Double /Single quote syntax - linux

When querying a list and putting the value in a variable and trying to use the variable in another script it doenst get the format needed.
script 1:
cilist=$( -view_name TN_UD_REFRESH_MRE | sed -e '/^[TL-]/d' -e '/^\s*$/d' -e 's/^....//' | awk -vORS=, '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/,$/\n/')
The output of this script will be ID's comma seperated string like: 7c553435c1376c8f5f020fcee0b8ef51,7d427dd75235bf513286d3210e1bd787
echo $cilist
=> no quotes to be seen when doing a echo
script 2: -cis "\"$cilist\""
i receive an error because the are single quotes surrounding the variable:
-cis '"7c553435c1376c8f5f020fcee0b8ef51,7d427dd75235bf513286d3210e1bd787 "'
I tried several syntax ways but keep getting the wrong input for the second script. Or i have no quotes or quotes like '" in front and behind.
Any help or feedback on the correct syntax would be appreciated.

The shell treats the quote characters as special characters. For double quote ("), it treats the enclosed data as a single argument to the command. This would be useful if the input had a space (or other shell separator token) within it. However, when the argument is provided to the command, the quote is removed.
You can try using backslash (\) to escape the double quote. But, you may still want to enclose everything with a double quote incase $cilist has input that requires quoting. -cis "\"$cilist\""


How to replace the string in special characters '' using sed [duplicate]

I need use sed into bash script, for add lines after any line numer of script with some pair of values (below work)
sed -i.bak '14i\some_text=some_text' file
But I need on script bash (sh) for expand variables (below not work)
sed -i.bak '$number_linei\$var1=$var2' $var3
Just use double quotes instead of single quotes. You'll also need to use {} to delimit the number_line variable correctly and escape the \, too.
sed -i.bak "${number_line}i\\$var1=$var2" $var3
I'd personally prefer to see all of the variables use the {}, ending up with something like:
sed -i.bak "${number_line}i\\${var1}=${var2}" ${var3}
Change single quotes to double quotes:
man bash:
Enclosing characters in single quotes preserves the literal value of
each character within the quotes.
Enclosing characters in double quotes preserves the literal value of
all characters within the quotes, with the exception of $, `, \, and,
when history expansion is enabled, !. The characters $ and ` retain
their special meaning within double quotes.

How do I get the sed command to evaluate an environment variable? [duplicate]

I need use sed into bash script, for add lines after any line numer of script with some pair of values (below work)
sed -i.bak '14i\some_text=some_text' file
But I need on script bash (sh) for expand variables (below not work)
sed -i.bak '$number_linei\$var1=$var2' $var3
Just use double quotes instead of single quotes. You'll also need to use {} to delimit the number_line variable correctly and escape the \, too.
sed -i.bak "${number_line}i\\$var1=$var2" $var3
I'd personally prefer to see all of the variables use the {}, ending up with something like:
sed -i.bak "${number_line}i\\${var1}=${var2}" ${var3}
Change single quotes to double quotes:
man bash:
Enclosing characters in single quotes preserves the literal value of
each character within the quotes.
Enclosing characters in double quotes preserves the literal value of
all characters within the quotes, with the exception of $, `, \, and,
when history expansion is enabled, !. The characters $ and ` retain
their special meaning within double quotes.

Grep issue after escaping backslash

I am trying to grep the string
"SNTCHDCS06-Filesystem D:\\ Label:Data Serial Number f8271450"
from a csv file, but somehow I failed miserably.
I understand that I need to add two backlashes on top of the two backslashes (one for shell, one for bash), but it doesn't work after that.
The below command works.
[root#nagiospdc01 folder]# grep -e "^SNTCHDCS06-Filesystem D:\\\\" in/masterlist.csv
SNTCHDCS06-Filesystem D:\\ Label:Data Serial Number f8271450,SNTCHDCS06,,Active Directory,AD Server,UCS,Filesystem D:\\ Label:Data Serial Number f8271450,Windows Team,0,XM_OPS_WIN,Windows Team,Y,Y,N,N,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y,Y,ITOC
When I try to grep for the space after that, grep doesn't work and simply fails.
[root#nagiospdc01 folder]# grep -e "^SNTCHDCS06-Filesystem D:\\\\ " in/masterlist.csv
Appreciate if someone can enlighten me on the correct grep syntax and command.
Use single quotes,
grep -e '^SNTCHDCS06-Filesystem D:\\ Label:Data Serial Number f8271450'
When using double quotes \\ gets converted to a single \ by bash. However bash does not look inside single quotes.
From the Bash manual: Single Quotes
Enclosing characters in single quotes (') preserves the literal value of each character within the quotes. A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash. Double Quotes
Enclosing characters in double quotes (") preserves the literal value of all characters within the quotes, with the exception of $, `, \, and, when history expansion is enabled, !. The characters $ and ` retain their special meaning within double quotes (see Shell Expansions). The backslash retains its special meaning only when followed by one of the following characters: $, `, ", \, or newline. Within double quotes, backslashes that are followed by one of these characters are removed. Backslashes preceding characters without a special meaning are left unmodified. A double quote may be quoted within double quotes by preceding it with a backslash. If enabled, history expansion will be performed unless an ! appearing in double quotes is escaped using a backslash. The backslash preceding the ! is not removed.
The special parameters * and # have special meaning when in double quotes (see Shell Parameter Expansion).
The -F option in grep allows to search for fixed strings. Also the single quotes helps to search for the exact string.
-F, --fixed-strings :
Interpret PATTERN as a list of fixed strings, separated by newlines, any of which is to be matched.
grep -F 'SNTCHDCS06-Filesystem D:\\ Label:Data Serial Number f8271450' masterlist.csv
*SNTCHDCS06-Filesystem D:\\ Label:Data Serial Number f8271450*

Trouble with sed [duplicate]

I need use sed into bash script, for add lines after any line numer of script with some pair of values (below work)
sed -i.bak '14i\some_text=some_text' file
But I need on script bash (sh) for expand variables (below not work)
sed -i.bak '$number_linei\$var1=$var2' $var3
Just use double quotes instead of single quotes. You'll also need to use {} to delimit the number_line variable correctly and escape the \, too.
sed -i.bak "${number_line}i\\$var1=$var2" $var3
I'd personally prefer to see all of the variables use the {}, ending up with something like:
sed -i.bak "${number_line}i\\${var1}=${var2}" ${var3}
Change single quotes to double quotes:
man bash:
Enclosing characters in single quotes preserves the literal value of
each character within the quotes.
Enclosing characters in double quotes preserves the literal value of
all characters within the quotes, with the exception of $, `, \, and,
when history expansion is enabled, !. The characters $ and ` retain
their special meaning within double quotes.

Extracting a string in csh

Would you please explain why the following shell command wouldn't work:
sh-3.1$ echo $MYPATH
sh-3.1$ awk '{print substr($MYPATH,3)}'
Best Regards
MYPATH is not going to be substituted by the shell since the string uses single quotes. Consider the following:
csh$ echo '{print substr($USER,3)}'
{print substr($USER,3)}
csh$ echo "{print substr($USER,3)}"
{print substr(dshawley,3)}
The usage of single quotes instructs the shell to pass the string argument to the program as-is. Double quotes tell the shell to perform variable expansion on the argument before passing it to the program. This is a basic shell feature that is common amongst shells and some programming languages (e.g., perl).
The next problem that you are going to run into is that awk will want quotes around the first parameter to substr or the parse will fail. You will probably see an "Illegal variable name" warning in this case. This is where I get lost with csh since I have no clue how to properly escape a double-quote within a quoted string. In bash/sh/ksh, you would do the following:
sh$ awk "{print substr(\"$USER\",3)}"
Just in case you do not already know this, awk will require an input stream before it is going to do anything. I had to type "input" and the EOF character for the little example.
Quoting and escaping
"string" is a weak quote. Enclosed whitespace and wildcards are taken as literals, but variable and command substitutions are still performed.
'string' is a strong quote. The entire enclosed string is taken as a literal.
You can use the -v option to pass variable to awk:
awk -v mypath=$MYPATH 'BEGIN{print substr(mypath, 3)}'
