After selecting Generate > Equality members ReSharper generates a GetHashCode() method with body
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = (int) Property1;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Property2;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Property3.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
according to several articles
What is the best algorithm for an overridden System.Object.GetHashCode?
I'd like to generate my own GetHashCode() method
(inspired by first SO answer)
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = (int) 2166136261;
hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ Property1.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ Property2.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ Property3.GetHashCode();
return hash;
Is it possible ? How ?
When I want to use a custom type T as hash key in .Net, I implement IEqualityComparer and pass it to hash map like Dictionary or HashSet, when adding new item, the GetHashCode and Equals method will be called to check whether two T instance are same.
for example, I have a immutable data class Foo:
sealed class Foo
public Foo(int field1, string field2)
Prop_1 = field1;
Prop_2 = field2;
public int Prop_1 { get; }
public string Prop_2 { get; }
and FooEuqalityComparer:
sealed class FooEuqalityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Foo>
public bool Equals(Foo x, Foo y)
return x == null ? y == null :
x.Prop_1 == y.Prop_1 &&
x.Prop_2 == y.Prop_2;
public int GetHashCode(Foo obj)
if (obj == null)
return 0;
return obj.Prop_1.GetHashCode() ^ obj.Prop_2.GetHashCode();
var set = new HashSet<Foo>(new FooEuqalityComparer());
var foo1 = new Foo(1, "foo 1");
var not_foo2 = new Foo(1, "foo 1");
var foo3 = new Foo(3, "foo 3");
Assert.AreEqual(1, set.Count);
Assert.AreSame(foo1, set.Single());
Assert.AreEqual(2, set.Count);
How can I do it in nodejs?
Overwrite toString() is not a option because I want to keep reference to that object as key inside map.
After some search, I realized that javascript or ECMAScript use SameValueZero algorithm to compare objects, the best way still is using string as key.
so I use two map to achieve this:
class ObjectKeyMap {
* #param {Object[]} keys -
* #param {function():string} keys[].getHashCode -
* #param {function(Object):T} valueSelector -
* #typedef {Object} T
constructor(keys, valueSelector) {
const keyReferences = {};
keys.forEach(it => {
keyReferences[it.getHashCode()] = it;
this.keyReferences = keyReferences; = new Map( => [it.getHashCode(), valueSelector(it)]));
* #param {string|{getHashCode:function():string}} key -
* #returns {string}
_getStringKey(key) {
if (!key) {
return null;
if ( === "[object String]") {
return key;
} else {
return key.getHashCode();
* #param {string|{getHashCode:function():string}} key -
* #returns {T}
get(key) {
const stringKey = this._getStringKey(key);
if (!stringKey || stringKey === "") {
return null;
values() {
return [];
* #param {string|{getHashCode:function():string}} key -
key(key) {
const stringKey = this._getStringKey(key);
if (!stringKey || stringKey === "") {
return null;
return this.keyReferences[stringKey];
keys() {
return Object.values(this.keyReferences).slice();
ObjectKeyMap assumes object to be used as key must have a getHashCode function which return identity string. It should be more readable if written in TypeScript.
Assuming I have the following classes in Haxe:
class Pair<U, V> {
public var first:U = null;
public var second:V = null;
public function new(u:U, v:V) {
this.first = u;
this.second = v;
class HashablePair<U:{ function hashCode():Int; }, V:{ function hashCode():Int; }> {
public var first:U = null;
public var second:V = null;
public function new(u:U, v:V) {
this.first = u;
this.second = v;
public function hashCode():Int { // just a sample way ...
var h1:Int = (first == null) ? 0 : first.hashCode();
var h2:Int = (second == null) ? 0 : second.hashCode();
return 3 * h1 + 5 * h2;
I wondered if it is possible to write a macro that adds the hashCode function to the pair class, if and only if both generics U and V implement the hashCode-function ... and thus make it possible to combine the two classes into a single one via meta-programming.
You can achieve the desired behavior by simply switching to an abstract:
typedef Hashable = { function hashCode():Int; };
abstract HashablePair<U:Hashable,V:Hashable>(Pair<U,V>)from Pair<U,V> {
public function new(u:U, v:V)
this = new Pair(u, v);
public function hashCode():Int { // just a sample way ...
var h1:Int = (this.first == null) ? 0 : this.first.hashCode();
var h2:Int = (this.second == null) ? 0 : this.second.hashCode();
return 3 * h1 + 5 * h2;
The from Pair<U,V> makes Pair<U,V> casts to HashablePair<U,V> allowed, as long as the necessary constrains on U and V are respected.
For a complete exemple, check out Try Haxe #d76E1.
Below is my C and Java code. Java called function1 to collect a String and an integer and return them using ResultCollector object. The ResultCollector is an outer class, in other words, it is not nested inside the ResultCollecter class. Also, it has three constructors. I have other functions that are fine with a constructor with (IF)V signature. Also, the third constructor is not working as well (i.e. (II)V).
Java code is:
public class ResultCollector {
private int err;
private float resVal;
private String resID;
* Signature (IF)V
public ResultCollector(int err, float value) {
this.err = err;
this.resVal = value;
* Signature (II)V
public ResultCollector(int err, int value) {
this.err = err;
this.resVal = (float) value;
* Signature (ILjava/lang/;)V
public ResultCollector(int err, char[] id) {
this.err = err;
this.resID = String.copyValueOf(id);
public String id() {
return resID;
public int err() {
return err;
public float value() {
return resVal;
public void setParam(int err, String id, float value) {
this.err = err;
this.resID = id;
this.resVal = value;
And C code is:
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_project_function1(
JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint index) {
jint t;
char *id = C function to return string;
t = an error that is needed;
if (c == NULL)
// throw exception
return NULL;
jstring name = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, id);
if (name == NULL)
// throw exception
return NULL;
jclass c = (*env)->FindClass(env,
jmethodID constr = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, c, "<init>", "(ILjava/lang/String;)V");
if (constr == NULL)
//cannot get the constructor correctly
return NULL;
jobject result = (*env)->NewObject(env, c, constr, t, name);
return result;
My question is: How I can initialize an outer class? Where does it go wrong in this code?
char[] is not the same as String. The signature for your constructor function should be (I[C)V ([ indicates an array, C is for char):
jmethodID constr = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, c, "<init>", "(I[C)V");
You will also need to pass a jcharArray instead of a jstring. You can create the jcharArray like this:
int len = strlen(id);
jcharArray charArray = (*env)->NewCharArray(env, len);
(*env)->SetCharArrayRegion(env, charArray, 0, len, id);
Alternatively, you can change your Java code to accept a String instead of a char[]:
public ResultCollector(int err, String id) {
this.err = err;
this.resID = id;
I am trying to port a Java application for use in node.js, and am running into an issue with Object inheritance. I have a base object HVal, and 2 subclasses, HBin and HBool. When I try to use both HBin and HBool, the 1st object that is loaded is overridden by the 2nd object that is loaded, even though they are being assigned to different vars. Anyone have an idea of what is going on here.
/** Package private constructor */
function HVal() {};
/** Abstract functions that must be defined in inheriting classes
* hashCode: int - Hash code is value based
* toZinc: String - Encode value to zinc format
* equals: boolean - Equality is value based
/** String - String format is for human consumption only */
HVal.prototype.toString = function() { return this.toZinc(); };
/** int - Return sort order as negative, 0, or positive */
HVal.prototype.compareTo = function(that) { return this.toString().localeCompare(that); };
/** boolean - check for type match */
HVal.prototype.typeis = function (check, prim, obj) { return typeof(check)==prim || check instanceof obj; };
/** Add hashCode function to Javascript String object */
String.prototype.hashCode = function() {
var hash = 0, i, chr, len;
if (this.length == 0) return hash;
for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
chr = this.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
/** Export for use in other modules */
module.exports = new HVal();
var hval = require('./HVal');
/** Private constructor */
function HBin(mime) {
/** MIME type for binary file */
this.mime = mime;
HBin.prototype = hval;
/** Construct for MIME type */
HBin.prototype.make = function(mime) {
if (!hval.typeis(mime, 'string', String) || mime.length == 0 || mime.indexOf('/') < 0)
throw new Error("Invalid mime val: \"" + mime + "\"");
return new HBin(mime);
/** int - Hash code is based on mime field */
HBin.prototype.hashCode = function() { return mime.hashCode(); };
/** String - Encode as "Bin(<mime>)" */
HBin.prototype.toZinc = function() {
var s = "Bin(";
for (var i=0; i<this.mime.length; ++i)
var c = this.mime.charAt(i);
if (c > 127 || c == ')') throw new Error("Invalid mime, char='" + c + "'");
s += c;
s += ")";
return s.toString();
/** boolean - Equals is based on mime field */
HBin.prototype.equals = function(that) {
if (!typeOf(that) == HBin) return false;
return this.mime === that.mime;
/** Export for use in other modules */
module.exports = new HBin();
var hval = require('./HVal');
/** Private constructor */
function HBool(val) {
/** Boolean value */
this.val = val;
HBool.prototype = hval;
/** Construct from boolean value */
HBool.prototype.make = function(val) {
if (!hval.typeis(val, 'boolean', Boolean))
throw new Error("Invalid boolean val: \"" + val + "\"");
return new HBool(val);
/** int - Hash code is same as java.lang.Boolean */
HBool.prototype.hashCode = function() { return this.val ? 1231 : 1237; };
/** String - Encode as T/F */
HBool.prototype.toZinc = function() { return this.val ? "T" : "F"; };
/** boolean - Equals is based on reference */
HBool.prototype.equals = function(that) { return this === that; };
/** String - String format is for human consumption only */
HBool.prototype.toString = function() { return this.val ? "true" : "false"; };
/** Export for use in other modules */
module.exports = new HBool();
var hbin = require('./HBin');
var hbool = require('./HBool');
console.log('BIN: ' + hbin.make("test/test").toString());
console.log('T: ' + hbool.make(true).toString());
console.log('F: ' + hbool.make(false).toString());
Output - failing on first console.log
throw new Error("Invalid boolean val: \"" + val + "\"");
Error: Invalid boolean val: "test/test"
at HVal.HBool.make (HBool.js:19:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:4:28)
The issue has to do with how you're exporting from a module and how you're assigning the prototype when you want to inherit and the issue is subtle. There are a couple things going on here. First off, module.exports is cached for modules, so every time you do:
var hval = require('./HVal');
you are getting the exact same HVal instantiated object back each time and you can never make a different object because you didn't export the constructor. That is a problem for all your modules. You should export the constructor function and let the user of the module actually create new instances of your object with new.
You can do that by changing:
module.exports = new HVal();
module.exports = HVal;
And, then when you require() it, you just get the constructor:
var HVal = require('./HVal');
var HBool = require('./HBool');
And, then you can create an HBool object like this:
var hbool = new HBool();
This issue then seems to be messing up your inheritance when you assign something like:
HBool.prototype = hval;
The problem is entirely fixed if you export the constructors themselves and then change the above prototype assignment to use Object.create:
HBool.prototype = Object.create(HVal.prototype);
You can see a working demo here (modules removed to make the demo easier to show):
I also made another correction to the code. Instead of this:
if (!hval.typeis(mime, 'string', String) || mime.length == 0 || mime.indexOf('/') < 0)
I changed it to actually use the inherited methods on this object:
if (!this.typeis(mime, 'string', String) || mime.length == 0 || mime.indexOf('/') < 0)
This is the proper way to call methods on the current object (even inherited methods). Now, this happens to be a static method (it doesn't use the instance at all so you could move it off the object entirely, but since you have declared it on the object, you should refer to it as this.typeis().
I also noticed that your .equals() method is not correct. You have this:
/** boolean - Equals is based on mime field */
HBin.prototype.equals = function(that) {
if (!typeOf(that) == HBin) return false;
return this.mime === that.mime;
First off, did you create a new global function called typeOf()? The built-in mechanism in Javascript is lowercase typeof. Second off, typeof(that) will never be HBin. Objects in Javascript don't report a type like that. An object would report typeof(that) === "object". You can perhaps use instanceof:
/** boolean - Equals is based on mime field */
HBin.prototype.equals = function(that) {
return that instanceof HBin && this.mime === that.mime;
As from this very good post here
Logarithmic scale in Java FX 2
I have changed this class to get log scale on Y axis, and it works fine. The only problem I have is that there are very few horizontal grid lines and scale always start ranges from 0 or near zero.
Here is what I get
I would like to have tick values grid also in the min and max range of my data serie, in this case min = 19,35 max = 20,35; as of now all 10 horizontal grid lines are all plotted outside this range.
How to accomplish this?
Thanks all, here is my log code for Y axis
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.beans.binding.DoubleBinding;
import javafx.scene.chart.ValueAxis;
public class LogarithmicAxis extends ValueAxis<Number> {
//Create our LogarithmicAxis class that extends ValueAxis<Number> and define two properties that will represent the log lower and upper bounds of our axis.
private final DoubleProperty logUpperBound = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
private final DoubleProperty logLowerBound = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
//we bind our properties with the default bounds of the value axis. But before, we should verify the given range according to the mathematic logarithmic interval definition.
public LogarithmicAxis() {
super(1, 100);
public LogarithmicAxis(double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
super(lowerBound, upperBound);
try {
validateBounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
} catch (IllegalLogarithmicRangeException e) {
* Bind our logarithmic bounds with the super class bounds, consider the base 10 logarithmic scale.
private void bindLogBoundsToDefaultBounds() {
logLowerBound.bind(new DoubleBinding() {
protected double computeValue() {
return Math.log10(lowerBoundProperty().get());
logUpperBound.bind(new DoubleBinding() {
protected double computeValue() {
return Math.log10(upperBoundProperty().get());
* Validate the bounds by throwing an exception if the values are not conform to the mathematics log interval:
* ]0,Double.MAX_VALUE]
* #param lowerBound
* #param upperBound
* #throws IllegalLogarithmicRangeException
private void validateBounds(double lowerBound, double upperBound) throws IllegalLogarithmicRangeException {
if (lowerBound < 0 || upperBound < 0 || lowerBound > upperBound) {
throw new IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(
"The logarithmic range should be include to ]0,Double.MAX_VALUE] and the lowerBound should be less than the upperBound");
//Now we have to implement all abstract methods of the ValueAxis class.
//The first one, calculateMinorTickMarks is used to get the list of minor tick marks position that you want to display on the axis. You could find my definition below. It's based on the number of minor tick and the logarithmic formula.
protected List<Number> calculateMinorTickMarks() {
Number[] range = getRange();
List<Number> minorTickMarksPositions = new ArrayList<>();
if (range != null) {
Number lowerBound = range[0];
Number upperBound = range[1];
double logUpperBound = Math.log10(upperBound.doubleValue());
double logLowerBound = Math.log10(lowerBound.doubleValue());
int minorTickMarkCount = getMinorTickCount();
for (double i = logLowerBound; i <= logUpperBound; i += 1) {
for (double j = 0; j <= 10; j += (1. / minorTickMarkCount)) {
double value = j * Math.pow(10, i);
return minorTickMarksPositions;
//Then, the calculateTickValues method is used to calculate a list of all the data values for each tick mark in range, represented by the second parameter. The formula is the same than previously but here we want to display one tick each power of 10.
protected List<Number> calculateTickValues(double length, Object range) {
List<Number> tickPositions = new ArrayList<Number>();
if (range != null) {
Number lowerBound = ((Number[]) range)[0];
Number upperBound = ((Number[]) range)[1];
double logLowerBound = Math.log10(lowerBound.doubleValue());
double logUpperBound = Math.log10(upperBound.doubleValue());
System.out.println("lower bound is: " + lowerBound.doubleValue());
for (double i = logLowerBound; i <= logUpperBound; i += 1) {
for (double j = 1; j <= 10; j++) {
double value = (j * Math.pow(10, i));
return tickPositions;
//The getRange provides the current range of the axis. A basic implementation is to return an array of the lowerBound and upperBound properties defined into the ValueAxis class.
protected Number[] getRange() {
return new Number[] { lowerBoundProperty().get(), upperBoundProperty().get() };
//The getTickMarkLabel is only used to convert the number value to a string that will be displayed under the tickMark. Here I choose to use a number formatter.
protected String getTickMarkLabel(Number value) {
NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance();
return formatter.format(value);
//The method setRange is used to update the range when data are added into the chart. There is two possibilities, the axis is animated or not. The simplest case is to set the lower and upper bound properties directly with the new values.
protected void setRange(Object range, boolean animate) {
if (range != null) {
Number lowerBound = ((Number[]) range)[0];
Number upperBound = ((Number[]) range)[1];
try {
validateBounds(lowerBound.doubleValue(), upperBound.doubleValue());
} catch (IllegalLogarithmicRangeException e) {
//We are almost done but we forgot to override 2 important methods that are used to perform the matching between data and the axis (and the reverse).
public Number getValueForDisplay(double displayPosition) {
double delta = logUpperBound.get() - logLowerBound.get();
if (getSide().isVertical()) {
return Math.pow(10, (((displayPosition - getHeight()) / -getHeight()) * delta) + logLowerBound.get());
} else {
return Math.pow(10, (((displayPosition / getWidth()) * delta) + logLowerBound.get()));
public double getDisplayPosition(Number value) {
double delta = logUpperBound.get() - logLowerBound.get();
double deltaV = Math.log10(value.doubleValue()) - logLowerBound.get();
if (getSide().isVertical()) {
return (1. - ((deltaV) / delta)) * getHeight();
} else {
return ((deltaV) / delta) * getWidth();
* Exception to be thrown when a bound value isn't supported by the logarithmic axis<br>
* #author Kevin Senechal mailto:
public class IllegalLogarithmicRangeException extends Exception {
* #param string
public IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(String message) {
We too had these problems with the suggested implementation of logarithmicaxis, here is the complete code with fixes that worked for us..
import com.sun.javafx.charts.ChartLayoutAnimator;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
import javafx.beans.binding.DoubleBinding;
import javafx.scene.chart.ValueAxis;
import javafx.util.Duration;
//Edited by Vadim Levit & Benny Lutati for usage in AgentZero ( )
public class LogarithmicNumberAxis extends ValueAxis<Number> {
private Object currentAnimationID;
private final ChartLayoutAnimator animator = new ChartLayoutAnimator(this);
//Create our LogarithmicAxis class that extends ValueAxis<Number> and define two properties that will represent the log lower and upper bounds of our axis.
private final DoubleProperty logUpperBound = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
private final DoubleProperty logLowerBound = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
//we bind our properties with the default bounds of the value axis. But before, we should verify the given range according to the mathematic logarithmic interval definition.
public LogarithmicNumberAxis() {
super(1, 10000000);
public LogarithmicNumberAxis(double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
super(lowerBound, upperBound);
validateBounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
public void setLogarithmizedUpperBound(double d) {
double nd = Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(Math.log10(d)));
setUpperBound(nd == d ? nd * 10 : nd);
* Bind our logarithmic bounds with the super class bounds, consider the
* base 10 logarithmic scale.
private void bindLogBoundsToDefaultBounds() {
logLowerBound.bind(new DoubleBinding() {
protected double computeValue() {
return Math.log10(lowerBoundProperty().get());
logUpperBound.bind(new DoubleBinding() {
protected double computeValue() {
return Math.log10(upperBoundProperty().get());
* Validate the bounds by throwing an exception if the values are not
* conform to the mathematics log interval: ]0,Double.MAX_VALUE]
* #param lowerBound
* #param upperBound
* #throws IllegalLogarithmicRangeException
private void validateBounds(double lowerBound, double upperBound) throws IllegalLogarithmicRangeException {
if (lowerBound < 0 || upperBound < 0 || lowerBound > upperBound) {
throw new IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(
"The logarithmic range should be in [0,Double.MAX_VALUE] and the lowerBound should be less than the upperBound");
//Now we have to implement all abstract methods of the ValueAxis class.
//The first one, calculateMinorTickMarks is used to get the list of minor tick marks position that you want to display on the axis. You could find my definition below. It's based on the number of minor tick and the logarithmic formula.
protected List<Number> calculateMinorTickMarks() {
List<Number> minorTickMarksPositions = new ArrayList<>();
return minorTickMarksPositions;
//Then, the calculateTickValues method is used to calculate a list of all the data values for each tick mark in range, represented by the second parameter. The formula is the same than previously but here we want to display one tick each power of 10.
protected List<Number> calculateTickValues(double length, Object range) {
LinkedList<Number> tickPositions = new LinkedList<>();
if (range != null) {
double lowerBound = ((double[]) range)[0];
double upperBound = ((double[]) range)[1];
for (double i = Math.log10(lowerBound); i <= Math.log10(upperBound); i++) {
tickPositions.add(Math.pow(10, i));
if (!tickPositions.isEmpty()) {
if (tickPositions.getLast().doubleValue() != upperBound) {
return tickPositions;
* The getRange provides the current range of the axis. A basic
* implementation is to return an array of the lowerBound and upperBound
* properties defined into the ValueAxis class.
* #return
protected double[] getRange() {
return new double[]{
* The getTickMarkLabel is only used to convert the number value to a string
* that will be displayed under the tickMark. Here I choose to use a number
* formatter.
* #param value
* #return
protected String getTickMarkLabel(Number value) {
NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance();
return formatter.format(value);
* The method setRange is used to update the range when data are added into
* the chart. There is two possibilities, the axis is animated or not. The
* simplest case is to set the lower and upper bound properties directly
* with the new values.
* #param range
* #param animate
protected void setRange(Object range, boolean animate) {
if (range != null) {
final double[] rangeProps = (double[]) range;
final double lowerBound = rangeProps[0];
final double upperBound = rangeProps[1];
final double oldLowerBound = getLowerBound();
if (animate) {
currentAnimationID = animator.animate(
new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO,
new KeyValue(currentLowerBound, oldLowerBound)
new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(700),
new KeyValue(currentLowerBound, lowerBound)
} else {
* We are almost done but we forgot to override 2 important methods that are
* used to perform the matching between data and the axis (and the reverse).
* #param displayPosition
* #return
public Number getValueForDisplay(double displayPosition) {
double delta = logUpperBound.get() - logLowerBound.get();
if (getSide().isVertical()) {
return Math.pow(10, (((displayPosition - getHeight()) / -getHeight()) * delta) + logLowerBound.get());
} else {
return Math.pow(10, (((displayPosition / getWidth()) * delta) + logLowerBound.get()));
public double getDisplayPosition(Number value) {
double delta = logUpperBound.get() - logLowerBound.get();
double deltaV = Math.log10(value.doubleValue()) - logLowerBound.get();
if (getSide().isVertical()) {
return (1. - ((deltaV) / delta)) * getHeight();
} else {
return ((deltaV) / delta) * getWidth();
* Exception to be thrown when a bound value isn't supported by the
* logarithmic axis<br>
* #author Kevin Senechal mailto:
public class IllegalLogarithmicRangeException extends RuntimeException {
* #param string
public IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(String message) {
I think your problem is this:
super(1, 100);
From the documentation:
Create a non-auto-ranging ValueAxis with the given upper & lower bound
Try using a constructor without parameters, which will make the boundaries auto-ranging.
You should end up with a constructor looking like this:
public LogarithmicAxis() {
// was: super(1, 100);