I'm not able to execute HandBrakeCLI sh script through php program - handbrakecli

I have a sh file named test.sh
for FILE in `ls $SRC`
filename=$(basename $FILE)
$HANDBRAKE_CLI -i $SRC/$FILE -o $DEST/$filename.$DEST_EXT -e x264 -q 22 -r 12 -B 64 -X 480 -O
This gets run on command prompt and gives me output.
But when i try to execute it I dont get any output .Here output is .mp4 file from wmv file
$output = shell_exec('sh test.sh');
Where I am doing wrong?
If i write any other command in test.sh then its get executed.So have issue with HANDBRAKE_CLI only.


Executing same command for several files in same repository in linux

I'd like to execute the following command for several files in same repository in linux:
../../../../../openSMILE-2.1.0/SMILExtract -C ../../../../../openSMILE-2.1.0/config/IS13_ComParE.conf -I inputfilename.wav -D outputfilename.csv
there are several files (named 1.wav, 2.wav, 3.wav) in the directory and if I execute
../../../../../openSMILE-2.1.0/SMILExtract -C ../../../../../openSMILE-2.1.0/config/IS13_ComParE.conf -nologfile 1 -noconsoleoutput 1 -I 1.wav -D 1.csv
it outputs 1.csv.
How can I create 1.csv, 2.csv, 3.csv, .. by executing just one single command in linux? (or do I have to make .sh file?)
It's probably cleaner to put the following to a script, but you can type it directly into the bash command line as well:
#! /bin/bash
for file in *.wav ; do
prefix=${file%.wav} # Remove from the right.
../../../../../openSMILE-2.1.0/SMILExtract \
-C ../../../../../openSMILE-2.1.0/config/IS13_ComParE.conf \
-I "$file" -D "$prefix".csv

ntfsundelete sh shell script failure

I am trying to write a script to undelete a lot of files from a windows partition. I was able to pull the inode numbers for all of the files and their names by using the scan function of ntfsundelete.
I then took this huge list and made a file like this:
ntfsundelete /dev/sda2 -u -i 50365 -o file1.doc -d .
ntfsundelete /dev/sda2 -u -i 58234 -o file1.doc -d .
I did chmod +x script.sh and ran it sh ./script.sh
I get the error "Couldn't create output file: No such file or directory".
If I run those commands individually, it works, but if I run the script, it fails. I have 1200+ files.

Need help using the pipe command in terminal (Linux / shell file)

Doing an assignment for class that needs to be done using commands in the terminal. I have a shell file (temp1.sh) created in the home directory, and a shell file (temp2.sh) created in a folder (randomFolder). When I run temp2.sh I need to display the amount of characters in temp1.sh. I need to use the pipe command to accomplish this.
So I figure I need to change directory to the home directory then open the file temp1.sh and use thewc -c command to display the characters. I have been trying many different ways to execute this task and somehow can't get it to work. Any help would be appreciated. Without using a pipe I can get it to work, but I can't seem to write out this command line properly while using a pipe.
What I have done so far:
cd ~
touch temp1.sh
chmod 755 temp1.sh
echo 'This file has other commands that are not relevant and work' >> temp1.sh
mkdir randomFolder
cd randomFolder
touch temp2.sh
chmod 755 temp2.sh
echo cd ~ | wc -c temp1.sh >> temp2.sh
This last line tells me there is no such file "temp1.sh" after I run it. if I redirect to home then type wc -c temp1.sh, I get the desired output. I want this output to happen when I run temp2.sh.
Example without using pipe command:
echo wc -c ~/temp1.sh >> temp2.sh
This gives me the desired output when I run temp2.sh. However I need to accomplish this while using the pipe command.
Your code is close to working. The first part is fine:
cd ~
touch temp1.sh
chmod 755 temp1.sh
echo 'This file has other commands that are not relevant and work' >> temp1.sh
mkdir randomFolder
cd randomFolder
touch temp2.sh
chmod 755 temp2.sh
All of that should work. You problem is this part:
echo cd ~ | wc -c temp1.sh >> temp2.sh
You need to separate the cd ~ from something that runs some command and pipes the output to wc, and get the whole lot stored in temp2.sh. That could be something like:
echo "cd $HOME" > temp2.sh
echo "cat temp1.sh | wc -c" >> temp2.sh
The key point here is using separate lines for the cd command and the wc command. Using > for the first command ensures that you don't have stray garbage from previous failed attempts in temp2.sh. You can achieve the same result in multiple ways, including:
echo "cd; cat temp1.sh | wc -c" > temp2.sh
echo "cd ~; while read -r line; do echo "$line"; done < temp1.sh | wc -c" > temp2.sh
And then, finally, you need to execute temp2.sh. You might use any of these, though some (which?) depend on how your PATH is set:
sh temp2.sh
sh -x temp2.sh

grep in bash script not working as expected

If I run
grep -i "echo" *
I get the results I want, but if I try the following simple bash script
grep -i "$1" *
echo "####--DONE--####"
and I run it with sh -x search.sh "echo" I get the following error output:
' grep -i echo '*
: No such file or directory
' echo '####--DONE--####
How come? I'm on CentOS
Add the sha-bang line at the top of your script
and after making it executable, run the script using
./search.sh "echo"
The "sh -x" should print the files that '*' matches. It looks like it's not matching any files. Are you maybe running it in a directory with no readable files?

Creating a script from a complex bash command

I need to run the following command in a folder containing a lot of gzipped files.
perl myscript.pl -d <path> -f <protocol> "<startdate time>"
"<enddate time>" -o "0:00 23:59" -v -g -b <outputfilename>
My problem is that the command does not take gzipped files as input. So, I would need to unzip all those gzipped files on the fly and run this command on those unzipped files. These gzipped files are in another folder where I am not allowed to unzip them. I want a shell script that will take the path of the remote gzipped files and store it under path (which is also going to be a argument to the script). Do the unzipping and then run the above command.
N.B: The "protocol", "startdate time", "enddate time", "outputfilename" don't have to be arguments for now I will just put them directly in the script so that it is less complex.
You can do:
for fname in path/to/*.gz; do gunzip -c "$fname" | perl myscript.pl ; done
for fname in path/to/*.gz; do
gunzip -c "$fname" | perl myscript.pl
And to make it accept filenames with spaces:
for fname in path/to/*.gz; do
gunzip -c "$fname" | perl myscript.pl -f <protocol> "<startdate time>" \
"<enddate time>" -o "0:00 23:59" -v -g -b <outputfilename>
This way, you make the script read standard input, which will contain the file content, without having to use temporary files.
EDIT: Here's a wrapper script that solves the problem like initially suggested in the question:
#loop thru files from gzip_pah\th
for fname in $gzip_path/*.gz; do
basename=`basename $fname`
#fill them in the target dir
gunzip "$fname" -c > "$temp_path/$basename"
#finally, call our script
perl myscript.pl -d "$temp_path" -f <protocol> "<startdate time>" "<enddate time>" -o "0:00 23:59" -v -g -b <outputfilename>
EDIT 2: Using tar.gz files:
cd "$temp_path"
#loop thru files from gzip_pah\th
for fname in $gzip_path/*.tar.gz; do
tar -xzf $fname
#finally, call our script
perl myscript.pl -d "$temp_path" -f <protocol> "<startdate time>" "<enddate time>" -o "0:00 23:59" -v -g -b <outputfilename>
