As I was going through and locking down specific tag versions in my app's Gemfile, I noticed the origen_updater gem had no version associated with it.
gem 'origen_updater'
Why is that? I see that it is version controlled. Could changes to this gem impact modeling or generation?
No, the only thing this gem does is copy its fix_my_workspace script to the application's bin directory.
See here for more background -
It is not versioned for the following reasons:
The latest version of this script will always be the best, which by definition, will have the best chance of getting your workspace going again if it is in a broken state
This script is intended to be called directly at times when either Origen or Bundler fail to launch. Finding out that you need a newer version of the script to fix your current problem is not very helpful if you are in a state where Bundler cannot be used to pull it in.
Therefore, the recommendation is not to lock this to a particular version and instead allow it to pull in the latest and greatest anytime you do a bundle update.
Here are some of my current thoughts, but would also like to understand how the community is doing it now
Use caching to reduce build time
Currently, every time you change something in the libs, someone else needs to initialize it again when pulling it through git. If you know which package it's in, you can just run the initialize command for the specified package. If you don't know, you need to run the root initialize command, which is actually very slow because it re-runs all npm packages that contain the intialize command, regardless of whether they have changed or not.
reduce initialize time and improve collaborative development experience
support for ci/cd caching of built libs to speed up build time
Current state
lerna run
First initialization of new project 198.54s
Re-initialize for non-new projects 90.17s
Execute commands as concurrently as possible according to the dependency graph, and implement caching based on git changes
Execute commands in modules that specify module dependencies
Execute commands in all submodules
Implementation ideas
lerna api is currently severely undocumented:
scan lerna.json for all modules
run the specified commands in parallel as much as possible according to the dependencies
check git when running the command to see if it needs to be skipped
The ultra-runner already exists, so maybe it's better to support this feature based on it
There seems to be no support for running commands other than build at the moment, see:
Known solutions
Trying to use Microsoft rush -- hoping for a better solution without replacing the main framework lerna+yarn
Do you know any tool that monitors breaking changes in github npm or bower projects?
I'd like to list all changes from commit history that are marked with breaking change and list them.
I am using npm-check-updates, that tells me what is new, but it doesn't tell me what has been changed since.
Recently, I have found, but as far as I know it doesn't list what is new, it just simply does upgrade and see if your tests are still running. If tests fails, you have to fix it yourself.
In ideal opensource world author marks every breaking change. Also he writes code without bugs. In the real world is not true. You have opensource packages for free, but with possible bugs and undocumented changes API.
There is only working answer, testing your application for each dependencies update. You should have tests and shrinkwrap file. is amazing tool. It makes pull request with dependency changelog. Check example
In doing research on whether Node's node_modules should be checked into your version control repository, the most recent consensus seems to be that you should include it for applications you deploy.
Check in node_modules vs. shrinkwrap
Should I check in node_modules to git when creating a node.js app on Heroku?
In reading these arguments, it lead me to question whether Composer's /vendors directory should also be checked into version control. Composer's documentation suggests that you don't:
Should I commit the dependencies in my vendor directory?
The general recommendation is no. The vendor directory [...] should be added to .gitignore/svn:ignore/etc.
The best practice is to then have all the developers use Composer to install the dependencies. Similarly, the build server, CI, deployment tools etc should be adapted to run Composer as part of their project bootstrapping.
While it can be tempting to commit it in some environment, it leads to a few problems:
Large VCS repository size and diffs when you update code.
Duplication of the history of all your dependencies in your own VCS.
Contrasting that argument is this one (source):
Doesn’t checking in node_modules create a lot of noise in the source tree that isn’t related to my app?
No, you’re wrong, this code is used by your app, it’s part of your app, pretending it’s not will get you in to trouble. You depend on other people’s code and they are just as likely to write new bugs as you are, probably more so. Checking all of that code in to source control gives you a way to audit every line that ever changed in your application. It allows you to use $ git bisect locally and be ensured that it’s the same as in production and that every machine in production is identical. No more tracking down unknown changes in dependencies, all the changes, in every line, are viewable in source control.
In summary, the question is this: Why would one gitignore (i.e. not version control) node_modules but not do the same for Composer's vendor/ directory?
The reason to commit external dependencies is
it's easier to deploy with git pull
the code used is directly included in the commit anyone checks out
Arguments against this are
Git is no deployment tool
all dependency managers do have a way to make exactly sure the code used can be fetched
I don't know anything about npm, but for Composer that last point is implemented by committing composer.lock.
I don't think the "audit code" argument is a valid one in every case. If you do write software that get's audited by itself, and subsequently needs all libraries to be audited, then probably all code changes need to be conserved. This isn't true for the general case.
git bisect works still as well with a committed composer.lock. It does require installing the dependencies with every bisect step, but this is just one simple step, probably already done in the automatic test suite run.
The last thing to worry about is when used packages go offline. This really is more of a problem with Composer, because there is no central hosting of the downloadable releases (npm probably does this). If this is a problem, either commit the code (and try to figure out how to update that missing package in the future), or setup an instance of Satis to create a local copy of the code you use.
Putting all your modules in you VCS makes it really heavy to download or upload. For example, I work on two node.js projects and the total node_modules directories size is between 250MB and 500MB whereas the whole code with assets is generally less than 40MB. Every Node.js developer likes Node lightness, so the code must stay easy to download and share.
For the second point, an alternative to avoid regressions is to be more restrictive in your package.json dependencies versions. You will find more information here.
Finally the best argument is to take a look on the famous modules everybody know :
express ignores
mocha ignores
q ignores node_modules
The more I research this the more I'm starting to think that there is no one correct answer to this, just different opinions as well as pros and cons of each method.
This blog, looking from the context of Bower, does a good job of weighing the pros and cons of each:
In short: At least for right now, weigh the pros and cons and decide what best fits your situation.
Can you suggest a tool(if exists) to keep track of all the versions of all the resources i use to develop a project?
i.e. Project:Myproject
iReport Plugin:1.2.1
One approach is to use source control: check in the binaries (or installers) for all the tools you use along with your project. When you upgrade a tool, check in the upgraded version, so the source control history includes everything that is needed to build a particular version of your project. If you want to build last year's version of the code, everything you need is then in source control.
(Disk space is cheap, so just keep a copy of everything)
I am doing a concept in linux in which i want to do version rollback for an app installed in linux. Is it possible??
For eg I have an application named X with version 1.1
I get an update. It changes it to version 1.2
I note what all the packages in the app going to be modified.
Then i save them and apply the changes.
Now after sometime due to some problems I want to switch back to version 1.1
If i undo the changes and make the entire solution will the rollback be done?
The easiest and common way in Unix is to install them in separate directories,
eg "/usr/bin/MyApp.1.2.3" and "/usr/bin/MyApp.1.2.4" then create a link to the one to use "/usr/bin/Myapp".
Changing versions is then just a matter of moving the link.
You don't need to invent anything. Just keep the packages you install around. If you want to go back, uninstall the current version and install the previous package again.