Python implementation of bilinear quadrilateral interpolation - python-3.x

I'm trying to perform bilinear quadrilateral interpolation. So I have four nodes with known values and I want to find a value that lies in between those four nodes by interpolation, but the four nodes do not form a rectangle. 4-node sketch
I found several ways to solve this, but none of them is implemented in Python already. Does there exist somewhere an already finished python implementation? If not which of the two solutions below would you recommend? Or would you recommend another approach?
**************Different solutions*******************
Solution 1:
I found here,, that I should solve the following set of equations: set of equations with Ni being: N definition.
Finally this results in solving a set of equations of the form:
with x and y being the unknowns. This could be solved numerically using fsolve.
Solution 2:
This one is completely explained here:
but it's quite complex and I think it will take me longer to code it.

Due to a lack of answers I went for the first option. You can find the code below. Recommendations to improve this code are always welcome.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
def interpolate_quatrilateral(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,pt):
'''Interpolates a value in a quatrilateral figure defined by 4 points.
Each point is a tuple with 3 elements, x-coo,y-coo and value.
point1 is the lower left corner, point 2 the lower right corner,
point 3 the upper right corner and point 4 the upper left corner.
args is a list of coordinates in the following order:
x1,x2,x3,x4 and x (x-coo of point to be interpolated) and y1,y2...
code based on the theory found here:'''
coos = (pt1[0],pt2[0],pt3[0],pt4[0],pt[0],
pt1[1],pt2[1],pt3[1],pt4[1],pt[1]) #coordinates of the points merged in tuple
guess = np.array([0,0]) #The center of the quadrilateral seem like a good place to start
[eta, mu] = fsolve(func=find_local_coo_equations, x0=guess, args=coos)
densities = (pt1[2], pt2[2], pt3[2], pt4[2])
density = find_density(eta,mu,densities)
return density
def find_local_coo_equations(guess, *args):
'''This function creates the transformed coordinate equations of the quatrilateral.'''
eta = guess[0]
mu = guess[1]
eq=[0,0]#Initialize eq
eq[0] = 1 / 4 * (args[0] + args[1] + args[2] + args[3]) - args[4] + \
1 / 4 * (-args[0] - args[1] + args[2] + args[3]) * mu + \
1 / 4 * (-args[0] + args[1] + args[2] - args[3]) * eta + \
1 / 4 * (args[0] - args[1] + args[2] - args[3]) * mu * eta
eq[1] = 1 / 4 * (args[5] + args[6] + args[7] + args[8]) - args[9] + \
1 / 4 * (-args[5] - args[6] + args[7] + args[8]) * mu + \
1 / 4 * (-args[5] + args[6] + args[7] - args[8]) * eta + \
1 / 4 * (args[5] - args[6] + args[7] - args[8]) * mu * eta
return eq
def find_density(eta,mu,densities):
'''Finds the final density based on the eta and mu local coordinates calculated
earlier and the densities of the 4 points'''
N1 = 1/4*(1-eta)*(1-mu)
N2 = 1/4*(1+eta)*(1-mu)
N3 = 1/4*(1+eta)*(1+mu)
N4 = 1/4*(1-eta)*(1+mu)
density = densities[0]*N1+densities[1]*N2+densities[2]*N3+densities[3]*N4
return density
pt1= (0,0,1)
pt2= (1,0,1)
pt3= (1,1,2)
pt4= (0,1,2)
pt= (0.5,0.5)


Constraint parametric letter rendering given width, height and stroke

Problem background: I am working on a monospaced parametric font, which allows for rendering letters of different styles by tweaking a set of parameters.
Specific problem: Given a rectangular region of W width and H height and given a stroke width S what should be the width of a horizontal projection/intersection X of stroke when rendering letter 'V'?
The letter is constrained by the rectangular region and cannot overlap or escape it in any fashion. The letter is symmetrical. I am not bothered by extreme argument values that would make the letter unrenderable.
My thoughts: Does this involve some sort of geometric constraint solver leading to an approximate solution based on a number of iterations?
Answer expectation: General direction on a class of the problem, ideally some formulas. Thank you.
Let denote length of low empty segment as
p = (w-x)/2
x = w - 2 * p
Look at annotated drawing - triangles ABC and DFA are similar right-angled ones with similar acute angles ^CAB and ^ADF, AB=h, AD=x, FD=s, BC=p)
So we can see that ratio of h to hypotenuse is the same as ratio of s and x (it is cosine of acute angle in left low triangle).
h / Sqrt(h^2 + p^2) = s / x = s / (w - 2 * p)
h^2 / (h^2 + p^2) = s^2 / (w^2 - 4 * w * p + 4 * p^2)
h^2 * (w^2 - 4 * w * p + 4 * p^2) = s^2 * (h^2 + p^2)
h^2 * w^2 - 4 * w * h^2 * p + 4 * h^2 * p^2 = s^2 * h^2 + s^2 * p^2
p^2 * (4 * h^2 - s^2) - p * (4 * w * h^2 ) + h^2 * (w^2 - s^2) = 0
Now we have quadratic equation for unknown p. Choose reliable p root value (positive and less than w/2) and calculate x
For example, h=4; w=6; s=1.5 gives p~2.14, so x ~ 1.7. Maple sheet:

Create a Recursive Function as Well as a Closed Function Definition

The goal of this assignment is to take the recurrence relation given at the bottom, and then create a recursive function under recFunc(n), as well as a closed function definition underneath nonRecFunc(n). A closed function means our function should solely depend on n, and that its output should
match the recursive function's exactly. Then, find the value for n = 15 and n = 20, and use it as instructed below. You should probably need to use a characteristic equation to solve this problem.
What is the value for nonRecFunc(20) (divided by) nonRecFunc(15), rounded to the nearest integer.
Solve the recurrence relation a_n = 12a_n-1 - 32a_n-2 with initial conditions a_0 = 1 and a_1 = 4.
I am confused as to how I should attack this problem and how I can use recursion to solve the issue.
def recFunc(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
elif n == 1:
return 2
return recFunc(n - 1) + 6 * recFunc(n - 2)
def nonRecFunc(n):
return 4/5 * 3 ** n + 1/5 * (-2) ** n
for i in range(0,10):
As mentioned in a my comment above, I leave the recursive solution to you.
For the more mathematical question of the non-recursive solution consider this:
you have
x_n = a x_(n-1) + b x_(n-2)
This means that the change of x is more or less proportional to x as x_n and x_(n-1) will be of same order of magnitude. In other words we are looking for a function type giving
df(n)/dn ~ f(n)
This is something exponential. So the above assumption is
x_n = alpha t^n + beta s^n
(later when solving for s and t the motivation for this becomes clear) from the start values we get
alpha + beta = 1
alpha t + beta s = 2
The recursion provides
alpha t^n + beta s^n = a ( alpa t^(n-1) + beta s^(n-1) ) + b ( alpa t^(n-2) + beta s^(n-2) )
t^2 alpha t^(n-2) + s^2 beta s^(n-2) = a ( t alpa t^(n-2) + s beta s^(n-2) ) + b ( alpa t^(n-2) + beta s^(n-2) )
This equation holds for all n such that you can derive an equation for t and s.
Plugging in the results in the above equations gives you the non-recursive solution.
Try to reproduce it and then go for the actual task.

How to approximate a half-cosine curve with bezier paths in SVG?

Suppose I want to approximate a half-cosine curve in SVG using bezier paths. The half cosine should look like this:
and runs from [x0,y0] (the left-hand control point) to [x1,y1] (the right-hand one).
How can I find an acceptable set of coefficients for a good approximation of this function?
Bonus question: how is it possible to generalize the formula for, for example, a quarter of cosine?
Please note that I don't want to approximate the cosine with a series of interconnected segments, I'd like to calculate a good approximation using a Bezier curve.
I tried the solution in comments, but, with those coefficients, the curve seems to end after the second point.
Let's assume you want to keep the tangent horizontal on both ends. So naturally the solution is going to be symmetric, and boils down to finding a first control point in horizontal direction.
I wrote a program to do this:
* Find the best cubic Bézier curve approximation of a sine curve.
* We want a cubic Bézier curve made out of points (0,0), (0,K), (1-K,1), (1,1) that approximates
* the shifted sine curve (y = a⋅sin(bx + c) + d) which has its minimum at (0,0) and maximum at (1,1).
* This is useful for CSS animation functions.
* ↑ P2 P3
* 1 ו••••••***×
* | ***
* | **
* | *
* | **
* | ***
* ×***•••••••×------1-→
* P0 P1
const sampleSize = 10000; // number of points to compare when determining the root-mean-square deviation
const iterations = 12; // each iteration gives one more digit
// f(x) = (sin(π⋅(x - 1/2)) + 1) / 2 = (1 - cos(πx)) / 2
const f = x => (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * x)) / 2;
const sum = function (a, b, c) {
if (Array.isArray(c)) {
return [...arguments].reduce(sum);
return [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]];
const times = (c, [x0, x1]) => [c * x0, c * x1];
// starting points for our iteration
let [left, right] = [0, 1];
for (let digits = 1; digits <= iterations; digits++) {
// left and right are always integers (digits after 0), this keeps rounding errors low
// In each iteration, we divide them by a higher power of 10
let power = Math.pow(10, digits);
let min = [null, Infinity];
for (let K = 10 * left; K <= 10 * right; K+= 1) { // note that the candidates for K have one more digit than previous `left` and `right`
const P1 = [K / power, 0];
const P2 = [1 - K / power, 1];
const P3 = [1, 1];
let bezierPoint = t => sum(
times(3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t), P1),
times(3 * t * t * (1 - t), P2),
times(t * t * t, P3)
// determine the error (root-mean-square)
let squaredErrorSum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) {
let t = i / sampleSize / 2;
let P = bezierPoint(t);
let delta = P[1] - f(P[0]);
squaredErrorSum += delta * delta;
let deviation = Math.sqrt(squaredErrorSum); // no need to divide by sampleSize, since it is constant
if (deviation < min[1]) {
// this is the best K value with ${digits + 1} digits
min = [K, deviation];
left = min[0] - 1;
right = min[0] + 1;
To simplify calculations, I use the normalized sine curve, which passes through (0,0) and (1,1) as its minimal / maximal points. This is also useful for CSS animations.
It returns (.3642124232,0)* as the point with the smallest root-mean-square deviation (about 0.00013).
I also created a Desmos graph that shows the accuracy:
(Click to try it out - you can drag the control point left and right)
* Note that there are rounding errors when doing math with JS, so the value is presumably accurate to no more than 5 digits or so.
Because a Bezier curve cannot exactly reconstruct a sinusoidal curve, there are many ways to create an approximation. I am going to assume that our curve starts at the point (0, 0) and ends at (1, 1).
Simple method
A simple way to approach this problem is to construct a Bezier curve B with the control points (K, 0) and ((1 - K), 1) because of the symmetry involved and the desire to keep a horizontal tangent at t=0 and t=1.
Then we just need to find a value of K such that the derivative of our Bezier curve matches that of the sinusoidal at t=0.5, i.e., .
Since the derivative of our Bezier curve is given by , this simplifies to at the point t=0.5.
Setting this equal to our desired derivative, we obtain the solution
Thus, our approximation results in:
cubic-bezier(0.3633802276324187, 0, 0.6366197723675813, 1)
and it comes very close with a root mean square deviation of about 0.000224528:
Advanced Method
For a better approximation, we may want to minimize the root mean square of their difference instead. This is more complicated to calculate, as we are now trying to find the value of K in the interval (0, 1) that minimizes the following expression:
where B is defined as follows:
cubic-bezier(0.364212423249, 0, 0.635787576751, 1)
After few tries/errors, I found that the correct ratio is K=0.37.
"M" + x1 + "," + y1
+ "C" + (x1 + K * (x2 - x1)) + "," + y1 + ","
+ (x2 - K * (x2 - x1)) + "," + y2 + ","
+ x2 + "," + y2
Look at this samples to see how Bezier matches with cosine:
The green line is the real cosine, the black one is the Bezier. Scroll down to see 5 samples. Points are random at each refresh.
For the generalization, I suggest to use clipping.
I would recommend reading this article on the math of bezier curves and ellipses, as this is basicly what you want (draw a part of an ellipse):
it provides some of the insights required.
then look at this graphic:
where an example is made for an ellipse
now that you get the math involved, please see this example in LUA ;)

NON orthogonal projection : projecting a point onto a line at given direction (2d)

I need a solution to project a 2d point onto a 2d line at certain Direction .Here's what i've got so far : This is how i do orthogonal projection :
CVector2d project(Line line , CVector2d point)
CVector2d A = line.end - line.start;
CVector2d B = point - line start;
float dot = A.dotProduct(B);
float mag = A.getMagnitude();
float md = dot/mag;
return CVector2d (line.start + A * md);
Result :
(Projecting P onto line and the result is Pr):
but i need to project the point onto the line at given DIRECTION which should return a result like this (project point P1 onto line at specific Direction calculate Pr) :
How should I take Direction vector into account to calculate Pr ?
I can come up with 2 methods out of my head.
Personally I would do this using affine transformations (but seems you don not have this concept as you are using vectors not points). The procedure with affine transformations is easy. Rotate the points to one of the cardinal axes read the coordinate of your point zero the other value and inverse transform back. The reason for this strategy is that nearly all transformation procedures reduce to very simple human understandable operations with the affine transformation scheme. So no real work to do once you have the tools and data structures at hand.
However since you didn't see this coming I assume you want to hear a vector operation instead (because you either prefer the matrix operation or run away when its suggested, tough its the same thing). So you have the following situation:
This expressed as a equation system looks like (its intentionally this way to show you that it is NOT code but math at this point):
line.start.x + x*(line.end.x - line.start.x)+ y*direction.x = point.x
line.start.y + x*(line.end.y - line.start.y)+ y*direction.y = point.y
now this can be solved for x (and y)
x = (direction.y * line.start.x - direction.x * line.start.y -
direction.y * point.x + direction.x * point.y) /
(direction.y * line.end.x - direction.x * line.end.y -
direction.y * line.start.x + direction.x * line.start.y);
// the solution for y can be omitted you dont need it
y = -(line.end.y * line.start.x - line.end.x * line.start.y -
line.end.y * point.x + line.start.y * point.x + line.end.x * point.y -
line.start.x point.y)/
(-direction.y * line.end.x + direction.x * line.end.y +
direction.y * line.start.x - direction.x * line.start.y)
Calculation done with mathematica if I didn't copy anything wrong it should work. But I would never use this solution because its not understandable (although it is high school grade math, or at least it is where I am). But use space transformation as described above.

How to set up quadratic equation for a ray/sphere intersection?

I'm researching the math for a ray tracer, but I'm not following a transition that is made in just about every article I've read on the subject. This is what I have:
Formula for a sphere:
(X - Cx)^2 + (Y - Cy)^2 + (Z - Cz)^2 - R^2 = 0
Where R is the radius, C is the center, and X, Y, Z are all the points in the sphere.
Formula for a line:
X + DxT, Y + DyT, Z + DzT
where D is a normalized direction vector for the line and X, Y, Z are all the points on the line, and T is a parameter for some point on the line.
By substituting the components of the line into the sphere equation, we get:
(X + DxT - Cx)^2 + (Y + DyT - Cy)^2 + (Z + DzT - Cz)^2 - R^2 = 0
I follow everything up to that point (at least I think I do), but then every tutorial I've read makes a jump from that to a quadratic equation without explaining it (this is copied from one of the sites, so the terms are a little different from my example):
A = Xd^2 + Yd^2 + Zd^2
B = 2 * (Xd * (X0 - Xc) + Yd * (Y0 - Yc) + Zd * (Z0 - Zc))
C = (X0 - Xc)^2 + (Y0 - Yc)^2 + (Z0 - Zc)^2 - Sr^2
I get how to then solve for T using the quadratic formula, but I don't understand how they get to the quadratic equation from the above formulas. I'm assuming that's just some piece of common math knowledge that I've long since forgotten, but googling for "How to set up a quadratic equation" hasn't really yielded anything either.
I'd really like to understand how to get to this step before moving on, as I don't like writing code I don't fully grasp.
Here's a detailed walkthrough of each step; hopefully this will make things crystal clear. The equation for a three-dimensional sphere is:
(x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 + (z-c)^2 = r^2
with <a, b, c> being the center of the sphere and r its radius. The point <x, y, z> is on the sphere if it satisfies this equation.
The parametric equations for a ray are:
X = xo + xd*t
Y = yo + yd*t
Z = zo + zd*t
where <xo, yo, zo> is the origin of the ray, and <xd,yd,yd> is camera ray's direction.
To find the intersection, we want to see what points on the ray are the same as points on the sphere. So we substitute the ray equation into the sphere equation:
(xo + xd*t - a)^2 + (yo + yd*t - b)^2 + (zo + zd*t - c)^2 = r^2
which expands to:
(xd^2 + yd^2 + zd^2) * t^2 +
[2[xd * (xo - a) + yd * (yo - b) + zd *(zo - c)]] * t +
[(xo - a)^2 + (yo - b)^2 + (zo - c^)2 - r^2] * 1
= 0
Notice that this is a quadratic equation in the form At^2 + Bt + C = 0, with:
A = (xd^2 + yd^2 + zd^2)
B = [2[xd * (xo - a) + yd * (yo - b) + zd *(zo - c)]]
C = [(xo - a)^2 + (yo - b)^2 + (zo - c^)2 - r^2]
We can apply the general quadratic formula for an unknown variable, which is:
t = [-B +- sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)] / 2A
The B^2 - 4AC portion is called the "discriminant". Depending on the value of the discriminant, we will get zero, one, or two solutions to this equation:
If it is less than zero, the solution is an imaginary number, and the ray and sphere do not intersect in the real plane.
If it is equal to zero, then the ray intersects the sphere at exactly 1 point (it is exactly tangent to the sphere).
If it is greater than zero, then the ray intersects the sphere at exactly 2 points.
If the discriminant indicates that there's no solution, then you're done! The ray doesn't intersect the sphere. If the discriminant indicates at least one solution, you can solve for t to determine the intersection point. The two solutions are:
t_1 = [-B + sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)] / 2A
t_2 = [-B - sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)] / 2A
The smaller solution is the point at which the ray first hits the sphere.
From here:
(X + DxT - Cx)^2 + (Y + DyT - Cy)^2 + (Z + DzT - Cz)^2 - R^2 = 0
Expand the three squared terms, so you have a long expression:
X^2 + Dx^2T^2 + Cx^2 + 2XDxT - 2XCx - 2DxTCx + ...... = 0
(This is due to using the formula (x+y+z)^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + 2xy + 2xz + 2yz)
Then group so you have factors of T^2, T, and 1:
(....)T^2 + (....)T + .... = 0
These factors are the A,B,C given above. This is a quadratic equation for T, and can be solved using the quadratic formula.
