Dialogflow Hangout Integration with Card Response - dialogflow-es

I am using Dialogflow and fullfilment for dynamic response and integration has been done with Hangout. Text response is working fine. But when i use rich media like CARDS (Hangout API), It is not working. Can you please let me know what was i am missing or how to use cards for hangouts using dialogflow-fullfilment agent?
Stack Driver Log Image
Thanks and Regards,
Ramchandra-Sah GANESH

I wrote a blog about this, since I've figured some small quirks.
The best is to test this first within the Dialogflow UI console, by choosing custom payloads for Hangouts.
The first key can't be called cards, but it has to be named to hangouts
This hangouts key points to an object, not an array (of cards)
Have a look into this blog to get further details. (For example on using this with webhook code) How to build chatbots for Hangouts with Dialogflow by using custom payloads and cards.


Dialogflow query working in console but not when you use embedded url

I have made a query flow in dialogflow and it has four intent and in the last intent it uses a webhook to get data from server side and displays the result. It is trained automatically and works perfectly in dialogflow console returning response and query answer. The issue is it does not work when I use embedded url. It fails to recognize the name intent and asks (Can you repeat again or fallback intent). I've removed all intents and made query again, there is no similar name intents. Yet it works well in console and not in embedded url.
For the webhook part I've used node.js service.
Please help in this issue.
By 'embedded url' if you mean Dialogflow Web Demo (DWD), you should keep in mind that DWD can be used only for simple text messages. It does not support messages from webhook or even rich responses. However, if you steel need a web widget to embed your bot to your webpage you either create your own or you should use third party solutions (like Kommunicate). Here's the link regarding the limitations of DWD.

Azure Bot Creation with Natural Language understanding(LUIS)

I am facing issues while building a Voice bot using nodejs in Microsoft Azure, Currently i have made some research and built a sample chatbot which works fine using nodejs.
I have tried MS portals for voice bot integration and unable to take it forward, need guidance and suggestions.
My idea is getting a number from Twilio, then put my azure bot's end point URL in the twilio number.
Once my twilio gets an incoming call it will route the request to the Azure bot which will respond with a greeting and ask for few inputs, then the recorded voice should be passed to the LUIS app for Natural Language understanding and give the required text which will be further handled by the Azure bot.
I am not sure whether this is good solution, please suggest
I am not able to see any sample code for nodejs. Steps for integration and a basic sample code is what i need as a basic to start with, Your inputs/suggestions on this is highly appreciated.
Using the Bot Framework SDK for Node.js, you can specify text to be spoken by your bot on a speech-enabled channel in either of the following ways:
Set the IMessage.speak property and send the message using the session.send() method
Send the message using the session.say() method (passing parameters that specify display text, speech text, and options)
Send the message using a built-in prompt (specifying options speak and retrySpeak).
Feel free to review the following documentation provided and sample code for more details.
Also check out Connect a bot to Twilio.

Dialogflow human takeover

I am creating a bot for a bank using Dialogflow. I wanted to keep am option to talk with a Customer representative. If a customer wanted to talk with a customer representative, the bot Should stop and the customer representative starts the chat with a customer. How it is possible In Dialogflow.
That option is only available by creating your own custom implementation.
Check out this example here
It can also depend on the channel you are using For example, if you are using Facebook Messenger you can achieve that using the Handover Protocol in your custom implementation
This is currently not possible because dialogflow does not provide any web interface to achieve this, but in dialogflow usually the "input.unknown" action used to deliver a conversation to a human. Default fallback intent is triggered and the associated action is added to the response, and you also need to write a logic to what bot should do after that.
But if you're looking to avoid this hassle, I 'd suggest you use a chat widget tool like Kommunicate, which provides a dashboard UI as well as a chat widget. In fact, they also have a pre-built rich message template to create menu options to deliver a conversation to a human agent. Please check this link for more info
PS: I work for kommunicate
Another option is if you have the phone gateway integration enabled, Click 'Add Response' under the DIALOGFLOW PHONE GATEWAY tab and just select Transfer Call.

Dialogflow- chatbot related queries

I've created a basic app with a chatbot that can respond to what I type using DialogFlow and Angular. It is hosted locally. Now I want to have that chatbot respond to what I type with cards, lists and such. Like how Messenger has templates. I want to have a custom payload sent to me in response to what I send. Can anyone please help me? (NOTE: iam using the v2api)
Dialogflow supports rich message response to only certain platforms that it has listed on its website for ex. Facebook, google assistance etc. To display rich message you need to code it out.

How to create a chatbot with facebook messenger like templates

I'm trying to create a chatbot for use in a chat app I've created. I basically need the chatbot to send me replies that have message templates like in facebook messenger. For example, If I type in "what's the weather like", I want my chatbot's reply to look like facebook's media template, linked here: Media Template
Does anyone have any tutorials or links I can follow?
Thank you in advance.
Usavaully work flow of chat application as follows,
Message providers(Facebook, twitter,slack etc..) receives messages from user
Message is sent to the configured endpoint(your webserver) according to the settings provided in the face book developer page reference
In the webserver you classify the intent prepares the response according to the request and sends the responses back.
So in the 3rd point web server you give responses based on the platform you are responding to reference, since in your case it's your own platform you need to design your own UI based on the response format or you can use some predefined html templates.
I hope answer gave some direction to work on.
