Flutter - Emulator is not starting when attempting to run Flutter app - android-studio

When developing an android app, I was able to configure a 'deployment target' to be a particular emulator.
I was able to do the same yesterday, but I don't know what happened because now there is 'no devices'
I've tried starting up a compatible emulator first instead, but the emulator seems to freeze up and I get the error message, 'No device connected...' when I try to then run the Flutter app.
I thought I didn't have to start an emulator yesterday.
Is there something missing in the 'Edit Configuration' screen above?
I could just select the device from the dropdown.
Regardless, the emulator isn't working at all now. What's this message, 'Guest isn't online after 7 seconds'
Would that have something to do with this?

UPDATE Selected 'Wipe Data' and the emulators don't freeze up in 'black screen'
Googled til I find this approach.


Screen Capture on Android Studio Emulator

I'm trying to screenshot on an Android Studio Emulator Pixel 4 XL API 30,
but whenever I try to take one, the Emulator ends itself.
And then I get the message "Lost connection to Device".
Could anyone tell me if there is a way to solve this problem?
I tried changing the saved folder, and restarting the emulator
I can't seem to reproduce the error.
But try the obvious: a cold boot of the emulator, and if all else fails, create a whole new emulated device. I frequently encounter weird bugs in the emulator that I solve with a hard reset.
This may be of use to you as well:
Taking screenshot on Emulator from Android Studio

"Unable to locate adb" using Android Studio on Windows 10 to develop Flutter apps

Android Studio upgraded to version 4.0.1, and now I get a "Unable to locate adb" message when trying to launch an Android emulator image from the AVD manager, in order to run/debug a Flutter app. I have tried all the obvious things, e.g. checked to see that there is an adb.exe image at .../AppDate/Local/Android/Sdk/platform-tools. I have even tried de-installing completely and did a clean install of everything from scratch. I have plenty of disk space, anti-virus has not quarantined it. Interesting, if I start a native Android app (e.g. "basic activity"), then the message goes away and the image starts OK
Android Studio - launch emulator AVD - "unable to locate adb"
Visit the above link to get solution in detailed way with pictures.
I had the same issue as you were facing, I have Researched the Whole Internet but found nothing useful. So, I somehow figured out the problem and fixed it, The problem is at
Whenever we create a new project due to some reason the Module SDK is not set up automatically. Thus the ADB manager was throwing an error 'Unable to locate AVD', which is not that fatal as the error/warning is not stopping us from launching /starting the emulator, but it is so annoying to see that pop-up box. So here is my simple and quick fix.
Click on the project folder, tap the dropdown icon just beside it.
Now Navigate to the path below.
Now Click on the file GeneratedPluginRegistrant.java to open it.
Once it is open, At the Top you will notice a bar that says 'Module SDK is not defined',
Now right against it, you will also see a hyper-text named 'Setup SDK', Just Click on it.
That will open a Pop-up Box with the title 'Select project SDK'.
Now select the Android Platform API and then click OK. After that being done Restart your IDE.
Your Problem will be Solved. And you will also notice that Emulator Opens up way faster than before.
The Above Steps has to be performed with every new flutter project.
I have already answered to your question before to Read more and understand in detail with pictures just visit the link
Android Studio - launch emulator AVD - "unable to locate adb"

Installing emulator for flutter on Android Studio

Im on Windows 10 and have been trying for days to get an emulator working with Android Studio and have followed every tutorial religiously with no luck. I have set up the Nexus 6 emulation which starts just fine as shown in my image below but the devices dropdown always says no devices. So frustrated with this and nothing is mentioned about this issue anywhere. I also get an error unable to locate adb everytime I start the virtual device. What is causing the issue and what are the proper steps for setting up to avoid these issues

Cannot Connect Android Studio To My Phone Or Bluestacks

I have been trying to connect Android Studio to a device, but have not been successful. No matter which device I use, none of them are recognizable by Android Studio. I have tried following the official tutorial of running your app, this Stackoverflow post as well as this one. I then tried to connect to Bluestacks using this tutorial. None of the above links work for me. ADB does recognize the devices I have been using (Bluestacks and my Huawei Y7 Pro). Any idea of how I can get Android Studio to recognize a device?
I managed to solve this issue:
I went back and retraced my steps. I noticed this error on the
console: Error
I then researched this error and found this solution:
Click on 'File' on the top left corner of Android Studio editor.
Select 'Settings'.
Select 'Kotlin Compiler' from the left.
Make sure 'Language version' and 'API version' is set to 'Latest stable (1.3)'
Make sure 'Target JVM version' is set to '1.8' (this was the problem in my case).
Wait for a while.
And if you haven't yet configured developer mode on your device then follow this tutorial.

android studio emulator not selectable

I want to start coding with flutter, so i decided to download android studio.I created an avd called "Pixel 2 API 28" with android pie. When i want to select the pixel 2 as the avd device, the programme tells me that theres no avd, but on the right i can see the avd i created. When i put my cursor on it, it says "not applicable for the main.dart configuration". i have HAXM installed and Hyper-V is disabled, but i also tried it with both being active. I used the default code, which appears when you launch android studio.
Please help!!!
I somehow managed to select it now, but i get this error: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature. Please use -read-only flag to enable this feature.
Try starting the emulator from avd and then check if the device is showing up there if not try running
flutter devices
If the device shows there you can try running
flutter run -d <your-device-name>
You can also check whether the android sdk is configured with flutter try running
flutter config --android-sdk /path/andriod/sdk
hope it helps
Close Android Studio and Run again as Administrator
This is Only the solution i got after working hard for 3 days.
