How to remove "\n" from Python string? - python-3.x

What I am trying to do:
I am trying to run this line of code:
os.rename("source.file", RAW_FILE)
I simply want to take a file matching source.file and rename it to something contained in the RAW_FILE variable. testing this works fine with anaconda python shell.
The problem:
When running with the script I have this error:
os.rename("source.file", RAW_FILE)
OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax
is incorrect: 'source.file' -> 'filename.txt\n'
I have a print in the script and it shows the filename.txt without the '\n'
I have tried (amongst many other things):
.replace('\n', '')
My question:
How can I remove this seemly invincible '\n' and what is the cause of this?


How to enter windows paths to run Python in Sublime Text 3 using Ctrl+B

I'm trying to run a python script using Sublime Text 3. I'm trying to just use Ctrl+b and type the parameters in the box that comes up, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to format the Windows file paths. I keep getting a FileNotFoundError
I've tried:
"C:\dir1\dir 2\file.ext"
"C:\\dir1\\dir 2\\file.ext"
"C:/dir1/dir 2/file.ext"
Because some of my directories have spaces in them, I'm enclosing the whole thing in double quotes no matter which slash style I try. What am I missing here? None of these works.
With the first, for example, I'm getting FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\dir1\\dir 2\\file.ext,' [Finished in 0.3s]
The file is most definitely there and spelled correctly.
In case it matters, I'm using docopt to parse the input parameters

"\n" in python messes with chmod

I am making a program where I need permission to file paths so I am using the chmod command. I get the paths from a text document. I put the paths there and organized them by rows by using the "/n" command. The problem is when I plug the variable in the string still has a /n on it. I was wondering if there was a way to have a txt document go down a line but in a way it wont interfere.
OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: 'C:/Users/*****/Pictures/Camera Roll\n'
I have python 3.6.2 and windows 10. I am still in the early stages of learning this language.
You want to .strip() the path before sending it to chmod:
st = 'abcd\n'
st.strip() == 'abcd' # strip() trims all whitespace

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\mswitajski\\Desktop\\alice.txt'

I'm trying to read in a text file to work with Word Clouds. Here is the syntax I'm trying:
# Read the whole text.
text = open(r'C:\Users\mswitajski\Desktop\alice.txt').read()
But I keep getting the following error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\mswitajski\\Desktop\\alice.txt'
I've triple checked the file name, tried reading it as a raw file, changed the slashes and everything but I continue to get the same error.
Well, if someone reaches up to here and still could not find the solution then here is the more pythonic way of doing the absolute path in windows.
Instead of using:
text = open(r'C:\Users\mswitajski\Desktop\alice.txt').read()
use os.sep, in conjunction of os.path.join like the following:
import os
text = open(os.path.join('C:', os.sep, 'Users', 'mswitajski', 'Desktop', 'alice.txt')).read()
Try changin the path to this"
Sometimes windows won't find/recognize the file path when the file is specified like this
In the answer it shows up as only one \ but you still need 2 like your previous path. The only difference is the last slash /. Hope that works.
At your text raw file (alice.txt) try delete the .txt.
The file probably is named alice.txt.txt
I face the same issue and solve it by deleted the .txt.
I had to use double slashes instead of one, because python interpreted it as a escape sequence. My final string was:
code\\tmcdata\\TMC workspace\\Exercises\\hy\\hy-data-analysis-with-python-
However, it worked this way too,
C:\\Users\\Arpit Chinmay's\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\User\\globalStorage\\moocfi.test-
my-code\\tmcdata\\TMC workspace\\Exercises\\hy\\hy-data-analysis-with-python-
2020\\part02-e04_word_frequencies\\src/alice.txt problems using the '>'

I'm having trouble with the call function
I'm trying to redirect the output of a program to a text file by using the '>'
This is what I've tried:
import subprocess["python3", "", ">", "file.txt"])
but it still displaying the output on the command prompt and not in the txt file
There are two approaches to solving this.
Have python handle the redirection:
with open('file.txt', 'w') as f:["python3", ""], stdout=f)
Have the shell handle redirection:["python3 >file.txt"], shell=True)
Generally, the first is to be preferred because it avoids the vagaries of the shell.
Lastly, you should look into the possibility that can be run as an imported module rather than calling it via subprocess. Python is designed so that it is easy to write scripts so that the same functionality is available either at the command line (python3 or as a module (import test).

syntax error near unexpected token ' - bash

I have a written a sample script on my Mac
test() {
echo "Example"
exit 0
and this works fine by displaying Example
When I run this script on a RedHat machine, it says
syntax error near unexpected token '
I checked that bash is available using
cat /etc/shells
which bash shows /bin/bash
Did anyone come across the same issue ?
Thanks in advance !
It could be a file encoding issue.
I have encountered file type encoding issues when working on files between different operating systems and editors - in my case particularly between Linux and Windows systems.
I suggest checking your file's encoding to make sure it is suitable for the target linux environment. I guess an encoding issue is less likely given you are using a MAC than if you had used a Windows text editor, however I think file encoding is still worth considering.
--- EDIT (Add an actual solution as recommended by #Potatoswatter)
To demonstrate how file type encoding could be this issue, I copy/pasted your example script into Notepad in Windows (I don't have access to a Mac), then copied it to a linux machine and ran it:
jdt#cookielin01:~/windows> sh ./originalfile
./originalfile: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
'/originalfile: line 2: `test() {
In this case, Notepad saved the file with carriage returns and linefeeds, causing the error shown above. The \r indicates a carriage return (Linux systems terminate lines with linefeeds \n only).
On the linux machine, you could test this theory by running the following to strip carriage returns from the file, if they are present:
cat originalfile | tr -d "\r" > newfile
Then try to run the new file sh ./newfile . If this works, the issue was carriage returns as hidden characters.
Note: This is not an exact replication of your environment (I don't have access to a Mac), however it seems likely to me that the issue is that an editor, somewhere, saved carriage returns into the file.
--- /EDIT
To elaborate a little, operating systems and editors can have different file encoding defaults. Typically, applications and editors will influence the filetype encoding used, for instance, I think Microsoft Notepad and Notepad++ default to Windows-1252. There may be newline differences to consider too (In Windows environments, a carriage return and linefeed is often used to terminate lines in files, whilst in Linux and OSX, only a Linefeed is usually used).
A similar question and answer that references file encoding is here: bad character showing up in bash script execution
try something like
$ sudo apt-get install dos2unix
$ dos2unix offendingfile
Easy way to convert file to UNIX if you are working in Windows is to use NotePad++ (Edit>EOL Conversion>UNIX/OSX Format)
You can also set the default EOL in notepad++ (Settings>Preferences>New Document/Default Directory>select Unix/OSX under the Format box)
Thanks #jdt for your answer.
Following that, and since I keep having this issue with carriage return, I wrote that small script. Only run carriage_return and you'll be prompted for the file to "clean".
alias carriage_return=remove_carriage_return
# cygwin throws error like :
# syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
# due to carriage return
# this function runs the following
# cat originalfile | tr -d "\r" > newfile
read -p "File to clean ? "
# file to clean => temporary clean file
remove_carriage_return_one='cat '$file_to_clean' | tr -d "\r" > '
# temporary clean file => new clean file
remove_carriage_return_two='cat '$temp_file_to_clean' | tr -d "\r" > '
eval $remove_carriage_return_one
eval $remove_carriage_return_two
# remove temporary clean file
eval 'rm '$temp_file_to_clean
I want to add to the answer above is how to check if it is carriage return issue in Unix like environment (I tested in MacOS)
1) Using cat
cat -e my_file_name
If you see the lines ended with ^M$, then yes, it is the carriage return issue.
2) Find first line with carriage return character
grep -r $'\r' | head -1
3) Using vim
vim my_file_name
Then in vim, type
:set ff
If you see fileformat=dos, then the file is from a dos environment which contains a carriage return.
After finding out, you can use the above mentioned methods by other people to correct your file.
I had the same problem when i was working with armbian linux and Windows .
i was trying to coppy my codes from windows to armbian and when i run it this Error Pops Up. My problem Solved this way :
1- try to Coppy your files from windows using WinSCP .
2- make sure that your file name does not have () characters
