Why do OpenGL-based VTK targets in drake executed via `bazel test` sometimes fail on Linux? - linux

While a binary works with bazel run, when I run a test using bazel test, such as:
$ bazel test //systems/sensors:rgbd_camera_test
I encounter a slew of errors from VTK / OpenGL:
ERROR: In /vtk/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 820
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x55880715b760): failed to create offscreen window
ERROR: In /vtk/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 816
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x55880715b760): GLEW could not be initialized.
ERROR: In /vtk/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkShaderProgram.cxx, line 453
vtkShaderProgram (0x5588071d5aa0): Shader object was not initialized, cannot attach it.
ERROR: In /vtk/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 1858
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x55880715b760): Hardware does not support the number of textures defined.
May I ask why this happens?
(Note: This post is a means to migrate from http://drake.mit.edu/faq.html to StackOverflow for user-based questions.)

The best workaround at the moment is to first mark the test as as local in the BUILD.bazel file, either with local = 1, or tags = [.., "local"]. Doing so will make the specific target run without sandboxing, such that it has an environment similar to that of bazel run.
As an example, in systems/sensors/BUILD.bazel:
name = "rgbd_camera_test",
# ...
local = 1,
# ...
If this does not work, then try running the test in Bazel without sandboxing:
$ bazel test --spawn_strategy=standalone //systems/sensors:rgbd_camera_test
Please note that you can possibly add --spawn_strategy=standalone to your ~/.bazelrc, but be aware that this means your development testing environment may deviate even more from other developer's testing environments.


How to check if the environment variable "PROJ_LIB" is defined and how to unset it ? (PyQGIS Standalone Script Executer)

I just tried the standalone PyQGIS application by running the custom script "Proximity.py"* in a VS Code project without the need of a GUI (such as QGIS).
But, when I run the python-program I get the following message:
proj_create_from_database: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\share\contrib\postgis-3.2\proj\proj.db contains DATABASE.LAYOUT.VERSION.MINOR = 0 whereas a number >= 2 is expected. It comes from another PROJ installation. (see also: Error Message after launching the configuration (launch.json) from VS Code (when pressing F5))
I'm trying this online example with the following installations:
PostgreSQL 14
osgeo4w-setup.exe (including QGIS LTR)
I read that there is a solution by undefining [PROJ_LIB] before importing pyproj or osgeo: del os.environ ['PROJ_LIB'] as described under this link. If this is also supposed to be the correct solution in this case, can someone help me with step-by-step instructions (for dummies)?
. * The "Proximity.py" script is a pyqgis standalone example from "https://github.com/MarByteBeep/pyqgis-standalone"
Finally, I got a solution to be able to run the "standalone PyQGIS"* example "Proximity" (provided by MarByteBeep).
This solution was possible without needing to launch the configuration file "launch.json" as above described. And so, avoiding the need to make any configuration to the environment variable "PROJ_LIB" by trying to circumvent the above issue.
I just first added the following two code-lines (see here line 2 and 3) in the python file "main.py" so as to be able to use the plugin "PROCESSING" (initially line 8 of the "main.py" file), then I store it and finally I ran it.
Line 1: from qgis.core import
Line 2: import sys
Line 3: sys.path.append('C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.24.1\apps\qgis\python\plugins')
Line 4: qgs = QgsApplication([], False)
Line 5: ...
The Proximity example is based on the answer of "Mar Tjin" to the following Question: "Looking for manual on how to properly setup standalone PyQGIS without GUI"
. * By "Standalone PyQGIS" I refer to code/scripts that can be run outside the QGIS-GUI (=> QGIS-Desktop/Server Application). In my case under the external Editor VS Code

YOLO Error: names: Using default 'data/names.list' Couldn't open file: data/names.list when implemented on CPU offline

I have implemented custom object detector using YOLO for offline on CPU.
When I run this command on CPU:
!./darknet detector demo data/obj.data cfg/yolov4-obj.cfg yolov4-obj_final.weights -dont_show MVI_1615_VIS.avi -i 0 -out_filename results.avi
I get the following error:
GPU isn't used
OpenCV version: 3.2.0
names: Using default 'data/names.list'
Couldn't open file: data/names.list
Kindly help.
I came across this error recently. For me, it was a simple mistake in the obj.data file.
Instead of the correct version which is:
names = obj.names
I had:
names - obj.names
Hence why it couldnt find the obj.names file
Make sure there aren't any errors in the obj.data file. For more info, check out: https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet#how-to-train-to-detect-your-custom-objects

Getting error " not enough arguments in call to s.statsd.SendLoop" when running "go build" command

I'm trying to run go build command for my project but it exits with below error.
alpha#GHOST-RIDER:~/GoWorkspace/src/github.com/hyperledger/firstproject$ go build
# github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/internal/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/operations
../fabric-sdk-go/internal/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/operations/system.go:227:23: not enough arguments in call to s.statsd.SendLoop
have (<-chan time.Time, string, string)
want (context.Context, <-chan time.Time, string, string)
Any help would be appreciated.
As per code fabric is using the different version of this library: github.com/go-kit/kit/metrics/statsd. If you follow the System struct's statsd attribute, you can reach the reference on imports.
In master branch of this lib, SendLoop function requires 4 attributes, so that's the root cause. So this causes error when you compile on your local environment.
I had the same issue and worked around it by checking out a tag of library as below:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/go-kit/kit
git fetch --tags
git checkout v0.8.0
found a solution on the hyperledger-fabric-go-sdk group chat.
Add context.Background() in s.statsd.SendLoop like below
s.statsd.SendLoop(context.Background(), s.sendTicker.C, network, address)
in fabric-sdk-go/internal/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/operations/system.go file at line 227.
I had a same issue, my solution worked and don't need edit fabric source code.
specify github.com/go-kit/kit to v0.8.0, modify go.mod:
replace github.com/go-kit/kit => github.com/go-kit/kit v0.8.0 // you specific version
require (
... ...
// Maybe other version, go mod tidy update automatically, don't care it.
github.com/go-kit/kit v0.9.0 // indirect
... ...
then it worked.

unable to run locally orchard azure project ysod fresh off sources

I am trying to run locally Orchard.Azure.CloudService project without any code changes to the official stable release 1.7.1 (58c21815). full source address is # https://git01.codeplex.com/orchard .
Here is the steps to reproduce the error:
launch the Orchard.Azure solution
select "Debug" build
click on press F5 start debugging
the page will show "Server Error in '/' Application."
None of the constructors found with 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' on type 'Orchard.Environment.DefaultOrchardShell' can be invoked with the available services and parameters: Cannot resolve parameter 'Orchard.Mvc.Routes.IRoutePublisher routePublisher' of constructor 'Void .ctor(System.Func1[Autofac.Features.OwnedInstances.Owned1[Orchard.Environment.IOrchardShellEvents]], System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[Orchard.Mvc.Routes.IRouteProvider], System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[Orchard.WebApi.Routes.IHttpRouteProvider], Orchard.Mvc.Routes.IRoutePublisher, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Orchard.Mvc.ModelBinders.IModelBinderProvider], Orchard.Mvc.ModelBinders.IModelBinderPublisher, Orchard.Tasks.ISweepGenerator)'.
Source Error:
Line 111: var shellScope = _shellContainerFactory.CreateContainer(settings, blueprint);
Line 112:
Line 113: return new ShellContext {
Line 114: Settings = settings,
Line 115: Descriptor = descriptor,
Source File: c:\projects\orchard\src\Orchard\Environment\ShellBuilders\ShellContextFactory.cs Line: 113
... "
Windows 8, x64
VS2012.3 Azure SDK 2.1
source code version hash: 58c21815
It is a known issue that the solution can't run in the emulator. This is caused by the structure of the solution, and the fact the emulator doesn't run the cspack file. This script is used to copy modules and themes into the package for Azure deployment. When the emulator runs it simply mounts the Orchard.Azure.Web project which is almost empty and doesn't have all the files necessary to run the solution.
See this discussion on CodePlex for more detail.
I don't believe you should be running that solution but the main Orchard solution.
ie, you don't need to develop specifically for Azure, just deploy for Azure.
I think ^_^

"invalid option" error when running cucumber with "--tags"

I've been playing around with Cucumber for about three weeks now, and everything works well, except this little thing here.
Whenever I run my tests with e.g. cucumber checkout.feature --tags #monthly, I get the following on my console after the test have run successfully:
invalid option: --tags
Test::Unit automatic runner.
Usage: /Users/myusername/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0/bin/cucumber [options] [-- untouched arguments]
-r, --runner=RUNNER Use the given RUNNER.
(c[onsole], e[macs], x[ml])
--collector=COLLECTOR Use the given COLLECTOR.
(de[scendant], di[r], l[oad], o[bject]_space)
-n, --name=NAME Runs tests matching NAME.
(patterns may be used).
--ignore-name=NAME Ignores tests matching NAME.
(patterns may be used).
-t, --testcase=TESTCASE Runs tests in TestCases matching TESTCASE.
(patterns may be used).
--ignore-testcase=TESTCASE Ignores tests in TestCases matching TESTCASE.
(patterns may be used).
--location=LOCATION Runs tests that defined in LOCATION.
--attribute=EXPRESSION Runs tests that matches EXPRESSION.
EXPRESSION is evaluated as Ruby's expression.
Test attribute name can be used with no receiver in EXPRESSION.
EXPRESSION examples:
tag == 'important' and !slow
--[no-]priority-mode Runs some tests based on their priority.
--default-priority=PRIORITY Uses PRIORITY as default priority
(h[igh], i[mportant], l[ow], m[ust], ne[ver], no[rmal])
-I, --load-path=DIR[:DIR...] Appends directory list to $LOAD_PATH.
--color-scheme=SCHEME Use SCHEME as color scheme.
--config=FILE Use YAML fomat FILE content as configuration file.
--order=ORDER Run tests in a test case in ORDER order.
(a[lphabetic], d[efined], r[andom])
Shows diff if both expected result string size and actual result string size are less than or equal SIZE in bytes.
-v, --verbose=[LEVEL] Set the output level (default is verbose).
(important-only, n[ormal], p[rogress], s[ilent], v[erbose])
--[no-]use-color=[auto] Uses color output
(default is auto)
--progress-row-max=MAX Uses MAX as max terminal width for progress mark
(default is auto)
--no-show-detail-immediately Shows not passed test details immediately.
(default is yes)
--output-file-descriptor=FD Outputs to file descriptor FD
-- Stop processing options so that the
remaining options will be passed to the
-h, --help Display this help.
Deprecated options:
--console Console runner (use --runner).
I probably didn't need to put all of that here, but I wanted to give you an impression of how much text appears on my screen after each test, which can be a bit distracting.
Here is my setup:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem "rspec"
gem "cucumber"
gem "capybara"
gem "capybara-webkit"
gem "selenium"
gem "selenium-client"
gem "selenium-webdriver"
require_relative '../../../config.rb'
require 'capybara/cucumber'
require 'capybara/rspec'
Capybara.app_host = AT_ROOT
Capybara.default_driver = :selenium
Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit
Capybara.default_wait_time = DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME
Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = IGNORE_HIDDEN_ELEMENTS
# Define window size of the browser here
Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.manage.window.resize_to(DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH)
I couldn't find any connection to the Test::Unit automatic runner in the console output, but apparently it's got something to do with it.
Do you have any idea what that could be? I found some threads related to this issue, but they didn't help me unfortunately.
Thank you
cucumber features -t #monthly
