Handling UTF8 characters in express route parameters - node.js

I'm having an issue with a NodeJS REST api created using express.
I have two calls, a get and a post set up like this:
router.get('/:id', (request, response) => {
router.post('/:id', (request, response) => {
now, I want the ID to be able to contain special characters (UTF8).
The problem is, when I use postman to test the requests, it looks like they are encoded very differently:
GET http://localhost:3000/api/â outputs â
POST http://localhost:3000/api/â outputs â
Does anyone have any idea what I am missing here?
I must mention that the post call also contains a file upload so the content type will be multipart/form-data

You should encode your URL on the client and decode it on the server. See the following articles:
What is the proper way to URL encode Unicode characters?
Can urls have UTF-8 characters?
Which characters make a URL invalid?
For JavaScript, encodeURI may come in handy.

It looks like postman does UTF-8 encoding but NOT proper url encoding. Consequently, what you type in the request url box translates to something different than what would happen if you typed that url in a browser.
I'm requesting: GET localhost/ä but it encodes it on the wire as localhost/ä
(This is now an invalid URL because it contains non ascii characters)
But when I type localhost/ä in to google chrome, it correctly encodes the request as localhost/%C3%A4
So you could try manually url encoding your request to http://localhost:3000/api/%C3%A2
In my opinion this is a bug (perhaps a regression). I am using the latest version of PostMan v7.11.0 on MacOS.

Does anyone have any idea what I am missing here?
yeah, it doesn't output â, it outputs â, but whatever you're checking the result with, think you're reading something else (iso-8859-1 maybe?), not UTF-8, and renders it as â
Most likely, you're viewing the result in a web browser, and the web server is sending the wrong Content-Type header. try doing header("Content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"); or header("Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8"); , then your browser should render your â correctly.


HERE Maps URL not being decoded

I'm trying to make a query to Here Maps API with JavaScript to calculate a route with waypoints, where the waypoints are of type "passThrough", the actual produced URL is (I just removed the API key):
This query returns an error response, even when I'm following the documentation. Here is the problem I found,
If I paste this URL in the browser and remove "%3D" after "passThrough" from the URL, and explicitly change it to "=", the API then returns the expected response. Have to clarify that the URL from above works with curl -X GET. So I really think that the Here Maps API is not decoding the URL, even when they say that special characters have to be encoded.
Any clue on this?
Am I wrong?

Bodyparser behavior after second question mark

I wrote a simple API which will return request.query as a response.
The behavior is little different than what I am expecting.
redirectto -- I am getting the only name as part of response redirectto param.
id -- I am getting an array in response.
Why is this behaviour?
Query parameters that contain reserved characters should be URL encoded or they will fail to parse correctly.
The properly encoded URL should look something like this:

Router with base64 generated param

I am trying to send a parameter after convert it to the base 64 the definition of the geddy.js route :
In the client side, javascript, I generate a base64 json data var jsonb64 = btoa(JSON.stringify(params)); after that I call the url that will somthing like this
I got Error: 404 Not Found.. But If I delete manually the = from the end of data that work
Solved by the community in the git repos issues https://github.com/geddy/geddy/issues/556 as Kieran said
I looked into adding support for base64 encoded vars to Barista
directly, but some characters in the b64 spec are reserved in the URI
spec. I don't feel comfortable making that the default behaviour.
However! You can simply override the behaviour to support this use
.get( routing_prefix+'/gogetthecart/:data')
data: /[\w\-\/+]+={0,2}/ // base64-safe regex condition
and that should do the trick!
I added a test here:

How to get i18next-node to display umlauts the right way?

I searched around quite a bit but couldn't find a solution for my problem.
My app uses i18next and it works fine except for one issue: german umlauts (ü,ö,ä) are displayed as �.
I don't understand were I got it wrong, since this example app has no problem with umlauts: http://i18next-example1.eu01.aws.af.cm/?setLng=de-DE (github: https://github.com/rbeere/i18next-jade-express-sample)
How can I figure this one out?
The culprit might be:
The Translation.json file is not saved as UTF8.
If any specific
fonts are used, their Unicode support is very very limited (this is
very unlikely with modern fonts).
layout.jade file doesn't declare the page encoding. Therefore it's up to the browser to auto-detect it. No matter if this fixes the problem or not, it's a good practice to declare the page encoding in the header:
meta(http-equiv="Content-Type",content="text/html; charset=utf-8")
Content-Type HTTP header field is not set properly. Change the HTTP response as follows:
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
res.render('index', { title: 'Localization with Express, Jade and i18next-node'});

ExpressJS Route Parameter with Slash

Im using ExpressJS. I want pass url as parameter.
app.get('/s/:url', function(req, res) {
/s/sg.com //sg.com
/s/www.sg.com //www.sg.com
/s/http://sg.com //http://sg.com
/s/http://sg.com/folder //http://sg.com/folder
How to correct the route such that everything afterr /s/ will be considered as paramenter including slashes.
Uh, if you want to stick a URL inside of another URL, you need to URLencode it. If you want to stick one in their raw and suffer the consequences, just use app.get('/s/*'... and then manually parse out the url with req.url.slice(3). But hear me know and believe me later, URL Encoding is the right way to do this via the encodeURIComponent that is built in to JavaScript and works in both the browser and node.js.
