ExpressJS Route Parameter with Slash - node.js

Im using ExpressJS. I want pass url as parameter.
app.get('/s/:url', function(req, res) {
/s/ //
/s/ //
/s/ //
/s/ //
How to correct the route such that everything afterr /s/ will be considered as paramenter including slashes.

Uh, if you want to stick a URL inside of another URL, you need to URLencode it. If you want to stick one in their raw and suffer the consequences, just use app.get('/s/*'... and then manually parse out the url with req.url.slice(3). But hear me know and believe me later, URL Encoding is the right way to do this via the encodeURIComponent that is built in to JavaScript and works in both the browser and node.js.


How to ignore specific files to be loaded when I use route parameters in Express

When I make a GET request with route parameters in express with mongoose like the following code, I sometimes see that the browser tries to load some unexpected files such as favicon.ico, robots.txt, humans.txt, sitemap.xml, ads.txt, etc., and 404 error shows up in the browser console.
app.get("/:userId", ...);
By refering to this Q&A, I figured out that if I don't use the route parameters right after the root route like the following code, it doesn't happen.
app.get("/user/:userId", ...);
In the same Q&A, however, there seem to be another way that uses req.url to ignore those unexpected files to be loaded, but it isn't explained in detail.
How do you do that?
All that's meant in that other answer is that you could examine req.url in your route handler and make sure it is not a known special name. In this specific case, it's probably simpler to use req.params.userId instead of req.url, but you could also use req.url in the same way.
const specials = new Set(["favicon.ico", "robots.txt", "humans.txt", "sitemap.xml", "ads.txt"]);
app.get("/:userId", (res, res, next) => {
// if it's a special URL, then skip it here
if (specials.has(req.params.userId)) {
// process your route here
Personally, I wouldn't recommend this solution because it presupposes a perfect knowledge of all possible special filenames. I don't use a top level wildcards ever because they ruin the ability to use your server for anything else.

Handling UTF8 characters in express route parameters

I'm having an issue with a NodeJS REST api created using express.
I have two calls, a get and a post set up like this:
router.get('/:id', (request, response) => {
});'/:id', (request, response) => {
now, I want the ID to be able to contain special characters (UTF8).
The problem is, when I use postman to test the requests, it looks like they are encoded very differently:
GET http://localhost:3000/api/â outputs â
POST http://localhost:3000/api/â outputs â
Does anyone have any idea what I am missing here?
I must mention that the post call also contains a file upload so the content type will be multipart/form-data
You should encode your URL on the client and decode it on the server. See the following articles:
What is the proper way to URL encode Unicode characters?
Can urls have UTF-8 characters?
Which characters make a URL invalid?
For JavaScript, encodeURI may come in handy.
It looks like postman does UTF-8 encoding but NOT proper url encoding. Consequently, what you type in the request url box translates to something different than what would happen if you typed that url in a browser.
I'm requesting: GET localhost/ä but it encodes it on the wire as localhost/ä
(This is now an invalid URL because it contains non ascii characters)
But when I type localhost/ä in to google chrome, it correctly encodes the request as localhost/%C3%A4
So you could try manually url encoding your request to http://localhost:3000/api/%C3%A2
In my opinion this is a bug (perhaps a regression). I am using the latest version of PostMan v7.11.0 on MacOS.
Does anyone have any idea what I am missing here?
yeah, it doesn't output â, it outputs â, but whatever you're checking the result with, think you're reading something else (iso-8859-1 maybe?), not UTF-8, and renders it as â
Most likely, you're viewing the result in a web browser, and the web server is sending the wrong Content-Type header. try doing header("Content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"); or header("Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8"); , then your browser should render your â correctly.

Cannot GET (Passed url as parameter)

Can routes in express not take a full URL as a parameter?
For example,
router.get("/new/:url", <some function>);
gives me the Cannot GET error when the :url is
You can't get full URL like this format.This type of format is used to take parameters send by client
router.get("/new/:url", <some function>);
//you can get url as params
req.params.url//Use your URL
You should encode url parameter before sending. Your example encoded would be On server side you can decode parameter to get value from before.
I think you are not much aware about ExpressJS routing because your url have // which is used route separation.
In you case, we know that ExpressJS support regex route. I think following regex will work for you
app.get("/new/:protocol(http:|https:|ftp:)?/?/:url", <some function>);
In above case, you have bunded with limited protocol http, https and ftp. You may add more protocol by using | separator( or condition) and even you don't know what would be protocol then you like following
app.get("/new/:protocol?/?/:url", <some function>);
In above both route, ? means option that routes works file for
and in your function, you may append protocol in url like
function newUrl(req, res) {
req.params.url = req.params.protocol + '//' + req.params.url;

multiple requests in one URLusing expressJS

I am using Express with Node and I have a requirement in which the user can request the URL as: http://myhost/api/add?mid="mid01"/userID
and I tried this
app.get('/api/:myMedia/:id', function (req, res){
and tried these req.query for getting mid01 and it didn't work.
I want to have and req.query together. How can I handle this?
If your requirement really is http://myhost/api/add?mid="mid01"/userID, it might be a good idea to change that requirement, because it seems really not the right way to do something
But if you really want to do that you should declare your route like app.get('/api/add', ...)
Then with req.query.mid you can get your query value which is "mid01"/userID
Finaly it's up to you to parse that query value to do what you want
But you should not use URL like that, if possible try to use URL in a more standard way, http://myhost/api/add/userID?mid=mid01 or http://myhost/api/add?mid=mid01&path=/userID
To chain requests, use &. http://myhost/api/add?foo1="bar1"&foo2="bar2". This way both of the queries will show up.

GET a website url when routing

Sorry, my vocabulary is very limited, any help clarifying this question is deeply appreciated.
I'm building a server using Nodejs and Express, it has a route like /new/:url. I access the value passed on the url by using req.params.url. This works well for simple strings, like chocolate, however, if I pass a website url, like, then it won't be routed to /new/:url.
Question: how can I pass a website url and access it with Node/Express?
Edit: I am trying to use the GET method, and apparently a way to solve this problem is through Wildcards/Regex.
Thank you very much for helping!
Use Post method.
Set header "Content-Type" : "application/json"
Set body { "urlblahblah~" : "" }
Then parse It as JSON in server-side
you can use Javascripts encodeURIComponent, so when you passing to your server on client, you will allsways encode the url, so you can pass it as regular parameter. or as mentioned by Hulk if posting is an options you can pass it as body param as well...
var url = encodeURIComponent("http://some.url/asdasa?asdas=12312")
will result in :
which is safe for passing as param
The solution that worked for me was Regex. Instead of routing as /new/:url, I used:
So that if is given as a parameter:
req.params.url = ""
