cron expressions for 2 hours ranges like 12:00AM - 6AM and 8PM - 11:59PM every day - cron

Can I define a cron job to run in 2 time ranges during the day? For example Every day between 12:00AM and 6:00AM AND between 8:00PM and 11:59PM.


create celery-scheduler corn expression for every monday and wednesday repeating every 2 weeks

I want to schedule a task which repeats every 2 weeks on Monday and Friday. I want to know how can we create the expression of it through django-celery-beat crontab schedule or any other schedule.

Cron job one schedule for 3rd Sunday but different schedule every other day

We have jobs that are scheduled to run 1 time per day - every day
We do maintenance every 3rd Sunday of the month.
Up until now every month we have manually adjusted the cron to make the job run a little later in the morning then after maintenance we reset to the desired schedule
I am trying to change cron so that we
run at 7:00am every day EXCEPT the third Sunday of the month
run at 9:00am only on the third Sunday of the month
the second item I am able to handle
0 13 15-21 * 0
however, the first has me stumped. I thought this would do the job but it will only execute this if the day is between 1-14 or 22-31 but what if the 15th is not Sunday - then it won't run.
0 11 1-14,22-31 * *
How do I tell cron to run a schedule EXCEPT the third Sunday of the month?
There is a large base of guidance on how to limit when a cron runs to a specific window but I haven't found much for how to EXCLUDE a cron from a specific window
******** UPDATE ********
I think I may have come up with an answer - not sure if it is the most efficient but
0 11 1-14,22-31 * 0
0 13 15-21 * 0
0 11 1-14,22-31 * 1-6
The above will
run at 11:00 UTC on Sunday if date is between 1-14 or 22-31
run at 13:00 UTC on Sunday if date is between 15-21 (3rd Sunday)
run at 11:00 UTC Monday through Saturday all month
If a cron job has different timing than others, then it best to just define it by itself rather than trying to combine, unless you put some code in your script to do what you actually want. Doing something in cron on some nth day of the month is a pretty well known problem. Most crontab man pages have this note:
Note: The day of a command's execution can be specified in the following two fields — 'day of month', and 'day of week'. If both fields are restricted (i.e., do not contain the "*" character), the command will be run when either field matches the crent time. For example,
"30 4 1,15 * 5" would cause a command to be run at 4:30 am on the 1st and 15th of each month, plus every Friday.
So it does OR between the day of the week and the day of the month, not an AND. I don't who ever thought this was helpful, but that's the way it is. You can see solutions at:
Run every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month
you need something like (this assumes cron runs /bin/sh):
[ `date +\%w` -eq 6 ] && <command>
on your cron job line, the above is would restrict to running only on Saturday.

Scheduling job every other day in Azure Databricks

I need to schedule a job which will run every other day(if start is Mon then Wed, Fri, Sunday...).
But in databricks job scheduler options are only for day, week, month and yearly basis.
You just need to specify schedule as cron expression instead of using UI options. Databricks jobs are using Quartz syntax, so for your case expression will look as following (fill seconds/minutes/hours for time when you need to start jobs):
seconds minutes hours * * 1,3,5,7
The cron trigger expression consists of 6 fields separated by a space:
Seconds (0 -59)
minute (0 -59)
Hour (0 - 23)
Day of the month (1-31)
Month (1-12)
Day of the week (0-6, 0 = Sunday)
Year (optional, default is current year)
For the given schedule, the expression would be:
0 0 0 1/2 * ?
This means that the schedule will run at midnight (0th min and 0th hour) every other day (/2 in the third field). The 4th and 5th fields are not relevant so they are set to a wildcard ().
To summarize, this schedule will run every other day at 12.00 AM
I have tried the following schedule in databricks and it accepts the cron as valid schedule. you can also try the following cron along with #alex-ott's answer.
seconds minutes hours ? * 1,3,5,7
As you are specifying the day of the week, your day of the month should be ?.

How to schedule a Cron job for multiple days every month?

I wish to schedule a airflow job for specific set of dates every month, for example 11th and last day of every month and used the below scheduler expression
25 14 11,L * * # At 2:45 pm on 11th and last day of every month
When I validated the above in and i was told the expression as invalid.
Is it possible to schedule together for a known and a unknown (here last) day of every month? If not is there any other way to achieve this?
maybe your cron does not support the "L" flag. you can refer to this CRON job to run on the last day of the month

cron expression - execute task every day of the week starting from an hour and every x hours

I am trying to build a cron expression.
I need to execute a task every day of the week, from 5PM Monday to 5PM Friday, starting from 5PM Monday and every twelve hours until reaching 5PM Friday.
How can I do this?
Also, Is there a good tutorial to learn how cron expression are built?
