Python3 CSV encoding problems - python-3.x

I'm trying to add some information to a row in a CSV-file, but in the updated CSV-file the special characters (², ±) aren't encoded well. Let me clarify:
So basically I have a CSV-file with the following example row:
row = ["Some info", "Cell with special characters (², ±)", "Some more info"]
I'm trying to add some text to the second column, so I wrote the following code
import csv
new_rows = []
# Open CSV file
with open('file_1.csv', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f1
reader = csv.reader(f1, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
# Add text to cell, save row to memory
row[1] = row[1] + " is causing trouble"
# Write rows in new CSV-file
with open('file_2.csv', 'w', encoding='UTF-8', newline='') as of:
writer = csv.writer(of, delimiter=',')
The output in the second column I expected would be as follows:
"Cell with special characters (², ±) is causing troubles"
But instead I get the following output:
"Cell with special characters (??, ??) is causing troubles"
I tried to solve the problem by changing the encoding to Latin-1, or even by not mentioning the encoding in the code at all, but nothing seems to work!
What am I missing or doing wrong here?

Your source file is probably latin-1, you are encoding mojibakes to utf-8 in the second file. Your code has nothing wrong.
You just need to decide if you want to produce a latin1 or utf-8 csv ( and maybe add a BOM ) as a destination after reading the source in the good encoding ( maybe you can check with a hexadecimal dump how it is encoded and give us some clues ).


Store 2 different encoded data in a file in python

I have 2 types of encoded data
ibm037 encoded - a single delimiter variable - value is ###
UTF8 encoded - a pandas dataframe with 100s of columns.
Example dataframe:
Date Time
1 2
My goal is to write this data into a python file. The format should be:
### 1 2
In this way I need to have all the rows of the dataframe in a python file where the 1st character for every line is ###.
I tried to store this character at the first location in the pandas dataframe as a new column and then write to the file but it throws error saying that two different encodings can't be written to a file.
Tried another way to write it:
df_orig_data = pandas dataframe,
Record_Header = encoded delimiter
f = open("_All_DelimiterOfRecord.txt", "a")
for row in df_orig_data.itertuples(index=False):
It also doesn't work.
Is this kind of data write even possible? How can I write these 2 encoded data in 1 file?
StringData = StringIO(
df_orig_data = pd.read_csv(StringData, sep=",")
Record_Header = "2 "
f = open("_All_DelimiterOfRecord.txt", "a")
for index, row in df_orig_data.iterrows():
I would suggest doing the encoding yourself, and writing a bytes object to the file. This isn't a situation where you can rely on the built-in encoding do it.
That means that the program opens the file in binary mode (ab), all of the constants are byte-strings, and it works with byte-strings whenever possible.
The question doesn't say, but I assumed you probably wanted a UTF8 newline after each line, rather than an IBM newline.
I also replaced the file handling with a context manager, since that makes it impossible to forget to close a file after you're done.
import io
import pandas as pd
StringData = io.StringIO(
df_orig_data = pd.read_csv(StringData, sep=",")
Record_Header = "2 "
with open("_All_DelimiterOfRecord.txt", "ab") as f:
for index, row in df_orig_data.iterrows():
row_bytes = [str(cell).encode('utf8') for cell in row]
# Note: this is an UTF8 newline, not an IBM newline.

How to Append List in Python by reading csv file

I am trying to write a simple program that should give the following output when it reads csv file which contains several email ids.
email_id = ['','',''] #required format
but the problem is the output I got is like this following:
[[''], ['']]
[[''], [''], ['']] #getting this wrong format
here is my piece of code that I have written: Kindly suggest me the correction in the following piece of code which would give me the required format. Thanks in advance.
import csv
email_id = []
with open('contacts1.csv', 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter = ',')
for row in reader:
NB.: Note my csv contains only one column that has email ids and has no header. I also tried the email_id.extend(row) but It did not work also.
You need to move your print outside the loop:
with open('contacts1.csv', 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter = ',')
for row in reader:
print(sum(email_id, []))
The loop can also be like this (if you only need one column from the csv):
for row in reader:

Python 3: Persist strings without b'

I am confused. This talk explains, that you should only use unicode-strings in your code. When strings leave your code, you should turn them into bytes. I did this for a csv file:
import csv
with open('keywords.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='\"')
for (p, keywords) in ml_data:
writer.writerow([p.encode("utf-8"), ', '.join(keywords).encode("utf-8")])
This leads to an annoying effect, where b' is added in front of every string, this didn't happen for me in python 2.7. When not encoding the strings before writing them into the csv file, the b' is not there, but don't I need to turn them into bytes when persisting? How do I write bytes into a file without this b' annoyance?
Stop trying to encode the individual strings, instead you should specify the encoding for the entire file:
import csv
with open('keywords.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='\"')
for (p, keywords) in ml_data:
writer.writerow([p, ', '.join(keywords)])
The reason your code goes wrong is that writerow is expecting you to give it strings but you're passing bytes so it uses the repr() of the bytes which has the extra b'...' around it. If you pass it strings but use the encoding parameter when you open the file then the strings will be encoded correctly for you.
See the csv documentation examples. One of these shows you how to set the encoding.

How to convert a tab delimited text file to a csv file in Python

I have the following problem:
I want to convert a tab delimited text file to a csv file. The text file is the SentiWS dictionary which I want to use for a sentiment analysis ( ).
The code I used to do this is the following:
txt_file = r"SentiWS_v1.8c_Positive.txt"
csv_file = r"NewProcessedDoc.csv"
in_txt = csv.reader(open(txt_file, "r"), delimiter = '\t')
out_csv = csv.writer(open(csv_file, 'w'))
This code writes everything in one row but I need the data to be in three rows as normally intended from the file itself. There is also a blank line under each data and I don´t know why.
I want the data to be in this form:
Row1 Row2 Row3
Word Data Words
Word Data Words
instead of
Can anyone help me?
import pandas
It will convert tab delimiter text file into dataframe
dataframe = pandas.read_csv("SentiWS_v1.8c_Positive.txt",delimiter="\t")
Write dataframe into CSV
dataframe.to_csv("NewProcessedDoc.csv", encoding='utf-8', index=False)
Try this:
import csv
txt_file = r"SentiWS_v1.8c_Positive.txt"
csv_file = r"NewProcessedDoc.csv"
with open(txt_file, "r") as in_text:
in_reader = csv.reader(in_text, delimiter = '\t')
with open(csv_file, "w") as out_csv:
out_writer = csv.writer(out_csv, newline='')
for row in in_reader:
There is also a blank line under each data and I don´t know why.
You're probably using a file created or edited in a Windows-based text editor. According to the Python 3 csv module docs:
If newline='' is not specified, newlines embedded inside quoted fields will not be interpreted correctly, and on platforms that use \r\n linendings on write an extra \r will be added. It should always be safe to specify newline='', since the csv module does its own (universal) newline handling.

How to remove a line break from CSV output

I am writing this code to separate information which will be uploaded to a database using the resulting CSV file from the code I wrote. I have it so that if I receive a spreadsheet with First, Middle, and Last name all in the same column they can be split into three separated columns. However my output file has some extra line breaks or returns or something which I just went through in the CSV and deleted manually to get the data uploaded for now. How can I remove these within my code? I have some ideas but none seem to work. I tried using line.replace but I do not fully understand how that is supposed to work so it failed.
My code:
import csv
with open('c:\\users\\cmobley\\desktop\\split for crm check.csv', "r") as readfile:
name_split = []
for line in readfile:
whitespace_split = line.split(" ")
remove_returns = (line.replace('/n', "") for line in whitespace_split)
print (name_split)
with open ('c:\\users\cmobley\\desktop\\testblank.csv', 'w', newline = '\n') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter = ',',
quotechar = '"', quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
Thanks for any help that can be provided! I am still trying to learn Python.
You have a forward-slash rather than a backward-slash needed for escape sequences.
Change to:
remove_returns = (line.replace('\n', "") for line in whitespace_split)
