not able to see any sample code for nodejs. Steps for integration and a basic sample code is what i need as a basic to start with, Your inputs/suggestions on this is highly appreciated.
Using the Bot Framework SDK for Node.js, you can specify text to be spoken by your bot on a speech-enabled channel in either of the following ways:
Set the IMessage.speak property and send the message using the session.send() method
Send the message using the session.say() method (passing parameters that specify display text, speech text, and options)
Send the message using a built-in prompt (specifying options speak and retrySpeak).
Feel free to review the following documentation provided and sample code for more details.
Also check out Connect a bot to Twilio.

Dialogflow Hangout Integration with Card Response

I am using Dialogflow and fullfilment for dynamic response and integration has been done with Hangout. Text response is working fine. But when i use rich media like CARDS (Hangout API), It is not working. Can you please let me know what was i am missing or how to use cards for hangouts using dialogflow-fullfilment agent?
Stack Driver Log Image
Thanks and Regards,
Ramchandra-Sah GANESH
I wrote a blog about this, since I've figured some small quirks.
The best is to test this first within the Dialogflow UI console, by choosing custom payloads for Hangouts.
The first key can't be called cards, but it has to be named to hangouts
This hangouts key points to an object, not an array (of cards)
Have a look into this blog to get further details. (For example on using this with webhook code) How to build chatbots for Hangouts with Dialogflow by using custom payloads and cards.

Dialogflow- chatbot related queries

I've created a basic app with a chatbot that can respond to what I type using DialogFlow and Angular. It is hosted locally. Now I want to have that chatbot respond to what I type with cards, lists and such. Like how Messenger has templates. I want to have a custom payload sent to me in response to what I send. Can anyone please help me? (NOTE: iam using the v2api)
Dialogflow supports rich message response to only certain platforms that it has listed on its website for ex. Facebook, google assistance etc. To display rich message you need to code it out.

Basic Concept of Chatbot using

I am trying to create a chatbot application where user can create their own bot like Botengine. After going through google I saw I need some NLP api to process user's query. As per basic example I can set and get data. Now I am confused, How I am going to create a botengine?
So as far I understand the flow, Here is an example for pizza delivery:-
User will enter a welcome message i.e - Hi, Hello ...
Welcome reply will be saved by bot owner in my database.
User will enter some query, then I will hit API to process that query. Example :- Users query is "What kind of pizza's available in your store" and will respond with the details of intent "pizza_type"
Then I will search for the intent return by wit in my database.
So, is that the right flow to create a chatbot? Am I in the right direction? Could anyone give me some link or some example so I can go through it. I want to create this application using nodejs. I have also found some example in node-wit, but can't find how I will implement this.
What you need is webhook. You need to call different API's based on the user intent. I believe you can distinguish between different intents using parameters available in request. Check this out - Creating nodejs webhook for dialogflow

How to integrate bot with any booking site to book/order something?

I've made a chatbot who can talk to people and make a normal conversation. I want to develop that chatbot so that user is able to, say order a pizza from or Book a ticket on expedia or add something to cart in ebay.
I've made the bot using Google's Api.Ai (diagflow). How can I integrate it with any site performing some kind of transaction. Answer with an example booking/ordering site would be highly appreciated.
Just for additional info: I think it is possible by that webhook option in fulfillment section. But how exactly? How to implement it?
You should check if there are APIs available for ordering/booking through Expedia/eBay. Dominos have exposed their APIs for ordering purposes. Following is the link for bot ordering pizza & node-dominos-api
Webhook in Dialogflow is something where your actual logic lies. You can write it in any language you're confident of & host it somewhere for Dialogflow to communicate with it. There are 2 API references v1 & v2. Your web service receives a POST request from Dialogflow. Your request/response to/from webhook should include mandatory fields mentioned at following links:
