Opencart Folder structure - opencart2.x

Hi i am unable to get brief idea on the folder structure of opencart , I am using Opencart and each time when i wanted to change anything on website i have to look at each file and i have to modify it accordingly , Sometimes i am unable to find the files related to the page which i am looking for .I have tried search using class names even that won't worked out properly . And when i looked at some forums for few answers there the path for a specific file is different and in my version it is located in some other path , so can anybody suggest how to understand this folder structure.

hope this will guide you
There are Two mane if still there is some issue then you can contact back i will be there to help you


How to change the size of the images through the magnolia cms imaging module

I have put the jar file inside the library of my magnolia(;classname~ImagingServlet), but when I invoke the url to return the cropped image, I get an error, if someone can help me.
[this is what appears to me1
I would guess that you are either missing the destinations folder or user has no access to it. Alternatively you are missing imaging support for DAM - see more at various additional jars you might need in documentation.
Also it seems you just copied thumbnail link from the admincentral, so perhaps you might want to read more on using themes and predefined image variations.

OpenCart - finding files

I am relatively new to OpenCart and need help locating the right files on Cpanel to customize site, most especially the home page. How do I locate a file name using Google Chrome Inspect element on storefront and then find the same file on my Cpanel File Manager? I am most especially looking for the html file on file manager for the home page. I would appreciate any advice.
Let me tell you the correct way.
Lets say your store URL is
There are two parameters after route. They are
1st is folder
2nd is file
3rd is function
Since we know that this is the front end, so we will go in catalog folder in root. If you have to find the file in admin panel, you will check inside admin folder in root.
So is basically CATALOG FOLDER / common folder / home.php / function index().
If we have to search something in admin lets say so it is basically ADMIN FOLDER / catalog folder / category.php / function add().
Now if you go through the function, there will be a line at the end something like this.
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('common/dashboard.tpl', $data));
This is your tpl file. Go inside the views folder, templates, common, dashboard tpl. This is your desired file.
I know this is an old question, but sometimes it's harder to find what you are looking for in OpenCart.
I have been searching for someting for more than an hour. As it turns out, what I was looking for (PHP CODE), was written in DataBase for whatever reason in this oc_modification table as an XML-ish text.
So if you are having trouble finding some file, it actually might not be a file at all. Actual code snippet could be in DB.
I use opencart 3.x.
Easiest way to find something is by downloading whole project, opening it in notepad++ and using "Find in Files" tab. If you can't find it there, there is a big chance you find it in DB.
Open PhpMyadmin, go to current database for your project, press SEARCH button on top, put wildcard like '%YOURTEXT%', make sure to select "ALL TABLES" and click GO.

Where can I find (Path in the bundle) the User create/edit screen source?

I am just trying to find the front end source code for user creation and edit pages. But I tried search by different label text and ID's but no use. Can anyone please tell me the path for user add and edit page source files.
As you can see, the URL is something like:
Searching in struts configurations you can see that struts_action=/users_admin/edit_user should refer to jsp file edit_user.jsp
That file is located in users_admin... so the path you are seeking should be html/portlet/users_admin inside portal-web project.
This is on GitHub.

How to link to local images on Node.js version of Tiddlywiki?

I'm using the Node.js version of TiddlyWiki, and I'd like to link to images on my filesystem.
The documentation listed here doesn't work; in the [img[path]] tag, for the path part I put something like /Users/documents/ken/path_to_image.jpg yet nothing shows up in the tiddler.
My wiki exists in /Users/documents/ken/wiki.
I know this is an old post, but zacts stated that you can use a macro plugin or simply use the [img] tag to point to the relative path of the image from the tiddlywiki.html file, but the op is using the node.js version, and zacts apparently didn't read that. There is no tiddlywiki.html file for TiddlyWiki on node.js. That only works with the static .html version of tiddlywiki, not the node.js version.
Currently there is no way to point to a local file through the node.js version of Tiddlywiki as node.js is not a webserver, therefore it does not see subfolders like /images/ off of the root url. The only way is to run a parallel web server on the same machine and use the full web url to the images served up from the web server.
In case someone else stumbles across this problem:
I could not find this documented anywhere, but what seems to work is to just copy the image in the tiddlers directory, then restart the nodejs server, and search for the image title from tiddlywiki. There will be a tiddler that contains that image, that you can edit at your leisure.
Alternatively, copy the image as image_name.png (or image_name.jpg) into the tiddlers directory, and create a image_name.png.meta text file with the following contents:
title: image_name
type: image/jpeg
Upon restart of the tiddlywiki nodejs server, a tiddler with title image_name which contains the image will be there.
If you are using the Node.js version, you can simply put it in the ./files folder, and then use [img[. /files/xxx.jpg]] to reference it.
I had this same issue recently, and I found a neat little solution for it. Let me send you the links, and I'll post the snippets here.
I happened to stumble across this tiddlywiki image gallery homepage that linked to a macro plugin that lets you link in local images. Here is the link to the tiddler for the plugin: Here is the original TiddlyWiki google groups post of the plugin for this:!msg/tiddlywiki/ChRV6sjQpn4/bCm35_XhGmkJ.
I hope this helps! =) (note: when I get more time I may clean up the formatting of this post).
It is very simple, you use _canonical_uri field
_canonical_uri field
The field value is something like "./wiki/path_to_image.jpg" (mine is "./files") in the same level as the tiddlers folder. I did not experimented with files outside the root folder of the wiki. The dot in the path might be ommited.
The content type might be "audio/mp3" "image/jpg" look at the "parser" shadow tiddlers. Your Browser might support more content types like "audio/wav" but you would have to add this line to "$:/core/modules/parsers/audioparser.js" For example. Might be the same thing for images. Check your browser support.
I really do not know why this fact is so obscure, but it work wonders.

Solr path to index directory

We have a remote server with a Solr configuration running on it. Now I want with check which data is indexed.
The given tool asks for the 'Path to Index directory'. My question is, where can I find it, where is it configured? I cannot find it (for as far as I know/have seen) in the solrconfig.xml or the schema.xml
Someone who know's how to help me?
Kind regards,
You may want to try a more recent version of Luke. And the index directory is normally the data directory on the same level as the conf directory which is where you found your schema.xml.
You can also see what's been indexed field-by-field in the AdminUI on the Schema Browser screen.
