Inno Setup Compiler check boxes - inno-setup

Why does Inno setup compiler have some check boxes disabled? See attachment.

What you need to do is untick the top check box. Then the others will become enabled.


Inno Setup Exit Setup page shows buttons in system language, not in setup language [duplicate]

I am using unicode Inno Setup (5.4.2u), and none of the Yes/No buttons in the dialog boxes are translating. Has anyone found a way around this?
Thank you
According to the docs, this is not a problem with InnoSetup but is a function of Windows itself:
From the page: The button captions are in the same language as Windows itself. So if the user is running an English edition of Windows, they will see English button captions.

Inno Setup - How can I change the About dialog text?

Can I change the default text in the about dialog box? Overriding the AboutSetupMessage doesn't seem to do anything:
AboutSetupMenuItem=&About MyApp...
AboutSetupTitle=About MyApp
AboutSetupMessage={#MyAppPublisher} version {#MyAppVersion}%n{#MyCopyright}%nhome page:%n{#MyAppURL}
Doesn't seem to matter if I edit the default.isl or use a custom ISL either. The menu item and the title change, but not the message text.
Any ideas?
There's no AboutSetupMessage.
There's AboutSetupNote. It does not change the About box message though. It's appended to it.
There's no way to change the message.
For me the AboutSetupNote did not work on Inno Setup 5.6.1 Unicode, but the TranslatorNote did.
Alternatively try TranslatorNote. This one does not change the about box message but it will append to it which is the correct application of Inno Setup license.

Inno Setup: Color for modal and browse directory windows

Is it possible to change inner background color for modal and browse directory windows in Inno Setup? In my case I want it should be white.
UPD: Same behaviour is on the inner pages of Inner Setup, but I've fixed it by setting WizardForm.InnerPage.Color := clWhite;
I'm using VclStylesInno for styling my installer with custom style spreadsheat.
You cannot change the color of these in Inno Setup itself, except by a custom build of Inno Setup or some addon DLL (see below).
All you can do is to re-implement these dialogs from the scratch:
For the "browse" dialog: Handle the WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.OnClick and use CreateCustomForm and TFolderTreeView to implement the browse dialog. Download Inno Setup code and copy the existing implementation from SelFolderForm.pas.
For an example of handling WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.OnClick, see
How to display localized Program Files name (display name) during installation?
For the "cancel" dialog: Implement the CancelButtonClick event function. Make sure you set Confirm to False to get rid of the default prompt. And implement your own. Again, use the CreateCustomForm.
It's a lot of work for a small gain. I'd not do it.
Instead, you can use VCL Styles for Inno Setup (DLL) to style Inno Setup windows (including all modal dialogs).
As turned out, the reason was in the "Colors" option in Bitmap Designer, which I use to modify my installer style. This option makes some additional styling for controls:

How can I increase the width of a msgbox() in inno setup

Or should have to create my own message box? If so any sample code please
Ok, so it is not possible. I will have to do my own msgbox function.
Should I use a TForm, Tmemo or Tpannel?
How can I have the box hight auto adjustable?
If any one has some sample code I could just start with, I would appreciate.
You cannot increase width of message box in Inno Setup.
You have to implement your own dialog.
Start with creating TForm (preferably using CreateCustomForm function), add TLabel to it along with few TButton's. Size all elements properly. At the end call TForm.ShowModal.
The code required is far too long to be asked for here. If you have specific problems, when implementing it, ask separate questions.
See few examples of building a custom form:
Custom Uninstall page (not MsgBox)
How can I show a "please wait" window while checking for prerequisites in my installer?
Displaying text from a file in an Inno installer with new lines

How to skip the screen for Name/Organization in Inno Script installer

Inno Setup allows you to see a screen in which you are prompted to input your name and Organization.
How I can make my installer skip this screen?
To skip the Name and Organization input in InnoSetup script do the following:
For that page to appear, your setup must have explicitly implemented the CheckSerial event function. If you remove that then the page will also disappear.
