Precise Throughput Timer stuck with simple setup - multithreading

I have a similar issue as Synchronizing timer hangs with simple setup, but with Precise Throughput Timer which suppose to replace Synchronizing timer:
Certain cases might be solved via Synchronizing Timer, however Precise Throughput Timer has native way to issue requests in packs. This behavior is disabled by default, and it is controlled with "Batched departures" settings
Number of threads in the batch (threads). Specifies the number of samples in a batch. Note the overall number of samples will still be in line with Target Throughput
Delay between threads in the batch (ms). For instance, if set to 42, and the batch size is 3, then threads will depart at x, x+42ms, x+84ms
I'm setting 10 thread number , 1 ramp up and 1 loop count,
I'm adding 1 HTTP Request only (less than 1 seconds response) and before it Test Action with Precise Throughput Timer as a child with the following setup:
Thread stuck after 5 threads succeeded:
According to #Dimitri T solution:
Change Duration to 100 and add line to logging configuration and got 5 errors:
2018-03-12 15:43:42,330 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Stopping Thread: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterStopThreadException: The thread is scheduled to stop in -99886 ms and the throughput timer generates a delay of 20004077. JMeter (as of 4.0) does not support interrupting of sleeping threads, thus terminating the thread manually.
According to #Dimitri T solution set "Loop Count" to -1 executed 10 threads, but if I change Number of threads in batch from 2 to 5 it execute only 3 threads and stops
INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Stopping Thread: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterStopThreadException: The thread is scheduled to stop in -89233 ms and the throughput timer generates a delay of 19999450. JMeter (as of 4.0) does not support interrupting of sleeping threads, thus terminating the thread manually.

Set "Duration (seconds)" in your Thread Group to something non-zero (i.e. to 100)
Depending on what you're trying to achieve you might also want to set "Loop Count" to -1
You can also add the following line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.timers" level="debug" />
This way you will be able to see what's going on with your timer(s) in jmeter.log file


How can I pause a Thread for some seconds in Godot?

How can I pause execution for a certain amount of time in Godot?
I can't really find a clear answer.
The equivalent of Thread.Sleep(1000); for Godot is OS.DelayMsec(1000). The documentation says:
Delays execution of the current thread by msec milliseconds. msec must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise, delay_msec will do nothing and will print an error message.
Note: delay_msec is a blocking way to delay code execution. To delay code execution in a non-blocking way, see SceneTree.create_timer. Yielding with SceneTree.create_timer will delay the execution of code placed below the yield without affecting the rest of the project (or editor, for EditorPlugins and EditorScripts).
Note: When delay_msec is called on the main thread, it will freeze the project and will prevent it from redrawing and registering input until the delay has passed. When using delay_msec as part of an EditorPlugin or EditorScript, it will freeze the editor but won't freeze the project if it is currently running (since the project is an independent child process).
yield(get_tree().create_timer(1), "timeout")
This will delay the execution of the following line for 1 second.
Usually I make this to a sleep() function for convenience:
func sleep(sec):
yield(get_tree().create_timer(sec), "timeout")
Call it with sleep(1) to delay 1 second.

Bull.js jobs stalling despite timeout being set

I have a Bull queue running lengthy video upload jobs which could take any amount of time from < 1 min up to many minutes.
The jobs stall after the default 30 seconds, so I increased the timeout to several minutes, but this is not respected. If I set the timeout to 10ms it immediately stalls, so it is taking timeout into account.
Job {
opts: {
attempts: 1,
timeout: 600000,
delay: 0,
timestamp: 1634753060062,
backoff: undefined
Despite the timeout, I am receiving a stalled event, and the job starts to process again.
EDIT: I thought "stalling" was the same as timing out, but apparently there is a separate timeout for how often Bull checks for stalled jobs. In other words the real problem is why jobs are considered "stalled" even though they are busy performing an upload.
The problem seems to be your job stalling because of the operation you are running which blocks the event loop. you could convert your code into a non-blocking one and solve the problem that way.
That being said, stalled interval check could be set in queue settings while initiating the queue (more of a quick solution):
const queue = new Bull('queue', {
port: 6379,
host: 'localhost',
db: 0,
settings: {
stalledInterval: 60 * 60 * 1000, // change default from 30 sec to 1 hour, set 0 for disabling the stalled interval
based on bull's doc:
timeout: The number of milliseconds after which the job should be fail with a timeout error
stalledInterval: How often check for stalled jobs (use 0 for never checking)
Increasing the stalledInterval (or disabling it by setting it as 0) would remove the check that makes sure event loop is running thus enforcing the system to ignore the stall state.
again for docs:
When a worker is processing a job it will keep the job "locked" so other workers can't process it.
It's important to understand how locking works to prevent your jobs from losing their lock - becoming _stalled_ -
and being restarted as a result. Locking is implemented internally by creating a lock for `lockDuration` on interval
`lockRenewTime` (which is usually half `lockDuration`). If `lockDuration` elapses before the lock can be renewed,
the job will be considered stalled and is automatically restarted; it will be __double processed__. This can happen when:
1. The Node process running your job processor unexpectedly terminates.
2. Your job processor was too CPU-intensive and stalled the Node event loop, and as a result, Bull couldn't renew the job lock (see [#488]( for how we might better detect this). You can fix this by breaking your job processor into smaller parts so that no single part can block the Node event loop. Alternatively, you can pass a larger value for the `lockDuration` setting (with the tradeoff being that it will take longer to recognize a real stalled job).
As such, you should always listen for the `stalled` event and log this to your error monitoring system, as this means your jobs are likely getting double-processed.
As a safeguard so problematic jobs won't get restarted indefinitely (e.g. if the job processor always crashes its Node process), jobs will be recovered from a stalled state a maximum of `maxStalledCount` times (default: `1`).

JMeter 5.2.1 - num threads and loop count

Folks how exactly are requests being sent from JMeter. Given this configuration does it mean that JMeter will create 200 threads, and send concurrent requests in a loop 20 times. I would assume that this means that each thread blocks until the previous request finishes, and sends the next request, and that this process is done 20 times for each thread.
Let's say I have a sample request A, num threads = 2, and loop count= 5 I imagine the workflow to be as follows
At time t0 Thread 1 -> send A to the target server
At time t0 Thread 2 -> send A to the taget server
At time t1 Thread 1 receives response, and sends A again to target server
At time t2 Thread 2 receives response and sends A again to target server
Is this the correct workflow that JMeter will follow. Please note I am using version 5.2.1
JMeter starts all the Threads defined in the Thread Group within the bounds of the Ramp-Up period
Each JMeter thread does not depend on the other threads
Once started each Thread starts executing Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When there are no more samplers to execute the thread starts the next iteration
When there are no more loops to iterate - the thread is being shut down
The actual concurrency depends on test duration and application response time, it can be checked using i.e. Active Threads Over Time and Transactions Per Second listeners
You can easily track each virtual user/iteration using __threadNum() function and special ${__jm__Thread Group__idx} JMeter Variable:

Process / thread scheduling on Linux: X server not running on other cpu cores?

Am unable to understand (what I think) is a peculiar situation wrt process/thread scheduling on Linux.
[Env: Ubuntu 12.10 , kernel ver 3.5.0-... ]
A 'test' application (call it sched_pthread), will have a total of three threads - 'main' + two others; main() will spawn two new threads:
Thread 1 [main()]:
Creates two threads (Thread 2 and Thread 3 below); they will automatically inherit the
scheduling policy and priority of main.
Prints the character “m” to the terminal in a loop.
Thread 2 [t2]:
Sleeps for 2 seconds.
Changes it's scheduling policy to SCHED_FIFO, setting it's real­time priority to the
value passed on the command line.
Prints the character “2” to the terminal in a loop.
Thread 3 [t3]:
Changes it's scheduling policy to SCHED_FIFO, setting it's real­time priority to the
value passed on the command line plus 10.
Sleeps for 4 seconds.
Prints the character “3” to the terminal in a loop.
We run it as root.
As per scheduling policy, we should first see main() print 'm' for about 2s, then it should
get preempted by t2 (as it awakens after 2s) and we should see '2' appearing on the terminal for about 2s, after which t3 wakes up (it was asleep for 4s); it should now preempt everyone else & emit '3' to the display; after it dies, we should see '2's until p2 dies, then 'm's until main() dies.
So okay, this works: when i test it in console mode (no X server).
Of course, i take care to run it as:
sudo taskset 02 ./sched_pthrd 8
so that in effect it runs on only 1 processor core.
When I run the same thing in graphical mode (with X), after the initial 'm's by main(), there is a long-ish pause (a few seconds) during which nothing appears on the screen; then all of a sudden we get the 2's and 3's and m's slapped onto the screen!
This can be explained : the X server (Xorg) was preempted by the SCHED_FIFO threads and hence could not 'paint' pixels on the screen.
However - here's the question at last - : how come the Xorg process was not scheduled / migrated onto some other core (so that it can continue updating the screen in parallel with the RT threads)??
taskset verifies that the cpu affinity mask of Xorg is 'f' (1111b) (i have 4 cores on my laptop).
Any ideas??
Here's the source code:

640 enterprise library caching threads - how?

We have an application that is undergoing performance testing. Today, I decided to take a dump of w3wp & load it in windbg to see what is going on underneath the covers. Imagine my surprise when I ran !threads and saw that there are 640 background threads, almost all of which seem to say the following:
OS Thread Id: 0x1c38 (651)
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
0000000023a9d290 000007ff002320e2 Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.ProducerConsumerQueue.WaitUntilInterrupted()
0000000023a9d2d0 000007ff00231f7e Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.ProducerConsumerQueue.Dequeue()
0000000023a9d330 000007fef727c978 Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.BackgroundScheduler.QueueReader()
0000000023a9d380 000007fef9001552 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.runTryCode(System.Object)
0000000023a9dc30 000007fef72f95fd System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)
0000000023a9dc80 000007fef9001552 System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
If i had to give a guess, I'm thinkign that one of these threads are getting spawned for each run of our app - we have 2 app servers, 20 concurrent users, and ran the test approximately 30's in the neighborhood.
Is this 'expected behavior', or perhaps have we implemented something improperly? The test ran hours ago, so i would have expected any timeouts to have occurred already.
Edit: Thank you all for your replies. It has been requested that more detail be shown about the callstack - here is the output of !mk from sosex.dll.
ESP RetAddr
00:U 0000000023a9cb38 00000000775f72ca ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects+0xa
01:U 0000000023a9cb40 00000000773cbc03 kernel32!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+0x10b
02:U 0000000023a9cc50 000007fef8f5f595 mscorwks!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx_SO_TOLERANT+0xc1
03:U 0000000023a9ccf0 000007fef8f59f49 mscorwks!Thread::DoAppropriateAptStateWait+0x41
04:U 0000000023a9cd50 000007fef8e55b99 mscorwks!Thread::DoAppropriateWaitWorker+0x191
05:U 0000000023a9ce50 000007fef8e2efe8 mscorwks!Thread::DoAppropriateWait+0x5c
06:U 0000000023a9cec0 000007fef8f0dc7a mscorwks!CLREvent::WaitEx+0xbe
07:U 0000000023a9cf70 000007fef8fba72e mscorwks!Thread::Block+0x1e
08:U 0000000023a9cfa0 000007fef8e1996d mscorwks!SyncBlock::Wait+0x195
09:U 0000000023a9d0c0 000007fef9463d3f mscorwks!ObjectNative::WaitTimeout+0x12f
0a:M 0000000023a9d290 000007ff002321b3 *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.DLL
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.ProducerConsumerQueue.WaitUntilInterrupted()(+0x0 IL)(+0x11 Native)
0b:M 0000000023a9d2d0 000007ff002320e2 Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.ProducerConsumerQueue.Dequeue()(+0xf IL)(+0x18 Native)
0c:M 0000000023a9d330 000007ff00231f7e Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.BackgroundScheduler.QueueReader()(+0x9 IL)(+0x12 Native)
0d:M 0000000023a9d380 000007fef727c978 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.runTryCode(System.Object)(+0x18 IL)(+0x106 Native)
0e:U 0000000023a9d440 000007fef9001552 mscorwks!CallDescrWorker+0x82
0f:U 0000000023a9d490 000007fef8e9e5e3 mscorwks!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0xd3
10:U 0000000023a9d530 000007fef8eac83f mscorwks!MethodDesc::CallDescr+0x24f
11:U 0000000023a9d790 000007fef8f0cbd2 mscorwks!ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanupHelper+0x12a
12:U 0000000023a9da20 000007fef945e572 mscorwks!ReflectionInvocation::ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup+0x172
13:M 0000000023a9dc30 000007fef7261722 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)(+0x60 IL)(+0x51 Native)
14:M 0000000023a9dc80 000007fef72f95fd System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()(+0x8 IL)(+0x2a Native)
15:U 0000000023a9dcd0 000007fef9001552 mscorwks!CallDescrWorker+0x82
16:U 0000000023a9dd20 000007fef8e9e5e3 mscorwks!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0xd3
17:U 0000000023a9ddc0 000007fef8eac83f mscorwks!MethodDesc::CallDescr+0x24f
18:U 0000000023a9e010 000007fef8f9ae8d mscorwks!ThreadNative::KickOffThread_Worker+0x191
19:U 0000000023a9e330 000007fef8f59374 mscorwks!TypeHandle::GetParent+0x5c
1a:U 0000000023a9e380 000007fef8e52045 mscorwks!SVR::gc_heap::make_heap_segment+0x155
1b:U 0000000023a9e450 000007fef8f66139 mscorwks!ZapStubPrecode::GetType+0x39
1c:U 0000000023a9e490 000007fef8e1c985 mscorwks!ILCodeStream::GetToken+0x25
1d:U 0000000023a9e4c0 000007fef8f594e1 mscorwks!Thread::DoADCallBack+0x145
1e:U 0000000023a9e630 000007fef8f59399 mscorwks!TypeHandle::GetParent+0x81
1f:U 0000000023a9e680 000007fef8e52045 mscorwks!SVR::gc_heap::make_heap_segment+0x155
20:U 0000000023a9e750 000007fef8f66139 mscorwks!ZapStubPrecode::GetType+0x39
21:U 0000000023a9e790 000007fef8e20e15 mscorwks!ThreadNative::KickOffThread+0x401
22:U 0000000023a9e7f0 000007fef8e20ae7 mscorwks!ThreadNative::KickOffThread+0xd3
23:U 0000000023a9e8d0 000007fef8f814fc mscorwks!Thread::intermediateThreadProc+0x78
24:U 0000000023a9f7a0 00000000773cbe3d kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
25:U 0000000023a9f7d0 00000000775d6a51 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x1d
Yes, the caching block has some - issues - with regard to the scavenger threads in older versions of Entlib, particularly if things are coming in faster than the scavenging settings let them come out.
This was completely rewritten in Entlib 5, so that now you'll never have more than two threads sitting in the caching block, regardless of the load, and usually it'll only be one.
Unfortunately there's no easy tweak to change the behavior in earlier versions. The best you can do is change the cache settings so that each scavenge will clean out more items at a time so not as many scavenge requests need to get scheduled.
640 threads is very bad for performance. If they are all waiting for something, then I'd say it's a fair bet that you have a deadlock and they will never exit. If they are all running (not waiting)... well, with 600+ threads on a 2 or 4 core processor none of them will get enough time slices to run very far! ;>
If your app is set up with a main thread that waits on the thread handles to find out when the threads exit, and the background threads get caught up in a loop or in a wait state and never exit the thread proc, then the process and all of its threads will never exit.
Check your thread code to make sure that every threadproc has a clear path to exit the threadproc. It's bad form to write an infinite loop in a background thread on the assumption that the thread will be forcibly terminated when the process shuts down.
If the background thread code spins in a loop waiting for an event handle to signal, make sure that you have some way to signal that event so that the thread can perform a normal orderly exit. Otherwise, you need to write the background thread to wait on multiple events and unblock when any one of the events signals. One of those events can be the activity that the background thread is primarily interested in and the other can be a shutdown event.
From the names of things in the stack dump you posted, it would appear that the thread is waiting for something to appear in the ProducerConsumerQueue. Investigate how that queue object is supposed to be shut down, probably on the producer side, and whether shutting down the queue will automatically release all consumers that are waiting on that queue.
My guess is that either the queue is not being shut down correctly or shutting it down does not implicitly release the consumers that are waiting on it. If the latter case, you may need to pump a terminate message through the queue to wake up all the consumers waiting on that queue and tell them to break out of their wait loop and exit.
You have an major issue. Every Thread occupies 1MB of stack and there is significant cost paid for Context Switching every thread in and out. Especially it becomes worst with managed code because every time GC has to run , it would have walk the threads stack to look for roots and when these threads are paged to the disk the cost to read from the disk is expensive,which adds up Perf issue.
Creating threads are Bad unless you know what you are doing? Jeffery Richter has written in detail about this.
To solve the above issue I would look what these threads are blocked on and also put a break-point on Thread Create (example sxe ct within windbg)
And later rearchitect from avoid creating threads , instead use the thread pool.
It would have been nice to some callstacks of these threads.
In Microsoft Enterprise Library 4.1, the BackgroundScheduler class creates a new thread each time an object is instantiated. It will be fixed in version 5.0. I do not know enough of this Microsoft Library to advise you how to avoid that behavior, but you may try the beta version:
