Spark: huge number of thread get created - apache-spark

Spark version 2.1 Hadoop 2.7.3
I have a spark job, only has 1 stage and 100 partitions, my application itself doesn't create any thread. but after I submit it as
spark-submit --class xxx --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --driver-memory 4g --executor-memory 1g --num-executors 7 --executor-core 1 ./my.jar
I found on every server, it uses about 400 threads, why so many threads are being used? The cluster has 6 servers. so one of the servers get 2 executors, and that use about 800 threads in spark process. when I actually run this. I give it a lot of cores and get a "cannot create native thread" error after system using 32,000 threads, which is the limit from system ulimit setting. even I can assign less core and get around this error, using so many threads won't be efficient anyway, can someone gives some hints?
it's the connection to hbase causing the problem, not spark using those threads.

Check the scheduler XML configuration in conf directory
Check the scheduler used
Check the weight configured
If there is no pool set, try setting a pool
sc.setLocalProperty("spark.scheduler.pool", "test")
configure the following values
<pool name="test">


How to set YARN queue for spark-shell?

I'm executing some spark(scala) sql code in spark shell.
I want to know which queue I am using and if possible I want to know how much memory and executors I am using and how to optimize it?
You can set queue name, number of executors, executor memory, number of total cores, cores per executor, driver memory,etc when you start spark shell or spark-submit
here is how you can specify the parameters.
spark-shell --executor-memory 6G --executor-cores 5 --num-executors 20 --driver-memory 2G --queue $queue_name
You should be calculating these parameters as per your cluster capacity according to fat executor or thin executor concept.
If you still want to check resources utilization, you can check resource manager page or SPARK web UI page
You should check Resource Manager page for Yarn... All the jobs running on cluster will be listed on this page. Click on your job and in details of that job you will get queue information
You can control which queue to use while starting spark shell by command line option --queue. If you do not have access to submit jobs to provided queue then spark shell initialization will fail.
Similarly, you can specify other resources such number of executors, memory and cores for each executor on command line.
When you are submitting spark application using spark submit then that time also you provide same.

Spark Standalone cluster, memory per executor issue

Hi i am launch my Spark application with the spark submit script as such
spark-submit --master spark://Maatari-xxxxxxx.local:7077 --class EstimatorApp /Users/sul.maatari/IdeaProjects/Workshit/target/scala-2.11/Workshit-assembly-1.0.jar --d
eploy-mode cluster --executor-memory 15G num-executors 2
I have a spark standalone cluster deployed on two nodes (my 2 laptops). The cluster is running fine. By default it set 15G for the workers and 8 cores for the executors. Now i am experiencing the following strange behavior. Although i am explicity setting the memory and this can also be seen in the environmement variable of the sparconf UI, in the Cluster UI it says that my application is limited to 1024MB for the executor memory. This makes me think of the default 1G parameter. I wonder why that it.
My application indeed fail because of the memory issue. I know that i need a lot of memory for that application.
One last point of confusion is the Driver program. Why given that i am on cluster mode, spark submit does not return immediately ? I though that given that the driver is executed on the cluster, the client i.e. submit application should return immediately. This further suggest me that something is not right with my conf and how things are being executed.
Can anyone help diagnose that ?
Two possibilities:
given that your command line has the --num-executors mis-specified: it may be that Spark "gives up" on the other setting as well.
how much memory does your laptop have? Most of us use mac's .. and then you would not be able to run it with more than about 8GB in my experience.

How do I run multiple spark applications in parallel in standalone master

Using Spark(1.6.1) standalone master, I need to run multiple applications on same spark master.
All application submitted after first one, keep on holding 'WAIT' state always. I also observed, the one running holds all cores sum of workers.
I already tried limiting it by using SPARK_EXECUTOR_CORES but its for yarn config, while I am running is "standalone master". I tried running many workers on same master but every time first submitted application consumes all workers.
I was having same problem on spark standalone cluster.
What I got is, Somehow it is utilising all the resources for one single job. We need to define the resources so that their will be space to run other job as well.
Below is the command I am using to submit spark job.
bin/spark-submit --class classname --master spark://hjvm1:6066 --deploy-mode cluster --driver-memory 500M --conf spark.executor.memory=1g --conf spark.cores.max=1 /data/test.jar
A crucial parameter for running multiple jobs in parallel on a Spark standalone cluster is spark.cores.max. Note that spark.executor.instances,
num-executors and spark.executor.cores alone won't allow you to achieve this on Spark standalone, all your jobs except a single active one will stuck with WAITING status.
Spark-standalone resource scheduling:
The standalone cluster mode currently only supports a simple FIFO
scheduler across applications. However, to allow multiple concurrent
users, you can control the maximum number of resources each
application will use. By default, it will acquire all cores in the
cluster, which only makes sense if you just run one application at a
time. You can cap the number of cores by setting spark.cores.max ...
I am assuming you run all the workers on one server and try to simulate a cluster. The reason for this assumption is that if otherwise you could use one worker and master to run Standalone Spark cluster.
The executor cores are something completely different compared to the normal cores. To set the number of executors you will need YARN to be turned on as you earlier said. The executor cores are the number of Concurrent tasks as executor can run (when using hdfs it is advisable to keep this below 5) [1].
The number of cores you want to limit to make the workers run are the “CPU cores”. These are specified in the configuration of Spark 1.6.1 [2]. In Spark there is the option to set the amount of CPU cores when starting a slave [3]. This happens with -c CORES, --cores CORES . Which defines the total CPU cores to allow Spark applications to use on the machine (default: all available); only on worker.
The command to start Spark would be something like this:
./sbin/ --cores 2
Hope this helps
In the configuration settings add this line to "./conf/ " this file.
export SPARK_MASTER_OPTS="-Dspark.deploy.defaultCores=1"
maximum cores now will limit to 1 for the master.
if multiple spark application is running then it will use only one core for the master. By then defining the amount of workers and give the workers the setting:
export SPARK_WORKER_OPTS="-Dspark.deploy.defaultCores=1"
Each worker has then one core as well. Remember this has to be set for every worker in the configuration settings.

spark-submit executor-memory issue on Amazon EMR 5.0

I launch a Python Spark program like this:
/usr/lib/spark/bin/spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--executor-memory 2g \
--driver-memory 2g \
--num-executors 2 --executor-cores 4 \
I get the error:
Required executor memory (2048+4096 MB) is above the max threshold
(5760 MB) of this cluster! Please check the values of
'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb' and/or
This is a brand new EMR 5 cluster with one master m3.2xlarge systems and two core m3.xlarge systems. Everything should be set to defaults. I am currently the only user running only one job on this cluster.
If I lower executor-memory from 2g to 1500m, it works. This seems awfully low. An EC2 m3.xlarge server has 15GB of RAM. These are Spark worker/executor machines, they have no other purpose, so I would like to use as much of that as possible for Spark.
Can someone explain how I go from having an EC2 worker instance with 15GB to being able to assign a Spark worker only 1.5GB?
On [] I see that the EC2 m3.xlarge default for yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb default to 11520MB and 5760MB with HBase installed. I'm not using HBase, but I believe it is installed on my cluster. Would removing HBase free up lots of memory? Is that yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mbsetting the most relevant setting for available memory?
When I tell spark-submit --executor-memory is that per core or for the whole worker?
When I get the error Required executor memory (2048+4096 MB), the first value (2048) is what I pass to --executor-memory and I can change it and see the error message change accordingly. What is the second 4096MB value? How can I change that? Should I change that?
I tried to post this issue to AWS developer forum ( and I get the error "Your message quota has been reached. Please try again later." when I haven't even posted anything? Why would I not have permissions to post a question there?
Yes, if hbase is installed, it will use quite a bit of memory be default. You should not put it on your cluster unless you need it.
Your error would make sense if there was only 1 core node. 6G (4G for the 2 executors, 2G for the driver) would be more memory than your resource manager would have to allocate. With a 2 node core, you should actually be able to allocate 3 2G executors. 1 on the node with the driver, 2 on the other.
In general, this sheet could help make sure you get the most out of your cluster.

Running a distributed Spark Job Server with multiple workers in a Spark standalone cluster

I have a Spark standalone cluster running on a few machines. All workers are using 2 cores and 4GB of memory. I can start a job server with ./ --master spark://ip:7077 --deploy-mode cluster --conf spark.driver.cores=2 --conf spark.driver.memory=4g, but whenever I try to start a server with more than 2 cores, the driver's state gets stuck at "SUBMITTED" and no worker takes the job.
I tried starting the spark-shell on 4 cores with ./spark-shell --master spark://ip:7077 --conf spark.driver.cores=4 --conf spark.driver.memory=4g and the job gets shared between 2 workers (2 cores each). The spark-shell gets launched as an application and not a driver though.
Is there any way to run a driver split between multiple workers? Or can I run the job server as an application rather than a driver?
The problem was resolved in the chat
You have to change your JobServer .conf file to set the master parameter to point to your cluster:
master = "spark://ip:7077"
Also, the memory that JobServer program uses can be set in the file.
After setting these parameters, you can start JobServer with a simple call:
Then, once the service is running, you can create your context via REST, which will ask the cluster for resources and will receive an appropriate number of excecutors/cores:
curl -d "" '[hostname]:8090/contexts/cassandra-context?context-factory=spark.jobserver.context.CassandraContextFactory&num-cpu-cores=8&memory-per-node=2g'
Finally, every job sent via POST to JobServer on this created context will be able to use the executors allocated to the context and will be able to run in a distributed way.
