SuiteScript 2.0 detect change on custom field with client script - netsuite

I deployed a client script that handles a click event on a custom button. When I click the button, I may an api call to get data and the field is populated with the data. This part works great, but when I go to save the new information on the record, I get this alert:
The record has not changed. Do you really want to submit it?
Is there some way to trigger a form changed event or something similar?

try setWindowChanged(window,true)


Send an email (using flow) when the text field changes in PowerApps

I have a PowerApps App which is linked to a SharePoint List. When the user makes some changes to the text field in the app; I want the flow to send the user an email regarding the update.
I've been trying to track the SharePoint List entry and see if the entry is modified, then send an email. But so far I'm unable to do so.
I've been able to send an email when a text field changes to a specific text; but I'm looking for something where a particular entry in the list is changed.
When an item is created or modified > Condition (Column is equal to Yes) > Send email based on the condition
You don't need Powerapps for the same, what I mean is you need Flow for this.
Create and Run your flow on SharePoint directly.
In your flow check whatever your field is changed, if changed then you can send the user email.
You do not need to depend on Powerapps, Flow can alone work for this scenario.
Ensure you are using the Sharepoint When an item is created or modified Trigger in Power Automate (the tool formerly known as Flow)
Add a Trigger Condition for the column in question. Something along the lines of #triggerBody()?.Status,'Pending')
Trigger Conditions are not very well documented at the moment, but provide a powerful way to control when a Power Automate runs.

is there any way to disable/enable upload button upon check/uncheck landed cost per line while user is editing the form?

currently working on "to disable/enable upload button" (an added field) when user checked/unchecked checkbox. it's just for suites script or can do in workflow?
It should be possible with either a client suitescript or a workflow. I believe there is a workflow action called After User Edit. For client suitescript, you will create a function for the field change entry point.

Sharepoint workflow wont start automatically

So I have a contact form on this website that populates a list, I then have a workflow that whenever a new item is created it sends an email with the contents of the form.
So I can actually go into the list and add a new item manually and it will send perfectly, however whenever I go and use the form on the website it does not send the email.
I've checked to make sure that the form is populating the list and it is. Anyone have any ideas why its not starting automatically?
If your form saves the item as a system account the workflow wont start. Is the form saving as the logged in user, using impersonation or elevated privileges?

How to create action hotspot in UI document

I've got some nice little LotusScript that I can put into the Click event of an Action Hotspot in a rich text field when I'm sending an email manually. Is there a way to programmatically create that in the UI?
My script determines the user's home server and then opens a specific document in the replica of a training database on their home server. I could create these messages with hotspots manually and provide them to the folks who want to email them out. Of course, time being money and the task being boring, I'd rather automate it. I know that I could do this by using a stored form, but am wondering if the greater capability exists, as I can see further applications for it.
One trick I used in the past was to create a profile document in a database, and store some rich text in a field on that profile doc. Then when I needed to programmatically send an email, I could get that rich text field from the profile doc and use AppendRTItem to get it into the body of an email. That should work with any type of rich text, including hotspots.
Note: this won't work in the UI to populate a new email. It does work if you are generating the emails completely in code, though.

click of a submit button on any website using Google extension

On the click of a submit button on any website eg. Amazon, I want a .html to be triggered using google extension. please let me know if it is possible.
You can indeed execute scripts on (almost) any page using content scripts that can manipulate the DOM, allowing you to add an onsubmit event listener to a form (more reliable than onclick on a button as it is fired however the form is submitted - e.g. hitting ENTER).
What exactly do you mean you "want a .html to be triggered"? Triggered in what way? If you want to open another tab when this happens, you can do this using message passing to tell your background page to do this for you using the API method.
