JMeter 5.2.1 - num threads and loop count - multithreading

Folks how exactly are requests being sent from JMeter. Given this configuration does it mean that JMeter will create 200 threads, and send concurrent requests in a loop 20 times. I would assume that this means that each thread blocks until the previous request finishes, and sends the next request, and that this process is done 20 times for each thread.
Let's say I have a sample request A, num threads = 2, and loop count= 5 I imagine the workflow to be as follows
At time t0 Thread 1 -> send A to the target server
At time t0 Thread 2 -> send A to the taget server
At time t1 Thread 1 receives response, and sends A again to target server
At time t2 Thread 2 receives response and sends A again to target server
Is this the correct workflow that JMeter will follow. Please note I am using version 5.2.1

JMeter starts all the Threads defined in the Thread Group within the bounds of the Ramp-Up period
Each JMeter thread does not depend on the other threads
Once started each Thread starts executing Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When there are no more samplers to execute the thread starts the next iteration
When there are no more loops to iterate - the thread is being shut down
The actual concurrency depends on test duration and application response time, it can be checked using i.e. Active Threads Over Time and Transactions Per Second listeners
You can easily track each virtual user/iteration using __threadNum() function and special ${__jm__Thread Group__idx} JMeter Variable:


python3 - thread is missing from enumerate result when it is sleeping

We have an API endpoint that starts a thread, and another endpoint to check the status of the thread (based on a thread ID returned by the first API call).
We use the threading module.
The function that the thread is executing may or may not sleep for a duration of time.
When we create the thread, we override the default name provided by the module and add the thread ID that was generated by us (so we can keep track).
The status endpoint gets the thread ID from the client request and simply loops over the results from threading.enumerate(). When the thread is running and not sleeping, we see that the thread is returned by the threading.enumerate() function. When it is sleeping, it is not.
The function we use to see if a thread is alive:
def thread_is_running(thread_id):
all_threads = [ t.getName() for t in threading.enumerate() ]
return any(thread_id in item for item in all_threads)
When we run in debug and print the value of "all_threads", we only see the MainThread thread during our thread's sleep time.
As soon as the sleep is over, we see our thread in the value of "all_threads".
This is how we start the thread:
thread_id = random.randint(10000, 50000)
thread_name = f"{service_name}-{thread_id}"
threading.Thread(target=drain, args=(service_name, params,), name=thread_name).start()
Is there a way to get a list of all threads including idle threads? Is a sleeping thread marked as idle? Is there a better way to pause a thread?
We thought about making the thread update it's state in a database, but due to some internal issue we currently have, we cannot 100% count on writing to our database, so we prefer checking the system for the thread's status.
Turns out the reason we did not see the thread was our use of gunicorn and multi workers.
The thread was initiated on one of the 4 configured workers while the status api call could've been handled by any of the 4 workers. only when it was handled by the worker who is also responsible of running the thread - we were able to see it in the enumerate output

Precise Throughput Timer stuck with simple setup

I have a similar issue as Synchronizing timer hangs with simple setup, but with Precise Throughput Timer which suppose to replace Synchronizing timer:
Certain cases might be solved via Synchronizing Timer, however Precise Throughput Timer has native way to issue requests in packs. This behavior is disabled by default, and it is controlled with "Batched departures" settings
Number of threads in the batch (threads). Specifies the number of samples in a batch. Note the overall number of samples will still be in line with Target Throughput
Delay between threads in the batch (ms). For instance, if set to 42, and the batch size is 3, then threads will depart at x, x+42ms, x+84ms
I'm setting 10 thread number , 1 ramp up and 1 loop count,
I'm adding 1 HTTP Request only (less than 1 seconds response) and before it Test Action with Precise Throughput Timer as a child with the following setup:
Thread stuck after 5 threads succeeded:
According to #Dimitri T solution:
Change Duration to 100 and add line to logging configuration and got 5 errors:
2018-03-12 15:43:42,330 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Stopping Thread: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterStopThreadException: The thread is scheduled to stop in -99886 ms and the throughput timer generates a delay of 20004077. JMeter (as of 4.0) does not support interrupting of sleeping threads, thus terminating the thread manually.
According to #Dimitri T solution set "Loop Count" to -1 executed 10 threads, but if I change Number of threads in batch from 2 to 5 it execute only 3 threads and stops
INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Stopping Thread: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterStopThreadException: The thread is scheduled to stop in -89233 ms and the throughput timer generates a delay of 19999450. JMeter (as of 4.0) does not support interrupting of sleeping threads, thus terminating the thread manually.
Set "Duration (seconds)" in your Thread Group to something non-zero (i.e. to 100)
Depending on what you're trying to achieve you might also want to set "Loop Count" to -1
You can also add the following line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.timers" level="debug" />
This way you will be able to see what's going on with your timer(s) in jmeter.log file

Test Action with Target All Threads

When adding Test Action with Stop/Stop Now action
You have Target options: All Threads/Current Thread
When choosing Current Thread in a multiple threads environment it stops and don't continue further this Sampler
The problem is that when choosing All Threads Some threads execute other sampler after than Test Action
It's very confusing, because I expect All Threads option to be more strict than just Current Thread
In code I saw that in Current Threads it also stop current threads context.getThread().stop(); and in All Threads option it doesn't.
Is it a bug or a feature (adding grace period of stopping)?
For example Test Plan:
Thread Group (5 Threads)
Test Action Target: All Threads, Action Stop/Stop Now
Sampler 2 is execute only when Target: All Threads and not when Target: Current Thread
Note: Also choosing Action Go to next loop iteration (Target field is disabled) prevent Sampler2 to be executed
Stop and Stop Now are different:
Stop is a clean shutdown, meaning the current running samples will complete. So it is ok if you see other samplers even after test action
Stop Now is a hard shutdown, meaning current running samples will be interrupted so again, it is ok if you see those other samplers after Test Action
Current thread will only stop the current thread not all thread, so it is ok that:
When choosing Current Thread in a multiple threads environment it stops and don't continue further this Sampler
All Threads will do action on all threads of test, in code we have:
if (action == STOP_NOW) {"Stopping all threads now from element {}", getName());
} else {"Stopping all threads from element {}", getName());
Regarding your particular case, here is what is happening:
When you select "Current Thread", JMeter immediately stops the current thread as this action is taken into action after the Test Action
When you select "All Threads", JMeter triggers asynchronously a call to all threads shutdown/stop, that's why Sampler2 is called
You may consider this a bug, but I think use case is different.
Still it is now fixed:

What's the difference between Thread.Sleep() and Thread.SpinWait()

I have a WinForm application that uses a BackGroundWorker to create a TCP Client and send some data to a remote server.
When the socket finish close the connection and the BGW exits from the DoWork Sub.
In the RunWorkerCompleted Sub I must to wait a packet from the remote server, so I have always running a TCP server that fills a Friend String type variable and indicates that the whole packet is received using a Boolean type variable(flag).
So I must to wait that flag to becomes True to process the data that must be in the String type variable; but I don't want to hang up the GUI so I see that exist a method called SpinWait.
So, Can this code works?
There's any way to get out if the loop if the flag doesn't to true 5 minutes later?
Private Sub BGW1_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles BGW1.RunWorkerCompleted
While Not AckReady
End While
'Here process the received data from TCP server
End Sub
Another things is, How many iterations represent 500mS?
Per the documentation:
Thread.SpinWait Method
The SpinWait method is useful for implementing locks. Classes in the .NET Framework, such as Monitor and ReaderWriterLock, use this method internally. SpinWait essentially puts the processor into a very tight loop, with the loop count specified by the iterations parameter. The duration of the wait therefore depends on the speed of the processor.
Contrast this with the Sleep method. A thread that calls Sleep yields the rest of its current slice of processor time, even if the specified interval is zero. Specifying a non-zero interval for Sleep removes the thread from consideration by the thread scheduler until the time interval has elapsed.
So, Sleep basically releases the processor so it can be used by something else, whereas SpinWait runs a loop that keeps the processor busy (and locked to other threads).

Coldfusion limit to total number of threads

I've got some code that is trying to create 100 threaded http calls. It seems to be getting capped at about 40.
When I do threadJoin I'm only getting 38 - 40 sets of results from my http calls, despite the loop being from 1 - 100.
// thread http calls
pages = 100;
for (page="1";page <= pages; page++) {
thread name="req#page#" {
// request headers
results = grabber.send().getPrefix();
// rejoin threads
for (page="2";page <= pages; page++) {
Is there a limit to the number of threads that CF can create? Is it to do with Java running in the background? Or can it not handle that many http requests?
Is there a just a much better way for me to do this than threaded HTTP calls?
The result you're seeing is likely because your variables aren't thread safe.
That line is accessing Variables.Page which is shared by all of the spawned threads. Because threads start at different times, the value of page is often different from the value you think it is. This will lead to multiple threads having the same value for page.
Instead, if you pass page as an attribute to the thread, then each thread will have its own version of the variable, and you will end up with 100 unique values. (1-100).
Additionally you're writing to a shared variable as well.
ArrayAppend is not thread safe and you will be overwriting versions of VARIABLES.arrResults with other versions of itself, instead of appending each bit.
You want to set the result to a thread variable, and then access that once the joins are complete.
thread name="req#page#" {
// request headers
results = grabber.send().getPrefix();
thread.Result = results.fileContent;
And the join:
// rejoin threads
for (page="2";page <= pages; page++) {
arrayAppend(VARIABLES.arrResults, CFThread['req#page#'].Result);
In the ColdFusion administrator, there's a setting for how many will run concurrently, mine's defaulted to 10. The rest apparently are queued. An Phantom42 mentions, you can up the number of running CF threads, however, with 100 or more threads, you may run into other problems.
On 32-bit processes, your whole process can only use 2gig of memory. Each thread uses up an amount of Stack memory, which isn't part of the heap. We've had problems with running out of memory with high numbers of threads as your Java Binary+Heap+Non-Heap(PermGen)+(threads*512k) can easily go over the 2-gig limit.
You'd also have to allow enough threads to handle your code above, as well as other requests coming into your app, which may bog down the app as a whole.
I would suggest changing your code to create N threads, each of which does more than 1 request. It's more work, but you break the N requests=N Threads problem. There's a couple of approaches you can take:
If you think that each request is going to take roughly the same time, then you can split up the work and give each thread a portion to work on before you start each one up.
Or each thread picks a URL off a list and processes it, you can then join to all N threads. You'd need to make sure you put locking around whatever counter you used to track progress though.
Check your Maximum number of running JRun threads setting in ColdFusion Administrator under the Request Tuning tab. The default is 50.
